HomeMy WebLinkAboutKERWIN BOULEVARD ORDEE ~TABLI3HXNO TO~ HZO~'AZ~ BY USE~ All t~oSe eer~ai~ tract·, pieoes or parcels of land · i~aate, 1Fiag a~d ~g at ~,~que, ~n ~e ~ of S~uth~ld, ~f~ ~, ~e~ Z~, ~ea ~d deseri~d as follo~s ~ Beginning at · monument on the southeasterly line of Main ($ta~e) ~ad $~uth 30 ~g~es 25 a~u~a ~0 ~e~s ~est ~26.$~ f~t ~ong said l~e f~m a ~n~nt at C~ ~sterly eo~r of the ffo~r.S~ool LotJ_~ t~nee t~ough l~d 8~ sa a oe~axn ~p entitled '~ended ~p A Peeo~e ~ ~s~le' filed ~n t~ ~lk C~ Clerk's Office on ~y 1~, 1~33 aa ~p ~o. 112~, t~ fox (1) South ~9 degrees 35 ainuf, es &O see·nde East 293.39 fee~,l thence (2) 8ouf~ ~$ de~s· 59 ninute· O0 see·nd· East 1129.23 feet to the westerly end of the northerly line of Bay- shore Road herel~f~er described; thence ~3) Across ~;he w~l_~rly tena~nus of sa~ Bayahore Road tr, e westerly e~ O~t~ 8outherl~ li~ of said Baysnore Road; then~ (~) Mo~h ~$ ~ea ~ minute· 00 ae~nda ~est 1133.35 feet; (~) go~h 59 degas 35 m~utea ~0 ae~n~ ~eet 282.~8 feet ~o a (State) Roadj WHEREAS, ~he public for a period of more than fifteen years has used th· la~ ke~r described as public highways in the ?o~ of Southold,' 8uffi~olk Oeumty, New York, and W~EREAS, it is in all re~eots proper that such highways shall be duly asaer~ained, described and entered on record as to~ highways of the said ?o~a ef ~ou~hold, and taken over by such ?ow· and worked amd kep~ ia repair by such Town, NOW, THEREFOr, X, HAROLD FRIG~, the Town Superintendent of ~ighways of the ~aid To~ of 5~mthold, Suffelk County, New York, do hereby ascertain, describe and enter on re~ord as town highways the following, ~o wit~ Comp~ili~ a st.ri~ of land a u~lfor~ ~idth of 50 feet throughout its length. li~e of ~e_r~.~ ~ os a oertala ~a~ e~t-~led "Aainded (1) SOuth 6~ deirees 22 ainutes ~0 seconds East 167.)2 feet; thenOo (2) Hor~h 79 degrees 5~ minu%es O0 seconds East 975.11 feet; thenoa (3) South ~ degrees 12 minutel dO seconds East 975,21 feet; t.he_noa (~) 3ou~n 61 degrees 11 ninu~es )0 seconds Eas~ 6~.~ feet ~ (~) South 23 degree 51 m~uteo ~ se~s East 92~.~ feet ~ thanes (6) South 16 desreel 59 minutes 20~eeonds East 705.66 r~inul of the northerly line of feet ~o the westerly te land Vi~ ~ ag ~F~r ~sc~i~d;~nce (7) Across ~id w~te~AY. ~e~u8 o~ .~id Is~a~ .View Lane ~ou~h 38 de~e~ ~ m~u~es uo.~ee?~est 60,~ feet to ~he weo~rly ~ul of ~e soul,rAY A~ of said land View Lanai ~bnee (~) Hor~ 16 deg~eo 59 minu~e8 20 seco~ Wes~ 736.~2 feet; then~ (9) Hor~h 2~ de,eeo 51 minutes O0 second, west 905.10 feet ~ t~nee {10) ~rth 61 degree 11 minutes 30 seconds ~st feet ~ t~nee (11) ~h ~ degrees 12 minu~es $0 seconds ~e~ feet ~ (12) 5outh 79 ~grees 5~ m~utes ~ seconds bat ~2.$0 Comprising a strip of land of a uniform wid~ of 50 feet throughout its length. Eeginnin~ a~ the southerly ~ormimm of. th~. at?fly line of hy~o~ ~oad ~bove descried . dod ~en ap. __.. -- ~:- 1~ 1~ as ~p HoA2~, the -2- ¢omprisiag a a~rip ef laad of a uaiform width of ~0 fee~ throughou~ 1~8 ~ho abo~ deoer~bed Xer~n Boulevard, hyshore hd and ri~ ~ a~ ~ ~d ~linea~d on a ee~ mp p~d by )~o W. V~ ~1 ~ Son, Llce~d !~d ~yoro, ~ted Ap~l ~2, enticed "~ of ~d Hi.y8 ~ as Ke~ ~y~o~ ~d ~ Xol~ Ybv ~ at ~~, T~ of )ld, S~folk C~ty, N~ Yo~ ~ w~eh 8~d ~p is ~d he~ ~ ~de a ~ breof. ~a~ed: June -3- ORDER I~YING OUT TOWN HIGHWAYS