HomeMy WebLinkAboutJOCKEY CREEK BRIDGE COUNT~ OF SUFFOLK ~"~"~ DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS H. F. BISHOP, County Superintendent Westhampton Beach, N. Y. June 30, 1936 Mr. Russell L. Davison Town Clerk Southold, New York Dear Mr. Davison: I am enclosing the following listed Easement Releases for Town Highway Construction in connection with the Jockey Creek Bridge construction: From Alexander Blaschack to the Town of Southold " George H. Wells " " " , " " Christopher Leicht " " # " " " Caroline L. Kern # # " # ~ You will notice that these easement releases have been recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. Very truly yours, H.F. BISHOP County Superintendent of Highways Suffolk County, New York H~B:MCA ' :' · ibp NO. 6 Easeraem Release THIS INDENTURE, made the o~ Te~ Of ~t~Xd o~ ~he first part, an~ a municipal corporation of the State of New York, party of the second WITNESSETH, that the part of the first part, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar, lawful money of the United States, and other valuable considerations, paid by the party of the second part, do hereby grant unto the party ~n~a~ represen~tives, together with the S~e Department of Public Work~ and the contractor to whom the contract may be awarded for the improvement of said highway, together with his workmen and employees, the right, license ~nd pri~lege to enter upon the premises de~rfbed herein for the purposes of the construc~on or reconstruction of said highway without becoming or being held liable for tr~p~ or for any damages whatsoever to ~, and ~ do hereby waive any and all claims for damages for such entry or occupation. The land to which this license shall ~pply are: Ail those pieces or parcels of land situate in the Town cf ~ , County of Suffolk, State of New York, described as follows: O~a~ Ave~e, beX feet vast~ or a ~w~ to be eo~t~ot~ ~ ~ Tm of S~t~Xd ah~ on a ~ on ~e ~n ~ ~f~e or t~ ~e~ of of Sou~old~ ~nni~ thenoe no~ ~ l~e ~Xo~, re~t~ ~er, a dXat~e of 1~ fe~ to a feet ~at~t weater~ ~ at rX~t ~ea f~ X*~ ef a~d o~tor ~e~ ~ ~e st~ no~h~ t~ l~ds ef ~ol~ L~ X~, a ~at~e ef l~ feet tea ~ feet ~at~t weater~ ae~ at ~t ~ea f~ ~0 of w~ eent~ ~el ~ ~e at~ ~r~P~ t~ l~. of ~l~t L. Xom, a ~s~e ~ ~ ~lat XO~ feet ~at~t weater~ ~ at ~t ~ea 8tatXoa ~ of i~ oenSe~ lXasl ~ ~me n~ CreW, .~ po~t ~ g~. feet ~st~t wastor~ ~ at the~e e~ter~ ~ a~d ~ ~ wat~ ~ a ~at~e OF 45~ feet to & pO%hr on the rASht or war taJLtnS :LXne of laJde to be &oquXred b]~ tho Town of 8outheld as ohowl on tho fJ.r~t men- t%onod mapl mmala~, thonoe eoutheF~y along eaAd F%sht of wet t~k, tn~ 1Aas on & ou~ve to the r~&ht havXns a radAu or 35?°22 feet a dAetanoo of X~Xi foot to & peLnt on the f~Fet men- tions4 e Astina weeteF y he-_ada27 ef 0ahl&wa Avonuol FunnL~G thonoe .ontherl~ along the leJt mentioned woeteFly boundary a d etonoe or : S,5 feet to the point of p ae. of bee nnXns, beXn 6,252 square feet of 0.X~ &sEes ~ore or lass. Alee that a~ea ~yXn~ in the maters of Jooke~y Creek, adJaoeut to the above deeorXbed paroeX and the rXsht of war a~ea &equAted by the Town of 8outhold, whioh BX~ht be I~eooesary fei' tho eon- otruotXon of the roadway. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set ~a~.,~ hand and seal this /~ day of .... ~ ..... (L. S.) ......................................................................... (L. S./ STATE OF NEW YOR~ t COUNTY OF SUFFOL~ ss: On this ~r~-_~' day of ~, 19~, before the subscriber. personally appeared C~,~e ~, ~ ( ~ me, to me personally known and known to me to be the samb~person described in and/~ executed the with tn Instrument, and he duly and severally knowle ed to me. that executed ti e ame. RECORDED . . .... FRANK M~RKVART Clerk of Suffolk Co~nty E~F~:ment Release fo~ . ~ - tHIS IND RE made the¥ of ~OW~ O~ 50~0~ . . ~art of the first part, an~~ a municipal corporation o~ the State of New York, party of the second WITNESSETH, that the part of the first part, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar, lawful money of the Unit~ States, and other valuable considerations, paid by the party of the second the S~te Department of Public Work~n~ct~ the contract ~ay be awarded :or the improvement of said highway, together with his workmen and employees, the right, license and pri~lege to enter upon the premises de~ribed herein for the purposes of the construc~on or reconstruction of said highway without b~oming or being held liable for tr~pa~ or f~r any d~ages whatsoever to ~ , and t~ do hereby waive any and all claims for damages for ~uch entry or occupation. The land to ~vhich this license shall ap~ly are: All those ~leces or parcel~ of land situate in the To~n cf ~0~0~ , County of Suffolk, ~tate of New York, described as follow~: BEGINNING at a point on the existing westerly boundary of Oaklawn Avenue, sa~d point being 24.75 feet distant westerly, measured at rl~t ~es from ~tation ~+52.1b of the center l~ne of a roadw~ to be const~cted ~ shown on a ~p on file In the Office of the Clerk of the Town of Southol~; ~l~ the~e southerly on a ou~e to the r~t h-vXn~ a radius of 5~.~ feet a diet.ce of 9~ feet to a point on the e~st~ northerly ~e~ ~ water l~ne of Jockey Ore~; ~ thence wester~ ~o~ the last mentioned mean h2~ water l~ne a dlst~oe of D~ feet %o a-point 60 feet ~st~t westerly measured at ~1~% ~es fro~ Station ~60~ of the s~d center l~ne; ~l~ thence no~herly t~o~ l~ds of C~stopher Lel~t[ a dist~oe of 66~ feet to a point ~0 feet ~st~t wester~ meas~ed at ri~t ~es fro~ Station [+~ of s~d center line; ~ thence still norther~ t~ou~ l~ds of C~stopher Lel~t, a ~lst~oe of 6~* feet to a point DO feet ~st~t weeter~ measured at r~t ~es from Station ~00 of e~d center l~ne; ~n~ the~e still norther~ t~o~ l~ds of C~istopher Le~t ~o~ a line p~lel s~d center line a diet.ce of DO0 feet %o a point DO feet dist~t wester~ meas~ed at r~t ~es from Station 11+00 of s~d center l~ne;; ~l~ thence northerly still tMo~ l~s of O~lstopher Lel~t, a ~st~oe of 50.55 feet %o a point on the f~rst mentioned e~st~ wester~ bo~ of O~a~ Avenue, s~d point beln~ ~4.~5 feet dist~t wester~ meae~ed at ~es from Station 11.50 of s~i cen~er l~ne; ~ thence souther~ ~on6 the s~d e~stl~ wester~ bo~d~y of O~awa Avenue, a ~st~ce of D9~.84 feet to the point of bein~ 5,825 sq~e feet or O.1D4 ~res more or less. g. leo that area lying in the waters of Jockey Creek adjacent to the above described parcel which ~ht be necessary for the construction of the ~oadway. IN WITNESS WHEREOF ~ _~ , 1936 have hereunto set ~hand and seal this /~j day cf ......................................................................... (L. S.I STATE OF NEW YORK/~ SS' COUNTY OF SUFFOL,K/~.~.X ' On this ~ '- day of -~J-J~ '~ , 19 36 before me, the subscriber, personally appeared ~StO~ Le~t the within Instrument, and he duly and severally~cknowle~ed to me that { ~e executed MAY 16 1936 '=~' ............... t~ry abli Clerk of Suffolk Coun~ To~ Hi~hwa~ Construction Easemen[ ~el~e [or ~HIS INDENTURE, made the i~~~ day of ~~ , 19 ~ BETWEEN ~O~ H* of of the first part, ~~hold and ~' · a municipal corpo~ation of the State of New York, party of the second part, WITNE~SETH, that the part of the first part, In consideration of One (~1.~) Dollar, lawful ~oney of the United ~tates, and other valuable considerations, paid by ~he p~rty of the second part, do hereby ~ran~ unto the party o~n~ar~ ~epresen~ti~es, to~ethe~ with the S~te Department of P~blie ~ork~o~e~ the contract may be ~warded for the hnpro~ement of said highway, to~ether with his workmen ~nd emp]oyee~, the right, license ~nd privile~e to enter upon the premises described herein ~or the purposes o~ the construction or reconstruction of said highway without becomin~ or beln~ held liable for tres~a~ or for damages wha~soe~er to ~h~ and ~h~ do hereby waive any ~nd ~11 claims for damaEes such entry or occupa[ion. The ]and to which this license shall apply are: All those pieces or parcels o~ land sit.re in tbs Town cf ~O~ , County of Suffolk, State of New York, described as follows: P~oel A: B~/NgX~ at a poXnt at the ~ntersectXoa of t~e e~st~ euter~ bo~d~y of 0~]a~ Ayenue wXth the nortaer~ ~e~ hX~ water l~ne of Jockey Creek, s~d point beE~ 29~ feet ~t easterly meas~ed at rl~t from ~tatXon 5~5~ of the cente~ llne of a ~W~ to be constructed as sho~ on a ~P on f~le ~n the 0ff~oe of the Clerk of the To~ of ~euthold; theno~ norther~ ~o~ the f~rst mentXoned easterly boldly a diet.ce of 105~ fe.t to a point 2~.~5 feet dlst~t easter~ meas~ed at r~t ~es from Station ~0 of ~ center ~lne; ~ t~eace southeasterly t~o~ ~ds of Georee H. Wells, reputed OCher, a ~st~ae of 55~ feet to a point 5~ feet d~st~t easter~ meas~e~ at r~t ~es from 5tat~on ~+~ of s~d center puted o~er, a dlst~ce of 5~ feet to a point on the first mentioned no~the~ Xy ae~ ~ ~ater ~Xne, s~d point bel~ g0 feet aXst~t easter~ meas~d at r~t ~es fro~ StatXon ~+85~ of s~d center ~ne; ~ thence ~o~ s~d me~ ~ water ~ne a ~$t~ce of ~ feet to the point or place of b$~, be~ ~,~$ zq~e feet or 0.0~ acre~ acre o~ P~o~ ~: BEGX~NG at a poXnt on the e~t~ easter~ boldly of 0~a~ Avenue, e~d point beX~ 25.~ feet dXst~t easter~ meas~ed at ri~t from Station 8+50 of the cen~er line of a ro~w~ to be const~cteA aa aho~ ena ~p on file In the 0ffioe of the 01erk of the To~ of Southold; t~enoe aert~er~ ~o~ t~ first mentioned easterly bo~ a ~et~ee ~00 feet to a point 25.[5 feet ~lat~t eas~er~ seceded at ri~t ~ee from Station 11+50 of the s~d center line; ~ thence southeaeter~ 2~ds of George H. Wells,reputed o~er, a ~ist~ce of 50.55 feet to a point ~0 feet ~st~t eaater~ aeae~ed at ri~t ~es from Station 11~0 of cen~er line; ~l~ theses still southeaster~ t~o~ l~ds of George · ell~, a ~st~ce of ~0 feet to a poXnt ~0 feet ~ist~t easterly ~as~e~ at ri~ ~es from Station 9~0 of s~d center line; ~,--~ thence still aout~he~terly t~o~ la~s of Georse E. Wells, reputed owner, a dist~e of 50.55 feet to the point or pl~e of be~i~; bel~ 1,250 aquae feet or 0.0~ ~res more or leas. ~so that ~ea ~i~ in ~e waters of Jockey Ore~ ~Jacent to the above describe~ p~cel w~ch ~t be necess~ for the constr~tion of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFKOOLK On this } '~-~ set hand and seal this ~ ~-~ day cf have hereunto ~ ......................................................................... (L. S.) day of ~ , 186, before me, the subscriber, personally appeared George Ho Wells to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and whofe~;ecuted the same. :RECORDED MAY 16 1936 FRANI~ MAR}~VART Clerk of Suffolk County l~ap ~Town Highway Construction Easement Release THIS INDENTURE, made the ~ - day o~ ~ , 1936, ~E~W~E~ ~ex~der Blaschack of ~O~ O~ ~o~tho~ part of the first part, and ' ~ ~ a municipal corporation of the State of New York, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the part of the first part, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar, lawful money of the Unit~ States, and other valuable considerations, paid by the party of the second part, do hereby grant unto the pRrt~[~ ~t~ ~O~tiV~, togothOr with the S~te Department of Public Wor t o ontract may be awarded :or the improvement of said high~y, together with his workmen and employees, the right, license ~d privilege to enter upon the premises de~ribed herein for the purposes of the construc~on or reconstruction of said highway without b~oming or being held liable for. tresp~ or for any dmages whatsoever to Che~ , and they do hereby waive any and all claims for damages for such entry or occupation. The land to which this license shah apply are: All those pieces or parcels of land situate in the Town cf ~O~hO~ , County of Suffolk, State of New York, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the intersection of the existing easterly boundary of Oaklawn Avenue with the northerly boundary of the road to Goose Creek, said point being 24.[5 feet dis- rant easterly measured at right angles from Station O+O?m of the center line of a roadway to be constructed as shown on a map on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Town of Southold; running thence northerly along the first mentioned easterly boundary a distance of 232~ feet to a point at the intersection of the division line between the lands of Alexander Blaechack, reputed owner on the south and lands of Unknown Owner, reputed owner on the north; running thence easterly along the last mentioned division line a dlstanoe of 5m feet to a point 30 feet distant easterly measured at right angles from Station 2+~O~ of said center line; running thence southerly through lands of Alexander Blaschack, a distance of 90~ feet to a point ~0 feet distant easterly measured at rlgnt angles from Station 1+50 of said center line; running thence still southerly through lands of Alexander Blaschack, a distance of 143m feet to the point or place of beginning; being 850 squ~re feet or 0.019 acres more or less. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, -~ . 1936~ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK iF) have hereunto set ~ hand and seal this [L.~ day of ......................................................................... (L. S.I On this I~ day ~la~ , 19 36 before me, the subscriber, personally appeared Alexander to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described In %a4~who executed the within Instrument, and he duly and severally /~knowled~ed to m.e that[./~e executed the same. RECORDED .................... . .......... .......... MAY~6 1936 FRANK MARKVART CIerA of Suffolk Coun~ APPROVAL OF LOCATION AND PLANS OF BRIDGE. (Authorized by S~ate Law.) ~]~r£~, By Section 9 of a~ act of Con~ress, approved Jtlarch 3, 1899,~ er~titled "/l~ act ~aki~ appropriations for the co~structio~, repair, a~d preser- va~io~ of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other p~rposes,"~ it is provided that brid~es, dams, dikes or causeways may be built un~ authority of the legislature of a State across rivers a~d other waterways the ~avi~'~ ~ ~able portio~s of which lie wholly within the Hmits of a ~i~le State, provided the locatio~ a~d pla~s thereof are s~b~itted to a~d approved by the Chief of Engi~z. eers a~d by the Secretary of ~ar before construction is co,me,ced; has sub'r~itted plans and a map of the location of a brid~e to bem~onstructed in the State ofl~ ~l~,. u~der e~u~/~,ority of the legislature of said State, which pla~s a~d ~ap of locatio~ are hereto attached; ~-~0~ t~£rg{org, This is to certify that the location a~d attached plans of said b~'ldge are hereby approved by the Chief of Engineers and by the Secretary of ~l~ar, purs~a~,t ~o the above-~r~e~tioned provisio~ of the ~ct of .~iarch ~., subject to the following conditions: 1. Tha~ the District E~i~eer of the E~i~eer Depart~ent at ~ar~e in oho of the district withi~ which the brid~e is to be rsbuilt ma~ ~sapervise ~ts~rz(~ structio~ i~, order that said plans shall be complied with. Z. That all work shall be so coibd~cted that the free ~yi~a~io~ of way shall not be ~nreasonably i~terfered with; that the present navi~able~deptl~ shall ~ot be ir~paired; and tha~ thewha~nel or channels t~hrou~h the ~shall be pror~ptly cleared of all falsework, piling, or othe~ obstructions ~lac~t thcrei~b or caused by the constructions, of the brid~e, to t~e. said district e~i~er, whe~ in his judgement the constructgo~ work has reacher a point where s~tch action should be takerb, and i~ a~y case ~t~t later'tha~ days after the brid~e has bee~ opened to tra~c. 2'. That thc approc'al hereby ~ive~ shall cease and be null an~ ~g thc aci~al co~structiou of the bridge be co~er~ced withi~ one year a~d com- pleted ~itng~ my ~d this ~ day of ~. , 19~ PL. AN OF ~oPOSED NEW CREEK K. NOWN A .... ,-,;~k~: ~ ~L~:~ ~ iii " ,, ~.,.,. ~j 1, ,'*,.~'"'~'".~ ,.~ ~.,.~ ' 84.* i