HomeMy WebLinkAboutJACKSON STREET (ALTERATION)A~MLICATION of BENJ. F. WEBB to alter a part of the highway known TO T~E TOI~N SUPERINTENDENT of ~IO~WATS, of the TOWN of SOUT~OLD, In the OOUNTT of SUFI~OI,E, NEW YORK, T~_E UNDERSIGNED, liable to be assessed for highway labor in the Town of Southold, hereby applies to you to alter a part of the northerly line Of the highway in said Town known as JA~.K.~ON STREET, the said northerly line, as applied to be altered, being monumented and described as follows, to wit:- BEGINNING at a stone monument set at or near the southwesterly corner of land of GEO. D., BENJ. F., ANNA BELLE ~nd LUELLA I~EBB and EDITV ~TOMN9ON, and running thence south 84° 57'40" east 201.55 feet ~o another stone monument set at or near the ..~ou~heasterly corner of said lands above referred ~o, which proposed alteration of said northerly line will pass through the lands of GEO. D., BEN,I. I~., ANNA BEL~E. and LUELLA ~EBB and EDITH. JOFNSON, who consent to such altera~ion of said highway. Dated. the ~.6th day of November, 1910. RELEASE OP DAMAGES for alteration of a part of JACKSON B TRE~T KNOW,ALL MEN BY THES~ PRESENTS: That WE, ED~TN JO?NSON, GEO. D., BENJ. 1~., ANNA BELLE and LUELLA WEBB, of the Town of Southold, in the County of ~uffolk, New York, for an in consideration of the sum of One ($1) Dollar, hereby consent that the northerly line of the highway known' as JACKSON STREET be altered through our premises in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York, pursuant to the applicat- ion of BENJ. P. ~EBB, dated the Z6th day of November, 1910, and. release said Town from all damages by reason of altering said line of said highway through our premises. IN WITNESS ~EREOP, WE, have hereunto set our hands on this 26th day of November, 1910. STATE of NEW YORI) COUNT~ of SUPX~OLK)ss: On this ~,l~aY of~in dred ~d ten, befo~ me personally appeared ~~, B~J. P.', G~. D., ANNA~BELLE ~d LU~L~A WEBB, ~o me kno~ ~d kno~ -[ ~o me to be the indivi~als described in ~d who exerted the [ [oregoing ~ ~d acknowledged t° me STATE of NEW YOR/)~. COUN~ of SUP~LK) thin'day cf~in the year nineteen hund- red'~n before me pergonally a~peared ~I~ JONSON to me kno~ ~d kno~ to me b$ ~he ~o indi~al described in ~d who exerted ~h~' ~oregoing~ ~d aCEnowledged ~o me ~ha~ sh.~ ~xs~ted ~he . OONSENT OF TO~I/ BOARD to alter a part of the highway known THE UNDhqtSXGI~ED, the TOWN BOARD Of the ToWn of Bouthold, in the County of Suffolk, l~ew ~ork,~hereby consent that the ToWn ~uperintendent of ~ighways of said Town, make an order ,altering the highway described in the applicati, on °f BENJA~N F. ~EBB, pursuant to Section 191 of the ~ighway LaW. on this IN fITNESS 26th day ofBovemb~r, 1910. we have hereunto set our hands ORDER altering a part of the highway known as ~A~ON STREET PURSUANT to the application of BENJ. F. lgEBB, to alter a part of the northerly line of the highway known as JAOESON STREET in said Town, a person liable to be assessed for highway labor in said Town, and upon the written consent of the Town Board of said Town, as prescribed by law, and the release for damages hmv- lng been executed by the owners of the lands through which the proposed alteration of said highway runs, I, THE UNDERSIGNED, TOWN ~U~ERINTENDENT of H~GH- · AYS of said Town, hereby order that the said northerly line of said highway Shall beand the same is hereby altered so as to run as follows, to wit:- BEGINNING at a stone monument set at or near the south- westozly corner of land of EDITH JOP[NSON, and land of GEO. D., BENJ. F., ANNA BELLE ~nd LUE~LA I~EBB, and running thence south 84o57,40" eas~ 201.55 feet' to another stone monument set at or near ~he southeasterly.~orne~ p~.said lands above referred ~ ~ Thee above' described l~ne being particularly shown and set forth on a certain map entitled "Map ahowLng lines of a par~ of highways known as Fifth Avenue, Fourth Avenue, Main St. and - Jackson St., as established by the Town ~aperintendent of I~igh- ways, Town of Southold, Suff. Co. N. T. ,' which map, duly ap- proved 'by me ie filed in the office of the ~own Clerk of said IN THE NATtiER OF THE AI~TERATION ~F A PART HIGttWAY KN)WN AS JACKSON STREET.