HomeMy WebLinkAboutJACKSON STREET (EXTENSION) At a meeting held by the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, on the J $-~-day of ~ , 19o~, for the purpose of de,iberatiug on the propriety of ~ ~-~ highwaaat ~ in said Town, hereinafter described, on the written application of a person liable to be assessed for highway labor in said Town, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town, and releases from the owners of the d ~ la~ through which the p~ropo.sed highwa3~$1~o be opened, having been obtain, ed, 41~ considera- ordered and determined that ~highwajSshall be, and the samel~l.hereby laid out in said Town, a survey has .been made and the description whereof is ass follows ~ tCommlssioner of I-Iighw~ys TOWN OF $OUTHOLD C~mmissioner of Highways I I'N THE MATTER for and in consideration of the sum of ~ ~ as Commissioner to ~ , in hand paid by of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that a highway be ~ ~ and opened across premises, in the said Town of Southold, which has been surveyed and is described, as And ~ Do Hereby Release said Town from all damages by reason o! ' ~ and opening such highway through ~premises. In Witness Whereof ~ have hereunto set ~ han~and seal this /~ day of I ~zv/z~ , 190 ~ State of New ~ork } Suffolk County ~' ~' On this / ~ day of ~-~4~ , 19o ~4 before me personally ' ~/~~ t ' 'k ' d k ~wn to n~e to be tl~e sa~ne t~;;;n'~' described in and who executed the foregoing release and~ acknowledged that he executed the same. ~ , ~WN OF $OUTHOLD G ~mmissioner of Highways IN THE MATTER OF RELEASE 0~: ~'~ to ~ in hand paid by ~ as Commissioner ,~ o~ Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that ahighwaybe ~ f--~ and opened across ~ premises, in the said Town of Southold, which has been surveyed and is described, as And ~ Do Hereby Release said Town from all damages by reason oI ~  ~ and opening such highway through my premises. In Wituess Whereof 'J~ have hereunto set~.~ hand and seal this ~ day of ~, xgo~,V _ In pre.rice of ~ ~ ~ ~ State of New York Suffolk, Cotmty SS, On this ~ day of ~, x9o ~, before me personally __ to me known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing release and ~ acknowledged that~he executed the same. OF $OUTHOLD ' } of Highways 0 THE MATTER OF RELEASE OF To the Commissione{- , Suffolk of Highways of the Toxw~ of Southold, in the County of · 1o be, assessed for highway labo~ iii your town, hereby ap- plies to you to lay out a highway in said town, as follows: for and in consideration of the sum .of ~ ~ to ~ , in hand paid by as Commissioner of Highways of the Town of S~uthold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that premises, in the said Town of Southold, which has been surveyed and is described, as And ~ Do Hereby Relea.se said Town from all damages by reason ot ~ aud openittg such highway through my premises. In Witness Whereof ~ have hereunto set l~hand and ;.~/~ i~y of /~ , ~9o(7~ State of New York ) Suffolk Coun_ty~ ss. described in and who executed the foregoing release and ~ acknowledged that he executed the same. On this / ~ day ~f ~ ,, ~9o~ before me personally -- ; to me known and known to me to be the same person r TCWN OF SOUTi~OLD Co ~missioner of Highways IN THE MATTER OF \ RELEASE OF~ for and in consideration of the sum of to ~ , in hand paid by ~ as Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that a highway be ~ ~ and opened across 4~ ~ premises, in the said Town of Southold, which has been surveyed and is described, as And ~ Do Hereby Release said Town from all damages by reason ol and opening such highway through my premises. In Witness Whereof ~ have hereunto set ~ baud and seal this ~*~ day of , ~ In presence of State of New York Suffolk County SS. On this /'~ day of · , t9o~, before me personally to me known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing release and ~ acknowledged that5 he executed the same. TOWN OF $OUTHOLD C~mmissioner of Highways ! IN THE MATTEI~ OF RELEASE OF-,