HomeMy WebLinkAboutINDIAN NECK LANE 1900 The westerly end of said highway beg/ns at the southerly end of the highway
_ .commonly known as Indian Neck Lane by adding thereto a strip of land belong-
ing to Dillie Smith twenty - four and s~ven and one - half tenths
(24.75) feet wide, said strip running on a cou~e north 79~ 9~
east across the foot of said lane. Then the northerly, llne of the
new highway beans al a point, on the easterly sid~ of said Indian
Neck Lane twenty-four and seven and one-half tenths (a4.75) feet north-
~-: erly of said strip of land and runs on the last named courseseventeen hundred and
thirty-four and two tenths feet through the several lands of Dillie ~mith, John
Ellsworth Appleby, Henry D. Horton, Henrietta Horton, Mary E. H. Terry;
~ lgannie W. H. Conklin, George H. Case and Wickham Case, J. Otis Davids and
tenths feet through the several lands of Henry G. Howell and Rebecca A. Gold-
smith, then 0n a deflection right 4~ 2o~ ~ve hundred and one and two tenths feet,
then on a deflec°don right 20 5o~ two hundred and thirty-two feet, the last two
courses being through the several lands of Henry G. Howell and Wfllmm Cortland
Case. Then, the following courses and distances being taken on the centre line
of th~ highway,on a deflection left 30 561 two hundred and fifty-four and six tenths
feet, then on a deflexion right z5) 55t three hundred and seventy-one and nine
tenths feet, the last two courses passing through the several lands of He~ry G.
Howelland T. Oscar Worth, then on a deflection right ~7° 5~ three hundred and
forty-one and three tenths feet, then on a deflection left z6° 3o~ two hundred and
sixty-four and seven tenths feet, then on a deflection right 63" 541 two hundred
and thirty-six and six tenths feet, the last three courses aforesaid passing entirely
through the land of T. Oscar V~orth,then~on a defle&~on left ~6 4 three hundred and
sixty-three feet through the several lands of T. Oscar Worth and Lewis R. Case. to
·. Peconic Bay said h~ighway to be of the width of three rods and stone posts are
set down on the southerly side thereof, ~t the ehd c~f each of Said Courses.
i i i
The westerly end of said highway begins at the s~utherly end of the highway
· commonly known as Indian Neck.~e by adding thereto a strip of land belong-
...... · ing to Dillie Smith twenty-~ur and seven and one-half tenths
(24.75) feet wide, sma strip running on a course north 790 9~
....... east across the foot of said lane. Then the northerly llne of the
new highway .begins at a point on tkie easterly aid.· of said Indian
Neck Lane twenty-four and seven and one-half tenths (24.?$) f~t north-
....... .~ _ ~ ct]It of sakl ~;~ikgf~la,a aJ;~k~_ns omtheAast named co-r~ ~l~k~0 hundared ami
thirty-four and two tenths feet through the several lands of Dillie Smith, John
Ellsworth Appleby, Henry D. Horton, Henriet{a Horton, Mary ~. H. Terry,
..... Nannie W. H. Conkltn, George H. Case and Wickham Case, J. Otis Davids and
Charles Davids, then on a deflecCtion left 7o 32~ two hundred and sixty and ave
tenths feet throug~ the several lands of Henry G. Howell and Rebecca A. Gold-
...... smith, then on a deflecction right 40 2o' five hu~ndred and one and two tenths feet
then on a defletCtion right aa 5o~ two hundred and thirty-two feet, the last two
....... courses being through the several lands of Henry G. Howell and William Cortland
Ckse. Then, the following courses and distances being taken dn the centre line
of the highway,on a deflecCtion left 30 56~ two hundred and fifty-four and six tenths
..... feet, then on a deflecctibn right x,5~ 55~ three hundred and seventy-one and nine
tenths feet, the last two eours~i~0assing through the several lands of Henry G.
Howell and T. Oscar Worth, then on a deflecCtion right ~7o 5~ three hundred and
....... forty-one and three tenths feet, then on a defleEti~u left i6° 3o~ two hgndred and
sixtv-fonr, and seven tenths feet, then on a defle,~ion right 630 54' two hundred
and thirty-six and six tenths feet, the last three courses aforesaicl passing entirely
--~ through the land of T.Oscar Worth~them~ ~dclle~tion left x6' 4~ th ~r~ 'aunclred and
sixty-three feet through the ~ lund~ of ~. Omzar Wo~h and ~ {t. Case to
peconic Bay; saki highway ,to.be of the width of ihree ~r~. s, a~.~O.~ po6ts are
set down on the south~l~ side ~ere~ at the e~d
The westerly end of said highway begins at the southerly end of the highway
commonly known as Indian Neck Lane by adding thereto a strip of land belong-
lng to Dillie Smith twenty- four and s~ven and one-half tenths
( 24.75 ) feet wide, said strip ruuning on a course north 79~' 9~
east across the foot of said lane. Then the northerly li~e of the
ne~v highway begins at a point on t!m easterly si~ of ssi Indian
Neck Lane twenty-four amt seven ami oue4mlf tenths (24-75) feet north-
erly of said strip of land and runs on the last named course seventeen hundred and
thirty-four and two tenths feet through the several lands of Dillle Smith, Jobs
Ellsworth Appleby, Henry D. Herren, Henrietta Herren, Mary ~. H. Terry,
Nannie W. H. Conklin, George H. Case and Wickham Case, J. Otis Davids and
Charles Davids, then on a deflexion left 7° 32~ two hundred and sixty and five
tenths feet through the several lands of Itenry G. Howell and Rebecca A. Gold
smith, then on a defle&ion right 4o 2o~ five hundred and one and two tenths feet,
then on a defle&ion right 2'~ 5o~ two hundred and thirty-two feet, the last two
courses being through the several lands of Henry G. Howell and William Cortland
Case. Then, the following courses and distances being taken on the centre llne
of the highway,on a defle&ion left 3o 56~ two hnndred and fifty-four a~ld six tenths
feet, then on a defle&ion right t5'~ 55~ three hundred and seventy-~ne and nine
tenths feet, the last two courses passing through the several lands of Henry G.
Howell and T. Oscar Worth, then on a deflexion right I7" 5~ three hundred and
forty-one and three tenths feet, then on a deflexion left 16o 3o~ two hundred and
sixty-four and seven tenths feet, then ~ a defle&ion right 63o 54~ two hundred
and-thirty-six and six tenths feet, the l~i, three courses ~said passing entirely
through the land of T.Osear Worth,then ~ a defle&ion le~,~~ 4~ three hgndred and
· sixty-three feet through the several Ian~'o£ T. O~car Wo~ and I~w:is R. Case to
Peconie Bay; said highway to be of the width of three rods, and scone posts are
set down on the southerly side thereof, at the et~d of, epch o~ ~aid courses.
The westerly end of said highway begins at the southerly end of the highway
commonly known as Indian Neck Lane 1~- adding thereto a strip of land beloug~
ing to Dillie Smith twenty- four and seven and one-half tenths
( 24.75 ) feet wide, said strip running on a course north 79" 9~
east across the foot of said lane. Then the northerly line of the
new highway begins at' a point on t'~e easterly dd~ of said Indian
Neck Lane twents~-four and seven and one-half tenths (24.75) feet north-
erly of said itrip of land and runs on the last named course seventeen hundred and
thirty-four and two tenths feet through the ~everal lands of Dillie Smith, John
Ellsworth Appleby, Henry D. Horton, Henrietta Horton, Mary E. H. Terry,
Nannie W, H. Conklin, George H. Case and Wickham Case, J. Otis Davids and
Charlos Davids, then on a deflection left 7' 32~ two hundred and sixty and five
teq.ths feet through the several, lands of Henry O. Howell a~d Rebecca A. Gold-
smith, then on a deflection right 4v ~o~ five hundred and ot~ and t~o tenths feet,
then on a retie&ion right ~0 5o~ two hundred and thirty-g-wo feet, the last two
coursSs being through the s~re/~l lands of Henry O. Howell and William Cortland
Cave. Th~n, the following courses and distances being taken on the centre line
of the highway,on a deletion left 30 $6~ two hundred and fifty-font and six tenths
feet, then on a .deflecCtion r/ght 15~ 55~ three hundred and seventy-one and nine
· tenths feet, the le~t t~vo courses passing through the several lands of Henry G.
Howell and W. O~ear Wog~_~tl?ea~°n 8~ defle&~i~o~, rig~t..x7°. $' three hundred and
foi'ty-one and three tenthl~ [d~ t~etl on a deflecCtloll le/t 1[6° ~o~ two hundred and
and't~irty-slx'and six tenths iee~,;the last three courses afore~td passing entirely
through the land of T.Osear Worth,then on a retie&ion left z6* 4~ three hundred anrl
sixty-three feet through the several lands of T. OsCar Worth and Lewis R. Case to
Peconic Bay; said highway to be of the width o/three rods, and stone posts are
set down on the southerly side thereof, at the end of eeeh bf said cburses.
Thc westerly end of said highway begins at the southerly end of the highway
connlmnly knowu as Indian Neck Lane by adding thereto a strip of land beloug-
ing to Dillie Smith twenty- four and seven and one-half tenths
( 24.75); feet wide, said strip rmming on a course north 79~ 9~
east soft, ss the foot of said lane. Then the northerly line of the
ne~v higl~wway begins at a point on tie easterly sit_~ of said Indian
Neck La~ twentk-four and seven and one-half tauths (~4.75) feet north-
erlv of said strip of land and runs on the last named course seventeen hundred and
thirty-four and two tenths feet through the several lands of Dillie Smith, John
Etlsworth Appleby, Henry D. Horton, Henrietta Horton, Mary E. H. Terry,
Nannie W. H. Conklin, George H. Case and Wickham Case, J. Otis Davids and
Charles Davids, then on a deflexion left 7[' 321 two hundred and sixty and five
tenths feet through the several lands of tfenry G. Howell and Rebecca A. Gold-
smith, then on a deflecCtion right 4" 2ot five hundred and one and two tenths feet
then on a defleOzion right 2~ 5o~ two hundred and thirty-two feet, the last twd
courses being through the several lands of Henry G. Howell and William Cortland
Case. Then, th~ follo;ving courses and distances being taken on the centre line
of the highway,on a defleeq, ion left 3o 56~ two hundred and fifty-four and six tenths
feet, then on a defle&ion right ~5' 55~ three hundred and seventy-one and nine
teuths feet, the last two courses passing through the several lands of Henry G.
Itowell and T. Oscar Worth, then on a deflexion fight I7~ 5~ three hundred and
forty one and three tenths feet, then on a deflexion left ~6° 3o~ t?o hundred and
sixty-four and seven tenths feet, then on a deflexion right 63;' 54~ two hundred
and thirty-six and six tenths feet, the last three courses aforesaid passing entirely
through the land of T.Oscar Worth,then on a deflexion left i6' 4~ three hundred aml
sixty-three feet through th~se~eral lands of T. Oscar Worth and Lewis R. Case to
Peconic Bay; said highway to be of the-wklth of three £ods, and ~ton¢ lmsts are
scl down on the southerly side thereof, at the end of each of said courses.