HomeMy WebLinkAboutHOWARD AVENUE TO TKE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HiGH~AYS OF TH~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNI~ OF SUFFOLK ~ STA~ OF ~ YO~: ~ ~de~si~ed, liable to be ~sessed for highways t~es Lu the Town of Southold~ hereby apply to you to l~ ~t a new hi.way at Mattitu~, Town of Southold, S~folk ~ty, New York, to be ~o~ as ~H~ AVE~ as follows:- ~L that certain t~c$ ~p p~el of t~d sho~ as ~Ho~rd Avenue~ on a certain m%o entitled, ~p of Tollewood ~ttituck L.i., N~Y.~ dated Nay 1~ 1928, ~d filed in the elf ice of the ~_erk of the Cowry of Suffolk in File ~er 1~5 on J~u~y mo~ pa~tic~arly described ~ follows: ~e westerly line of said proposed hi~w~ beg~s at a stye set on the northerly ll~ of Nest~lia ~ad at a point 1150 feet, mere or less, easterly f~m the intersection of ~id line ~ith the e~terly line of ~x~s L~e ~d 3$.~ feet westerly f~m ~ deflecticn in ~ld northerly line of said Westp~lia ruling then~ N. 4°3~~ E,-82~ feet~ more or tess~ to o~din~y hdgh wate~ mark of ~ttituck C~eek, West Brauch, ~d the easterly line of said proposed hi~w~y is~to be p~allel to ~d~ feet distant easte~iy f~ the above described~ester!y tine~ which propOSed laying out will pass through the lands of Abram H. Brown ~ud wife, and E~tate of AliCe B. COdling. ~ated this Executo.~ Estate of Alice B. Ccdling~ deceased. WE~the underslgned~ a majority of the To~ Board of the Town of Southold~ h~vinE ~et a~ the office of the Supervisor~ au GreenDort, i~ s~id Town on the e~o plicatlon Abram H. Brown ~nd others for the laying ou~ of a new highway to be Avenue~ at ~ttituck~ Town of Southold, Suffolk Oounty~ New York~ do hereby consent that such l~ylng c~t be made in accorde~uce with the prayer of the within petiti ~n. Superviso~ Town Clerk. ) Justices ) of the Superintendent of Highways. UE~ ABP~M H. BRO~ and C ~L~YR_E F. BROWN, his wife~ of Nat~ituck, Town of Suffolk Cou~ty~ New ~ork, and ~ ~)~ ~ ~ Executor~ of the Last Will mud ~st~ent of Alice B. Codling~ late of Northport, New York~ dece~ed, in conside~tion of the s~ of 0i~ DOL~, to us in hand paid by ~0~ E. PRI~ Town Superintend~t of Highways of the Town of Southold, ~ud in Oa~her conside~tion of the l~ing ou~ of s new hi.way at ~ttituck, To~ of Southold~ Suffolk Co~ty, New York, to be ~o~ as ~Ho~d Avenue~ as follows:- ~L ~t cer~min tract or p~cel of l~ud mho~ as ~Howard Avenue~ on ~ certmin map entitled~ ~;~p of Tollewood ~ttituck L.I~,N~Y.~ d~ted Nay 1~, 1~28, ~d filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk in File N~ber 178 on J~u~y ES~ I~7~ more particularly described as follows: ~e westerly line of ~id p~posed highway begins ~t m st~ke sst on the northerly line of Wes~ph~li~ Road ~t m point llSO feet~ or l~sz, easterly from the inter~ection of ~id line with the e~terly line of C~s L~ue ~d ~.~2 feet westerly f~m m deflection ~ ~id northerly line of said Westph~lla Ro~d~ ~ng thence N. ~°jS~ E.~E7 feet~ more or tess~ to crdin~y high wmte~ mark of Nattituck ~e~k~ West Br~u~h~ and the emmterly line of s~id pro~sed ~way parmliei ~o ~ud ~0 feet dist~t easterly f~om the above d~scribed westerly line which proposed t~i~ out passes through the l~d of Ahem H~ B~wn ~d wlfe~ and Es~te of Alic~ B~ Codl~ only~ do hereby dedicate ~d release to the Town of Southold, ~I l~ud heretofore o~ed by us ~nd L~cluded within the premises ~ove described~ ~d do ~reby release s~d Town fr~ all d~es by re. on of the l~ying out of s~id hi~w~ ~ ~fo~said. STA_~ OF NE~ YORE, COU~i~£ OF SUFFOLK. On this Executor of the last Will and T ~ es~ment of Ali-~e B. Codling, deceased. ~z~ d~y of June, 1~35, before me personally c~e ABR~ H. BROWN ~nd CLARE F~ BROWN~ his wife~ of Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, Dersonal~y known to me and known to me to be two of the same perzor~ described in and who executed the Foregoing lnstr~ment~ and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the ~me. Notary Public~ Suff~ Co~ late of Northport~ me personally came as executomCof the last Will and Testament of Alice B. Codling, New York~ deceased~ personally known to me and known to me to be ~ of the same persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument~ ~nd~ns~ duly acknowledged ~o me that~he~executed the sams~ as such executor? Notary Publi% Surf. Co, ORDER LAYING OUT A H!G~AY ~ITE THE CONSENT OF TO~N BOARD~ ~?ritten application having been made to me~ Town Superintendent of Highways, for the Town of Southold, S~l"folk County, New York~ By ABram Ho Bro~. and Others and liable to be aSsessed for highway taXes in said Town; ~nd the writtan cons.~ of the Town Board of said to~ having been executed as p~e~*~bed ,~y law, and releases from d~mages havin~ been executed By the o~ers of the land t~ough which the proposed highway is to be laid out~ copies of which are hereto a~mexed, and notifying having been paid to any clalmamt for such damages, it ls hereby ORDERED and. DETERMINED tb~t the highway shall Be and the same is hereby lald out in said Town aS. fotlows:~ ALL that certain tract or parcel of l~nd shown as ~Howard Avenue~on ~ certain map entitled, ~Nap of Tollewood Nattltuck~ L.I~ N~y.~, dated Nay 17, !~26, smd filed in tho office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk in File Number I78 on January ~, t~?; more particularly described as follows: The westerly line of said proposed highway begins at a stake set on the northerly line of ~fes~phalia Road at a point 1~60 feet, more or less, easterly from the intersection of said llne with ths easterly 1Lue of Cox~s Lane and ~.~2 feet westerly from~a deflection in said nor=herly llne of said ~estphalla Road; running thence N~ 4°~6~ E~827 feet, mO~e or lass~ to ordinary high wa~er mark of Nattituck Creek, ~est Branch, and the easterly line of said proposed hlgh~ay is ~o be parallel to and 50 feet distant easterly from the above described westerly line, which Proposed laying out will pass through the lands of Abram H. Browr~ and Wife~ and Estate of Alice B. Codling. Dated this ~ ~ da~ of June, 1@35. D rlntendent of Highways, ~TITIO~ in the matter of grading~t~king over and caring for Howard Avenue from West~mhalia Road to the Creek in ~[attituck~To~a of Southold~ PETITI01~R resides on Howard Avenue on the Creek and owns another house and other property on and near Howard Avenue totaling an assessed valuation of.Seven Thousand Dollars. There are three additional Bungalows used by Summer Residents on Howard Avenue or in the imme~ -diets vicinity~ Howard Avenue is laid dow~ on a filed map of the Development of ~Tollewood~ filed in the County Clerks office~Nay 10th 1921 as number ?~ of Waps~a copy of which is attached hereto° Abram H~Hrown, the petitioner~resides on lots 47,~8~ 49 and 50 a~ the corner of Meday Avenue and owns the two story house at the corner of Howard and Meday Avenues built on lot 35. There are Bmngalows on lots 20,44 and Said Abram H~Bro~wn will secure deed and retease~ to Howard Avenue or such other legal papers as may be needed and asks that the matter ~e taken up,and if acted upon favorably~that work be done during the Winter in order that the Road will be finished before Spr~ng. The length of the road would be about 800 feet. Resp. Submitted Abram HoBrown In the ~atter of the Application -O£- ABRAM H. BROWN and ors. for the laying out of a new High, way at Mattltuck, Tb~ of Southold, Suffolk County, Ne$ York, to be known as "HOWARD AVENUE." APPLICATION; CONSENT and RE~EASEo