HomeMy WebLinkAboutHOLDEN AVENUE (2) Southold, in %he Oounty of S~ffolk ~d state o~ ~e~ The ~e~;i~ liable to De ~sses~ .~or ~w~y t~es in th~ s~id TO~ o~ So~thold~ h~reby a~.p_l.~, to yo~ to l~y out ~ghw~ys mt ~Ieet's ~eok, in the ~llimge of ~toho~es To~ off The ~way to be ~o~ as H0~ AV~ described ~s foilowe:~ T~ Westerly line begins at m concrete mon~ent distant f,et w~sterly~ me~s~ed ~i~g the northerly line of ~eet t~ned by ~vey ~d record be~i~ even date ~r~ith~ P~ing S00.~0 feet; %0 the emsteriy end of the southerly tine of m new ~wsy ~o~ ~$ Diok~a Point Avenue,-reoo~d of ~oh bears even m~etio, ~d m ~p showing mii of t~ mbove together with other new roads ~s been mmde by Otto W. V~ ~yl, Lioe~ed S~veyor, ere~port~ N. Y.~ ~nd i~ flied here~th ~d ~de m p~t of The highway ~0 be knewn as ~EST CHEEK AYENUE described as The easterly line begins at a oonorete monument distant 7!5.10 feet ~wfmterl~yf measured along the northerly line of West Road, from-n~ e te~m~n~ of the ~r~' oo~me' of said West Road ms refined b2 s~vey ~d record bering even date herewith; r~ing thenoe seven co, mss ms follows: Third: ~ourth: N.16°0~0. W.~189.02 feet~ thence ~-~$0.00 feet, thence W.-117o5~ feet, thence W-~t~O,15 feet, thence Six,h: N-9° 5~{~0" W.~l~.12 feet, thence Seventh:a-$i°07~0~ ~.~t44.0S feet, thence on a line diagonally oroselng proposed road to ~hedeflee%ion point in %he westerly tine~ r~e N. 6°$$~00~ ~-~24~$7 f~et~ thence %he westerly line propo~e$oro~ r~s ~s follows: N. i ~'~0~ E-~$~.$8 ~eet~ ~- $°5~0~ ~-~860.50 feet, thence on m o~ve to %he left h~vi~g r~ of i$E.$S feet~ a ~et~oe of ~5~i feet; thence ~o~ the wsst~ line of ~leet's Neck ~ad, me~ed m!ong said ~outherly line ~ 01d Pmst~e Ro~d, ~ described in record ~even date herewith~ ~e easterly lin~ o~ t~s record intersects the ~outherly li~ of ~id Old Past~e ~oad on a o~ve hmving ~ ~mdiue ~oposed ro~ is to be ~$ feet wide, bearingm ~e mil of the points described in mbove record ~e ~ked by concrete mon~ents, ~ a~p s~w~g all of the above, together ~th new romds hms been ~de by 0~to ~. V~ ~1~ Lioe~ed ~eenport, N.T.~ m~ is filed her~i~d mmde a Dmrt ~ 2he highway to be know~ as OLD PASTURE ROAD described as Follows: - The southerly line begir~ing at a concrete monument set on the westerly line of ~leet~s Neck Road, ll00.1$feet northerly from a granite monument at the deflection in emid westerly line first ·outh of the N~in Eoad$ running thence S. 47o5~00~ W. ?$8.$~ Feet to a conoretemonument m~rking the northerly end of the easterly line of a new highway known as Eoneysuokte Laue, record Proposed road is to be $$ Feet wide, bea~ings mre m~gnetio~ Md a map showing all of the above, together with other new roads h~s been made by Otto W. Van ~kV1, Licensed SUrveyor, ~eenport, N. X., ~nd is filed herewith an~ m~de a ~mrt of this reoord~ 2he hi,way to be known ms HOA~SUOELE LANE deso~ibed m~ follows:~ The easterly li~e begins mt m oon~rete monument ma~king the westerly end of %he southerly line of ~ new highwmy known as 01d PastUre Road, record o~ w~iohbears even date herewith, m~ r~m the=o~ $~ $5o~00~ ~*-~0.00 feet to th~ e~re ~ Wi~,$ 0reek, ~d ~smes ~ou~ a concrete mon~ent ne~ the $~re of said ~eek~ Ssid ~way is to be $$ Feet ~de~ t~ emsterly being t~d of E~ry ~leet. ~e~i~gs are ~etio, mhd ~ mmp ~howi~g ~ll of the ~bove~ together with other ~ew Pomds ~ been ~e by Otto W. V~ ~yl, Licensed ~veyor, Greenport, N. T.~ The highway to be k~ow~ as The northerly line begins mt a ~ono~ete menument at th~ terminus! of the Ninth oouree described in record of West Greek Avenue w2~ioh be~rs even date ~erewi~, ~ud r~$ thence N. 88°8!~20 ~ feet to the s~re o~ ~io~s ~eek, mhd pmsses t~ough wido~ he,wings ~e mm~otlo, ~d a ~ps~wing all o~ the abov,~ together with ~t~r new roads ~s beeries by Otto W. Lio~sed S~veyor~ ~eenport, N.' Y., ~d is fmled' he~,w~tn~ ~ ~nd ~de a p~ of t~s highway to be kno'~n as DIOE ~ POINT ROAD described as follows:~ Th~ southerly line begins m~'~the northerly ~nd of the ~oUrth course described in record of ~est 0ree~ Av~e which be~rs even date herewith, a~ runs N. 57°57~0~ E-~404o83 Feet to the northerly end of laet course described ~n record of Eolden ~venuo w~oh bo~ even d~te ~r~ith. Smid r~d is to Be $$ feet ~de~ be~ings.~e ~ti~, ~d a ~p s~wing all o~ t~ mbove~ to- ~ner w~ o~aor new romde ~s been~do by Otto ~. Van ~yl~ ~oensed ~veyor, Greenport, N.Y., a~ is Filed herewith ~d made~ which proposed laying out will paze through the !mnds of George Fte,e~mud ~ar~y Fl~et~ only. ~e~ %b~ ~de~ei~e~ ~ majority of %~ Town ~oa~'~ of 19~ ~nd oo~i~red ~e ~pplioatlon of G~orge H. ~lee% ~d ~ry ~leet, for ~e l~ying out of new ~ghways at ~leet~s Neok~ in the ~iltage of Outoho~u~ To~ of Eouthold~ B'~olk New York~ to be ~o~ ~s HO~ AV~ ~ST GRE~ OLD P~T~E RO~; ~NEXSU~E ~E;S~ m~ATH and DIGK~S POINT RO~ do ~raby oonssn% t~t suoh lmying out be made in with ~he prayer of the wire.petition. _ To~ , ) of the Highways WE~ GEORGE Ho FLEET a~ud~Ry FLEET, ofl Outchogue, Suffolk ~ ~d p~i~ by ~eorge ~. Fleet, To~ Superintendent of the To~ of Southold~ ~d in f~t~e~ oo~ide~mtion of the lmylng out of new ~way~ m; ~leet~s Neok~ in the ~illmge Outo~e, To~ of SoUthotd, S~olk 0ouuty~ New York, desoribed highway to Be known as EOLDEN AYEN~UE desoriBed as follows:- The ~esterly llne Begins ~ta 0onorete monument diet,ut fleet wes%e~-ty, measured along the northerly line ofl West from the terminu~ of the Third oourse of said West Ro~d me retained by s~v~y and reoord bearing ~en~te herewlth$ ~ing ~eet; thenoe N. ;g°Sg~$0" W*-$18.00 feet; th~oe N. ~$o08'$0~ ~00.60 fee~; ~o the easterly e~ of the southerly line of ~ new ~gh~y ~o~ ~ Diokee Point Avenue~ reoord of w~oh bemr~ even ~etio, ~ m ~p showing mll ~ the ~bove toget~r with other new ~omds ~m been ~de by Otto W. V~ ~yl, Lioe~ The highway to be known me WEST CHEEK. AVF~NUE desoriBed as flollows:~ ~e easterly line begins mt m oonorete mon~ent distant 71~oI0 fleet westerly, measured-alon~ the northerly line of We~t from the ter~n~ of the ~rd oo~se o~ s~id Wemt Eomd ms de~ refined by m~vey mhd ~eoord be~ir~ even dmte herewith; r~ing ~irst: N*~7°4~0~ ~-~i89~02 f~e%~ t~noe Se~o~: N-~2055~0~ ~-~50.00 feet, thence T~rd: N~41°~$'50~ ~--1~$,$5 fee~, · 'ifSn: N-le~04~40~ W.=tVOel~ fast, thenoe sevent~: N.$1o0~'~~ ~.=I*~.0~ f~t, theno~ on · line diagonally o~ossing proposed r~d to the defleotion point in t~ westerly ~line, r~e N. ~°~8~00~ W.-~$.5~ feet, thenoe the westerly lin~ ~propo~ed ~omd r~$ ~s follows: N~ 1°45~0~ ~.~$8.$~ feet, N..$°~$~0~ W.~60~50 f,et, thenoe on a o~v~ go t~ lef~ ~v~ng ~ radi~ of t~2~$2 feet, a dist~ee of 9~.8I feet~ N~ *~o~0e20~ W.~0~.85 feet to the southerly line of ~ new ~wmy ~o~ a~ 01d Past~e aoad ~t a point ~2~4~ fe~t we~terty f~om the westerly line of ~ioet~ Neok Romd, meas~ed ~Iong ~mid ~oui~rly line of 01d Pa~t~e Eo~, ms desoribed in reoord bering ~ven date herewith. of $~d Old Pmst~e Ro~ on ~ o~ve ~ving m radt~ of $0 feet. Proposed ro~d is %o be $$ fleet wide, be~ings m~e ~etio~ ~Ii of the pointm de~oribed ~ above ~eoord ~e ~rked by oon~rete mon~ents, ~d m ~p eho~ng m!l of the above, together with ~new re,dm ~m Been ~de by 0~to W. Vmn ~yl, Lioon~ed T~ southerly line begi~ning at a con~rete mon~ment set on the westerly line of ~lset~s Nsok Road, 1!00~15 Feet northerly from ~a~te mon~ent ~t t~ deflection in s~id westerly line First fe~t %o ~ concrete mon~ent ~ng t~ northerly e~ of the emsterly line. of ~ new ~wmy ~o~ m~ ~oneysuok!e ~e, record ~opozed road is to be $$ ~eet ~de, be~ing~ ~e ~etio~ ~ a ~p showing all of th~ above, toget~r ~th o*~er new ~o~ds ~m been ~de by O~to W. V~ ~l, Licensed U~veyor, $~e~po~t~ ~he ~y to b~ ~o~ as HON~YSU~ ~ described ms follow~: ~ westerly end O~ the southerly line of ~ new highway known as Old Pm~t~e Road, record ,F w~ bears even dmte herewith~ mhd r~s thence ~. $8oi2,00~ W-~IO.O0 feet to t~ shore of Wio~m'a ~ Said O~eek. S~d~wmy ls ~o be $$ Feet wide~ the em~ter!y 25 ~eet being 1~ o~ Ge~ge E. ~leet~ a~ the wemterly 10 F~et Being la~ of ~y ~lest~ Be~e-~e ~etio~ mhd a ~p ~wi~ ~tl o~ t~ above, together with ot~r new roadm ~ been ~e ~w~y ~o be ~o~ as $~SET PATH described ~ follows:~ The northe~!y l~e begins mt ~ o~orete mon~ent ~t the terminus of the ainth co,se described in reoo~d of West ~eek Avenue w~oh be~rs even d~te hePewith~ ~d r~s thence N. 88o81,~0~ W.= ~ feet to the m~e of ~io~z ~eek, ~nd pmeees t~ou~ ~ o~orete mon~ent ne~ said s~e. S~id road is to be $$ f~et wide~ be~ings ~e ~e~io~ ~nd ~ mmp ~howi~ ~ll of the above~ Licensed $~v~yor, ~e~port, N.Y., ~ is Filed he~ewi~h ~d ~ a p~t oF t~ ~eoord~ · he highway %o be known ms DIOK'S POINT ROAD described as fsilow~: = The southerly line begins mt the northerly end of the course described in record o~ West O~eek Avenue whish bs~s even w~oh be~ even d~te herewith. S~id road is to be $$ Feet wide, bearings ~e ~*tio~ a~d ~ ~o ~wing mi! of %h~ mb~, ge~r with other new ~o~s ~s-boen ~e by O~to ~. V~ ~*e~ed S~veyo~ ~eenport, N~ Y.~ ~d is Filed herewith wDi~pes~dtaylng out pmsses through the i~nd of Seorge Fleet ~d~rry ~tset oniy~ do hereby dedioat~ a~ ~e!e~se to the To~ of So~thotd~ ~11 ~ud heretofore o~ed by release smid Town from all damages by reason of %he Imying out of the oo'~e of smid ~way~ a~ mFore~aid~ Dmted this ~ day of AUnt, 192~. ST&TE OF E~,'~ SS: O0~P~TY OF SUFFOLK. On ~ ~ ~ day o~ m~ p~r~onally o~e G~RGE H. F~ET ~ ~y S~folk O~ty, New Xork~ personally ~o~ me to b. th, same pers~s desoribed in ~d, w~ e~eouted the foregoir~ inmtr~ent~ ~nd they $*veral!y ~c~owiedged to me t~t they exeouted the In th~ Matter of tho lpplioat, lon GEORGE H. FLEET for tho l~ying out of new hi~way~ ~t ~'loet's Neck, in the village ~o~ ~s HO~ ArENa; ~ST CRE~ A~NUE; O~ PAST~E HOAD; HON~UOK~ ~E; S~ET PATH and DIOE'8 ~I~ R~SE OF D~G~. L MO. ] BAS MAP TWOOD S E CTION AT OF ESTATES TWO FLEET'S NECK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. 400 AREA: 11.59 ACRES 4 - TYPICAL WELL - 9 LOT 7 W g - Poo I