HomeMy WebLinkAboutHILL STREET To the Town Superintendent of Righways of the To~n of Southold~ in the County of Suffolk and State of W~w York: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said Town of ~outhold~ hereby apply to you to lay out new highways at Mattttuck, in the Town of Scuthold, Suffolk County, N~w Yor~, de~oribed as follows:- FIRST~ Highway to be Three Rods in width~ The Northerly line to begin at a concrete monument on the easterly line of WickhamAvenue, 370 feet, move or less~ Southerly f~om the center line of right of way of LonF Island Railroad Company, measured along said easterly line of Wlckham Avenuet and being the southwesterly corner of land of C. Ho ~ickham:eunning thence along the southerly line of land of said Co R. Wickham, N. 74° 2?* E.-~9~.55 feet to a concrete monument at the southeasterly corner of land of said C. Ho Wickham; thence on the same Bearing, through land of Brysnt S. Conklin, 345.2 feet to land of Fred Pike (this point being the southerly terminus of the center line of Third herein described highway); thence on the same bearing, through land of said Fred Pike, 455,05 feet; thence thro~gh land of said Fred Pike and then along the westerly line of land of Thomas Jo l/a~uire, S. 15°03'40~ Eo-5~1.74 fee~, more or less~ to the Northerly line of Main Road. SEC0~D: Highway to be Two Rods in width. The northerly line to begin at a point on the easterly linc of Wickham Avenue, feet~ more or less~ southerly fro~ the center line of right of way of Long Island RailroadCompany~ measured alon~ said easterly line of Wickha~ Avenue; running thence through land of C. H. Wickbam, W. 45~52'30' E.-325o6 feet, more or less, to a concrete monument and land of Bryant S. Conkltn; thence along the boundary line between land of said Co H. Wickbam and said Bryant ~. Conklin, ~° 47o0s'40~ E.-427~4 feet, more or less, to land Fred Pike at the northerly terminus of center 13ne of next herein described highway. TRIRD: Highway to be Three Rods in width. The Center line to begin at a point on the northerly line o£ f~lrst above described highway~ on the boundary line between land of Bryant So Conkltn and Fred Pike; running thence ~. 14o36*50# ~.-57~ feet, more or less, to theEasterly terminus of the northerly line of Second above described highway. This center line being the division line between lands of Bryant S. Conklin on theWest and Fred Pike on the east, each of whom is to provide one and one-half ro~s o~ the total width of this highway, which proposed laying out will pass through the lands o~ Bryant S · C onklin and ~ml's~'~ h~ly Dated this ~0 ~ day o~ De. tuber, 192~ WE, the undersi~ned, a majority o~ the Town Board o~ the Town of Sout~old, having met at the office of t~eSupe~visor~ at 6reenport, in said Town on the ~ day of~~x/ 19~8~ and consi~ered t~e application of ~vyant S. Co~klin ~ ~'e~'~ for the layinR out of new highways at ~attituck, To~ ~ Southold, S~folk County~ New Yovk~ ~ hereby consent that such layi-g out be made in acc~dance with the prayer of the within petition. Town Clerk. Su~erinten'dent of ~ighways- Just ices of the Peace · Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, in consideration of the sum of ON~ DOLLAR, to us in hand Paid by george Ro Fleet, Town Superintendent of Righways of' said Town of Soutbold. and in further consideration of the layir~ out of new highways at Mattituck. Town of Southold. Suffolk County. New York, described as Follows~- FIRST;- Highway to be Three Rods in width* The Northerly line to he~in at a concrete monument on the easterly line of Wickha~ Avenue. 3?, feet. more or less. Southerly ~rom the center line of right of way of Long Island Railroad Company. measu~*ed along said easterly li~ of ~i~ Avenue~ and bein~ the . r land o~ C. ~. W~ckham~ ~nnin~ thence alon~ the~ westerly corns ~ o ~ southerly line of land of said C. ~. Wiokham~ N. 74 22 E. feet to a concrete ~ent at the southeasterly corner ~ land of said C. H. Wi~; thence on the same bearin~ through land of Bryant S. Conklin~ 345.2 feet to la~ of Fr~ Pike (th~ point bein~ the southerly terminus of the center line o~ Third here~ described highway); thence on the s~e bearing~ through land of said Fred ~ke, 455.05 feet; thence thr~h lan~ ~ sai~ Fred ~ke and then alonr the westerly line ~ land of ~homas J- S. 15°03'40~ E.-521.74 ~eet, move or less, to the northerly line of ~ain SECO~:- Highway to Be ~o rods tn width. The northerly line to be~in at a point o~ the .easterly line of Wick~ Avenue~ 14~ feet, more or less, southerly ~om the center line ~ right o~ way of Lon~ [sland Railroad Com~ny~ ~ur~ alon~ said easterly ~ line of ~ickham Avenue; ~unntn~ tbe~e thvou~ land ~ O. · ic~ N. 45°52'3~ E.-325.6 feet, ~e or less; to a co~vete b ou~ary monument a~ land ~ Bryant S. Conklin; thence alo~ the l~e between la~ of sa~ C. 8. ~Ickb~ and said Bv~ S. Conkl~ N. 4~°08'40~ E.-427.4 feet, mov~ or le~, to land of Fred Pike'at the northerly te~inus of center line ~ next herein described hi.way · T~O~- ~ighway to be Throe Rods in width. The center line to begin at a point on the northerly line ~ first a~e described highway~ on the Boundary li~ ~etween land ~ Br~nt S. Co~lin and Fred Pike; ruling thence N. 14o35'~~ W.-5~ f~t, ~ore to the Easterly terminus of the n~therly ~ne of or less, center line Bet~ the Second able descri~ highway- diviSiOn line betwe~ lands of 9~ant S. C~klin on the west Fr~ Pike on the east, each of eh~ is to provide one ~d one- half rods ~ the total width of th~ h~hway~ which pro/~oses laytn~ out passes through the la~d of R~yant S¥ Conklin an~'~.onlY, do hereby dedicate and release t~ the Town of Southold. all land heretofore owned By us and included within the premises above described, and do hereby release said Tow~ from all damages By reason off the laying out course of said highways as aforesaid. Dated this ~day of DecemBer, 1928. STATE OF NEU YORK~ SS~- COUNTY OF ~I~FOLKo the On this ~ day of,~December, 1.928, Before me personally came ]~RYANT S. CONKL~IN and ~BIE CONI~LI~N~ his ~ PIKE ~ wt~e,~oF ~attituck, Suffolk County~ New York, ~sonally ~o~ to me a~ ~o~ to ~ to Be the s~ ~rsons described in and who executed the fore~oin~ instv~ent, a~d t~ey severally acknowledged to me that theyexecuted the Notary Public~ Surf. Co. TOIVN OF SOUTI:IOL9. In the ~atter of the Application · RYANT $. CON~L~ and for the }aying out of new highways at Mattituck, Town of Soutbold, Suffolk County, ~ew APPLICAT ION, CONSENT OF TO~VN BO&RD, RELEASF OF DAMAGES ·