HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIAWATHA'S PATHTO THE TO~f~N SUPERINTEN~DEk~DENT OF HIGHWAYS OF T~ZE TOV~ OF SOUTH ~OLD, IN THE C~ , NE','~ YORK.' OUh~f OF SUFFOLK AND STAIU.~ OF ~ .... The mudersigned, liable to be assessed for highwe& taxes in the To,Am of Southold~ hereby apply to you to ~ay~ out oew hi,sways ar Southoid, in the Town of outnola, Suffolkuoun~y, New or'~, to be kno~m as HIAWATHA'S PATH; NOKONIS ROAD and ~INNEHAHA BOULEVARD, as BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the easterly line of South Harbor Road 557.85 feet from the northwest corner of the property of Co H, ~ic~nam and nanning thmuce N, 85°40~ E. 3~8~88 feet; thence S~ 85°50~ E~ l~?.G~t feet to another conc~ets monumen~ set o~.i the westerly line of Noko~is Eoad, har~inafter d. escribad~ and continuing the same cotu~se across said road to another concrete mon~mment~ thence still on the same coua~se t00.40 feet to another concrete monument; thence N. 84°21~ Eo 387.97 feet to mnother concrete monument; thence S. 40o39~ Eo 95.58 feet to muother concrete mor£~nt~ thence S, 8o47~ E. 502.88 feet to another aoncre~e monument; thence S. 2o 09~ E. 5~t.0 feet ~o another concrete monument set on the northerly line of the ~aid Nokc~s Road~ the southerly and westerly lines of hi~hway being parallel with and tb_rse rods distant from the above described line. This highway ia known as H~ :-_th ~. F~~ ALSO BEGiNNENG at a concrete monumenz sev on the southerly line of Baywawer Avenne an~ distant 2!9.40 feet from the northeast corner of the property of C~ H. Wickham and zmu~ning thence S~ 5°4~ E. ~58.13 feet to a concrete mon~ent sst on the northerly line of Hiawatha's Path and ~ntinuir~ the sa~ com~se across said path to ~other concrete mon~entl thence still on t~ s~e co,se ~0.52 f~et to another concrete mon~nt; ~nence S~ 44° 11~ E. 157.52 feet to another concreze mon~nt~ thence S~ 85°58t E. 393.85 Feet to a concrete monument set on the westerly line of Hiawatha's Path ~d continuing the s~s co~se across said path to another oo~or~t~ mon~m~nt~ thens~ still on the s~e ~o~a~ 138~15 feet to another concr~t~ monuments then~ $. ~0°40~ E. 169~10 feet to another concrete monument set at the be- ginninE of Minneha~ ~ulev~d, hereinafter described; the westerly mud southerly lines of highway being psmallet with and ~ee rods dlst~t from the above described line, ~ia highway is ~o~ aSS~ ALSO BEG~NING at a concrete monument set in the westerly line of No~e Eoad, described ~bove~ a~ the southerly termination of said road and runnir~ thence S~ 30o50; E. ~50~08 feet voa conch'ets montment~ thence S. 27° 45~ E~ 170~65 feet to ~uother concrete ~on~ent~ t~nce S. 40° 28~ E. 105~5 feet, thence S. 28 i5' ~. 88.40 ~ee~, ~a!s being the v~sterly line of Ninneh~nz Boulevard and from this point continuing to Pe~nlc ~y; the easterly ilne be¢~ at a concrete monument set in the easterly line N~is Road az the te~ination of said road and ~nni~ thence S. 27°08 ~5.45 feet to muother concrete mon~ent~ thence S¢~7 45~ E. ~85.05 fset; thence S. 40° ~8~ E. t05~85 feets thence along the e~terly loop of Boulevard S. 75°0~~ E. 27.80 feet. from this point¢ the easterly loop being two r~s wide with the northerly¢ e~terly and sod~harly tine~ 8esc~ibed fotlowst- thence N. To°la~ E. 180.50 fee~; thence 8, 57°48~ E. I23.50 feets thence S. 33°48~ E. I~1.40 feet~ thence S. 81°~~ E; I~3.10 feet~ t~ence S~ 18~ E~ 81.70 feet; thence S. ~o 13~ E, 85.t5 feet~ thence S. ~8° 08 147.I0 ~eet~ thence S. 7°I3f ~f. I05.50 feets thence S. 16°35~ W. 88.80 feet~ thence S. 0~0~ E. 111.70 Feet; thence on a reverse curve with a chord S. 22° 14~ E. ~5~10 feet; thence S, 3o 36~ E. 258.BO feet~ thence $. 8°06~ W. t52.88 feet; then~ S. &7°58~ W. 63.9l feet~ thence S~ 78 30~ W. [3~.87 feet~ thence N. ~0°0¢~ ',~. 250.75 feet ~ 'the easterly line of M~ne~ha ~ulevard~ which p~oposed laying ou~ will pas~ through the la~$ o~ Cedric H. Wickham and wife:, only~ ~ ~ WE, the undersigned~ a majority of the To~ Board of the To~ of Southo!d, haviD~ met au the office of the Supervisor at Gre~nport in said T~n od the .~.~ day of ?Yay, 1938, mud cor~ldered t~he appli~tion of~Cedric ~ick~he~ and wife for the laying out of new high~ys to be kno~ as Path~ Nokomis Road and Einneha~ Boulevard at Southold~ Town of Suuthcid~ Suffolk Coun~y~ New York~ do hereby consent ~hat such layiog out be made in accords_uce with the prayer of the within petition~ ?~, CEDRIC H~ WICKH/~ and ~~ ~. ~;~ICK.w~, his wife, of Nattit~ck~ Tovm of South61d~ Suffolk County, New York, in consideration of the ~&m of ONE DOLLAR, to us in hand paid by Harold E~ Price, To~m Superinten- dent of Highway~ of the Town of ou~nold ~nd in further consideration of the laying out of new highways e~ Southotd, in the Town of $outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be kn~vm as HI~WATH-~S PATH~ NOKOMIS ROAD and M!NNU~EA BOUL~V/LRD, as follows:- BEGINNING a~ a concrete non~mmen~ se~ on the easterly line of S~ath Herbor Road 667o85 feet from the northwest corner of the property of C. H. and r~ning thence N~ 8~°~0~ E~ ~8~86 feet~ thence S~ 85°60~ E~ !07~04 feet to another concrete monument set on the westerly line of Nokomis Road~ herein- after d~scPibed, ~d contusing the $~ c~drs~ across said rosd to concrete mon~ent~ thence still on the s~e ~se i00~40 feet ~o ~othsr concrete mon~ent; thence N~ 8= ~ E. ~87.97 feat ~o ~other concrete son. cut thence S~ 40°~9~ E. 98.88 f~st ~o ~other concrete ~on~ent$ thence S~ 8 E~ ~E.88 feet to ~other concrete monumsn~ thence S, B°09~ E~ 5S1:0 fe~t to ~oSher concrete mon~ent se~ on the northerly line of the ~id Nokomis Ro~d~ th~ Southerly ~ud ~starly lines of highwsy beLu~ parallel with rand three ~ods distant f~om the mbove described line. This highv~ is Eno~ as H~,~ ALSO BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on t~he s~therly line of Baywatar Avenue and distent E19.40 feet fr~ the northeast corner of the property of C. H. Wicl~aam ~d r~ning thence S. 6°46~ E~ 968~!~ feet to a concrete mon~snt s~ on the northerly lln~ of Hiawatha's Path and continuing the ~e course across sai~ ~th to another concrete monument~ thence sti~i on the ~e course 880.8~ feet to ~othe~ concrete mon~ent~ ~hence S. ~ i1~ E. 157.62 fee~ ~ ~other concrete monument; t~nce S~ 85 58~ E. 393,85 feet to a ~ncreta mon~ent set on the westerly line of Hi~wat~s Path ~d continuing the sm~e co. se across said ~th ~o ~other concrete mon~nt; thence still on the ~e co~se t38.1~ feet ~o ~.other concrete mon~ent; th~c~ S~ BO° 40~ E- 189,10 feet to muother ~ncrete mount set at the be- ginni~ of Minneb~, ~utevard, hereinafter described; the westerly and s~uth~rly line~ o~ bAghw~v being p~a!lel with and ~ee rods distant from t~ ~dve describe'd line. ~ais highw~- is ~o~m as Nokomis Read, ALSO BEGiNNLNG ,at e concrete mon,imen~ sea !n the westerly line of Nokomis Road. descri'bed above, at the sout~herlv termination of said road ~nd running then~ s, ~50~ E~ E50.~ feet ~ a c~ncrete mon~e~; thence S, 27° 4~~ E. 1TO.8~ feet~~ anther co~crete mon~ent~ thence S~ ~°26~ E~ t05~E5 feet~ thence S. ~ t]6~ E. 88.40 meet, ~is bei~ the ~esterly lin~ of EL~ ~ulev~ ~Ud from this point conti~ing to Pe~nic ~y, the easterly llne ~gih~ at a concrete mon~ent set in the e~terly li~e of ~z Ro~ at the ~e~ination of said roe~ ~.nd ~nni~g ~ence 24~.46 feet to muother c~crete mon~ment~ thence S. 27~46~ E. t65.05 feet~ ~ne~:ce ~. 40 ~26 E. ¢06.6~ fee~, thence alone ~e easterly loop of Minneh~a Boulev~d S, ~5o~ ~. Z7.80 feet, ~m ~qis point the e~stePly loop being two ro~ wide withythe ~orth~rly, ~sterly ~nd s~therlYolineS described fellows - thence N,/70 l- ' 180.~0 fe~, ~hence ~ f8 E !~.~ ~eet, then~ $.,:$~°~~ E'. ~71.~0 feet; thence S~ 61° ESt E~ 16~ E-8~ feet;'~ence S. ,~4o I~~ E. 85.15 feet; th~eo 147~i0 ~fe~[ th~cS ~. 7°l$~ ~'~ 108,60 feet~ then~ S. t6o~5~ ~. 68.80 feet; tb~nce~ ,~, $. 0°I0~. E,'I~,70. feet; thence on a reverse curve withe chor~ l~ E~ ~lO feet~.~ence S~ ~os6~ E, ~58.80 fe~t; ~ence feet~ ~henc~ $. ¢?~ f~ff~ ~.9I feet~ thence S. 78°S0~ ~. IBO.Sv fe~t: thence 70 07 N-.,Z~.TS feet to the easterly lin~ of Einneb~ Boules. rd, which proposed laying out passes through the laud of Cedric H. Wiekham and wife, only~ do hereby dedicate mud release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by us and inclosed within ~he premises above described, and do hereby rsleass said To,~m from alt dm~ages by reason of the !ayinE out of said new hi~h~ys ~ D~ a~ed Nay .~ 1938 8T~-TE OF ' ~;n~ YORK ~ C6 b~TY OF On this p~ d~y of ~v, 1938~ before me personally c~me ~R~ H~ ~_~Kv~:~ and ,,I~EH~,~ his wife~ of ~attL~zck~ Suffolk ~oua~ ¢ Ns,2~ York. personally ~own to me ~md kno~m to me to be the persons dessribed ~n and who executed the ¢~ _ ~re~o2ng !nst~ment ~d they aeveral~y ~ .... ~ ¢ to ~,c,~no ,_edge~ 2~ that they executed the Notary Public, ~ ORDER LAYING OUT ~ HIGH~AYS WITH THE CONSENT OF TO?~ BO~LRD. Written application having been mad~ to me~ Term Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Scuthold~ Suffolk ~ ~ ~oun~y, New ¥ork~ , by Cedric H~ '~'~ic~b~mand' wife, persons liable to be assessed for highway texes in said Town, mud the written cor~ent of the To~ Board of said Town having been given as prescribed by law, and releases from damages havir~ been executed by the owners of the · a~d through which the proposed highways are to be laid out~ copies of which are hereto ~nnexed~ an.d nothinE having been paid to any claimant for such damages~ it is ne. eby ORDER~ and DETEH~Ih~D ,~na~ highways snal~ be and the sa~ are hereby laid out in said Town as foilows:~ BEGINNIng6 at a conorebe monument set on the easterly llne of South Harbor ~le~ham Road 557~85 feet from th~ nortb~est corner of the pronart~ of Co and runni~ thence N~ 85 40 ~ E~ 3E8.86 feet~ thence Si 85~50 to smother concrete mon~mment set on the mesterly line of Nokomis Road~ herein- after described, and continuing the s~e ca'~se acrose said road to muother concrete mon~ment~ thence still on the sa~e course i00o40 feet to another concrete monmment~ thence N. 84© E1~ Eo ~87.~7 feet to another concrete monumen' thence So 40°39~ E. G6,58 feet to ~uother concrete monument~ thence S~ 8o ~7~ E. 502~88 feet to ~uother c~crete mon~e~ thence S~ so 09~ E. 5~1.0 feet to ~other ~oncrate mo~nt set on the northerly line of the said Nokomis Road; the southerly and westerly lines of highway being pm~alle! with and three rods distmat ~om the above described iine~ This highw~ is l~nown as Hiawat~a~a~_ ALSO BEGiNNiNG at a concrete monument set on the s~therly line of Baywater Avenue ar~ distant ~19.~0 feet from the northeast corner o£ the property of C~ H, ~'ickham and ~nninE thence S~ 5°45~ E. ~58.13 feet to a concrete mor.~ent set on the northerly line of Hiawatha's Path and continuing the s~e co~se across said path to another concrete mon~ant~ thence sti!i on the s~e course 880.~ feet to another concrete monum~nt~ thenc~ S. ~o Ii~ E. 157~ feet to another concrete monument; thence S. 85° 58~ E, 393~85 feet to a concrete monument set on the westerly line of Hiawatlua~s Path and contindLug the s~e cours~ across said path to ~oth~r concrete thence still on the s~ne com~ze 138~15 feet o ~uother concrete mon~ment~ thence S~ 20© 40~ E. I89.10 Feet to ~other concrete mon'~ent set at the gi~!ng of Minne~ha Boulev~d, h~reinafter descr!bed~ the westerly and southerly lines of highway being p~a!!el with and tbmee rods dlstsnt from tb~ above described line. ~is highw~ is known ~ NOKOMIS ROAD, ALSO BEGINniNG at a concrete monument set in the. westerly line of Nokomis Road, described obeY% at the southerly ~erminat~on of s~d road an~ _uuunin~ thence S. $~ ~O E~ ~&0,08 ~ee~ to a concrete monument~ thence o. ~ t to anota.~ concrete monument, thence S~ 40 ~o~ E~ 10o~28 feet~ thence So ~8° 18~ E~ 88.40 feet, this balng the westerly line of Einneh~a Boulevard and from this point continuing to Peconic Bay~ the easterly line beginning at a concrete monument set in the easterly line of N~komis Road at the termination of said road and rmuning then~ S. 27° 08~ ~45~48 fe~t to another concrete monu~nt~ thence S~ E?° 45~ E~ I85~08 feet~ thence S~ 40°E8~ E~ 10O.8~ feet; thence along the easterly loop of Ni~e~ha Boulevard S~ 750~ E~ B7.80 fee~, from this point the e~terly iccp being two r~ds wide with the northerly~ ~aaterty and southerly lin~ d~scribsd as ~ . °18~ fo~zuwso- thence N~ 70 Eo 180,50 ~o ~ ~e~ thence thence S~ 33°48~ E. 1~1~40 feet~ th~noe S. 8t° 23 15~ E. 81.TO feet~ thence S. 34° 13~ E. 85.15 fset~ thence S. t47~10 feet; thence S. 7°13~ ~'h 105.50 feet~ thenc~ S~ !8°38~ W. 58.80 feet; o thence ~. 0° 10~ E. lil,70 fes~ thence on ~ reverse c~ve with a chord 14~ E~ o5.10 f~et~othence S. 3 36~ E. 158.80 feet~ot~n~ feet; thence S. 47 58~ %~. 63,~1 feet; thence S. 78 30~ N~ 135.87 feet~ thence N. 70° 07~ W. 25~.~5 feet to the e~ste~ly line of Nirmshahm Bouls~rd, ~ted this ~ d~ of May, To~n Superzntenaent of Southold ~ In the ~atter of the Application of CEDRIC H. WICKHAN and Rife for the laying. out of new hl~h~;ays at Southold, To~n~ of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as Hiawatha's Path; Nokomis Road and Minnehaha Boulevard. APPLICATION, CONSENT, RE4EASE and ORDER.