HomeMy WebLinkAboutHENRY'S LANEDEDICATION AND RELEASE OF LANDS FOR TOWN HIGHWAYS X In the Matter of the Laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southotd, County of Suffolk and State of New York. X application has been duly made to the Town Super- NOW, THEREFORE, the said Henry J. Smith and Stella M. Smith, his wife, residing at Robinson Road (no number), Peconic, New York 11958, owners of the land to be included within the said highways and turnaround area, do hereby dedicate, release and convey to the said Town of Southsld for highway purposes, the following land~ to wit: ALL those certain roads known as Henry's Lane and Sound View Avenue, including the 100 foot turnaround area at the north- westerly extremity of Henry's Lane, located at Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, as shown on certain maps entitled, "Map of Peconic Homes at Peconic", filed in WHEREAS, intendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of certain highways to be known as Henry's Lane and Sound View Avenue, including the 100 foot turn- around area at the northwesterly extremity of Henry's Lane, ~ A~ND RELEASE OF HE,NEY J, SMITH AND STELLA M. SMITH OF~LANDS TOWN OF SOUTiaIOLD/ DATED JULY 26,' 1971~ FOR TOWN HIGHWAYS, SCHEDULE A PARCEL I ALL those certain streets, roads, avenues and lanes, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as "Henry's Lane" on a certain map entitled, "Map of Peconic Homes", and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 14, 1964 as Map No. 4181. PARCEL II g~L those certain streets, roads, avenues and lanes, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as "Henry's Lane" and "Sound View Avenue", on a certain map entitled, "Map of Peconic Homes, Section Two," and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on November 28, 1967 as Map Nol 5001. PARCE~ III ALL those certain plots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as "(2) Drainage Areas", on a certain map entitled, "Map of Peconic Homes", and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 14, 1964 as Map No. 4181. the Suffolk County Clerk's office as Map No. 4181 on October 14, 1964 and "Map of Peconic Homes, Section Two at Peconic", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office as Map NCo 5001 on November 28, 1967, all-as described on Schedule A attached hereto. ~D I DO CERTIFY that the consideration paid to the under- signed for ~is dedication and conveyance, is the following, to wit: To Hen~ J. Smith and Stella M. Smith, his wife, the sum of One dollar, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. IN WIT~ESS W~EREOF, I have caused %hese presen%s to be executed and sealed this 26th day of July, 1971. Henry J/~i th $tella M. Smith State of New York : : ss County of Suffolk : On the 26th day of July, 1971, before me personally came Henry J. Smith and Ste!la M. Smith, his wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same. ~otar~ Public ~ ~O~NSUI.'[ YOUR LAWYI~R BEFGRE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BB USED BY LAWYERS ONLY HENRY J. SMITH and STELLA M. SMITH, his wife, both residing at Robinson Road, (no number), Peconic, New York 11958 party of the first part, and TOWlq OF SOUTHOLD, a legally constituted township located within the Count~~k, State of New York, having its principal office a~~ N_ew York 11944 16 $o~th Street, G~eenpoint,N.y. par~y of the second part, . WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars and other vaIuable consideration .ipaid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ~Ae those certain streets, roads, avenues and lanes~ situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as "Henry's Lane" on a certain map entitled, "Map of Peconic Homes", and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 0ctober 14, 1964 as Map No. 4181. PARCEL II ALL those certain streets, roads, avenues and lanes, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as "Henry's Lane" and "Sound View~ Avenue", on a certain map entitled, "Map of Peconic Homes, S~-~ion 2", and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on November 28, 1967 as Map No. 5001. PARCEL III ALL those certain plots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lyir{g and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State o~ New York, known and designated as "(2) Drainage Areas", on a certain map entitled, "Map of Peconic Homes", and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 14, 1964 as Map No. 4181. TOGETHER with ail right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and ro said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the parry of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered auything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the parry of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it rea * ' " d part es whenever the sense oi this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has dui), executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: /rE OF NEW YOR~ COUNTY Of: ~ ~ SS: On the 26th day of July 1971 , before me personally came Henry J. Smith and Stetla M. Smith, his wife to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF $S: On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by llke order. On the day of 19 ~efore me personally came to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS: On the day of 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw · execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto· Bargain aah ale DeMi WITI4 COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOP.'S ACTS TITLE NO. 7~~ - ~ ~ Henry J. Smith and Stella M. Smith, his wife TO To~ of Southold STANDARD FORM OF NEW YORK BOARD 6F TIT[[ UNDERWRITERS HO~E TITLE DI~SlON SECTION BLOCK LOT ~ TOWN Of Southold County of Suffolk Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Z~ No. LEFFERTS PAINE EDSON ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN ~OAD SOUTHOLD, N. Y. H971 July 26, 1971 Mr. Albert Martocchia, Supervisor Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Dedication of Roads Peconic Homes, Map $~4181 Peconic Homes, Section 2 Map No. 5001 Dear Mr. Martocchia: In accordance with your request of July 22, 1971, we en- close herein the following documents in connection with the Dedication to the Town of Southold of roads shown on "Map of Peconic Homes" and "Map of Peconic Homes, Section Two". 1. Application to Lay out Town Highways 2. Consent of Town Board to Proposed Town Highways 3. Order Laying out Highways on Release from Owners 4. Dedication and Release of Lands for Town Highways 5. Deed 6. Assessor's Statement and our check in the amount of $134.10 in payment of the cost of insuring the land to the Town of Southold by Chicago Title Insurance Company and for the recording fees. The report of Chicago Title Insurance Company received last year contained no objections. The policy itself will be issued to you just as soon as the dedication has been accomplished. Many thanks to you and the Board for your consideration of this ~pplication. Sincerely, LPE:dbc Eno~ APPLICATION TO LAY OUT TOWN HIGHWAYS In the Matter ~of the X Laying out of certain town highways in the ~wn of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: HENRY J. SMITH and STELLA M. SMITH, his wife, the under- signed, residing at Robinson Road (no number), Peconic, New York 11958, liable to be assessed for highway taxes ~herein, hereby apply to you to lay out highways, to be known as Henry's Lane and Sound View Avenue, including the 100 foot turnaround area at the northwesterly extremity of Henry's Lane, all as shown on certain maps entitled, "Map of Peconic Homes at Peconic!' filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 4181 on October 14, 1964, and "Map of Peconic Homes, Section Two, at Peconic", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 5001 on November 28, 1967, copies of which are attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof showing the courses of the said proposed highways and the 100 foot turnaround area at the northwesterly extremity of Henry's Lane, all as described on Schedule A, attached hereto. Henry J. Smith and Stella M. Smith, his wife, do hereby consent to the laying out of said proposed highways and turnaround area. Henry ~mith Stella M. Smith State of New York : · SS o County of SUffolk : On the 26th of July, 1971, before me personally came Henry J. Smith and Stella M. Smith, his wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same. Notary Public -2- CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD TO PROPOSED TOWN HIGHWAYS X In the Matter of the Laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. X UPON READING AND FILING the application of Henry J. Smith and Stella M. Smith, his wife, dated and acknowledged July 26, 1971, and the dedication and release of Henry J. Smith and Stel~a M. Smith, his wife, dated July 26, 1971, and duly acknowledged, ded- icating and releasing the necessary lands for proposed town high- ways and turnaround area, to extend northwesterly from Middle Road a county highway, to a point shown on map of Peconic Homes at Peconic, filed in Suffolk County Clerk's office as Map No. 4181 on October 14, 1964 and Map of Peconic Homes, Section Two at Peconic, filed in Suffolk County Clerk's office as Map No. 5001 on Nov- ember 28, 1967, copies of which are attached hereto, all as des- cribed on Schedule A attached hereto. RESOLVED that, in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of ~he State of New York, consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superimtendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order laying out the aforesaid town highways, the turnaround area, the said town highways to consist of the lands described in the said dedication and release and to extend as delineated upon the maps thereto annexed, and the said turnaround area to consist of the lands described in the dedication and release, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to forthwith c~use such release to be recorded in the Office of and, upon its return, to the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, attach it hereto. Dated: J..1,~ ~]~, 1971 TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, _NEW YORK ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAYS ON RELEASE FROM OWNERS In the Matter of the X Laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. X Application having been duly made for the laying out of town highways and a 100 foot turnaround area in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to extend northwesterly from Middle Road, a county highway, through lands of Henry J. Smith and Stella M. Smith, his wife, and a dedication and release from the owners of the lands through which the highways and turnaround area are proposed to be opened, having beenygiven; NOW THEREFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York, do hereby determine and order that town highways shall be, and the same are hereby laid out in said Town as follows: ALL those certain roads known as Henry's Lane and Sound View Avenue, including the 100 foot turnaround area at the northwesterl extremity of Henry's Lane, located at Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, as shown on certain maps entitled, "Mao of Peconic Homes at Peconic", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office as Map No. 4181 on October 14, 1964 and "Map 9f Peconi¢ Homes, Section Two, at Peconic", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office as Map No. 5001 on November 28, 1967, all as described on Schedule A attached hereto. The above described highways being 50 feet in width at all ~oints, in compliance with the highway specifications of the ~own of Southold. / f / so h6 a -uperantendent of ~{ighways July 8 1970 The assessment~on road known as "Henry's Lane" &$ shown on map entitled "Map of Peconic Homes" filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 14, 1964 as Map Nc 4]~]0 ~nd ro~ds known as "Henry's Lane" and'~ound View AVe~ue" as shown ~. map untxti*d "Map of Peconic Homes, Sec. 2", filed ,n the office of the Clerk of the County of $~ffolk ~n November 28, 1967 as Map No. 5001, meet the requirements which are necessary for the Town Highway specifications. Very truly yours. wendell B.q4bor Chairman Board of Dssessors copy to R.Dean In the Matter of the Laying out Suffolk and Sta~e of New York. DEDICATION AND RELEASE OF LANDS FOR TOWN HIGHWAY Southold Town Clerk :} ~ Main Road :', 5, Southold, New York 119~ Peconic Homes, Map No. 4181 Peconic Homes, Section Two Map No. 5001 Peconic, New York In the Matter of the Laying out of certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York Application, Dedication and Release, Consent of Town Board and Order of Highway Superintendent LEFFERTS PAINE EDSON ATTORNEY AT LAW SOUTHOLD, N. Y. The Tuttle Law Print, Publishera, RutLand, Vt. r PECONIC HOMES ~ ~q-/ON -EWE) PEOONIC ""r' OWIV Ob- .~'ou-r"H OL. Z) ~.~ U FFD L K ~ PO uno V I ~I'V "L -- --z .Po' Po, P l~- F AVENUI~ MIAMI / 18o. o / % - SEWAGff DISPOSAL. Lo'rs 9-1z, Z4-Z? (z Poohs) KEY MAP MAP OF PE CONIC HOMES SITUATE AT PECONIC Town OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK CO., NEW YORK BY 2.0.66 ACRES .5OUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING 80A~D NO. J NO. 2 t - :°I '-'9 ~ ,-----'>~>~" - TYPIGAL lOT LAYOUT - TYPICAL WELL, '-