HomeMy WebLinkAboutHEDGE STREETSOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'E OFFICE ~eptenber lo, 19~0 l~lVerhead New Yox, k Attention ~of ~r, ~dward Eel!y Dear At its meeting of ~gtembe~ 9, 1940, the 8outhold- ~en BOard 'ad~pted un~hnou~ly the foll~w- lug Re~olution, to elear up the met~er of ~edge ~treet, on lV~eher~s I~land, ~own of ~outhoid, New York. Whereas, Hedge Street, bounded and de~eribed-as follows: a~=~ea.olag a~ rare e~one ~eet on the Ne~th- ~~/~ easterly aid. ~f ~oateak,~venu,, the-line ten~ ~n an ~$te~lF. ~r~$ion qn4-~,,~_- along ~e~, t~i~ ~ ~e ~ ii~ ex- ~n~ l~ a ~*h~a~,l~ ~i~otion elo~ the sor~erAy sl~ or~ ~. property of ~lee w. Here. a dia~ee of ~i~l~t a~d 6/100 'ina ~e~lon a~e~ ~e lo~"et~l~ lira or t~ .Propez$y of Al~ed ~..Nedge. a diet alee of one · In ~e~ ~, m~ ~ the le~t 154 35, ~the li~ ~ In a. ~ly dir~on a~ ~ ~a~ly li~ Of ~ ~o~t~e8 of ~h Voorheee, ~a a ~a~ of ~ he.red, fo~ amd to ~,~le~t ~4~ 43~. t~ !i~ ~a lne ~e~rly di~ot~on i~ng $~ ~OU~rly 1~ of ~ p~o~r~a of ~y A. Rathb~ and ~ar.y S. M~p~ a dll~ of oM h~red, ~i~y-aine a~ 9/100 (13{,9) f~$ ~ 't~ property off ~e~y ~. Ma~ll (~ly h Noffart property) to a ~e~ ~s ~e~,~d~d worked ~s a Publio hi~- _ ~y ro~ m~ '~an ;~a-~ (~o~ y~ra: and ~ed by the p~blie ~ a.'h~y fo~ ~e period ~ yea~ or mo~, a~all ~ a high~y, with the a~e foree a~ effect as ~ it had be~ 8~y ~i8 oat ~d ~- ~ow, ~e~fo~, ~ It ~eael~ed: ~at t~e ~ld ~ Street be an8 he.by la .~6 a Pallia ~l~y, p~e~nt to tlon 1~ of the ~y ~w. · C[OUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S RU$S£LL L. DAVI~ON, CLERK ~OUTHOLD, N. Y. ~o~, ~here£ore, Be It ~'~eeol~ed: ~'nat tho sai~ Bed~e .~$~-eet, be eJ~ hereby ia n~ted a pttblio hlEJa¥.~'ay~ p~rstu~t to ~eotion 189 or' the l!i~e.y Law. off ~e~temt~r, 1940. Clerk STA~ OF NE~ ~0~ ) TO~N OF S0UTHOLD ) ss. OOUNT¥ OF SUF~L~ ) We, the undersigned, v.~ers and/or tenants of real pro- perry on Fishers Island, Town of Southo~d, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and residents thereon for more than twenty-(20) years, do hereby certify that .Hedge Street. (so-called) on said Island, which is bou~ed and described hereinafter, has been in constant and consecutive use aS a public thoroughfare by ourselves amd others for more than twenty (20) years ann, therefore, in ac- cordance with Section ~of the Highway Law of the State of New York, becomes a public highway BY USE, viz: COMMENCING At a mere stone set on the Northeasterly side of Nontauk Avenue, the line extends in an Easterly direction and runs along the Northerly side of property of Thomas C. Pollock a.distance of one hundred, thirty-eight and 00/100 (158.00) feet to an angle, thence, turning to the left 166° 55, the line extends in a Northeasterly direction along the Northerly side of the property of Charles W. Hedge a distance of eighty-eight and 6/10 (88.6) feet to an angle; thence, turn~n~ to the left 50° 58' the line runs in a Northeasterly direction along the Northwesterly line of the property of Alfred O. Hedge a distance of one hundred, sixty-eight and $/10 (1~8.7) feet to an angle; thence, turning to the left 154" 55' the line runs in a Northerly direction along the ~sterly line of the properties of Sarah Voorhees, Warren L. Maynard, Grace C. Spiers and Louise M. Henderson a distance of two hundred, forty ann 00/100 (240.00) feet to an angle; thence, turning to the left 147· 45"the line runs in a Northwesterly direction along the Southwesterly line of the properties of Mary A. Rathbun and Mary S. Murphy a distance of one hundred, thirty-nine and 9/10 (159.9) feet to the property of Henry L. Maxwell ~formerly the Hoffart property) to a dead end. The width of above described Hedge Street is thirty-three (55) feet and as laid out on map of said Street drawn by F. E. Nine, C. E., in 1915, accom- panying this certificatee 1940.