HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAYWATERS DRIVET0~N OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason, : for the laying out of new highways in : East Cutchogue, in the Town of Sou~hold, : County of. Suffolk and ~State of New York, : APPLICATION to be known as i~AYWA~ERS DRIVE, BROADV£~TERS : DRIVE, OAK DRIVE, MASON DRIVE and HICt[0RY : DRIVE : : To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the. Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and State of New York: The undersigned petitioners, William H. Mason and Harry E. Eason, residing at New Suffolk, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of South- old, hereby apply to the Town Superintendent of Highways to lay out new highways at East Cutchogue, in the Tove~ of Scuthold, County of Suffolk and State o~ New York, to be known as Haywaters Drive, Broadwaters Drive, Oak Drive, Mason Drive and Hickory Drive and ore fully described aS follows: HAY~ATERS DRIVE: The westerly line of the proposed road to be known as Haywaters Drive is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Bay Avenue N. 69° 23' 50" E.-150.0 feet easterly along said line from the westerly terminus of said line, and running at right ~ngles to said line, S. 20° 36' 10" E.-150.0 feet; thence ~. 5° 53' 50" W. -419,03 feet; thence S. 12o 08' 10" E. -130.0 feet to the northerly llne of a proposed road to be known as Mason Drive hereinafter described; the east- erly line of said Haywaters Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet easterly from the westerly line herein described. BROADWATERS DRIVE: The westerly line of the proposed road to be known aS Broadwaters Drive is described aS follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Bay Avenue N. 79° 12' 10" E. -242.68 feet easterly along said line from the westerly terminus of said llne, and running S. 12° 08' 10" E. -1000 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of The Narrows; the easterly line of said Broadwaters Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet easterly from the westerly line herein described. QAKDRIVE: The northerly line of the proposed road to be known as Oak Drive is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of a proposed road to be known as Haywaters Drive hereinabove described, 109.43 feet southerly along the seQond course of said line from the northerly terminus of said second course; and running at right angles to said second course, S. 84° 06' 10" E. -89.62 feet; thence N. 69° 23' 50" E. -303.31 feet; thence N. 79° 12' 10" E. -225.06 feet to a point on the westerly line of a proposed road to be known aS Broadwaters Drive hereinabove described, 300.0 feet southerly along said westerly line from the point of beginning of said Broad- waters Drive; thence across said Broadwaters Drive, N. 79° 12' 10" E. -50.01 feet to the easterly line of said Broadwaters Drive; thence N. 79° 12' 10" E. -450.12 feet to the westerly line and northerly tennlnus of a proposed road to be known as Hickory Drive hereinafter described; the southerly line of said Oak Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet southerly from the northerly line herein des- cribed. MASON DRIVE: The westerly and northerly line of the pro- posed road to be known aS Nason Drive is described aS follows: Beginning at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Haywaters Cove at the southeasterly corner of land of Howell Estate, being the southwesterly corner of land of William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason; and running along said land of Howell Estate and partly along said land of William H. Mason end Harry E. Mason, N. 1° 20' E. -410 feet, more or less, to a point which is S. 62° 24' 30" W. -231.12 feet f~om the westerly line and southerly terminus of a proposed read to be known as Haywaters Drive hereinabove described; thence N. 62° 24' 30" E. -231.12 feet to said westerly line of Haywaters Drive; thence across said south- erly terminus of Haywaters Drive, N. 72° 24' 30, E. -50.23 feet to the easterly line of said Haywaters Drive; thenae N. 72° 24' 30" E. -710.47 feet to the westerly line of a proposed road to be known as Broadwaters Drive hereinabove described; thence across said Broadwaters Drive, N. 72° 24' 30" E. -50.23 feet to the easterly line of said Broad- ~aters~Drive; thence N. 72° 24' 30" E. -452.04 feet to the westerly line and ~utherly terminus of a proposed road to be known as Hickory Drive hereinafter described; thence across said southerly terminus of Hickory Drive, N. 77° 51' 50" E. -50.0 feet to the easterly line of said Hickory Drive; thence N. 77° 51' 50" E. -320 feet, more or less, to ordinary high watermark of~Broadwaters Cove; the easterly and southerly line of said Mason Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet southerly from the westerly and northerly line hereinabove described. HICKORY DRIVE: The westerly line of the proposed road to be known aS Hickory Drive is described aS follows: Begin- ning at the easterly terminus of the northerly llne of a proposed road to be known aS Oak Drive here~n=bove described, and running across the easterly terminus of said Oak Drive, S. 12° 08' 10" E. -50.01 feet to the southerly line of said Oak Drives thence S. 12° 08' 10" E. -250.0 feet to the northerly line of a proposed road to be known as Mason Drive hereinabove described; the easterly line o f said Hickory Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet easterly from the west- erly line herein described. A map of said proposed highways has been made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Licensed Surveyor, Greenport, ~i. Y. entitled, "Map of~Pro- posed Highways Through Land of William ~. ~ason and Harry E. Maso~ at East Cutohogue, Town of Southold, N. Y.", surveyed Febr~ry 3rd, L950. Annexed hereto and made a part of this application are re- Leases and dedications to the Town of Southold by the petitioners ~nd by Harold T. Richmond, Albert W. Richmond and Earle D. Richmon herein, William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason/over and adjoining whose properties said highways are to run. STATE GF NEW YORK: .. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: William H. Mason Har~E. Mason WILLIAM H. MASON and HARRY E. MASON being duly sworn, depose and say that they are the petitioners herein; that they have read the foregoing petition and know the contents thereof, and that the same is true to their own knowledge, except as to the matters there in stated to be alleged upon information and belief and as to Sworn to before me this those matters they believe it to be true. William H. Uason WILLIAM WICKHAM NOTARY PUBLIC, ~I'ATE OF NE~ YORK Residing ~n ~ffelk Ceunt¥ Clerk's Nc, 2252 C~s~ exm,"~ M~ 30, 1951 TOWN OF SGJTHOLD, STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application : of William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason, : for the laying out of new highwayS in : East Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, : County of Suffolk and State of New York, : to be known as HAYWATERS DRIVE, BROADWATERS : DRIVE, OAK DRIVE, MASON DRIVE and HICKORY : DRIVE. : : We, WILLIAM H. MASON and HARRY E. MASON, being the owners of certain lands in East Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, over which lands certain propose highways, known as Haywaters Drive, Broadwaters Drive, Oak Drive, Mason Drive and Hickory Drive and described in the application in the above entitled m~tter, dated Marsh 1Sth , 1950, will pass, Now, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar to us in hand paid by Harold D. Price, Superintendent of the Highways of said Southold Town, and in further cons~eration of the laying out of the new highwayS, known aS Haywaters Drive, Broadwaters Drive, Oak Drive, Mason Drive and Hickory Drive, do hereby release and dedi- cate to the Town of Southold, all the land heretofore owned by us and through which said proposed highway will pass, and described as follows: HAYWATERS DRIVE: The westerly line of the proposed road to be known aS Haywaters Drive is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Bay Avenue N. 69o 23' 50" E. -150.0 feet easterly along said line from the westerly terminus of said line, and running at right angles to said line, S. 20° 36' 10" E. -150.0 feet; thence S. 5° 53' 50" W. -419.03 feet; thence S. 12o 08' 10" E. -130.0 feet to the northerly line of a proposed road to be known as Mason Drive hereinafter described; the easterly line of said Haywaters Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet easterly from the westerly line herein described. BROADWATERS DRIVE: The westerly line of the proposed road to be known as Broadwaters Drive is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Bay Avenue N. 79o 12' 10" E. -242.68 feet easterly along said line from the westerly terminus of said line, and running S. 12° 08' 10" E. -1000 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark Of the Narrows; the easterly line of said Broadwaters Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet easterly from the westerly line herein described. OAK DR~VE: The northerly line of the proposed road to be known as Oak Drive is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of a proposed road to be known as Haywaters Drive hereinabove described, 109.43 feet southerly along the second course of said line from the northerly terminus of said second course; and running at right angles to said second course, S. 84° 06' 10" E. -89.62 feet; thence N. 69° 23' 50" E. -303.31 feet; thence N. 79° 12' 10" E. -225.06 feet to a point on the westerly line of a proposed road to be known as Broadwaters Drive hereinabove described, 300.0 feet southerly along said westerly line from the point of beginning of said Broadwaters Drive; thence across said Broadwaters Drive, N. 79° 12, 10" E. -50.01 feet to the easterly line of said Broadwaters Drive; thence N. 790 12' 10" E. -450.12 feet to the westerly line and northerly terminus of a proposed road to be known as Hickory Drive hereinafter described; the southerly line of said Oak Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet southerly from the northerly .llne he~'ein described. MASON DRIVE: The westerly and northerly line of the pro- posed road to be known as Mason Drive is described aS follows: Beginning at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Haywaters Cove at the southeasterly corner of land of Howell Estate, being the southwesterly corner of land of Willfam H. Nason and Harry E. Mason; and running along said land of Howell Estate and partly along said land of William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason, N. 1° 20' E. -410 feet, more or less, to a point which is S. 62o 24' 30" W. -231.12 feet from the westerly line and s~utherly terminus of a proposed road to be known as Haywaters Drive hereinabove described; thence N. 62° 24' 30" E. -231.12 feet to said westerly line of Haywaters Drive; ~hence aaross said southerly terminus of Haywaters Drive, N. 72° 24' 30" E. -50.23 feet to the easterly line of said Haywaters Drive; thence N. 72° 24' 30" E. -710.47 feet to the westerly line of a proposed road to be known as Broadwaters Drive hereinabove described; thence across said Broadwaters Drive, N. 72° 24' 30" Eo -50.23 feet to the easterly line of said Broadwaters Drive; thence N. 72° 24' 30" E. -452.04 feet to the westerly line and southerly terminus of a proposed road to be known aS Hickory Drive hereinafter described; thence across said southerly terminus of Hickory Drive, N. 77o 51' 50" E. -50.0 feet to the easterly line of said Hickory Drive; thence N. 77° 51' 50" E. -320 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Broadwaters Cove; the easter- ly and southerly line of said Mason Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet southerly from the westerly and northerly line hereinabove described. HICKORY DRIVE: The westerly line of the proposed road to be known as Hickory Drive is described as follows: Begin- ning at the easterly terminus of the northerly line of a proposed road to be known as Oak Drive hereinabove des- cribed, and running across the easterly terminus of said Oak Drive, S. 12o 08' 10" E. -50.01 feet to the southerly line of said Oak Drive; thence S. 12o 08' 10" E. -250.0 feet to the northerly line of a proposed road to be known as Mason Drive herelnabove described; the easterly line of said Hickory Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet easterly from the westerly line herein described. An~ we do release the said Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the laying out of said highways. William H. Mason STATE OF NEW YORK: : couNT~- OF SUFFOLK: On this 13th day of 'Mareh.- , 1950 before me, the sub- scriber, personally appeared WILLIA~ H. ~SON and HARP~ E. MASON, to me personally known and known to me to be the same persons des- cribed in and who executed the within Instrument, and they sever- ally acknowledged to me that they exe. euted the same.. WILLIAM WICKHAM #~TARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORt( ~e~dl.~ li~ ~eliolk County Cterk'~ No, 2252 t. mm,ll~. ~xo,~. U~ ~0, 1951 STATE OF NEW YORIQ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the ~tter of the laying out of certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. ORDER LAYING OUT HIGH- WAYS WITH THE C0k~ENT OF THE TOWN BOARD. Written application having been duly made to me the Town i Superintendent of l~lighways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk Count i New York, for the laying out of two Town Highways in the said i Town of Southold, by William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written co~ sent of the To~n Board of said Town having been given aS prescribe~ by law, and a dedication and release from damages having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by the owners of and other persons in the lands through which the five proposed highways are proposed to be laid out, a copy of v~nich is hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damagest NOW, qHEREFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, DO HEREBY DETERMINE ANI ORDER that the Town highways shall be and the same are hereby laid out to the extent of fifty (50) feet in width at Peconic, near Nassau Point in said Town and shall be known and described as follows: HAYWATERS DRIVE: The westerly line of the proposed road to be known aS Haywaters Drive is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Bay Avenue N. 69° 23' 50" E. -150.0 feet easterly along said line from the westerly terminus of said line, and running at right angles to said line, S. 20° 36' 10" E. -150.0 fee~; thence S. 5° 53' 50" W. -419.03 feet; thence S. 12o 08' 10" E. -130.0 feet to the northerly llne of a proposed road to be known aS M~son Drive hereinafter described; the easterly line of said Haywaters Drive is parallel ko and 50°0 feet easterly from the westerly line herein des- cribed. BROADWATERS DRIVE: The westerly line of the proposed road to be known as Broadwaters Drive is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of of Bay Avenue N. 79° 12' 10" E. -242.68 feet easterly along said line from the westerly terminus of said line, and running S. 12° 08' 10" E. -1000 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of The Narrows; the easterly line of said Broadwaters Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet easterly from the westerly line herein described. OAK DRIVE.: The northerly line of the proposed road to be known as Oak Drive is described as follows: Begin- ning at a point on the easterly line of a proposed road to be known as Haywaters Drive hereinabove described, 109.43 feet southerly along the second course of said line from the northerly terminus of said second course; and running at right 'angles to said second course, S. 84° 06' 10" E. -89.62 feet; thence N. 69° 23' 50" E. -~303.31 feet; thence N. 79° 12, 10" E. -225.06 feet to a point on the westerly line of a proposed road to be known as Broadwaters Drive hereinabove described, 300.0 feet southerly along said westerly line from the point of beginning of said Broadwaters Drive; thence across said Broadwaters Drive, N. 79° 12' 10" E. -50.01 feet ~ the easterly line of said Broadwaters Drive; thence N. 79° 12' 10" E. -450.12 feet to the westerly line and north- erly terminus of a proposed road to be known as Hickory Drive hereinafter described; the southerly line of said Oak Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet southerly from the northerly line herein described. ~SON DRIVE: The westerly and northerly line of th~ pro- posed road to be known as ~son Drive is described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Haywaters Cove at the southeasterly corner of land of Howell Estate, being the southwesterly corner of land of William ti. ~son and Harry E. Mason; and running along said land of Howell Estate and partly along said land of William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason, N. 1° 20' E. -410 feet, more or less, to a point which is S. 62o 24' 30" I~. -231.12 feet from the westerly line and southerly terminus of a proposed road to be kn~vn as Haywaters Drive hereinabove described; thence N. 62° 2~' 30" E. -231.12 feet to said westerly line of Haywaters Drive; thence across said southerly terminus of Haywaters Drive, N. 72° 24' 30" E. -50.23 feet to the easterly line of said Hay- waters Drive; thence N. 72° 24' 30" E. -710.47 feet to the westerly line of a proposed road to be known as Broad- waters Drive hereinabove described; thence across said Broadwaters Drive, N. 72° 24' 30" E. -50.23 feet to the easterly line of said Broadwaters Drive; thence N. 72° 24' 30" E. -452.04 feet to the westerly line and southerly terminus of a proposed road to be known as ~iickory Drive hereinafter described; thence across said southerly terminus of Iiickory Drive, N. 77° 51' 50" E. -50.0 feet to the east- erly line of said Hickory Drive; thence N. 77° 51' 50" E. -320 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Broadwaters Cove; the easterly and southerly line of said Mason Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet southerly from the westerly and northerly line hereinabove described. HICKORY DRIVE: The westerly line of the proposed road to be known as ~iickory Drive is described aS follows: Begin- ning at the easterly terminus of the northerly line of a proposed road to be known as Oak Drive hereinabove described, and running across the easterly terminus of said Oak Drive, S. 12° 08' 10" E. -50.01 feet to the southerly line of said Oak Drive; thence S. 12° 08' 10" E. -250.0 feet to the northerly line of a proposed road to be known as ~ason Drive hereinabove described; the easter- ly line of said Hiokory Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet easterly from the westerly line herein described. Dated, the 23rd .day of May . ., 1950. Town Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF hU~W YORK In the Matter of the Application : of William H. l~ason and Harry E. Mason, : for the laying out of new highways in : East Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, : RELEASE County of Suffolk and State of New York, : to be known aS t~2~YWATERS DRIVE, BROAD¥!ATERS : DRIVE, OAK DRIVE, I~.~SON DRIVE and ~.ICKORY : DRIVE : : We, Harold T. Richmond, Albert W. Richmond and Earle D. Rich- mond, being the owners of certain lands in East Cutchog~e, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, adjoin- lng whose land said proposed highway kno~n aS M~son Drive and des- cribed in the application of the above entitled matter dated ~areh 13, , 1950, will pass, Now, in consideration of One ($1) Dollar to us in hand paid by Harold D. Price, Superintendent of the Highways of said Southold Town, and in further consideration of the laying out of the new highway, mown aS ~son Drive, do hereby release and dedicate to the Town of Southold, all the land heretofore o~med by us and ;hrough which said proposed highway will paSs, and described as Follows: I~SON DRIVE: The westerly and northerly line of the pro- posed road to be knovm as Mason Drive is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the ordinary high water mark of Haywaters Cove at the southeasterly corner of land of Howell Estate, being the southwesterly corner of land of William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason; and running along said land of Howell Estate and partly along said land of William H. Mason and Harry E. ~son, N. 1° 20' E. -410 feet, more or less, to a point v~ich is S. 62° 2~' 30" W. -231.12 feet from the westerly line and southerly terminus of a proposed road to be known as Haywnters Drive; thence N. ~2o 24' 30" E. -231.12 feet to said westerly line of Haywaters Drive; thence across said soutl~rly terminus of Haywaters Drive, N. 92° 24' 30" E. -50.23 feet to the easterly line of said Haywaters Drive; thence N. 72° 24' 30" E. -710.47 feet to the westerly line of a pro- posed road to be known as Broadwaters Drive; thence across said Broadwaters Drive, N. 72o 24' 30" E. -50.23 feet to the easterly line of said Broadwaters Drive; thence N. 72o 2~' 30" E. -452.04 feet to the westerly line and southerly terminus of a proposed road to be known aS Hickory Drive; thence across said southerly terminus of Hickory Drive, N. 77° 51' 50" E. -50.0 feet to the easterly line of said Hickory Drive; thence N. 77© 51' 50" E. -230~feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Broadwaters Cove; the easterly and southerly line of said ~iason Drive is parallel to and 50.0 feet southerly from the westerly and northerly line. And we do release the said Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the laying out of said highway. Harold T~. Richmond Alb er~ Richmond STATE OF NEW YORK: : SS. 30UNTY OF SUFFOLK: On this // day of /~'C~ , 1950, before me, the sub- scriber, personally appeared HAROLD T. RICI~IOND and ALBERT W. RICH- ,~iOND, to me personally kno~ and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within Instrument and they sever- ally acknowledged to me that they STATE OF NEW JER~EY. SOUNTY OF BERGE~ SS. On this 16th. day of execut~.~ the same. NOT~U~'Y PUB/lC in 11'I£STATE of NEW Y~ ~l~ng tn Suffolk County ~folk Co~ty Clerk's ]No. lilt March , ~950, before me, ~he sub- scriber, personally appeared EARLE D. RICH~,IOND, to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument and he duly acknowledged to me that ~e executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC OF I~, MY COM~J~ON EX~i~ES WIC,KHAM ,e,, SMITH MATTtTUCK. I'ONG IS!~AND June 1£, 1950 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: : SS. STATE OF NEW YORK: WE DO HEREBY. CERTIFY to the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, that based upon an examination of the records in the offices of the Clerk, Treasurer, and Surrogate of the County of Suffolk, in our opinion a good and marketable title to the premises dedicated to the Town of Southold for use as public highways to be known as Haywaters Drive, Broad- waters Drive, Oak Drive, Mason Drive, and Hickory Drive, at East Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more fully described in the dedication by William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason, dated March 13, 1950, was vested in William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and that the only adjoining owners were Harold T. Richmond, Albert W. Richmond, and Earle D. Richmond. STATE OF NEW JERSEY ~ COUNTY OF BERGEN /ss. I, ALEXANDER ALLAN, Clerk of th~ County of Bergen (and also Clerk of the County Court of Bergen County, the same being a Court of Record of the aforesaid County, having by law a seal) Do ItEREBy CERTIFY, That -- Edwa~,d S Bx, ow~ ~ldheaVk~to%Z~ts* and other ,nst~ments in w.t~g ~d~/~;~fd conveyance of ~nd, tenemen~ ~h a.y o~ Ma~eh TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF NEW YORK In the ~tter of the Application of William H. Iv~son and Harry E. Mason, : for the laying out of new highways in : East Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, : County of Suffolk and State of New York, : to be knov~n as HAYWAT~S DRIVE, BROAD~fATERS : DRIVE, OAK DRIVE, MASON DRIVE and HICKORY DRIVE. : : CONSENT We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, having duly met at a regular meeting of said Town Board, at the office of the Supervisor at Greenport in said Town, on the 23rd day of Ma~, 1950, and having duly considered the application of WILLIA~ H. ~J~SON and HARRY E. MASON, dated the day of February, 1950 for the laying out of new highways at East Cut chogue, in said Town, to be known aS Haywaters Drive, Broadwaters Drive, Oak Drive, Mason, Drive and Hickory Drive, do hereby consent that such laying out be made in accordance with said petition. M Supervisor ~Town Cl~rI~ ~ ' j~Z.~~~~-~J~/J'Ju~stices of the ce · '~ Superintendent of Highways TO¥~ 0F $0U~0LD, STATE OF NA~'/; YOPd£ in the D[atter o f the Application of William H. Mason and ilarry E. i.~ason, for the laying out of new high- ways in East Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known as J.J~Y- WATERS ~HiVE, BROAD~TERS DP~VE, OAK DRIVE, im,[ASON D~' and HICKORY DRi~fE. RELEASE Wickham & Smith Counselors at Law ~attituck, New York TO~N OF SOUTHOLD, STA~,'.' OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of William H. ~,~son and Harry E. ~son, for the laying out of new high- ~ays in East Cutchogue, in the Tov~ of 5outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New fork, to be kno¥~ aS Hay- .raters Drive, Broadwaters )rive, and Hickory Drive. C O!,~bENT Wickham & Smith Counselors at Law Mattituck, New York TO~N OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF l~m~[ YORK In the l~atter of the Application of ~illiam H. IYL~son and Harry E. ~son, for the laying out of new high- Ways in East Cutchogue, in the To~. of Southold, County of SuE'folk and State of i~ew York, to be k~_o~m as Hay- waters Drive, Broadwaters Drive, Oak Drive, l¥iason Drive and Hickory Drive. APPLICATt0N~JDRELEASE Wickham & Smith Counselors at La~v L~attituck, New York I ,~wCOU~[,.i~2 0F SUFFOLK, In the ~..~tter of the laying out of certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Ycrk. 0 R D ~J R ~lckham & Smith Counselors at Law Latt~tuck, New York 0 ,~V'.I CL I AM A