HomeMy WebLinkAboutHARBOR LANE TO TBE TOWN SUPERIWTE~OEWT 0F BIG~A~ 0~ ~ TOW~ OF ~OlYl~O~, TN TH? COU~TY OF S~IrFOL~ A~D STATE OF ~F,W ~OR~: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway ta~es in the Town of Soutbold, hereby apply to you to lay out new highways at Cutchogue, Town of 8outhol~, Suffolk Count~_~ew York-, to he known as NARBOR LANE~ PIERCE DRIVE and OAW STREET, as HARBOR LA~: 50' wide. THE EAST~L¥ LI~E begins at a point on the southeasterly llne of the Main Road ~?0.35 feet southwesterly from t~e inter- section of the southwesterly line of Eugene's Road with said southeasterly line o~ ~a~n Road~ said point being the ~orth- westerly corner of the Cemetery; running thence along the westerly line of said Cemetery, S. 42°19'10~ E.-~1.$1 feet to land of Linneaus Allen; the~oe alon~ said land cf Linneaus Allen, two courses, as follows:- First: S, $3°4~'E--5~.14 feet, thence Second: S-25°15' E.-1101.55 feet to other land of Jacob F. Rowers; thence alon~ said land oe Jacob F. Bowers, three courses, as follows: First: S. 39°56~20~ ~.-16~.84 feet: thence Second: S. ?°58~50" E.-74~o74 feet,.tbence · hird: .-4eO feet, o /less, to f gene's PIERCE DRIVE: §0' wide. The Northerly line begins at a point on the easterly line of ~arbor Lane (hereinabove described) S. 38°5~'20# E.-124°29 feet from the initial point oe the fourth course of said ~arbor Lane; running thence N. 73°21'10# E.-525 feet, ~ore or less, to ~ugene's Creek- ; OAK STREFT: 50' wide. The WESTERLY LI~ begins at a point on the southerly line of Pierce Drive (bereinabove desoribed~ at a point 252.9 feet easterly from the intersection of said southerly line with the westerly line of Harbor Lane (hereinabove described)~ runnin~ thence S. ?°~$t50~ E.-$08030 feet; thence S. 4~°05'30 feet to a point on sai~ easterly li~e of HarbOr Lane, S. 46°51'30~ Eo-191~0 feet from the initial point of the last. course o~ said ~arbor Lane, wbiob proposed laying out will pass thro~gh the lands Jacob F. Bowers an~ ~wife, onlyo Dated this / / day of4T-e~m~, 19~9. of 'Ol"12] Fid A~IVION NOTARY FU~I I(3, :5~ffoik Go'~nt¥, i-Ce,~ York, WE, the urzlers~gned, a majority of the ?o~n ~o~r~ oc the Town of Southold, huvin~ met at the office o~ the Superv~sor~ at Oreenport, ~n ~a~ Town on tbe~ ~ay of ~ cons~dere~ the appl$cat~on ~ Jaco~ F. Bowers ]owers~ h~s w~fe, for the laying out of new h~.gbways at g~cho~ue, Town of Southold~ 8~olk'County, ~ew Y~ to be ~own as ~BOR ~; PriCE ~E 'a~ ~ ~EET, do bere~y consent that such laying out be made ~ accordance '~ith the prayer of the witb~ petition- / /~ ~Peaee SuperPlnt~ndent of Highways. WE, JACOB F. BOWERS and~ ROWERS, his wife, of the Town of ,qmi'thtown, Suffolk (~ounty, Wew Tork~ 2n eonsifleratlon of the s~ of One Dollar, to us 2n hand pai~ by Oeor~ B~ Fleet~ Town ~uperin~endent of H~Fhways ~ the Town ~ ~out~old~ further consideration of the layin~ ou~ new hiFhways ~t O~cho~ue, ~o~ o~ Southol~ Suffolk ~ounty~ Wew York~ to be known u~ LA~; PIERC~ DRIVE a~ O~ ~TR~ET~ as follows~- ~A~OR LANE: 50' wi~e. ~ FASTERLY L~WE begins at a point on the southeasterly line of the Main Road 370,35 Feet southwesterly From the inter~ section of the soutb~cstcrly line oC Eu~ene*~ Road with ~aid southeasterly line of Ma~ Roa~, said point be~n~ the North- westerly corner of the Ce~tery; running,thence alon~ t~e westerly line of sa~d Cemetery, S. 42 ~9 10 ~.-2~.81 Feet to land of Linneaus Alle~; thence alon~ said la~ of L]nneaus Allen~ two couPse9~ as 33 First: S. o o, E.-5~3.14 feet, thence Second: S. 25u15' E.-llOl.~5 feet to otMer lanfl ~ Jacob F. Rowers; thence alon~ said ]an~] .of Jacob F. Bowers~ t]~ee courses, as follows: First: S. ~8°5~0" E.-I~O.M4 ~eet~ thence Second~ 9. y°5~'50" E.-~49.~4 Ceet~ t~ence Thira: S. 4~°~1~90" ~.-4~0 ~eet, more or les~ to ~u~ene~s ~reek. PIERCE DRIVF: BO' fide. The Northerly line begins at a point on the easterly line of ~arbor Lane (hereinabove described% S. ~8°.5~t~0~ feet from t~e initial point of the ~ou~h course o~ said Lane; runnin~ thence N- ~9°91.10~ E.-~9~ feet~ more or les~ to Eugene*s Creek. OAK STREET: 50' wide. The WESTERLY LIN~ ~e~ns at a point on %he southerl~ l~ne of P~erce D~i~e f~e~einaSove 4ese~i~ed~ at a point ~5~.9 Fee% eas%e~lw f~om the ~n%e~e~t~on of sa~d ~outbemlw l~ne w$%h westerl~ li~e of Bar, or Lane (hereina~ove described): rUn~in~ thence ~. Y°S8~90" ~.-808.~0 feet; thence S. 4~ 0~20" W. Peet to a point on said easterlW line o~ BarSor L~ne~ ~. 4B°52'~0" F.-191.O ~cet ~rom t~e initial point of tDe last course of said ~arbor Lane, ~hi~h proposed laying out passes t~rou~h the land of ~a~Ob ~owers and~ Rowers, his wife~ only~ do heresy ~edi~ate an~ release to the Town of Sout~ol~ all lanai heretofore owne8 by us and included within t%e premises a~o~e des~ribed~ and (]o hereby release said Town From all d,qma~es by reason of the STATE OF N1~A¥ YORK~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. On tb~s // ~ day o~19~9~ bef'ore me personally came JACOB F. BOWFRS alxl~--~~'~ i~01~F~S, bis wife, o~ ~be Tow~ of Smitbtown, Suffolk County, New York~ ~Psonally ~own to me and {~o~ to me to be the same persons ~escribed in a~ who execut~t the fore~oin~ ~stru~ntv and %hey severally ac~owled~ed, to ~ that %be~ executec~ the same° Notary Pu]01ic, ~u~.~. Co. OF ?p,. the ~atter o? t~e A!;plic;~tion JACOB F. BOgEBS and BO¥,'FR?, his wlCe~ for tI':e layin~ out of new ?-iff~ways at Cutcbo~ue, To~m oF Suffolk goumt~, New York, to l~e known as H~Oll ~WEt PIERCE amd OAT'T ~TR.FET. APPLICATION, CONSENT OF TOW? DOARD,