HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAMILTON AVENUE, MATTITUCK To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the county of Suffolk and State of New york: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said Town of Southold, hereby applies to you to lay out a highway at Mattituok, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, ~hioh is to be a contintu~tion of Hamilton Avenue, East of Wickna~ Avenue, continuing Northerly and approximately parallel to Wickbam Avenue, the Northerly continuation to be known as Freeman Street and thence Westerly to Wickham Avenue, the said Westerly extension to be knovm as Conklin Road. The whole of the proposed highways being described as follows:- HAMILTON AVENUE (East of WioFLUam Avenue) NORTRERLY LINE - Beginning at a monument on the easterly line of Wickham Avenue about opposite a monument at inter- section of westerly line Wickham Ave. with northerly line "~amilton Ave~#; thence running N.70°34'40" E.-~10.~I feet to a concrete monument on westerly line Conklin Road proposed, as hereinafter described. FRE~/~ STREET: SOU?W~RLY LINE - Beginning at concrete monument on Easterly line Wiokhmm Ave. 464.S0 feet northerly from initial point of Northerly line proposed Hamilton Ave. above described; running thence N. 71°51'40" E.- 505.86 feet to monument on Westerly line proposed Conklin Road as hereinafter described. CONKLIN ROAD: WESTERLY LINE - Beginning at terminus of'Southerly lifie proposed Freeman St. last above described; running thence S. 14D02'50" E.-451.91 feet to terminus of Northerly line proposed Hamilton Ave. first above described. The southerly line of Hamilton Avenue is to continue easterly parallel to its northerly line until it intersects the easterly line of Conklin Road continued southerly parallel to its westerly line; also the northerly line of Freeman Street is to run easterly parallel to its southerly line until it intersects the easterly line of Conklin Road continued northerly parallel to its westerly line. All of the above described proposed highways to be 50 feet in width~ as shown on a "Map 0f Certain Proposed Highways through property of Bryant S. Conklin, at Mattituck, Town of Southold, New York, surveyed 0etcher 3, 1925, Otto W. Van Tuyl, Licensed Surveyor, Greenport, N. Y.", which proposed laying out of ~aid highways will pass through the lands of B~yaflt S. Conklin only. Dated this ~Z~ day of.May, 192S. the undersigned~ a m~jority of the Tov~. Board of the Town of Southold~ h~vimg met at the office of the SuperviMor~ 1928~ and considered the application a~u o laying out of highways knovau as new highways ~ Hamilton Ave.~ extension) ~'reeman Street and Com~lin Roads at N~ttituck~ Tovm of Southold~ Suffolk Ootuuty~ New York, do hereby consent such laying out be made in aooordauoe with the prayer of the wi tD~in petition° I, BRYANT S~ CONKLIN~ of Eattituok, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk ~nd State of New york~ in consideration of tns s-~ of One Dollar, to me in hand paid by George Ho Fleet~ Town Superintendent of Highways, of said Town of Southold, ~ud in further consideration of the laying out of the highways at ~t%ituok~ in the Town of Southold~ SuffolE Oounty~ New york~ which is to be a continuation of Hamilton Avenue~ East of Wiokham ~venue, continuing Northerly and approximately parallel to Wiokb~ Avenue~ the Northerly oontin~tion to be known as Freeman Street and thence Westerly to Wiokh~m Avenue, the said Westerly extension to be known as Oor~klin Road. ~ne whole of the proposed high. ways being described as follows:- HA~ILTON ~_VENUE (East of Wiokb~m Avenue) NORT~LY LINE - Be~ing at a monument on the easterly line of Wiokham Avenue about opposite a monument at inter~ section of Westerly line Wiokn~ Ave. with northerly line '~Hamilton Ave?) thence rur~uing N. ?0o~'&0" Eo-~i0~l feet to a concrete monument on westerly line Oonklin Ro~d proposed~ as hereinafter described~ FRE~q STEEET: SOUTHERLY LINE - ~eginning at ooD~rete monument on Easterly line of wiokb~m Ave~ ~50 feet northerly from initial point of Northerly line proposed Hamilton Ave. above described$ running thence N~ ?!°5i'~0" E.-505~86 feet to monument on Westerly line proposed Oonklin Road as hereinafter described. CONKLiN ROAD: Westerly LINE ~ Beginning at terminus of Southerly line proposed F[eeman St. last~above desoribed~ rur~uing thence 14°02~50~ ~.-~51.91 feet ~o ter~inys of Northerly line proposed Hamilton Ave. first above desoribedo The southerly line of Hamilton AVenue is t o centipede easterly parallel to its Northerly line ~util it interseot~ the easterly line of CoD~lin Road continued southerly parallel to its westerly line~ also the northerly line of Freeman Street is to r~ easterly parallel to it~ southerly line until it intersects the easterly line of Conklin Road continued northerly! parallel to it~ westerly line~ All of the above described proposed highways to be S0 feet in width~ as s~ov~ on a ~Eap o£ Gertain Proposed Highways through property of Bryant S~ Conklin~ at ~attituok~ To~ of Southold~ New York~ surveyed 0etcher 19~5~ Otto 5. Van To~Vi~ Licensed Su_~veyor, Greenport~ wtzioh proposed laying out passes through the land of Bryant S. Oor~lin~ and do hereby dedicate ~nd release to the Town of $outho!d~ all land heretofore owned by me ~nd inol~ed within th~ proper~y above desoribed~ and do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of the course of of s~id highways as ~o~es ma~ STATE OF NEW Y0tLK~ OOUNTY OF SUFFO!2~. On this ~kl~ day of ~ay~ 19e8~ before me persomally oame BRYAI~T $. OONKLIN~ of ~attituok~ StLffotk Oo~uaty~ New York, personally kno~m to me and kr~ov~ to me to be the same person desoribed in and who exsoutsd the foregoing ins trument~ and he d~y ao~owledgsd to me that he exeouted the s~e. Notary TOW~ Or' SOUTHOLD . of BRYANT New yo"'k -