HomeMy WebLinkAbout5329 E r • wotwk a , A_ 31 1130 O1 en Orchard Lane- .tton at 53tq- �E - SpLettet _&telt ,_-q - t -'' -1)) ' A --- - _ __, _ to 1 ,,,,'''''''''''''''''''''''''' ., _ ,...._ ___-- 1, ..,,,, op\ -213A--- ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE ,,h�° - �� Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK % ® 0 % P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR,OF VITAL STATISTICS '' ,at' net Southold,New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER ® "Xe �� Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER \;�"'s®� jig ��®�i��, Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER �,r sout . . own.northfork.net i ,� OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK JAN 2 2004 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1 I THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 23 OF 2004 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JANUARY 6,2004: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants a partial refund to Anna Woznick in the amount of$325.00 as she has withdrawn her application to the Zoning Board of Appeals. . i Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman 53095 Main Road Gerard P. Goehringer P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A. Tortora Southold, NY 11971-0959 George Horning Tel. (631) 765-1809 Vincent OrlandoFax 765-9064 (alt. 1823) http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD • TOWN MEMO TO: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk FROM: Ruth D. Oliva, ZBA Chairwomanp DATE: January 6, 2004 SUBJECT: Amended Request for Refund —Application Withdrawn The following application was withdrawn by Mrs. Anna Woznick, who requests a refund of any portion of the application fee that was not applied. The amount noted below is recommended as a partial refund, with a portion charged to cover the processing of this application during 2003. Please note that the fee paid by Mrs. Woznick was $400, and this is sent as a correction of the amount to be refunded, which is corrected to be $325. Appl. No. 5329 - Refund Recommended: $325 (Amount Paid (copy attached): $400; Amount Retained: $75) Applicant's Reason: Relocation. Applicant: Anna Woznick 410 Elton St. Riverhead, NY 11901 Thank you. 1 Encls. cc: Accounting Department l_,___ 0. Oev ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE �, < ®�'� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ® P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR,OF VITAL STATISTICS 'yr Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER `' � r1�, Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER _ ®47 J ^' g ��®1i. Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER .. ��'� southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville DATED: March 13, 2003 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 5329 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 5329—Anna Woznick-Zoning Board of Appeals application for special exception. Also included is a letter from the owner, ZBA questionnaire, Accessory Apartment questionnaire, applicant transactional disclosure form, sketch, survey, copy of deed, three certificates of occupancy, and two copies of pieces of floor plans. L�e � e- Town Of Southold 1 P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 03/13/03 Receipt#: 5889 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $400.00 Check#: 5889 Total Paid: $400.00 Name: Woznick,Anna Po Box 44 1230 Old Orchard Lane East Marion, NY 11939 Clerk ID: LYNDAB Internal ID:71677 • M c 7 •o3 9 � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK �j' 30 vi Tp5 ACCESSORY APARTMENT APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION Application No. Date Filed: �,_.�y Q � TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD,. NEW YORK: OTAAZLLA.I.bvt.)/4---3 • I (We) , Anja. k. WOZjlICk of / 30 Old erc rcl Lie \ , I � 3 Q House No. and Street Est Nario ,n I Y t I (l [� 63/-' 77- 0a.5g) (Hamlet, State, Zip Code) hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE, ARTICLE _M- , SECTION/dd -3/8 , SUBSECTION /3 for the below-described property for the following uses and purposes: AGFe 1E co rtvert- M co-a. e to an ce ar�"ment �or � I I,, � � Pp I II P da iter. o.nJ herr -Futu.re rlw bartcl. By II Vin wit-4 }-� �a e - 6e able ±o 5a-ve • eItouah, ►-none/ ±0 ryle ey P u111 ��"ha (• �-he Yn �-o � prper*/ . • as shown on the attached plan drawn to scale. A. Statement of Ownership and Interest. Anna L. Vvozrilck is ( -re) the owner(.&) of property known and referred to as ta3o old Orchard Ln. East Marten, N.Y (House No. , Street, Hamlet) identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section 31 , Block , Lot ah which is (is not) on a subdivision map (Filed 1865 Map of Sect/or/4;3 i*3 Gardfiners Boy Estees- East Marion,N_`�. " Filed Map No. 175 ) • The above-described property was acquired by the owner on -"/c2- 9 B. The applicant alleges that the approval of this exception would be in harmony with the intent and purpose of said zoning ordinance and that the proposed use conforms to the standards prescribed therefor in said ordinance and would not be detrimental to property or persons in the neighborhood for the following reasons: `phis rt'r e t ris -Par rrnydau3fifer- who has 1►VeCI " her I�-Fe . S� e aid her Mux-e_ �tccs ba}2ct here al 16v e Irl net k r kaod. and are good c Itizrt "tic -t' l ► s " s CoYnlrY1 ratty. C. In addition to meeting the standards prescribed by the zoning ordinance, the following requirements will be met: 1 . The accessory apartment will be located only in the principal building. 2. The owner of the existing dwelling will occupy one of the dwelling units as the owner's principal residence. The other dwelling unit which is part of this application shall be leased for year-round occupancy, evidenced by a written lease for a term of one or more years, which'will be filed annually. . 3.' The existing one-family dwelling shall contain not less than sixteen-hundred (1 ,600) sq. ft. of livable floor area. Twee/bb r I11C 14G/1 y rr,/ 'J (continued on page two) is more ✓+�Q i. /goo sg. it. ov--J ea 627r-e- Fro153L? oido-ildaR-t / � raz.tycv2,6.07- ,(--)zy. /0 %IfirlAte7 02eo I "pv ,, ,,,,,LarpLo4sr)s, eu/z e feA/i92-;-11.A.Zc,-)-,) L/ j(AiLL ,a/) _- • j „ rate_ - r117 , . .-� ;mac ,,, a-r-cot /204,01,c_ 7Y2X,--0,41 XL' V/?,b1),61 j-Le cp-venati /; `)/P ' Ad€ ,'" /17 I Ajii_) //, 1/00, o a 7 aa/y2-a;te- 6)1,,,,J ( Ste rzerLiDack) ,✓mak✓lK, Eitem de� N� /i 9o/ ��r • • • AID Application for Special Exception Page Two (continued) C. 4. The accessory apartment shall contain not less than four-hundred fifty (450) square feet of livable floor area. 5. The accessory apartment shall not exceed forty (40%) percent of livable floor area of the existing dwelling unit. 6. A minimum of three off-street (on-site) parking spaces shall be provided as shown on the attached plan. 7. Not more than one (1 ) accessory apartment will be on this parcel . 8. The accessory apartment will meet the requirements of a dwelling unit as defined in Section 100-13 of the Zoning Code. 9. The exterior entry to the accessory apartment his not changed the existing exterior appearance of a one-family dwelling. 10. All exterior alterations to the existing building, except for access to the apartment, is made on the existing foundation as shown on the attached plans. 11 . I understand that the Certificate of Occupancy will terminate upon the transfer of title or upon the owner ceasing to occupy one of the dwelling units as the owner' s principal residence; and that in the event of the owner's demise, the occupant of the accessory apartment may continue in occupancy until a new owner shall occupy the balance of the dwelling or one (1 ) year from date of said demise, whichever shall first occur. 12. This conversion shall be subject to inspection of the Building Inspector and Renewal of Certificate of Occupancy annually. 13. The existing building which is converted to permit this accessory apartment has been in existence and has a valid Certificate of Occupancy issued prior to January 1 , 1984, and attached hereto. 14. The existing building, together with this accessory apartment, shall comply with all other requirements of Chapter 100 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold. 15. This conversion for the, accessory apartment shall comply with all other rules and regulations of the New York State Construction Code and other applicable codes. D. The property which is the subject of this application is zoned IR-- 1/0 and [ ] has not changed since the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy attached. [ A] has changed or received additional building permits, and Certificates of Occupancy for these changes are attached or will be furnished. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) avn,et_ klOykud STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. : (Signature) Sworn to before me this ? day of /Via Voir-% 3 (No: ry Pu. Lorraine LaRosa NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York No. 01LA6059257 Qualified In Suffolk County Commission Expires May 29,20 ZB5 2/6J86 Qh.- c./ To), //66, ¢la-k4 - ) 53m WoLNick A — 50 /4. „r/ — TO vY hi OF SOUTI1-':-*L;(0) P N.0 iv Ei.:TY RECOttD CARD . d— ‘ ---,7C OWNER STREET / "--,?, e-:-.3, VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT . , C.> ...1:„..-- / ;;;,-• 64,,J,....„ aie,-- ),,_,. •4-J,---,,-641-- 0 Li b OP,,11-7 A ikis I Z.,lid r r-,, ,,„,_.,„,. iy,/_:: ,. ,, ,, s:5 /.:-."----„,r___ - 1 , FORMER OWNER 0 N E ACR f -.r (aY V 2,2,-6 3 0, p S W TYPE OF BUILDING ,/,-. , cc' ..AV-,:e----- --"'i'---"--',---,-) / I 4_5 -f://)": " -- I / RES. ' • -270 SEAS. (-7 VL. FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS g 1 Li /a/7 S', • —_ , , i j / 0 0 ,c-'..:S o0 -,,,-- ,), - :1 _ i i .4 - --- 0 ,..5 7:-..1) n o vi --" f,, al /;ig--- // 6 o / //// /7/1 c„:7,42:c.) ,..'"' / 1 / k., 17, 3 --7) ...-- 1 1 0 0 5- 2z)en 6 3 0 0 V 2-/ 7 / D 17 I -7Lp e -1 y.;c.ii. 9 8 1---,--4-7. z ‹, ,,,1 4 ti --- 000- =*. 4 / 2,,,,c7.P9 -13P I F 3 6q - (1,o 9 clv. a(,d(.2 „.5,p,6-01 L4..../,1;.---Ehce` -4 2 lab l,U,) ,,ep4 -„, .._, ' <ail .0' _GE BUILDING CONDITION Li NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Value Acre Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER Woodland 1 FRONTAGE ON ROAD „ / 0 0 ' "e2 ii - '-.. - / C , -- Meadowland DEPTH ,-).--0---4) / , House Plot BULKHEAD Total DOCK 11...0 r,-. ,,., 11 t • ‘,-\ , IA ; 6----1 ,till :-.. Iripo;-- ... --; •. -.. , i ,4 ,..... TRIM -0. , , ,,, 1 1141100. .,,Itf. i., , LiIIITZE--1'1:1:' if 1 - - - - , . .:`1/4""'-''''''' '--- - ,,F1 i • - : '' '''''' 1 -- - - • ,w•.'i;‘-'4, 4 ti'.-11-"°-.i - ,,-, --i fl':',..7•;',^71.-"k,,,,,..., ',,,,,.'NN&,:•:-127'..%XiZS :' •- ''..,:::,C.'/ ' ' ,...7^1.,,,,..,,,,tvp-',A. . ......--.1, - — -;--- --- - sr # ;'., t„--- .1, is )i M. Bldg. ...„-i ,-- i - 44.„. on, , Extension I 26 Extension .. ?--- ZS — Extension 40-R)tm•I 2400 Foundation1 -, e. ,,,,....„ Bath , Dinette Porch Basement Floors K. L ••.•-- - i- Porch Ext. Walls , ,-. Interior Finish I LR. ,,„n .5 A --.., 4.;- Breezeway I Fire Place 4/6 Heat DR.,• i Garage 1,, /fro &'21 6 Type Roof • Rooms 1st Floor BR. Patio Recreation Room Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B 0. B. Dormer , Driveway Total , . 1617i 1 . . ' . NOTE,-11.. O5.T_�, HW 1D"MAP OF Git,RID1 r1F:;?5 ! Es-rik1"E-SECT. �,. 1 �-t:. � 1 N SIE. ► ` OL.X.LOUN //1\CLEQ_K'5 QF PiC,' ANS} MAP 1c10.5'0,9.,3. ' / ' . II II • • - 1i • . f� , , /7 P/LO., 174 - Iid ' 77.' .. . • LOT.l-r !( a. 6 _r.,..., .„ = .1 -� LOT' _► A OF P PE T4 . .' ..' '. . • _ • 1 -C '2 - ' '' '. --•':'. '''' : ''''',i'''''i .7' V-• ' , ' ',1", l'...''A'' rTAT, t'",..:C. , [ .,j,p t ANNA t ,,,_,. -, ./, _ , (...4 ,\,. :.., - , , , - . , , , . , 1 . , t vic-.1.m.K 1-- „ .... ......„....) ,..) _ ______., 1 , .., _ , . : . ,. _,. . J ... • ' • '. •• ,.. ... , • • TOWN OFti O i H0k�D,� .N.,Y., :`, ;'.•. - ',.;. :t ' = . pry; • , . , . . - LXPA TEoi-m7ra �° t16.LANm,r'XU'D• T-ELL :0(V.,.rMEiG*1 tTLEVI SUCA!S4M.CO -1.,- , ^ FEH01-a'..7VF1P- ew4l t4-' 1 AS-5UW ; '(ao 7'"!:-:.-.7,. :1••:,-,71,' :.%. J1.3t 241,..17,0 SUI: _:,-, CENS ;LAND. ,V' .Y0 ' _ • ' . - -- - `,. - ; i' ----, SS:_ - a'� ,. - _,• :yet:;,. - .._.}', Y ti'r-(f.. ,,;., �_ -� � -t,'s T - •. ;- �_,,, .�}-:'• ,-,-- ' ' S '.rt',','."' ='y.1,-2'•. .11. -.,,,,•,-c--.,,,..,,,,,,:.,--:,...•-• t • Yr,�' - `,,”: -t'a '.ei •j:', ,.,.i.,�•�,',,, _ ,.,r .t-,i' ;11;, .d; .r' r ''.''.."-e‘ „..-','.i",;.'"-',1,;',�:�F '„ �i'..^, r;' .._,-,-1_4--;'ti„• ._-F - �t= - =- -= ' _- `-- u-.'. .r ._- --i , , .. . . .. „ . . . . . ,-.--3_,, ' Er''-4 14:=-1-Rik 15 .?- '-ia.)4467-14 ,,)-- - ? -,'- - Town old ZBA '' -, - C),Alip,...Name,,'.. 0 Tax Mop.-:„..0 Oile:Abi'':. ' ,II.,„:.: .- .. , __., SEQRA Board Member - Ruth D. Oliva ;1„....4hilisto., Searc t ,Elbther . . . ' Feioilhb-011p..7 95030 4M File Number: 5329 ' ',I Tax Map: 31-6-26 ,. App Name Woznick,Anna Hamlet,'East Marion rrype:r"---(2one:- .[-T.; -:I [Status: Withdrawn IFACtion;i r[•..;1, . .._ Locaticp; 1230 Old Orchard La. t - ,.. . -----------4 -,- [s.flort- Accessory Apartment S.E. withdrawn 7/11/03. 1.-)*4 .:'' partial refund issued via TB Resol 1/04. : -[ '! ,-- k :I . ....... . _ Appl. not ready for June; possibly 8/28 need to call i ,-- :..--; N,:ite „ ,,. first. 12/)V.03':I 1026- i A1C' ,C:APS.:,' INNIT1L---,---- ---- '.' --- '- ----.', -be4o.ec.r.li' 77 itiesoiitiicAdi Town Data ProcetirigbqRaitrrierlt, 1(R3e. Old ircLk-d L:ne East-Marion. /� `lJ /1438 C7-2/ - 63/-g 7 7—a 'Zc5 h h BOLetrd 0f CCpFeoJs Go4-L13i old Town 1-1&11 Send-hold. N .Y, Dear M e nn tiers `fh e 13 rd _L. a.m. a-pplytn.1 for ?errn1sslorc. 4b Cortyer. garal e amito a� a �zr�,-11e1.-f- �o� m 84-4 kt�I,�slo�n�. �`1 � e� Ry ht car ren Jr1te wil( b� e ►►� - � lVe.S wi-�'�i t-ne. tfi mar r ie.c� o+2 i4 ri r _ p � la , �av3 � V�nc; lYl CZYL apakl"ti, ent in Inny home r y ciewLytiF v- 4hcb her hus���tA� 1-)pre_ +O br i e ` 6 SaVe_ e rto c J YYt6 rt y +-1t fih ey sc ►n e cltay cAol -ra b tti l or- 1,01, )/ a_ ho of e i r c \iv r1 (2)( t- here o►2 e �'Fzst �-►-t�- �on ZTIand wke re �th ey II � Lot)" q re W ��r 13es c cies +his cue .hoer have. 0 ckcr, dik/ rs Yv ho cat,/I pat -Hie av-Zrr1 e 06 some_ tme 112 tke- rly k ( C1760-1e-5 WC7-11l L ) h 6w d e_ce_a_5c art_ci our ho e- b 1k i 1 f" 112 I al / S i i2c e thea LtJe k(kv m e_ Sonne_ 4-cld11-11617, , kcpe_ )Y1 c i L,LcI ej e1l o L -t 1 Vltcbr-hi Qt o r1. Vo r o LL come_ c c wiH a_ posativc 4e �i h ry) app) 1 . Th&v k o.c,� . 5iei , • d/ovre,a,_ A-ri L 1 \J • \ : - ce- . I .o • -• - . : . . . , F•-. • ... , 27 ... ' � • i.o : . Orir, exld� // freeze tiv� C�td ...-if'd" • -*--:• •• . • "...717---t. .. • - c;2/3c025:6 = /iO 76--y 71j4- • _ S an r0 6 in Cenc/ased) II• s. ..• ..... . .. • Crrenai /• o e_d r0. • - 4r ! / / - o�l xa.6 o-9 s 7-4- . . _ q,� ��{ 7af�./= q 9/ S ace 3 000%-. . • . 7 vi Accessary apart-1'n eh- (qua. e • • VP .. - v conversion) )i x30 - 63 •• • N 'Sun- i( . . Gara. e apartment 0 "4r • ram - 'i '--- -_ q�c 3/ `a a lrvi! e LT .. F fog _ '� .1 10 extsth dwel(in me 4 lln • ••• �A • n` V \ .� ' • .. f . . 0 / Ca len..1 vi/ -Por Wa.rd.] g More - i---. :- - • • . <(' 1 io • • r �.• -PPeet wif e �rOP°se - • "d - ar e cahvers,cY( -tile R � 3 � artet \ 5 ,� I I `). •4 - • ���1,� c elle �� eYlhQhce 0 _ S - •° - •N. e otkis I cle a P earan ez Gs k4. 1( & L . • 0,3 cre�fe a- Very cmnI rt�re —C i"Vrn area wtt�t 1 h t he �Q�'!-}- 8 i• : • t (J YriCn , az' hE • ECO -CO- - _37; OE - - -. - �'+ , , ., - - . • OLD 7. -.: : J--- • y. r �. •. " • .• r 1 •L,. -• - ..I , QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Please disclose the names of the owner(s) and any other individuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the • subject premises and a description of their interests: (Separate sheet may be attached. ) ' �. �hna_L. W® rilck Owher • B. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for - sale or being shown to prospective buyers? f } Yes {x} No. (If Yes, please attach copy of "conditions" of sale. ) C. Are there any proposals to change or alter 'land contours? { } Yes {x} No D. 1. Are there any areas which contain wetland grasses? IVC} 2. Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? 3 . Is the property bulkheaded d between the wetlands area and the upland building area? 4. If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? E. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed qqnptruction at or below five feet above mean sea level? /VA (If not applicable, state "N.A. ") F. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or •fences which exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? None If none exist, please state "none. " G. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? leo If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by. the Building Department. If none, please state. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? No If yes, please explain where or submit copies of deeds. I. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel proposed use and avnaaezilvel3-6 —D3 Authorized Sigre and Date 3/87, 10/901k /R3O Old Ot-*/-cl /c2ne CT/. - 63/-�?7-a �s�) ,•en, B© 6''ck of AeoJ s Soc.Lf'�(cL Tvv vt H a,-\ So bci--ko JJear Memhers ©-P +h .�. cern. �.pp� y�n for -V e r rnt S s I o t1 4 Co rive r^� Ty l arae %vita Wil b� e QiYiZnCL���y netilyl T(�oF `m y 3 Q4 Qncl �►eeufiure Viusba-vvi, 2 ` liter ctu-rertly 1 eves th5k Ynarr � on_ A rit �0C3 - �wy YL ►r� I Yl Q �gr4 ent in vny k®+� r 7 dauhfer- ah 41 her hush cL h to .Da- 1 +p SCiA e no e 0 h rte YI e so *4�t c�the cal Shrl clay Q ' 4o fie, 6111 or Lk_ 7` I y' i 'v y a_ Yl c31rn�of -141e I V' c3 W rt act- here �(-�� here a -j- Fast aT 4_©d 1-7Ian.cJ Were They 60tkIf 1-re W LT, C es i des +kis 4 .e-�.M7& have 3 c�I herr' Gla h1-ers vQho ect,IJ ptztapaittrrien — ± 06d uSe So VYi ft ►i� e 112 the- `'(,thore_• ) Ny {1u5 ( C ( c L ) h c.W ec_ea3 e_ct 641 ®(.t r hoot) e- 1,Li - l2 I �� S )/Ue ko,v °len e d 1+1 vns , �__ k 6 e_ {-za_v e_ Yld 1 LLcl enp l.L fI -t l Kfca-h 1 Qt<o ia. o LL -tom co Yne_ vv! 1h pôsitive ceC%$ton oh My a ) I eQ-t1oVt Tk&ftk yoLL , S i ce rel , \Atc-z_ncc • r APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS 4 ,SCi{' °Gy • �� y Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer. Chairman < 53095 Main Road Serge Doyen.Jr. • r P O. Box 1179 James Dinizio,Jr. o C Southold,New York 11971 Robert A Villa • 14�1 • Fax(516) 765-1823 Lydia A.Tor<ora Telephone(516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD • QUESTIONNAIRE Accessory Atartment or Bed and Breakfast with Owner-Occupancy_ Names of Individuals or Parties Having an Interest in the Subject Premises and a description of their Interests: Akin& I, Wozvici .- owner • Mary E . Woxrt(ck - my dough-Fer wk wtH be IiM i 1n 1-he artine►-d 1 hope -t-o bwId. Name of the Applicant(s) and his/her Residence: /�nrta .Wo nlck - Ia3O Oki OrcharJ Large .fast Mariori, N.Y tit? 39 Names of Current Residents/Occupants of the Subject Premises: 401 L. WO rl 1 C-i< Current Occupants are: (please check one or more boxes) { } Tenants with Written Lease ( } Tenants without Written Lease {s} Current Owner } Contract Vendees ( >0 Proposed Occupants/Residents under the Subject Application • ( x) Residents NOTE: Bv_ not checking one or more of the above, it is assumed that the current Occupants are not tenants with a written or without a written lease, are not current owners, are. not , contract vendees, are not proposed Occupants/Residents under the Subject Application, and/or have a different residence. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market far sale or being shown to prospective buyers? ( ) Yes fx } Na. 3 -6 -()3 Authorized Sign ere and Date ' ' �\ , f APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL. DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold ' s Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees . The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same . YOUR NAME: \A/oZYICk Anna, L. (Last name , first name , middle initial , unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity , such as a company . If so , indicate the other person ' s or company ' s name . ) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply . ) Tax grievance ' Variance Change of zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other X ' ( If "Other, " name the activity . ) Vara-9e COhwers1o 't �'m 0.pQY+ '?el'L </ 4or my Do you personally .(or through your company, spouse, sibling , d au�I,±eh parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage,' or business interest_ "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO X . If you answered "YES, " complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself ( the applicant ) and the town officer or employee . Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided . The town officer or employee or his or her spouse , sibling , parent , or child is (check all that apply ) : A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the ' corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation) ; . B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation ) ; C) an officer , director , partner, or employee of the applicant : or D) the actual applicant . DESCRIPTION OF RELAT'TONSIITP Submitted this (D day of Mir. I r ® 3 r . / Signature /��_t /(i //. Print name Ar rim L VV0z.1?/CIC.. ! - J CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE' IING THIS INSTRUMENT —THIS INSTRUME HOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. 1-•�" C/ la LIBER 6602 PALE 512 ly/ THIS INDENTURE, made the C day of August ,, nineteen hundred and sixty—nine ft" BETWEEN .11 GARDNER'S BAY COMPANY, INC. , a New York Corporation having kr) . its principal place of business at No. 120 Rockaway Avenue, Rockville Centre, New York .\,lb t- 0 ; , party of the first part,and d1111. CHARLES J. WOZNICK, Jr. and ANNA L. WOZNICK, his wife,, both residing at Old Orchard, Lane, East Marion, New York. t party of the second part, WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part,in consideration of TEN (`$10.00) dollars, , lawful money of the United States, paid -sc“.t-‘ cc-) c-) r-,,-,cc -,q, -)i t,; , - f n s%..- --\,c . by the party so$ ti4•elVala\plf;doe hereby g anf tndc r4ease"66)Cthe'-•part})%b1-fife se-64Ya?t1 the heirs or sucee`ors and assigns of cthe,party of the second,part forever, ., „,, , ! -,s ('‘S C ! ' . C ' - . s ' - , r' ' c - - , f • C) AIL-that Certain plot, piece,pr parcel of land, with(the buildings-,and improvements thereon,erected, situate, lying%andbeingcij }ye -at East Marton, -Town of Southold; vCounty, ,of Suffolk arid -State of New York, known and designated upon a certain -map ' ' ) entitled "Nap ,of 5Gardiners Bay, -Es-tat-es; ;Section Three, (surveyed r s December 1,, 1967 by, Van Tuyl & Son, (owned and ,deve-loped by Gardi,ners Bay Company,- Inc. " -and filed in ,the S•tcffolk -Caunty,sGl,erk's !Office on April 24, 1968 as File, -No. 5083,, shown on -said. map -as' Lots-,number 1.75., f r r '- r iPf'S -- r , r - , r , r ,C ' , % '- ' '% TOGETHER with -a ,right,'-of way to pass and repass for ,street purposes s over -all -streets,-on biaid map and over cat streets -including "the r , paths" 'leading '-to the beach shown ,on "Nap of Sect ion 'Two., ' GardinerIss,'" Bay Estates", the, fee -to the 'l'and in s,ai,d cstreets and paths, however, to ,,remain .in -.the sselter. - • , - - r , ; , r ` , f " r ! , l r f "- ,f . , , • r' ' TOGETHER with-the right to -)use the '-beach slying rbetween,'Spri"ng Pond and '-the Bay- and Old Orchard 'Lane and -the' Channels marked upon -'Nap' of Section Two, G"ardiner's Bay Estates, res "Beach 'for us'e --.of tot '%owners" for bathing ' and similar purposes' and together with cai%ri'ght ''Of 'way _ aver. -the 'beach to 'the 'Water; subjectct'o %such -reasonablerrestrt'ct'ions as 'may 'be imposed by the' party cof rthe first part ands•s'tich cu- to be in- -common with other persons to ' whom such rights rmays,be'•granted by , t• , the party of the first part, the party of- the second part hereby - /, , .- c-ouenanttrtg and •agreeing to pay to the party of the first part the . • . sum 'of floe ($5.) 'dollars per year %for %the use',-cof-Such zb'each,' "this. ;; amount- of "fit3e (, 5.) doll tars-, scper year' toy be paid to :'+the party ' df"the y f trs t+ part in aduance on the' first ' day 'of January ' irr each' and every gear 'be-gtnn'ing January-31+st, '1969. • Int is under%.5tood and-'agrte'ed'•,thra.t the. '.parity' cof the c-s'ecand par t - i'•s°'no-t to. •r e C e i• a any -t-t t l e',•td the. r ) waters and ,the l'and sunder watens:"Aldjoining the said c-b'each;• 'Other. ' than as- -abore, '-and the .party'cf -t-he,first part refser-sties'-the, right to, cut a 'c,ana'h -or cana'l's; ditch' or fdi t'ches, thrdugh'-'tlie',ssd•id ibeach•,'• and t o erect 'br i'dges 'over .the s sarhe; 'the "rise of said -beach, "of -the wat'esrs adjoicning, rand" of;stile, c-beaches dnd• 'canals to be 'entirely, at the-sr i sk df'"'•th'e 'party of the "second part; who' irs ct'o Wald,the,'parqg., of the first, part harmless from any damage or damages which the said -:,-..•;:j.-','6',,,, ,_,:.,1- ---; •:i-i,---.-!--1-_,...-,-''.-,.cgrae4;----d -,14,42-41-:.', •; ,,.:- f;':.;REAl.ESTATE;..,, , ,,,c Airi �0 .i.,`. i,°7 S =��` �- ��•'TR�ANS.FER��A°X', J,!.''�"°''•'1:�.�4 -���7;� n1ia-r,- 44, . ,=8:,,r,:.,,ff Dept, ore,.i,:,_„,,,,, •�:=--,? �= =,ti;:,+; ,,,di�. .. .• -.Taxotioni:.AOG,11219'":;,t- 4-'1�Q=:'�i -5-".'i,* � ' `)`-3,Flounce.• , ;^>, •�,��i0 .pi �,, f ' uBE 6602 fAct513 r , - -fl - ' - • party- of the' second' part br their' he irs-'or assigns,may" suffer Wha l e upon• the - said" beach or in- the said waters, ' I f default be- made in the payment- of said sun of- five (6'5.) dollars for' the use' of the beach, as provided- above; and' should° such 'default continue° for mbr'e than sixty `(60) days after- notice ands demand 'then the owner of - these premises shall at the option of- the party of the first' part forfeits al-1 rights to' the beach, and- the party of the- first part, its • successors or assigrjs;' shall' have the right- and power';W br-'; :fir, tzcl l ' necessary actions against the- owner of these premis'e•sTWa?'y: :a04:1,'\part thereof; -for- 'the cat lection of sueh sums as may- b'e,, `¢ueS\•�°w:ithiw-1`- interest;- such sums to be and remain liens upon, the"2cbove liesc-'i 'ed ia7.d until paid - r r The,party ofd the' second part for •themsei vesr and their he zrS' ar d.s:: assigns, - do hereby covenant with the party- of the f irs.t-.pdr`•'t ,: pits'' successors and assigns, that they will not' use or permit . •the'•$al0m larnd to be used fore any purposes whatever; other^ than•dWei l ing or resident ia1' purposes.., That no' bui lding of any kind other 'thrxnc one dwelling • shall be" erectedc. on said premises which shall be constructed for use and' occupancy by- not more - than'- one family, plans for such dwelling to be submitted to and approved by the party of the first part-•beforecconstuction' is started; that no garage shall be erected upon the- said -premises; unless it be erected as-part of the' dwelling' thereon; plan to- be -approved by the cparty of the-first part as- abope; t .e.. location of- the dwelling to be- approved- by the-party - of tine first part •before-, co'ns`truction is started. After completion .no- alteration or addition to such dwelling shall be made without the written consent of the party of the first part. The completion of a dwelling shall, chowever, be, sufficient evidnce- of the approval of the plan. thereof by thecpartycof the first -parthat - no fence - of, any kind shall be erected or permitted on said premises (whether hedge•,orc—. , otherwise) more than three feet high; thatnnomoutside) toilet shall be erected-,or permitted -thereon; that no-poultry houserof cant'- kind, pig sty, or kernel for mcre� than , two dogs -shall -be cexected• or-c , permitted upon said premises; these covenants to be binding as real covenants running with the land, it being understood and made a condition thereof, however, that they may be altered or annulled, at anytime, by the written consent of the party of the first part, without obtaining the consent of any of the owners of the adjoining land. This convey, ce is made in the regular course of business actually conduced by the party of the first part. t • C - r ,r , - S ^ r c - , - • -,' " c') c 'c n c- c c - • DEER6 O2 F4cE514 TOGETHER with all rights, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. r , I ' I ; '101'; `I ``• yi SSC1('S ' 7-0 ' I• 'KV( "C o1 '7f'Sc'jos 1 AND the'party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything �r l ere, y .tbe-s\sai,dcp,rsecrqn 4iavfke,n incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. ri .0c 2 n S.,D,tl teot.�tl„,h4'irst,-art, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part willVe-ceive'fhi&risideratioI'for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- erationAm,tru \t ft\nd tollle applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply • the same first fd�t` h€3aryment oche cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any, other purpose. .,, 4 w The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this i tt j is IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the dat.;and`, F .1 abe�,�' written. ?_.__ �1 FW. �1�7 `r IN PRESENCE of: GARDN. R t S BAY COMPAN ;ii •; lel s .�_ - -- - -- -- - - - p : / ►I• l��, ri 1 /i _ j �`� :te i ,1 artes J. M" M Vijrz a f r. ‘s , .4) 3- , 1 ; Anna L. GYoznt k 742") • _ 5� `, LIBER 6602 pact515 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF, (fj,' 'QLK ss.: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss.: On the '11 day of August 1969 ,-before me On the day of 19 , before me personally came CHARLES J. INOZNICK, JR. personally came r and ANNA L. WOZNICK, his wife, —`s - - - - - - -- - -----s rc _ _ to me known to be the individual described in and who , •to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the,foregoing instr ,id ow d.ed that exeTecl fhe-foregoing.-jnttrpgle,nt, and acknowledged that they, executed th- same. S ' I I — --- — , - -- ---/ "IP `.L.is i _ - ---,••\r. P' i nti;'ll u r iBLIC, State of New Yor1i l ' �t" f `I No. 52.9091250 • . ,: kg ! '•v F Qualified in Suffolk County - 4 • O i 5 /7•/./ `‘4�.---• STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF • `ti',," '_ STATE OF KW YORK, COUNTY OF NASSAU ss.: '� ��.,„ On the day of 19 , before me On the co day of August 19 69 , before me personally came LOIS JHNSON THORP personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with to me known,who,being by me duly sworn,did depose and say that she resides at No. 120 Rockaway A tie. p whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly R.ci ,i.l ie .Centre lNew York sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. t t a is t o res id�n of Gardner's Bay Cornptae u. Inceoration described that he knows in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that lie to be the individual knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal--affixed described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so ' ,that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw affixed by.order of the boa • of directors of said corpora- execute the same; and that he, said witness, tion, and that she sign;../'•/ name thereto !bb . - orrder. at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. ' i' .' : ./ / c, aeo -"or• No.523261935 ,Suffolk County ' - -- - - ;rerm Otpires Maki-30, ..; _. - - _. ,,- - ,... Bargain anti Ulr. Bub SECTION WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS BLOCK • Title No. / LOT . / XoutacccoatrowN of Southold GARDNER'•S BAT CO.', INC. • TO CHARLES J. WOZIVICK, Jr. and ANNA L. VVOZNICK Recorded At Request of INTER-COUNTY Title Guaranty and Mortgage Company r - ' RETURN BY MAIL TO • SULLIVAN & THORP Joseph J. Snellenburg II, Esq. COUNSELORS AT LAW Southold, N. Y. 11971 _ 41 FRONT STREET j ROCKV,JLLE CENTRE. L.I.. N.Y.11570 ' Zip No. , ti- . 6-0 ,,,,,.., � Z c • O ` I • :6:: w >,1Nnoo f101:1fS d0 5{1!3-Q K5. C\ . ,0. (:-- . NOS1l e1� -'; : . s1- t . tij 4� @,' AUG 12 1969 Z£ �� Ng to � , �M, 696 Nd Ol LESTER-M. ALBERTSO► Clerk of Suffolk County te` 0302:1003 `�!'1 k FORM NO. 4 - 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy -No. Z.5.Q75 Date April , 19.7.3 THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at .Old .Qrg ,acrd Lane Street Map No. .Gard .$ay. EBtock No. Lot No. 175 Bast Marion conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office . dated Nov. . .1 . ., 19. .71 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 560)+Z . . dated roll. 1 , 19.71 ., was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is . .Private. .one. family. 1.i.ng The certificate is issued to . . .Qh'ar.le s. & .Anna .Woznlck Qwne r s (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval . N.R. UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. . .N..R. HOUSE NUMBER.1230 Street. old. 0x'Cbard .Lane I Building Inspector 00 ' FORM NO. 4 'OWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No Z18680 Date JANUARY 2, 1990 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ALTERATION Location of Property 1230 OLD ORCHARD LANE EAST MARION House No. Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 31 Block 06 Lot 26 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated JULY 11, 1989pursuant to which L Building Permit"No. 18308Z dated JULY 12, 1989 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING BREEZEWAY (CLOSED IN) OF EXISTING DWELLING. The certificate is issued to CHARLES & ANNA WOZNICK (owner, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO. N/A PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A I / ti_i1 .it Building Inspector Rev. 1/81 •Vti i I(-''- ,, • • I '=-' .• li; - `..? . „ - 1. , t 4,.•. ..,.., 6--' i f.„."- f %. I,t...... - - . , 1 . - • - - t . f t i 1 i I • I - '• -i. 7 .11• • - . ' _ .-- .I' i • ' - - -----T- r .4 ... : • It . , . , • . , , - 611 -_r i 1 - t . .. • - , 1 .•-. - • — . . virrNtrAcE.-fa etcvft- 141-?,. Ai,-,..vE. , li --••.- -4 - , r _ .1. ' Y•t 1,..] :: ,:. _-.I.,.. . i . . . ,. ., - , , ! • I _: ... , • 1 - _ . 1 , , , , • ___J .. . le 4, --L 1-- - ----•' " -- MN •---77- —7--- —— -----/r C-4, 0.‘: • 'I; r_vr_fir: arnl r-xe70)...- . . ..,1 „ . ' N• _-- i • . . - r - 1 . J----4,1” - • ..._ - ‘ ,- 41-1_1__- __ ____,__. 77:7_ _ _. __,—— I 1,•:-, I \ 1A.c:e•EitlE, _14- i _ , - .. . ,. _.4% .t." ph.. . -'1i• -i - P:40c 14T) i' - .- •.,, . .- , • i ' , _ . -i . ! E---- - -----i',-;..C...::1- ri ' --rxe_AvAn P FV14, 9e4TII tau Re.61- f'tt) 1-4-k-te-411-1 \400/04(- fliFibr..T Aa., rA16-1: avic. ftlirArtoti. .. • ; i I 1- i . .... i , i Lletii-L. A-`, F-Fau10 ,--- • • i ' • I 1 t 1 - I •• 1 i , r• 4 r . ',.. :ix ,i i, .f ; 1 i t • ' I. -.:. ' - \1,L - -- - - ——i —A - . _ _ rEA„,„,-,_, cok,,c.ini-E... -.4z,ig.s •c...7 pisci 'e-r.---ric.4-1 4r -•)--tr.-g- --•• , -.. k- ---; . . , ; • ' • . - - -- 4r tt.,,i.ei ,...,, 1 L•' 1er. ruari. 146.LL , • N s 7_ , • •----Pv,.2159-P9 aicsr4-1' ri-ii at4.1., , .1 1 I - .-4- $ t ! ---- ----I- ttki z' — L ! --- ; , . ,.. ---1-- i . ,s,-/ 6A., P14 LF , ; -- / . • - Ex'6T; "tr: AWE • ,.. , I ; 1?-1 I iz 4 g Jo tr-,IS K,l''4, 'it','Le - . APPROVED AS NOTED T:344c,' ' I DATE:7 /2- 9.R# ' _ 'I NOTIFY 4ILD NG DEPARTM AT ' ,- - ,1 765-1802 9 AM TO 4 PM,..,FOR THE v i ____/-4 . FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS: • -s... . < Z 1 - . 1. FOUNDATION - TWO REQUIRED FOR POURED CONCRETE N.., I . 2. ROUGH - FRAMING & PLUMBING • 'cl I ,.....%••.,,,,i......._ 3. INSULATION • x 1 ,-, . •• I \ 4. FINAL - CONSTRUCTION MUST • , 1 .11 •: U PA[\I r'Vr it R . BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. ./ 1-• ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET • , .• ksf ',".„ E S ili'' '...,. VIFUL /td°' : THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE N.y. , -,-,r, , STATE CQNSTROCTION-,J3,t_..F.P.ERGY-,-,-, _ . „ . . _ . _ t 1 * ' ' - : 4.• -TATE..-- 7 , :. 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CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-27872 Date: 08/14/01 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ADDITION Location of Property: 1230 OLD ORCHARD LA EAST MARION (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 31 Block 6 Lot 26 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated NOVEMBER 19, 1999 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 26229-Z dated DECEMBER 28, 1999 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is SCREENED PORCH ADDITION TO AN EXISTING WOOD DECK ON AN EXISTING ONE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to CHARLES J WOZNICK JR, & WF (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. N/A PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A A., 4,„ Au horize. ignature Rev. 1/81 • • I OCAIA.-t e.e( _ ..ii,',.-Ja,:;.,: Fv - - .Jif -1.:" • ,.. --- - , - - /42-7536!IdIW o` FF; �� ! %,.,., 76 ' i74'1GT:7:::-IARTflmirri:`-'-_,"-;:: ` �3 FO ,, +NSPECTIONS: ;� • 11: (' 2. R:. nFRAMIP 3 & PLUME:. — - Gcs' a` '� 1 3. I N , - N ai „,, `i 4Fli. CONSTR'1lCTION MU::, yC 4 Tv ZG*,t�! _ \ __. l I BF ' :_ETE FOR C.O. e `+GTIA - ( pp�r a ^, i n t o .J .- > -. ALL UCTIO:OSINIA:LEMFEOE: IZJ�f I-� THE EMENOE N.1 ,f. ;�*! �,�vtrj�.�' f I STATE r- - �STRUCTOAi NERG ..,, t'-----� �sN Li.` - CODE' OTRES ,, --.._.--__- _� Lar.: Z� i 441, ! ��'� O�t� .rtY�riv' Two Marc X ,i !� DESIGN i)R CONSTRUC_ON ERROR . R oe1.;,:4y' �.a¢,a4,r• "* .01 OCCUPANCY ; ,_ lisp Is UNLAWFUL I ;'' '''' I 4' THOUTCERTtFLCP • t 11 1&a2"2+ 5'-7° S4Lion I,00.0' , : Cri E To Dr�Cawoot2lJ+ 4a t4 taLANs Q liCY !i'fiT ! ( - afire i _ _ --- - __ - trza.Fe S'�l ti * L -p, :=,7 PLA t`---.4 Ili ,I; PnE !�} il 1 I . 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