HomeMy WebLinkAboutGRISWOLD STREETORDER LAYING OUT HIJHWAYS WITH THE CONSENT OF THE TOWN BOARD. Written applic,tion h~ving been m~de to me town superintendent of highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by NELSON S. ROBINSON, ?HANCIS H. ROBINSON,JR., and ARTHUR B. GORDON, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town having been given as prescribed by law, and release from damages having been executed by the owners of the land through which the proposed highways are to be laid out, copy of which is hereto annexed, and nothing ~m~ing been paid to any claiment for such damages, it is hereby ORDERED and DETER~Ii~ED that the three highways shall be and the same are hereby laid out in said Town as follows, and are to be known as 1. GriswoLd Street 2. Terry Court 3. Glover Street respectively, and described as follows:- Griswold Street-Terry Court- Glo,er Btreet~ Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Tucker Lane 308.9 feet westerly along said line from the westerly line of Main Road, and running thence at right angles to said line of Tucker Lan~ and along land of Nelson Robinson and land of Arthur B. Gordon (1) 8.22~15~W.- 332.04 fest~ thence along said land of Arthur B. ~ordon, 2 courses, as follows: (2) N.?l°lS'50"W.-310. O8 feet; thence (3)N.60°52'20"W.-2A3.67 feet; thence along said land of Arthur B. Gordon and land of Frank H. Robinson (4) N.22°16~E.-3$5.10 feet to land of Long Island Railroad Company; thence along said land of Long Island Railroad Company (~) N.68°A?'E.-??.12 feet to the westerly line of said Tucker Lane; thence along said westerly llne of Tucker Lane (6) B.23°Al'E.-llS. 5 feet, more or le~s, to an angle in said line; thence'along other l~nd of Nelson Robinson (7) N.6?°A5~W.- 1OO feet, more or less, to a p~int 50 feet easterly from the Ath course herein described; thence parallel to and 50 feet easterly from said Ath course (8) S.22°l~'W.-2??'.AO feet; thence parallel to and 50 feet northerly from the 3rd course herein described,(9) S.60°52'20"E.-l~&.?l feet; thence parallel to and 50 feet northerly from the 2nd course herein described, ~lO) S.?1°13'50"E.-2~9.11 feet; thence parallel to and 50 feet westerly from the 1st course Eerein described,(ll)N.22°lB'E.-28~.gq feet to said southerly line of Tucker La~; thence along said southerly line of Tucker Lane (12) S.b?°~5'E.-SO feet to the point of beginning. which proposed laying ou~ will pass through lands of NELSON S. ROBINSON, FRANCIS H. ROBINSON,JR., and ARTHUR B. GORDON only. DATED THIS day of~/%~19~8. Town Superintendent of Highways. TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TO',~N OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, AND STATE OF 'NEW YORK, The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out three new highways at $outhold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk, New York, to be known as 1. Griswold Street 2. Terry Court 2- Glover Street respectively, and described as follows:- Griswold Street-Terry Court- Glover Street: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Tucker Lane 308.9 feet westerly along said line from ~he westerly line of Main Road and running thence at right angles to s~ld line ~ Tucker Lane and along land of Nelson Robinson and land of Arthur B. Gordon (1) S.22°15'W.- 332.O~ feet; thence along said land o~ Arthur B. Gordon, 2 courses, as follows:(2) N.?l°13'50"W.-3lO.OS feet, thence. (3) N-bO°52'20''W,-243'57 feet; thence alon~ said land of Arthur B. Gordon and land of Frank H. Robinson (4) N.22 15'E.-355.16 feet to land of Long Island Railroad Company; thence along said land of Long Island Railroad Company (5) N.bS°a?'E.-??'12 feet to the westerly line or. said Tucker Lane; thence along said westerly line of Tucker Lane (6) S.23~-l'E.-l18.5 feet, more or less. to aB angle in said line; thence along other land o~ Nelson Robinson (?) N.b?~5~W.- 100 feet,.more or less, to a point 50 fee~ easterly from the ath course herein describe~; thence parallel to and 50 feet easterly from said 4th course (8) S.22UlS'W.-277.~O feet; the~c~ parallel to and 50_~e~t ~?r~erly fro~ the 3rd course herein described, (9) s. bOU52'20"E.-19~-~1 ree~, ~nence parallel to~s.n~ 50 feet northerly from the 2nd course herein described, ~ from the 1st course herein describec, %11; m.~ zQ . 77 thence along said southerly line of Tucker southerly line of Tucker Lane; Lane (12) S.6~°~5'E.-50 feet to the point of beginning. which Proposed laying out will pass through lands of NELSON S. ROBINSON, FRANCIS H. ROBINSON, JR, and ARTHUR B. GORDON only. WE, the undersigned, ~ majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having met at the office of the Supervieor, at Greenport, in said Town on the ~'~ day of ~" 19A~, and considered the application of I~LSON S. ROBINSON, FRANCIS H. ROBINSON,JR., and ARTHUR B. GORDON, for the laying of of three new highways at Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be 1. Griswold Street 2. Terry Court 3. Glover Street respectively, do hereby consent that such laying out be prayer of the within petition. known as: made in accordance with the T6)~C1 e rk. Justices of the peace. NELSON S, ROBINSON , residing at ~ Brick Church Plaza, East Orang~, New Jersey, FRANCIS H, ROBINSON,JR.. residing at Peconic in the Town cf Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and ARTHUR B, GORDON, residing in the village of Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State cf New York, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to us in hand paid by HAROLD PRICE, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the laying out of three new highways at Southold, Town of Southcld, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as 1. Griswold Street 2. Terry Court 3. Glover Street respectively, and demerlbed as follows:- Griswold Street-Terry Court- Glover Street: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Tucker Lane 308.9 feet westerly along said line from the westerly line of Main Road and running thence at right angles to said line of Tucker Lane and ~.long land of Nelson Robinson and land of Arthur B. Gordon (1) S.22°15'W.- 332.O~ feet: thence along said land of Arthur B. Gordon, 2 courses, as follows: (2)N.?l°13,50"W..-310.68 feet; thence feet: thence s.long sai8 land of Arthur B. Gordon and land of Frank H. Robinson (&) N.22OlS'E.-355.16 feet to land of Long Isl.an~d Rsil~oad Company; thence along said land of Long Isle. nd Railroad Company (~)...N.68 ~?'~.-??.12 feet to the westerly line of said Tucker Lsne; thenc.e along ssid westerly line of Tucker Lane (6) S.23°al'E.-l18.5 feet, more or less, to ~n angle insaid line; thence along other land of Nelson Robinson (?) N.67 45~W.- 1OO fee~, more or less, to a point 50 feet easterly from the ~th course herein describe~; thence parallel.to and 50 fee~ easterly f~m said ath course (~) S.22 15'W.-2~.$0 feet, the~c$ parallel ~o and 50 feet northerly from the 3rd course herein described, (9) S.6OG~2'20"E.-19~.ll feet; thence parallel to and, 50 feet northerly from the 2n~ course he~in described, ~lO) S. llOl~'~O'E.-2~9.11 fee~. ~ence parallel ~o and ~O feet westerly ~ro~ ~h~ ls~ ~ourse ~rein described, (11) N.22OlS'E~-2~.99 fee~ to said southerly lineoof Tucker Lane; ~hence along said southerly line of Tucker L~e (12) S.b~ 45~E.-50 fee~ to the point of beginning. which proposed new highwsy~ will be known ss Griswold Street, Ter~ Cour~ and Glover St~et~ re~ectively and will pass through ~he lan~s of NELSON S. ROBIN~N,F~m~CIS H.ROBIN~N ~d AR~UR B. ~,only, do hereby dedicate and release ~o the ToE of Sou~hold, sll land he~tef~e oEed be me ~d included within the'premise~ above described, and do severally hereby release said Town from all da~ges by reason of the laying out of said new highways. ~ ' ~ S STATE OF NEW YORK SS: - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. On the NELSON S. ROBINSON of of ~ 19~8,before me personally came day a~ Brick Church Plaza, East Orange, New Jersey, to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument ~nd he duly acknowledged to me th,t he executed the same. ALFRED C. TEVES II~TARY PUBLIC, STATE Of NEI~ YOIIK ~,~,~ t~e~ ~ ~0, 1949 STATE OF NEW YORK S$: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. On the day of ~/~ 19~8,before me personally came FR~CIS H. ROBINSON,JR.. OF Peconic,in the Town of soUthold, Suffolk County, NEW YORK, to me known and known to'me to be the individual described in end who executed the foregoing instrument and he duly ~cknowledged to me that he executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. On day .ARTHUR B, GORDON, Village of Soutbold, New York, to me known and known to me and who executed the foregoing Notary Public. 19~8, before me personally cnme in Town of 8outhold, Suffolk County, to be the individual described in instrument and he duly. acknowledged to me that he executed the same. 7 z t~ ~ J ~ F F w z W Z F 0 ,z Z 0 N. ~,0' 5'E.,ZO.w. ~-43,.57 N.~i· ~3' 50"W. 51o.66 MAP OF PROPOSED HIGHWAYS '1-O ~ KN O~/N P~S ~ I:~{SWOL. O 5TI::;tE ET TE RPtY COU~T ~LOVER 5TREET ~ITUATg AT SOUTHOLD NEW ~o~ ~C~LE: I00'--~