HomeMy WebLinkAboutGRIFFING STREETTOV~T~ OF SOUTHOLD STATE OF NE~ YORK In the Matter of the Application of Arthu.~ : Mehl~ residing at Cutcho~e, Tow. n of $outhold~ County of Suffolk and State of I~ew York, fo~ : the laying out of a new hi~ay in Cutc~hogue, in th~ To~ of Southold, ~o~ty of ~fotk mhd : ~tmte of New Yo~k, to be ~own ms GRIPF~G ST~T. APPLICAT IO~ To the ~own Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Cou~%ty of S~ffoik and S~ate of New York: The undersigned petitioner, Arthu~ Mehl~ .residing at Cutcho~e, Town of ~uthold, County of Suffolk ~nd State of New Yo~k~ liable to be assessed fo~ hig~vay taxes in the Town of ~outho!d, hereby applies to the Town Supemintendent of Highways lay out a new highway at Cutchogue, Ln the Town of Southold, County of ~fOlk and State of New York, to be known as GRIFF~G STREET, a~d more fully described as follows: BEGIt~NiNG at the southwesterly line of the pmoposed ~0~ highway to be known as ~Griffing Street~, which begins at a mon~ent on the nomthwestemty tine of the Main Road at the southerly co~nem of !mhd of ~th~ ~mhl wheme said l~nd ~djoins t~nd of from said point of begirming ~uing along s~id land of E~cz.ewski~ 3 cou~se~ ~s follows: 1) N~ 4~ 02' 40~ ~-73.5 feet to ~ mon~ent; thence 2) N. 38~ 04~ 20~ ~-187~4 feet to m post; thence 3) N. 39O 09~ 20=~ ~.~50~lT.feet; thence at ~ight ~ngles to the !mst descmibed course, N. 50° 50' 40~ E.-50~O feet to mn i~on pipe mt the westerly of land of Ch~les Sc~eide~ thence mlong said land of Scb_ueide~, 2 cou~s~s~ ms 1} ~ 39° 09' 20~ E.~50.64 feet to ~n imon pipe; thence 2) S~ 380 04~ 20~ ~.~9~36 feet to mn i~on pipe mt t~ southemly co~ne~ of amid land~ thence along .smi~ land of ~ehi~ 2 cou~ses~ ms follows: 1} S. 490 22~ 50~ E~76~93 fe~t; thence 2~) S. 5!° ~ E.~t!8~O feet to said nomthwest~mly line of the Main Eomd; thence along s~id north- weste~ty line of the MaLu Road, S. 38° 19~ 40~ '~.-92.0 feet to the point of begi~ing~ A ~ap of said proposed highway has been nmde by Otto ~. Van Tuyi~ Licensed Sumveyor, G~eenport, New York; and is arm~exed hereto and pa~t of this application. Annexed hereto and made s pmrt of this application is a the To~ of Southold by the petitioner release and dedication to herein, over whose property smid highway is to .m.m.,~ STATE OF NE~¥ YORK: : COD~TY OF SUFFOLK: ARTHUR MEHL, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the Petitioner herein; that he has read the foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to his own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged upon ir~o~ation and belief and as to tho~matters he believes it to be true. Arthu~ Pleh% Sworn to before me this / fZ fd y of -958 WILLIAM WICKHA':~ ~ ~n S,zHelk County TO~fN OF SOUTHOLD STATE OF NA~J YORK Iaa the Matter of the .~pplic~ation of Arthur Mehl, ~esiding at O~utcho~ae. Town of S. outhold, Cou_uty of Suffolk mhd Skate of New Yo~k, for the laying out of a new highway in Cutchogue, in the Town of ~outhold, C~ounty of ~ffolk mhd State New Yo~k. to be known as GRIFPING ST~T. ORDER LAYL~G OUT HIG~f~AY WiTH TF~w CON~ S~NT OF THE T0~a~ BOARD W~itten application having been duly made to me the Town Superintendent of Highways Fo~ the Town of Southold, ~uffolk County. New Yo~k. Fo~ the laying out of a Town highway in the s~id To%~ of $outhold. by A~th~ ~ieh!, limble to be mssessed hi.way ta~es in said To~ having been given as p~esc~ibed by mhd a dedication and ~elease f~om damages hav~g been executed, mcknow!edged mhd delivered by the owne~ of the l~nd th~ou~ which the p~oposed hi.way is p~oposed to be laid out, s copy of which is hereto a~exed, and nothing havi~ been paid to shy claimant ~D~ s~ch da~ges~ NO~, T~P~FO~, i, the ~own ~pe~intendent of Highways of the Town of S,outhold~ ~folk County, New Yo~k, DO HE.BY DETEPd~[ ~D O~ER that the Town highway, shall be, and the same is hereby imid out at Cutchogue, ~ said To~, as follows: to be ~own GRIFP~G ST~ET which s~ll be f~ty feet in width: BEG~N~G at the southwesterly line of the p~oposed ~0~ highway to be ~own as ~G~iffing Stm~et% which begins at a mon~ent on the northwesterly line of the Main Road at the southemly co~ne~ of lm~ of A~thu~ Mehl where said isndmdjo~s land of Ku~cz:ewskl; f~om said po~t of begging ~u~ along said land of K~c~ewski, 3 courses, as follows: 1) N. 40c 02~ 40~ ~.~73~ Feet to a mon~ent; thence 2) N. 38~ 04~ 20~ %~.'-187.4 feet to a post; thence 3) N. 39° 09~ 20~ W.-~O.i? Feet; thence st sngies to the last d~scribed course, N. ~0 E.-~O.O Feet to mn i~on pipe mt the westerly co~ne~ of !and of Cha~l~s Sc~eide~; thence along s~id land of Schneider, 2 co~ses, as follows: S. 39° 09' 20~ ~.~0~6~ Feet to an i~on p~pe, thence S. 380 ~ 20%~ ~.~9.36 Feet to an iron pip~. ~t the southerly co~ne~ of said land; thence mlo~ said land of Mehl, 2 coarses, as follows: ~mted: l) So 49~ 22' 50w E~76.93~feet; ~hence 2) S, ~I. 145 E,~i18.0 feeu to Said n0mthwesterly · ~ lzne o_ the ~fm~u Road; thence along said north- westerly line of the Main Read, So 38o 19t 40~ W,~92~0 feet to the point of beginning. the ~day of M~y, i958. -~'D~. P~ice, Town Supe~intenden~ of Highways, Town of Southold, Suffolk Cou~aty, NewYork. TO~ OF SOUTHOLD STATE OF NEq~ YORK In the Mattem of the ADplic~tion of A2thum Meht, 2esiding at Cutchogae, Town of ~outhold, County of ~folk and State of New Yo~k, the laying out of a new highway in Cutchogue, in the Town of ~outhold, County Of ~ffolk and S~ate of New Yo~k, to be known as GRIFFING ST_REET. CDNSENT ~E, the undemsigned~ being a ~ajo~ity of the Town Boamd of the T~wn of $:outhold, in the County of S~fffolk and S. tate of New Yo~k, having duly met at a ~egula~ meeting of s~id Town Boamd, at the office of the ~pemviso~ at Gmeenpo~, in amid Town, on the ~ ~ day of May, I9~8 and having duly considered the application of A~thum Meh!, dated the ~ day of iW~y, 19~8~ fo_~ the laying out of ~ new highway mt Cutchog~e, in said Town, and to be known sa GRIFF~tG STREET, do he_~eby consent that such laying out be made in accordance with said p~titiono S~pef~vis o~ : ~' Justices of t~e~ ' ': TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATE 0Y NEW YORK In the ~i~tter of the Application of Arthur Mehl,: residing at Cutchogue, Town of Southo~d, County of Suffolk and State of New To~k, fo~ the laying out : of s new highway Lq Cutchogue~ in the Town of Southold, County of S~ffolk mhd ~tate of New ¥o~k, : to be known ms GRIFFING STREET. P~LF~&SE I, Arthur Mehl, being the owner of certain land in Cutchogue, Town of $outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, over which land a certain proposed highway known as GRIFFINC STREET and described in the Application in the above entitled Matter, dated the ,/~ /~day of ~ay, 19~8, will pass. NOW, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar to me in hand paid by Ham0id D..r~ce, ShperLutendent of the ~ghways of said S~outhold Town, end in further consideration of the laying of the new highway, ~own as. GRIFF~G STREET, do hereby ~elease and dedicate to the Town of Southold, all the land heratofo~e owned by me mhd through which maid proposed highway will pmss, mhd described as follows: gins~ mt m monum~ent on the northwesterly line of ~he ~ain Road at the southerly corne~ of land of Arthur Mehl where said land adjoins land of Kurczewski; from amid point of beginning running along said land. ~f Kurczewski, 3 courses, as follows: !) N~ 40° 0~ 40~ ~*~73-~ feet to ~ mon~ent; thence 2) N. 38~' 04' 20~ W.=187.4 feet to m pos~; thence 3) N. 39~ 09~ 20~ ~.-50.17 feet; thence mt ~ight angles to the last described course, N. 50° %0~ 40 E~50.0 feet to an iron pips at the westerly of !mhd of Charles Schneider; thence along s~id land of Schneider, 2 courses, as fo!l~s: 1) ~ 39~ 09~ 20~ E.-50.64 feet to an mron pipe; thence 2) ~. ~38~ 04~ 20~ E:-49.36 feet to an iron pipe s~ the southerly co~e~ of said l~nd~, thence siong said land of Mehl, 2 co~ses, ms follows: 1) $, 49° 22' 50~ E~76.93 feets thence 2) S. 515 ~ E,~!I8~0 feet to amid nortb_~este~ l~e of the Ms~ Road, .thence along sa~d north- westerly line of the M~ Road, $~ 38° 19~ 40'~ ~92~0 f~et to the po~t of begL~uing. ii And I do release the said Town of Southold, from all damages by reason of the laying out of Said highway. STATE OF NEW YORK: : S~ C0b~NTY OF SUFFOLK: On this /~day of May, 1958, before me the subscriber personally appeared ARTHUR MEHL, to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. ~OTARYPUBLIC, STATEOF ,., ',-,&K No. 52-4259000 ~mr~ed in Suffolk Cmm~ Yum expixes i~axch 50, 195~ RECORgEO TO: SIR: NOTICE TO REMOVE OBSTRUCTION PURSUANT TO HIGHWAY LAW SECTION 319 Raymond Jacobs, Superintendent of Highways Town of Southoid, State of New York PI.P-ASE TAKE NOTICE, that purs~am to Highway Law Section 319, you are to remove w/thin 30 days of your receipt of thi.~ notice, the permanent obstruction, hereinafter described, to the Town highway known as Griff~ng Street, hamlet of Cutchogue, Town of Southold, State of New York· The obstruction to the Town highway is a private park allegedly constructed by the Cutchogue-New Suffolk Chamber of Commerce on the public highway; and it con~tkates a continuing nuisance obstructing the public use of the highway for travel and parking purposes. The obstruction to the eastern portion of G-ri~ng Street is more fully described in the annexed survey of Peconic Surveyors, P.C., dated June 23, 1995. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that upon your receipt of this notice to r~love the obstruction, you are to re,tore the highway to its orl~nnn! dimensions as shown in the survey of Arthur Mehl dated October $, 1957, within 30 days. PLEASE TAKE FURTHI~ NOTICE that upon your receipt of this notice to remove obstruction, you are to, within 30 days, restore the highway known as Grii~g Street to its prior condition, before the private park was illegally erected on the public highway, reestablishing the public parking, as shown on the ann~x~ survey of John T. Dated: July 24, 1995 Naples, Florida Yours, etc. James I. Cmn, Esq. Office and P.O. Address 3609 Cottage Club Lane Naples, FL 33942 MAP OF A PORTION OF GRIFFING STREET A T CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. 1000 - 102- 05 - Scale '. 1~20' June 23,1995 ~"..4, / ..,.~.,.4'...;~,~v.Y,S. LIC. NO. ~19618 '. O. 80X 909 ~$0 TRAVELER STREET OUTHOLD, N.Y. 119~1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATE O~ NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of Arthur Mehl, residing at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, for the laying out of a new highway in Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known as GRIFFING STREET. RELEASE STATE OF NEW YORK In the Fmtter of the Application of Arthu~ Mehl, residing at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, for the 1sying out of a new highway in Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk snd State of New York, to be known ss GRIFFIN G STREET. APPLICAT ION, RELEASE, ORDER snd C ON SEN T WILLIAi~i WICKHA~4 ESQ. MATTITbCK, NEW YORK MAP OF LAND ~N OF ~OLgTIqOL. D