HomeMy WebLinkAboutGRANT BOULEVARDTo the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Tow~ of Southold, in the County of SUffolk and State of New York: The undersigned~ liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said ~own of Southold, hereby applies to you to lay out new highways at~ttituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, described as follows: The road to be knovnn as GRANT BOULEVARD described as follows:- The southerly line of proposed Grant Boulevard begins at a concrete monUment about opposite the southerly line of the road leading across an arm of ~attituok Greek and distant 47~.0 feet northerly along the easterly line of Oregon Road from a granite monumen~ at a deflection point in said easterly line, running thence S. 5~o55'~0" E.- (being at a right angle to said Oregon Road), S50.0 feet to a oonrete monument marking the westerly line of BAYER ROAD hereinafter described. The road to be known as BAYE~ RO~D described as follows:- The westerly line of proposed BAYnR ROAD begins at the concrete monument last above described, marking the southerly line of Grant Boulevard, running thence at a right angl~ to said Grant Boulevard~ S. 31oo~'sO" ~.-508.$2 feet to a conrete montnnent, thence S. 65°05~0# W._165.45 feet to a conrete monument on the easterly line of said Oregon Road distant Sll.O feet southerly from the granite monument at deflection point in said easterly line of Oregon Road referred to in above record of Grant Boulevard. The last course above described being at a right angle to said ~rant Boulevard at the terminus of said course. Both of the above described proposed Highways are to be 50 · feet wide and pass entirely through lands of Gustav Bayer. ~nd a map showing said proposed roads has been made by Otto ~. Van Tuyl, 5urveyor~of ~reenport, N.Y., and is to be filed in t~e office of the Clerk of the Town of Southold and is hereby made a part of this record, which proposed laying out will pass through tl~e lands of Gustav Bayer only. Dated this day of %pril, 1927. We, the undersigned, a majority of t~e Town Board of the Town of ~outhold, having met at the offfiee off the Supervisor, at Greenport, in said Town, on the ~ day of~ 1927, and considered the application of ~ustav Bayer For the ~aying out of new ~ghways at Mattituck, To~ of Southold, S~folk Go~ty, New York, to be ~o~ as ~ANT BOULeVarD and BAY~ RO~ do hereby consent t~t such laying out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. .... .......... ..... ~'~X;;~2 -x .......... ~g.¢ ~¢/.~K~) of the ............... ff Superintendent of Highways. I, GUSTAV BAYER, of ~attituek, Suffolk County, New York, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar to me in h~nd paid by ~eorge H. Fleet~ Town Superintendent of Highways of said Town of ~outhold, and in further sonsideration of the laying out of new b~tghways at ~attituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Eew York, described as follows:- The ro~d to be known as ~RANT BOULEV~LRD described as follows The southerly line of proposed ~rant Boulevard begins at a concrete monument about opposite the southerly line of the road leading across an arm of ~attituok Creek and distant 472.0 feet northerly along the easterly line of Oregon Road from a granite monument at a deflection point in said easterly line, r~ing thence S. 58o55'50# E.- (being at a right angle bo said Oregon Road), 550.0 feet to a concrete monument marking the westerly line of BAYER ROaD hereinafter described. The road to be known as BAYh~ ROAD described as follows:- The westerly line of proposed BAYER ROAD begins at the concrete monument last above aesoribed, marking the southerly line of Grant Boulevard, running thence at a right angle to said Grant Boulevard, S. 51°04'$0#W.-508.6S feet to a concrete monument, thence S. 85°05'40"W.-165.45 feet to a concrete monument On tho easterly line of said Oregon Road dis~&nt Mll.0 feet southerly from the granite monument at deflection point in said easterly line of Oregon Road referred to in above record of Grant Boulevard. The last course above described being at a right angle to said Grant Boulevard at the terminus of said cot?se. Both of above described proposed Highways are to be ~0 feet wide and pass entirely through lands of Gustav Bayer. And a ~ap sho~ing said proposed roads has been made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Surveyor, of sreenport, N. Y., and is to be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Southold and is hereby made a part of this record, w~ioh proposed laying out p~sses through the land of GUstav Bayer only, do hereby dedicate and release to the Tor~n of Southold all land heretofore owned by me and included within the premises ~bove described, and do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of the course of said high~ays as aforesaid. Dated this STATE ~F hEW YORK, GOUNTY OF day of ~pril, 1927. On this · . day of April, 1~27, before me personally oame GUST~V BAYER, of ~attituok, SUffolk County, hew York, personally known to me and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he duly aoknowledged to me that he exeouted the same. Suffolk County. T()\'~N OF ~OUTHOLD . In the ~atter of the Application of ' "~ BAYER GU~ ~ AV , for tho laying out of new highways at ~iattituok, Tow~ Southold, Suffolk County, Now York. of