HomeMy WebLinkAboutGRANGE ROADC) 0 ,] SOLOMON RAFFE STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. A. PPLICAT ION FOR DEDI'CATiON TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTH OLD IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK The undersigned, a taxpayer of the Town of Southold, liable to be assessed for highway taxes herein, hereby applies to you to lay out a highway in said Town, known as 'rGrange Road" and a Recharge Basin on a certain map entitled "Subdivision Plan of South Harbor Home Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on July 14, 1964, as file map 4096, which proposed highway will pass through the lands of the undersigned, who consents to the laying out of this highway, whihh is bounded and described as follows: ALL that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the westerly line of Bayview Road, which said monu- ment is the following courses and distances from the point of intersection of the northerly llne of Baywater Avenue with the westerly line of Bay- view Road: (1) N. 10' 30~ E. 218.4 ft., i(Z) N. Z8° 53' 30"E. 951.10 ft., i~3) N. Z6' ZZ~00''E. 185.59 ft. and running thence from said point of beginning westerly along Lots #Z0, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13 and along an area designated as "recharge basin" as shown on certain map entit- led "Subdivision Plan of South Harbor Homes, Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~" filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on July 14, 1964 as Map #4096, the $OI. OMON RAFF£ following courses and distances: i{1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 14. 09 ft. for a dis- tance of Z9.81 ft., L(Z) S. 85~ 09' 50" W. ~47.93 ft,, [[3)S. 58° lZ' 50" W. Z61.36 ft., {4)on a curve to the left with a radius of 74, 63 ft. for a distance of 48° 10 ft., i[5) on a curve to the right with a radius of 50° 00 ft. for a distance of 55° 74 ft. to a point in the northerly llne of land of Wo Stepnoskl; thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 50° 00 ft. along the land of Rene Gen- dron 7Z° 05 ft°; thence easterly along Lot along a roadway and along Lots $9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3, Z, 1 as shown on aforesaid map, the follow- ing courses and distances: !{1) on a curve to the right with a radius of 50° 00 ft. for a distance of 93° 74 fto, ,(2) on a curve to the left with a radius of 74. 63 ft. for a distance of 48.10 fi°, ~$) N. 58° 1Z' 50"E. Z73o34ft., i{4) N. 85° 09' 50"E. 690° 19 ft., ~5) on a curve to the left with a radius of 44. 37 ft. for a distance of 45.53 ft. to th~ west- erly line of Bayview Road; thence S. Z6~ ZZt 00" W. along the westerly line of Bayview Road 108. 46 ft. to the point or place of beginning° And such recharge basin which is bounded and described as follows: ALL that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York bounded and described as follows: BEGiNNING at the northwest corner of Lot $13, as shown on a certain map entitled "Subdivision Plan of South Harbor Homes, Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on July 14, 1964 as Map $4096 and r,,n,~ing thence from said point of beginning S. 31e 47r 10" E. along aforesaid Lot $13 84. 14 ft. to the land of Rene Gendron or of B.W. Stepnoski; thence S. 85e 03t 50" W. along the land either of Gendron or Stepnoski 14Z. 96 ft. to Grange Road as shown on aforesaid map; thence easterly along Grange Road the following courses and distances: on a curve to the left with a radius of 50° 00 ft. for a distance of 55.74 fro, i(Z) on a curve to the right with a radius of 74. 63 ft. for a distance of 48. 10 ft., I[3) N. 58° 1Zr 50" E. 30°00 it. to the point or place of beginning. Hereto annexed and made a part hereof, is a certain map showing the courses ~f~ the said proposed highway and recharge basin Dated, this Z5th day of November, 1964, '-- R ene ~ Gendron !~ STAT~. OF ~EW YOaK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) SS.: On this 25th day of November, 1964, personally came Rene' Gendron, to me known~ and known to me to be the individual described and who executed the foregoing instrurne,~t, and acknowledged that he executed the same. Count SOLOMON RAFF£ SOLOMON RAFF£ COUNSELOR AT LAW © © O STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD : In the Matter : of the : Laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of : Suffolk and State of New York. : ORDER LAY]~IG OUT HIGHWAYS Application Having Been Duly Made for the Laying out of a town highway and recharge basin in the Town of Southold~ SuffoLk Coun' New York~ which highway is shown as "Grange Road" and recharge basin is delineated on a certain map entitled "Subdivision PLan of South Harbor Homes, Southolde Town of Southold, SuffoLk County, New Yor~r' filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on July 14, 1964, as file map #4096, and a dedication and release from the owner through which the highway and recharge basin is proposed to be opened, having been given; NOW, THEREFOREs I~ the Town Superintendent of Highwayf of the town of Southold, Suffolk Countye New York, do hereby determin a~r~d order that the town highway and a recharge basin therefor, shall be~ and the same are hereby Laid out in said Town as follows: Parcel 1: ALL those certain plots, pieces or parcels of Land, situate, lying and being at Southolc~ Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York shown as "Grange Road" on a certain map entitled "Subdivision Plan of South Harbor Hornes~ Southold~ Tow~ of Southold, SuffoLk County~ New Yo~k ' filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on July 142 1964~ as file map #4096 bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the westerly line of Bay~riew Road~ which said monu- SOLOMON RAFFE COUNt~ELOR AT LAW merit is the following courses and distances from the point of intersection of the northerly line of Baywater Avenue with the westerly line of Bay# view Road: ~[1) No 10° 30~ E. 218.4 ft., i(2 28~ 53~30"E. 951o10 ft.· (3) No 26° 22~O0'E. 185. 59 ft. and running thence from said point of beginning westerly along Lots ~20, 19· 18· 17, 16· 15, 14. 13 and along an area designated as "recharge basin" as shown on certain map entit- led "Subdivision Plan of South Harbor Homes· Southold· Town of Southold, Suffolk County· New York," filed in the Off£ice of the Clerk of Suffolk County on July 14, 1964 as Map #4096· the following courses and distances: (I) on a curve to the left with a radius of 14o 09 ft. for a dis- tance of 29°81 fto· i[2) S. 85* 09' 50" W. 647.93 ft., ~3) S. 58° 12~ 50" W. 261,36 ft. ~4) ona curve to the left with a radius 0f 74° 63 ft. for a distance of 48.10 fro · ~5) on a curve to the right with a radius of 50° 00 ft. for a distance of 55. ?4 ft. to a point in the northerll./line of land of Wo Stepnoski; thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 50. 00 fto along the land of Renet Gen- dron ?Z. 05 ft.; thence easterly along Lot along a roadway and along Lots #9, 8, ?· 6, 4, 3s 2, I as shown on aforesaid map· the £ollow- ing courses and distances: i(1) on a curve to the right with a radius of 50. 00 ft. for a distance of 93° 74 fro, i~Z) on a curve to the left with a radius of 74. 63 ft. for a distance of 48° 10 fto, i[3) 58' 12r 50"Eo 273.$4 ft.= :(4) No 85° 09r50,,Eo 690° 19 ft.· ~(5) on a curve to the left with a radius of 44° 37 ft. for a distance of 45.53 ft° to the west- erly line of Bayview Road; thence So 26~ a2t 00" W. along the westerly line of Bayview Road 108. 46 ft. to the point or place of beginning. ~arcel 2: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land· toget- aer with the improvements thereon, situate·' lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Lot #13, as shown on a certain map entitled '~ubdivision l~lan of South Harbor Homes· Southold~ Town of Southold· Suffolk County· New York and filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on July 14, 1964 as Map #4096 and running thence from said point of begln,~ing So 31' 47~ 10" E. along aforesaid Lot ~13 84. 14 ft. to the land of Rede~ Gendron or of B.W. Stepnoski; thence So 85* 03~ 50" Wo along the land either of Gendron or Stepnoski I42.96 ft. to Grange Road as shown on aforesaid map; thence easterly along Grange SOLOMON RAFFE 0 © 0 Road the following courses and distances: ;~I) on a curve to the left with a radius of 50. 00 for a distance of 55.74 ft., ~Z) on a curve to the right with a radius of 74.63 ft. for a distance of 48.10ft., !(3} N. 58° IZ~50"E. 30.00 ft. tothe point or place of beginning. Dated: December , 1964. Town Superintendent of HighWays -3- SOLOMON RAFFLE STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN BOARD : TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the : Laying out of a certain Town Highway in: the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. : CONSENT OF TOWN BOA-RD TO PROPOSEE TOWN HIGHWAY UPON READING AND FILING the _~pplication of 'Rene' Gendron dated and acknowledged November Z5th, 1964, and the Dedication and Release of Rene' Gendron, dated November 25th, 1964, and duly ack- nowledged, dedicating and releasing the necessary lands for a rechar~ basin and for a proposed Town Highway shown as "Grange Road" on a certain map entitled "Subdivision Plan of South Harbor Homes, South- old, mbwn of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on July 14, 1964, as file map #4096, and RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, make an order laying out the aforesaid town highway, and recharge basin, the said town highway to consist of lands described in the said dedication and release and to extend as delineated upon the map thereto annexed, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to forthwith cause such release to be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk and, upon its return, to attach it hereto, Dated: TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF By: C G STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Iviatter of the Laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of : Suffolk and State of New York. : WHEREAS, application has been duly made to the Town Super. intendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of a certain town highway, and recharge basin conforming to the highway designated as "Grange Road" and recharge basin on a certain map entitled "Subdivision Plan of South Harbor Horn Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on July 14, 1964, as file map 4096, which highway and recharge basin extend through the land of Rene t Gendron, residing at Fairhaven, Sout~ Jamesport, Town of Riverhead, County of Suffolk, New York, the owner of the lands to be included within the said highway and recharge basin, do hereby dedi- cate, grant, release and convey for highway purposes to the said Towz of Southold, its successors and assigns, the following lands, constitu. ting those lands shown on said map entitled, "Subdivision Plan of South Harbor Homes, Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Ne~ York" as "Gr~ange Road" together with a recharge basin as shown on said map: Parcel I : All those certain plots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, .Town of Southold, County of Snffol and State of New York shown as "Grange Road" on a certain map entit. led "Subdivision Plan of South Harbor Homes, ~e_u/fl/ul~; aTown of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the office of the Clerk of WAY AND RECHARGE BASIN SOLOMON RAFFE said point of beginning S. 31' 47' 10" E. along aforesaid Lot #13 84. 14 ft. to the land of Renet Gendron or of B. W~ Stepnoski; thence S. 85' 03t 50" W. along the land either of Gendron or Stepnoski 142.96 ft. to Grange Road as shown on aforesaid map; thence easterly along Grange Road the following courses and distances: [fl) on a curve to the left with a radius of 50. 00 ft. for a distance of 55.74 ft., (2.) on a curve to the right with a radius of 74. 63 ft. for a distance of 48.10ft., (3]No 58' IZtS0"E. 30.00 ft. tothe point or place of beginning. L BEING and intended to be the same premises described on said file map ~4096 as "Recharge Basin Area". The lands hereb7 dedicated, released and conveyed are speci- finally shown and delineated upon the said map "Subdivision Plan of South Harbor Homes, Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, AND WE DO CERTIFY that the considerations paid to the undersigned for this dedication and conveyance, are the following, to wit: To Rene~ Gendron, the sum of One Dollar. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have caused these presents to be executed and sealed this ZSth day of November, 1964, i~ENE ' GENDRON STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this Z5th day of November, 1964, before me personally came RENE' GENDRON, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and aclulowledged that he executed the same, RECORDED County FEB 23 1965 NI MAN E. KLIPP Clerk ~ ~uff~k Count~ the County of Suffolk on July 14, 1964, as file map #4096, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the westerly line of Bayview Road, which said monu- ment is the following courses and distances from the point of intersection of the northerly line of Baywater Avenue with the westerly line of Bay- view Road: [1) N. 10' 30~E, 218.4 ft., i{Z) N. 28° 53'30"E. 951.10 fto, [3) N. Z6° 22'00" E. 185. 59 ft. and running thence from point of beginning westerly along Lots //2.0, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13 and along an area desig- nated as "recharge basin" as shown on certain map entitled "Subdivision l~lan of South Harbor Homes, Southold, Town of Southold, SuffoLk County, New York" filed in the office of the Clerk of SuffoLk County on July 14, 1964 as Map ~4096 the following courses and distances: i[1) on a curve to the left with a radius of 14. 09 ft. for a distance of Z9.81 ft., [Z) S. 85' 09~50'' W. 647.93 ft., S. 58' 1Z~ 50" W. Z61.36 ft., i[4) on a curve to the left with a radius of 74° 63 ft. for a distance of 48. 10 ft., ~5) on a curve to the right with a radius of 50. 00 ft. for a distance of 55.74 ft. to a point in the northerly line of land of B.W. Stepnoski; thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 50. 00 ft, along the land of Rene~ Gendron 72.. 05 ft.; thence easterly along Lot #lZ, along a road- way and along Lots #9~ 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, Z, I, as shown on aforesaid map, the foll/~ving courses and distances: [[1) on a curve to the right with a radius of 50.00 ft. for a distance of 93, 74 ft,., i{Z) on a curve to the left with a radius of 74° 63 ft. for a distance of 48. 10 ft., ~3) N. 58° 1Z~ 50" E. Z73. 34 ft., [[4) N. 85' 09' 50" E. 690.19 ft., ~[5) on a curve to the left with a radius of 44. 37 ft. for a dis- tance of 45, 53 ft. to the westerly line of Bayview Road; thence So 2.6' 2.Z~ 00" W, along the westerly line of Bayview Road 108.46 ft. to the point or place of beginning, Parcel Z : All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, together with the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of SuffoLk and State of New Yorl% bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Lot #13, as shown on a certain map entitled "Subdivision l~lan of South Harbor Homes, Southold, Town of Southold, SuffoLk County, New York" and filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on July 14, 1964 as Map #4096 and rnm~ing thence from .2.. Feb.'usry 16, 196So County Clerk RXverhe&d, ~ YOrk i~er Mr. IG.~pp~ D~dic&tion and ReLease oE l&nd for ~n H~qh- rec~d~ ~ ~s Co~ty o~ Upon co~letion of th8 record. , will you kindly return in the enclosed envelope. & check Ln the amount of ~12.50 il enclosed to cover cost of recurdin~. Yery truly yours, Albert W. Richmond ToWn Clerk SOLOMON RAFFE COUNSELOR AT LAW November 25, 1964 Robert Tasker, Esq. Town Attorney Town of Southold Greenport, New York Re: South Harbor Homes Dedication of Street and Recharge Basin Dear Mr. Tasker: Pursuant to our conversation of a week ago I enclose herewith the following papers in regard to the dedication I refer to above; 1. Three prints of the proposed layout of such highway and recharge basin 2. a. A duly acknowledged dedication and release, together with the required County Clerk's recording fees. b. Proposed consent to the Town Board c. A survey map of the property d. An Attorney's certificate of title and an abstract of title certified to the Town Board by the Attorney. 6. A bargain and sale deed with covenant against grantor~s acts on the proper form for recording in the County Clerk's Office, together with the recording fees. I would appreciate it if you would kindly keep me advised of the progress of this matter. CER:jc Enos. November 2?, 1964 Charles E. Raffe0 Esq. 747 East Main Street Riverhead, New York 11901 Re: South Harbor Homes Dedication of Street and Recharge Basin Dear Mr. Raffe: Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of November 25th with enclosures. The only question that I have is the description of the recharge basin. The map shows the distance along the westerly line of Lot t3 as 84.42 feet. The documents show this distance as 84. 14 feet. Also, the map shows the distance along the southerly line of the rec~.arge basin as 143.09 feet and the instruments show this distance as 142.96 feet. vVould you please advise me of the reason for the discrepancy. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER SOLOMON RAFFE COUNSELOR AT LAW SEARCH SCHEME 2/1/43 to 3/1/56 Vincent Krupski Aniela Krupski, a/k/a Amelia Krupski, a/k/a Nellie Krupski Z/1/43 to 7/1/59 Antone Krupski 6/1/59 to 11/~61 HenryKrupski 6/1/59 to 11/1/61 Rene' Gendron 9/1/61 to Date I hereby certify that all necessary searches {United States Feder~ Court and Bankruptcy Searches excluded) have been run against the above parties for the period set oposite their respective names, and that the following is a true and correct abstract of the record. I certify title to the following premises: ALL those certain plots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York shown as Grange Road and a recharge basin on a certain map entitled "Subdivision Plan of South Harbor Homes, Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, "filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on July 14, 1964 as file map ~4096, is in the name of Rene' Gendron. Dated: November Z5, 1964 Riverhead, New York 'FE, ESQ. CHARLES E. ~ SOLOMON RAFFE ABSTRACT OF TITLE Premises under examination: ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounde and described as follows: ALL those certain plots, pieces or parcel of land situate lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York shown as Grange Road and a recharge basin on a certain ma entitled "Subdivision Plan of South Harbor Homes, Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on July 14, 1964 as file map ~4096. Title is assumed good by a full covenant and warranty deed givex by Alice J. Dart to Vincent Krupski and Aniela Krupski, his wife, date~ February 9, 1943 executed on the same date and recorded February 10, 1943 for the tract today known as "Subdivision Plan of South I-Iarbo! Homes". Title follows herein. Alice J. Dart Southold, New York to Vincent Krupski Aniela Krupski, his wife Southold, New York Premises: F. C. W. Deed Dated Feb. 9, 1943 Ackd. Feb. 9, 1943 Recdw Feb. I0, 1943 L. ZZTZ cp 494 Cons. $1,00 and other valuable consideration Habendum:fee ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, described as follow bounded northerly by the land of Martin Lehr~ easterly by highway leading from Southold to Bayview; Southerly by land now or formerly of Arthur B. Gordon and westerly by South Harbor Lane. Containing by estimation 10 1/Z acres, more or less. SOLOMON RAFFE COUNSELOR AT LAW Being part of the premises conveyed by George F. Dpwns ,and wife to Alice $. Dart by deed dated October 1, 1938 and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 1985 cp 376. Vincent Krupski died testate a resident of S~fo~ County, New York on February 14, 1956. Vincent Krupski left him surviving the following: Aniela Krupski, his widow, ~tone S. Krupski, a son, Henr M. Krupski, a son and Anne ~ D~nowski, a daughter, all of full age. The petition of Aniela Krupski was verified on February 25, 1956, and letters testamentary were granted to her and his will was admitted to probate on February 29, 1956. The three aforementioned children all signed waivers and consents on February 25, 195~ a.~he last will and testament of Vincent Krupski dated January 6, 1956, provided for all property to go to his wife Aniela Krupski and said Aniela Krupski was appointed Executr~. A transfer tax petition fking the tax on the estate of Vincent Krupski was verified by Aniela Krupski on July 12, 1956 and filed in the Suffolk County Surrogate's Court on July 16, 1956. The petition showed ~e gross estate to be $46, 859. 95 and the net estate to $33,1~. The petition included the premises which are the subject matter of this examination. An order was entered September 27, 1956 f~ing the amo~ of tax at $131.75. The transfer tax was paid on October 30, 1956. Receipt ~. 1082303 was found in S~folk County Surrogate's Court file No. 208 ~956 w~h contained all proceedings had in this estate. The attorney for this estate was Henry Tasker, of Greenport, New York. Aniela Krupski aka Nellie Kr upski aka Amelia Kr upski Southold, New York Mortgage Dated July 17, 1956 Ackd. July 17, 1956 Rec'd. July 20, 1956 Liber 2687 mp 08 Amount $13,000. 00 ~OLOMON RAFFE COUNSELOR AT LAW To: The Federal Land Bank of Springfield 310 State Street Springfield, Massachusetts Premises: Parcel D Liber 227Z cp 494. Part of premises released from lien or mortgage see Liber 506Z cp 77. The Federal Land Bank of Springfield 310 State Street Springfield, Massachusetts to Antone Krupski Henry Krupski Southold, N.Y. · Same premises and same description as in Release of Part of Mortgage Premises Dated -~ugust 17, 1961 Ack'd. August 17, 1961 County Clerk's Certificate attached Rec'd. Oct. 10, 1961 Liber 506;' cp 77 Premises Releases fromlien of mortgage in Liber Z687 mp 08 Parcel D: same ~remises and same description as in Liber 2272 cp 494 ************* Aniela Krupski died testate on June 9, 1959. She left her~ sur- viving the following: Henry Krupski, a son, Antone Krupski~ a son, and Anne K. Duhnowski, a daughter· All of full age. The petition of Henry Krupski and Antone Krupski for the probate of the Last will and testament of Aniela Krupski dated January 30, 1957 and a codicil theret. dated March 31, 1959, was verified on June 17, 1959. The aforemen- tioned Last Will and Testament and codicil were admitted to probate on July 1~ 1959 and letters testamentary were issued to the petitioners. The said Anne K. Duhnowskl having signed a waiver and consent dated June 17, 1959. Paragraph SIXTH of said Last Will and Testament affected premises under examination and is set out in full: "SIXTH: All my lands and buildings wheresoever situate, except my home and the adjacent lawns and flower gardens as they now exist, to my sons Henry Krupski and Antone Krupski, or their issue, per stirpes, subject to existing mortgages; upon condition, how- ever, that they shall bpO~¥ tc to my daughter, Anne -3- SOLOMON RAFFE COUNSELOR AT LAW Duhnowski, or issue, the sum of $7, 000.00 which payment shall be made in annual installments of not less than $1,400. 00 in any one year and shaLt be completed within five years from the date of my death. ' The will provided for the appointment of Henry Krupski and Antone Krupski as executors. The codicil to the will in no way affected premis under examination. A voucher and release executed by Anne K. Duhnowski on Septem- ber 12, 1961 for the sum of $7,000. 00 in satisfaction of paragraph SIXTH of said will was filed in the Surrogate ~s Office of Suffolk County on October 10, 1961. A transfer tax petition fixing the tax on the estate of Aniela Krupst was verified by Henry Krupski and Antone Krupski on Novmu~ber 9, 1955 and was filed in Suffolk County Surrogate's Office on November 12~ 195c, The gross estate was $36,944. 11 and the net estate was SXl, 271o 66. The petition included the premises which are the subject matter of this examination. The transfer tax was paid on February 18, 1960. Receipt No. 1193825 was found in Suffolk County Surrogate's Court file No. 655 P. 1959 which contained all proceedings had in this estate° The attorney for this estate were Grilling, Smith, Tusker and Lundberg of Greenport, New Yo~. Antone Krupski and Henry Krupski Southold, New York To (]gene ~ Gendron Fairhaven Manor, Samesport, New York Premises: Deed: B & 5. with coy. Dated Sept. BT, 1961 Ack'd Sept. 27, 1961 Rec'd. Oct. 10, 1961 Consid. $10-ogvc Habendum: fee BEGINNING at a monument set in the easterly side of South Harbor Road, said monument being distant lZ6Z. Z2 feet northerly as measured along the east- erly side of South Harbor Road from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of South Har- bor Road with the northerly side of Bay Water Ave- ntte, running from the point of beginning along land of G. Nawrocki Estate North ~5 degrees 13 minutes -4- SOLOMON RAFFE East Z89. 68 feet to a monument; thence running North 3 degrees Z3 minutes 40 seconds West along land of said estate and land of Northfork Water Company 375° 59 feet to a monument and land of Jo It. Lehr; thence running along last mentioned land North 85 degrees 35 minutes 40 seconds East 1164.89 feet to a monu- ment set in the westerly side of Bayview Road; thence along the westerly side of Bayview Road S. Z6' Z2~ W. 479. 64 ft. to a monument and land of B.W. Step- noski; thence running along last mentioned land S, 85" 09' 50" W. 1213.07 ft. to a point on the easterly side of Sou~h[ Harbor Road; thence running N. 8" 00f W. along the easterly side of South Harbor Road 43. 91 ft. to the point or place of begi~xiing. TAX REPORT Premises are presently assessed to ReneI Gendron, Fairhaven, ]amel port~ New York. Premises: 10 acres at School District ~5, Southold, Town of Southoli Suffolk County, New York. Nx J.a. Lehr S x B,W. Stepnoski E x Bayview Road W x N, F. Water Company A tax search was made from 1944 through 1964, all taxes are pa: -5- Sir :- Please take notice that the within is a (certff/ea9 dul7 entered in the office of the clerk of the within Dated, SOLOMON RAFFE .4tto~ey for OOice and Post OOic~ Address 747 East Main Street RIV~, NEW YOIiK To Attorney Sir :- Please take notice that an order oi which the within is a true copy will be presented /or settlement to the Hon. one of the judges of the within named Court, at the day ot 19 Dated, Attorney ]or SOLOMON RAFFE Offict and Post OOice Addrtst 747 East Main Street RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK To ~x No. Y~r 19 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN BOARD:TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain Town High- way in the Town of Southold, County of Stff£olk and State of New York. ABSTRACT OF TITLE SOLOMON RAFFE OOice and Post OOic~ Address 747 East Main Street RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK To Attorney for Service of a copy of the within Dated, is hereby admitted. Attorney /or Attorney for Sir :- Please take notice that the within is a (certilied) true copy of a duly entered in the office of the clerk of the within :~amed court on 19 SOLOMON RAFFE Office and Post Office Address 747 East Main Street RIVERHEAD0 NEW YORK To Attorney for Sir :- Please take notice that an order of which the within is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the Hon. one of the judges of the within named Court, at he day of Dated, SOLOMON RAFFE Office and Post O~ce Address 747 East Main Street RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 19 To Index No. Year 19 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLI the Matter of the Laying out of a certain Town High- way in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. DEDICATION AND RELEASE SOLOMON RAFFE Attorney ]or Office and Post Office Address 747 East Main Street RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK PA,~r 7-a662-3 To Attorney for Service of a copy of file within Dated, is hereby admitted, Attorney for Attorney /or Si~ :- Please take notice that the within is a (certified) true ~qopy of a duly entered in the office of the clerk of the within named court on 19 SOLOMON RAFFE Attorney ]or O~ce and Post O~ict Address 747 East Main Street RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK To Attorney for Sir :- Please take notice that an order of which the within is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the Hon. one of the judges of the within named Court, at he day of at Al. Dated~ SOLOMON RAFFE Attorney O~ice and Po~t O~ice Addres~ 747 East Main Street RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 19 Index No. Year 19 STATE OF NEW YORK:SUFFOLK COL~X~J TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk} and State o£ New York. CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD TO PROPOSED TOWN HIGHWAY SOLOMON RAFFE Attorney O~ice and Post O~ct Address 747 Eagt Main Street RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK To Attorney for Service of a copy of the within Dated, is hereby aclmkted~ Attorney for Atwrney for S:r :- Please take notice that the within is a (certiiiech duly entered in the office of the clerk of the within SOLOMON RAFFE Attorney Office and Post Offic~ Addre:s 747 East Main S~reet RIVERHEAD0 NEW YORK To Altorney for Sir :- Please take notice ~at an order of which the w/thin is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the Hon. one of the judges of the w/thin named Court, at ~he day of Dated, SOLOMON RAFFE Office and Post Office Addrt:$ 747 East Main Street RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 19 Index No. Year 19 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD the Matter of the Laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAY SOLOMON RAFFE Attorney lot Office and Post Offict Address 747 Eaat Main Street R1VERHEAD, NEW YORK PArk 7-3662-3 To Attorney for Service of a copy of the within Dated, is hereby admitted. Sir :- Please take notice that the within is s (certified) duly entered in the office of the clerk of the within n.~med colirt on 19 SOLOMON RAFFE 747 East Main Street RIVERHEAD~ NEW YORK Attorney for Sir := Please take notice that an order of which the within is a t~ue copy will be presented /or settlement to the Hon. one of the judges of the with/n named Court, at he day of ted, SOLOMON RAFFE O~ce and Post O~ct Address 747 East Main Street RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 19 To Index No. Year 19 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN BOARD:TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. APPLICATION FOR DEDICATION SOLOMON RAFFE Attorney Ior O~fice and Post O~ice Address 747 East Main Street RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK PA~k 7-3662-3 To Agorney /or Service of a copy of the with/n is hereby admitted. Dated, "SOUTH HARBOR HOMES! KEY MAP SCALE: 1"=600' North Fork Woter Coq ~nc. I0 cESSPOOLS ARE TO NOBE PLACED W/THIN A 200' BAD~US OF wELL 200.C h 35' 12 Flynn ~ Rene Gend ron S.85 9 J. H. Lehr 16o.oo' 8 7 6 4 5 · 16 15 t4 B. W. Stepnoski 3 BUll. DINE 19 2 690. 9 TEST HOLE ~1 189 &/ / Cross Section- Typicol 2 Cesspool System PROPOSED METHOD Of Lot 16 Lot 15 lO0. lO0 Typical Lot Loyouf 2 CESSPOOL. SYSTEM SCALE:I =SO' SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND WATER SUPPLY EL, 0,0 5.0 4.0 12.0 EL. 0.0 EL. 0.0 TEST 4.2 ___ 5.9 HOLES EL. 0.0 3.5 3.8 5.0 Z8 9.8 12.0 '4 THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES FOR ALL LOTS IN THIS DEVELOPMENT COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTYOEPABTMENT OF HEALTH. NEW YORK STATE LICENCE NO 12845 RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK OWNER' R~NE GENDRON ~IRHAVEN JJMESPORT, N.% "THAIS TO CIgRTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION MAP HASBEEN APPROVED AS PROVIDED BY ARTICLE ~F F THE TOWN LAW. OATS OF APPROVAL TOWN OF GOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD BY SEC'Y TH£ APPROVAL OF THIS MAP DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE ACCEPTANCE OF HIGHWAYS SHOWN THEREON AS PUB~.IC ROAD~ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MADE BY ME FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS COMPLETEO MAR. 23~ 1964 AND THAT ALL CONCRETE MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS: · HEREON ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN. SUBDIVISION PLAN OF SOUTH HARBOR HOMES SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.¥ SCALE: 1"=50' o' 50' IOO' ALDEN W. YOUNG, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR, N.'i~S. L{C. NO. 12845, RIVERHEAD; N.Y.