HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOLDIN LANE TO THE TO~ SUPERINTENDENT OF HiGHV~AYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ IN THE COTJNTY OF SUFFOLK ~-ND STATE OF NE?J The undersigu~ed~ liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of So~thold~ hez, eby apply to you to lay out a new highway ~~~~~'~ in the To~n of Southold~ Suffolk CoLr~ty~ New York~ to be ~n~own as Goldin L~ne, and described as Follows: The easterly line begins at a monument on the southerly line of Sound View Aven:~e distant 15~.~l Feet a monument at the first deflection in said line westerly its inter~ection with the northerly line of North Road~ ning thence S~ 2i°SV~lO"E, ~41~8~ feet~ more o~ less~ to a monument on said northerly line of North Road distant ~8~88 Feet westerly from the southeasterly corner of land of the l applicants~ P~oposed highway is to be 38 Feet in width ured ~t ~ight angles westerly from above described easterly 1Lue~ £~d am ap F~om survey ~-~de by Otto W~ Van ~e. yl~ Li- censed Surveyo~ Greenport~ N. ~ aoco~panies this or~er and is made a part of this record~ which proposed !ayi~g out will pass through the lands of pe- t !~to_.er~ ent ~_~e !y. Dated this I~g~'' day of~ l~b3o Greenport~ Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~ in con= side~ation of the sum of 0~ DOLLAR, to me in hand paid by KAROL~ E. PRICE, Town Superintendent of ~ighways of the Town of Southold~ and in further consideration of the laying out of a Southold~ Suffolk County~ New Tork, to be known as Goldin Lane and described as follows: The easterly line begins at a monument on the southerly line of Sound View ~e~ue distant 15~T1 feet westerly from ~ monument at the first deflection in ~aid line westerly f~om its intersection with the northerly line of North Road: r~- ning thence S. ~l°57~10~'E. -~19.8g feet, more or less, to a mon~ment on said ~orthe~!y line of North ~ad distant 78.88 feet westerly from the southeasterly corner of land of the applioants~ Pmopo~ed highway to be 55 feet in width measured at right angles westerly fro~ above described easterly l~ue. And a map from survey made by Otto W~ Van Tuyl, Licensed Sur- veyor, Gre~nport~ N. ~ accompanies this order and is made a part of thzs record. proposed laying out passes through the land of Leo N. Goldir4~rried, ~4~'~ only, do hereby dedi- cate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by me and included w~th_n the premises above described~ a~d do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of STATE 0F ~ YORK, CO ~NTT OF S~F0~ aym~g out of the said new highway~ 0~ th~s ..~ day of~ 1~55¢ Be_gte ~ personally , appea~ed LEO N; GOLDI~,;:~mmarried~\~~~ of Green~ ~port~ SuffoLk Oounty~ New %ork, personally known to me and kno~m to ~e to be the persc~;~:~ described in and who executed the ,iforego_ng znst. ument and he ,dul~ ~,, acknowledged to me that ~ ~ ~xecuted the same~.~.~~~ ~ th~ ~&udersigned, a ~aJority of the ~own Board of th~ Town of Southold~ having m~t at the oFFice of the Super- viso~ at G~e~npo~t~ in said To~ on th~ ~ ~ ~d~y ~f l~ and considered the applioation of Leo N. Goldin ~ied~ ~~~ fo~ the laying out of a new wzy to b~ kno~ as Goldin Lan~ ~ To~n of Southold~ S~folk Co~ty~ N~w Tork~ do he~ consent that such laying out b~ ~de in accordance with th~ p~ayer of the withi~ p~tition~ Justice~ of the P~ace~ S~e~inten~nt of Highways~ Order laying out a highway with the consent of Town Boarde Written ~ '~ a apol~va~ion haviug been made to me~ town Superin~ tendent of Highways for the Town of Southold~ Suffolk Co~uty~ New Tork, by Lee N. Goldi~ ~ried, a~~~ persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Tova~ and the writte~ ~gn~ng~:~the Town Board of said Town hav_ng been given ' a8 p~ose~bed by law~ and ~oleasos f~or~_ da~gos ~ving beo~ oxocuted by the o-~ers of tho lznd thro~h which tho p~oposed highway is to be laid out~ copies of which are hereto annexed~ and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages~ it is hereby 0R~EEED and DETErmINED that a highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as fol!ows:~ The easterly line begins at a monument on the southerly ~ine of So,mud View Avenue distant 15~.V1 feet westerly from a monu~nent at the first deflection in said ~ine westerly from its intersection with tbs northerly line of North Road$ ~uing thence S~ 21°5V~10~E-419.69 feet, more or less, to a monument on said northerly line of North Road distant V8.88 feet west- erly from the southeasterly corner of land of the applicants. Proposed highway to be 33 feet in width measured at right angles westerly from above described easterly line. Aud a map from survey made by Otto W. Van T~yl~ Licensed Surveyor~ Greenport~ N. Y.~ accompanies this order and is made a part of this record~ Dated this ~ To~n ~perLutendent of Hzghways Town of Southold~ T OWN OF S OUTHOLD In the Natter of the Application of LEO N. GOLDIN for the laying out of a new highway adjoining the Village of Greenport, in the To~n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as GOLDIN IaANE. APPLICATION, CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD, ~LEASE OF DAMAGES.