HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLENWOOD ROADTO TM T0~7~ SUPERINTENDENT OF HiG~U~AYS OF TM T0~J~ OF SOUTH- 0LD~ IN CO~JN~f 0F SD~FOLK AIfD STATE OF NEW YORK.' Eavatone Realty Corporation~ a domestic corporation~ hav- ing its principal office and place of business at Oyster Bay~ N~ssau Co~amty~ New York~ and liable to be assessed for ~_ighway taxes in the town of Southold, hereby applies to you to lay out a new highway knovm a~ 7Glen~ood ~ ~oad~ at Fleet~s Neck~ near Cutchogue~ in the Town of Southold~ County of S~folk s~d State of New York~ described as foliows:- The northerly line begins at a monument set on the eastem~ ly lime of Fleet~s Neck Road 7~1,~ feet sou. therly~ along said easterly line of Fleet~s Neck Road~ from the southerly line of ~lee~.~ooa Roam~ .orn~ng uhence at ~t =ngles to sa~d l~ne o~ Fleet~s Neck Road~ N~ $7° ~5~ E. ~ ~6~ feet~ more or less~ to angle~ thence deflecting to ~he r~g~t about 9° and torquing feet~ more or less~ to a mon~ent on the westerly line of Betts Street~ said mon~ent being ~ feet~ more or less~ southerly~ along sai~ westerl~ l~ue of Betts St~eet~ from the southerly of Fleetwood Road~ Said Highway is to be S~ feet in width~ meas- ured at right angles southerly f~om above described whzch~oroposed ~wzn~,~ ~/~. ~ out ~1~ pass tl~ough land of Havatone Real~ Co~poration o~5~ Dated thi~ //~day of~ 1933~ R:~ ZA~OI~ ~A~ COR~OR~TI~N~ ?~E~ the undersigried~ a majority of the To~ Board o£ the Town of Southold~ having r~et ztLthe office of the Suoervisor~ at and considered the application of Ravatone Realty Corporation for the laying out of a new highway at Fleet~s Neck near Cutchogue, ~ the Tow~ of Southold~ Co'~_nty o£ Su~folk and State of New York, do hereby consent tb~t such laying out be noade in accordance with the prayer of the withir~ petition. ~- i of the RAVA'TON~ ~ALTY CORPORATtON~ a domestic corporation hav~ no its princioal office and place of uslness at Oyster Bay? b New York Nassau Co~mut,~ in consideration of the s~ma of ~e Dollar~ to it in h~d paid by H~old E. Price~ To~ Superintendent of Highways of the To~ of S~ · ...... ~_~ and ~n further comsideration of the lay- ing out of a new ~hway ~mo,~ as GlemFOod Road, at Neck~ near Cutchogue~ in'the TOmT~ of Southold~ County of S~fo~ and State of New York~ ~e'~cribed as follows:- The northerly line begins at a monument set on the east~ e~ly line of Fieet:s Neck Road 73t~3 f~et southerly~ along said eastsmly l~s of Ftset~s Neck Road~ from the southerly line of Fleetwood Road~ -~ r~n~ng thence at right angles to said l~e of Fteet~s Neck Road, N~ 5?° 45~ E~ 562 feet~ more or less, to an angle ~ thence deftec~lng to the right about ~o and ro~n~g 188 feet~ more or less. to a raOn~ent on the westerly ~ ' . ~ne of Betts Street, said monument being 2n9 feet, more or less ~ ~' es~erly ~z~ e of Betts ~reet~ from the outherzy ~.~ong said ~ ~ ~ ~. - ~ of F~eetwoom Road~ Said Highway is to be S9 feet in w~d ~h~ measured at right angles southerly from above described !ine~ ~hmoh D~ooosed ~a~ .... ~ng out wmml pass through l~ud of Ravatone Reat~ ty Corporation~ does here~y dedicate and ~elease to the Town ou~hold, all l~d heretofore o~ed ~y it and included within the z~m~es above desoribed~ and does hereby release said Tov~ from all damages ~ reason of the Laved ~-~' //~ 1933~ C OL~Ty OF~~ ~aymng out of said new h'~ RAVA~ONE w~ ~v ~'~ ..... ~-~ CORPORATION Se c r-e~_~y~ ~ -r~2 · ~-~su~ ~g3~ before me came Anthony B~ 01iver~ to me kno~vn~ wh% being by me duly sworn~ did deoose and say a~at he ~ ~' ~ ~ster Bay~ New York~ ~- ~._e Secre~a.y of Ravatone ~eatty Cor- poration , o;a~ corporation descrmbed i~ and ~r~ch executed the foregoing inst~ment~ that he ~nows the seal of said corporation~ tna~ the sea~ affixed to =-~-' ~ ~ ~ - ., · ~u lu WaS SO azI~xe~ b~ ~ ~ ~- ,~ - ~ u~i~e u~ O~ !lEe ~°~s'~Y Pu~Izc~~ ~-~~Co~t--~ ORDER LAYfiNG.0UT A HiGRY~AYf ~/~ITH TM CONSENT OF T0%%~ BOARD~ Written application having been :made to me~ Town Superintendent of Highways for the Tov~n of Southold~ Suffolk County~ New York~ by Ravatone Realty Corporation, a corporation having its principal office and place of business at Oyster Bay~ Nassau Co~uty~ New Tork, and liable to be assessed £or highway taxes in said Town~ and the written consent of the To~n Board of said town having been executed as pre- scribed by law~ and z~leases from damages having bee~executed by the o~m~ ers of the land through which the proposed highway is to be laid out~ copies of which are hereto an~uexed~ and notb_ing having been paid to ~uy clair,~nt for such damages~ it is hereby 0RDEP~D and DETEP2~INED t~t the highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as fo!lowe:- The northerly line be~i~s~at~a mon'~ent set on the easterly line of Fleet:s Neck Road V31~3 feet southerly~ along said easterly line of Fleet~s Neck Road~ from the southerly line of Fleetwood Road~ ru~nzng_ _ znence a~ r~gh~_ an~leso to said !~n~ of Fleet~s Neck Road~ E~ 5?° 45~ E~ ~ 56~ feet~ more or less~ to an angie~ thence def!ect~ng~ to the right about 9° and r~mmuing 168 feet~ more or less~ to a menu= merit on the westerly line of Betts Street~ said monument being 249 .~et~ more or less~ southerly, along said westerly line of Betts Street~ from the s~therly line of Fleetwood Road~ Said highway is to be 3V feet in width~ measured at right anglos southerly from above described !ine~ which proposed laying oz~t will pass through land of Ravatone Realty Corporation only, Dated tn_s~ ~day of October, -~~n--~Sf Highways. TO~VN OF SOUTHOLD. In the Matter of the Application of RAVATONE REAETY CORPORATION for the l~ying out of a new highway at Fleet'e Neck~ near Cutchogue. in the Town 8f Southold, Cov~aty of Suffolk and State of New York. APPLICATION, CONSENT, ORDER RELEASE,