HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLOAMING, THE FISHERS ISLAND 1933 FISHERS ISLAND FAR~S~ INCo~ a corporation having its prin- cipal office and place of business in the Totem of Southold~ S~£otk Co-cmty~ New York~ in consideration of the s,mm of ONE DOLLAR to it in hand paid byHAROLD E. PRZCE~ Tovm Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southol~ and in f~ther consideration of laying out a new highway cor~ecting the Westerly side of ~onta~k Aven~e with the Easterly side of Oriental Avenue~ Fishers Islands in-s~d Tovca o£ Southold~ Suffolk Co~ty~ New York~ described as follows: BEG~{NING at a monument set on West side of ~onts,s~ Ave- hue said monument being 43V~48~ West of a point 73~89~ North another mon~mment making the U. S, Coast & Geodeti.c Survey Triangula- tion Station "PROS" (which is located on the second highest hill on Fishers Island and is about I~ miles East of the ~est End of Fmshe_s .... , and lies South 13o~v~5~" E~ of North D,mmpling Light in Fishers Island Sound)~ thence North V502~45 merit; thence South 2~o04~00" ~, 254,69~ to a monument set on North side of Oriental Aven~e; thence South ~5o15~45" ~. 52,6V~ along the Northerly side of Oriental Avenne to a monu~ent~ thence North 04~00~ W~ ~45,55~ to polnt of beginning~ said tract containing ~8V acres~more or less~ which proposed laying out passes through land of Fishers Island. Yarms~ Ir, s, only~ ~oes hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold all land heretofore owned by it and included with in the premises above described, and does t~er~by release said To'~a fL~om all damages by reason of the isling out of said highway aforesaid~ Dated ~ ebzu~.ry ~ ~ ~ 1933, STATE OF ~2~ W~ SS.~ Fishers Island Far. z~ Inc~ ?res~dent~ ~ COUNuv~Z OF ~. eorpomatmon descrioed in, and ~.~hich exec-~ted the foregoing m~mt~ ~hat he knows the ~eai of said corpomation~ that the seal affixed 2o said Instr~m~ent is smch corporate seat~ it was so af~ zmxed by order of -' board of dzrector~ of said corporatmom~ that he s~gned name themeto by ~.i~e order. Notary Order alt .... ~g a m-,~a.~zay ~.~_ ~_n_e co,sent of ~[z~itten app!ioation having been m-e~de to me~ tot~a S~p- erintendesat of Kigi~vzays for the Tovm of Southoid~ S~_ffolk Cou~ty~ New York~ by Fishers Islemd Farms~ Ine~ a eorporati~n liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town~ and the w_z~oen con- sent of the To~ board of said town '~avLng' been given as prescribed by !aw~ and ~eleases from damages having been executed by the o=~ ers of the land through ~m' m " ' ~_oposea --~vzay ms to be laid copies of u~hich are hereto annexed~ and nothing ha~ing been ~aid to any claimant for such aamage% it is ne~e~y and D~RR.~iT~T~ that a highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Term as follo~s~ BEGiNNiNG at a men,urgent set on ~est side of Avenue said ~on~ment being 4S7~487 ~est of a point 7~Z~8~: North of another mors~ent making the U. S~ Coast & Geodetic Survey an.~ulation Stat!on ~?ROS~ (v~'hich is located on the second highest hill on Fishers Island and is about I~ miles ~ast of the West End of Fishers Island~ and ~ ~ q^~ xo ~ "~ s, ortn ~m~ptmng ~_e~ ~.~.~h 1~ ~V o~ ~. of ~ '~ ~ Li~at in Fishers lslandS~nd)~ thence North V5°22~45" E. 50~55~ tO a ~On~ = ~ _ ~an~n~ th~-n~e~South ~$o0~00~ E~ 95&~68~ to a set on North side of Oriental ~ o-:~ . _v~n~e, thence South 85°!$~5~ ~ 5~6~ a!om~ the Northerly side of Oriental Avenue to a mom~aent~ thence No~th ~5o~00" ~ ~5.55~ to ~oint of beginni~g~ sa~d t~act containing ~8~ acre% moz~ or ~ess~ which proposed laying out will pass '-' - ~ ~msners ~ ~ ~nrot~gh land o~ ~' ~ ~s~and Farms~ I~c~ onl~ Da~ed ~' ~ ~ ~ ~n!s day of Feorna~y~ 1933~ ~YE~ theUndersigned~ a majority of the To-~m Boaf~t of the To~n of Southold~ having met at the office of the Snpemvisor~ at Greenport~ in said To~aa~ on the ~f day of and considered the aDpiication of Fishems ±s_ana Farms~ Im_c. for the laying out of a ~, hi~nvzay at ~ishers Island~ Tov~ of SouthoLd~ Suffolk Co~ty~ New Tork~ do hereby consent that such laying out be r~de in accordance with the pmayer of the within petition~ p ~nt endent o TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF S0~THOLD, IN T~E COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF N~ YORK~ The ~dersigned, liable to b. assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out a new high- way. at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~ which said highway will Connect the Westerly side of Montauk Ave- nue with the Easterly side of Oriental Avenue~ and which is des- cribed as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on West sideof Montauk Avenue said monument being 437.~t West of a point 732.89' North of another monument making the U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Tri- angulation Station "PROS" (which is located on the second highest hill on Fishers Island and is about l~ miles East of the West End of Fishers Island, and lies South 13°2Vt54" E. of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sonnd); thence North ?§°22~4§" E. ~0.~§' to a monument; thence South 23o04~00" E. 284.69~ to a monument set o~North sid~ Of Oriental Avenue; thence South 85°1~4~" We §2.6~~ along the Northerly si~e of Oriental Avenue to a monument; thence North 23°$At00" W. 24~$$~ to point of beginning, said tract con- taining .287 acres, more or less~ which proposed laying out will pass through land of Fishers Island ~arms, InCe onlye Dated this I7~day of February, 1933. TO::TN OF SOVT!iOLD In t:he l~Iatter of the Appli~ ca' io~'t of FI$tNE?.S ISL~ND FARI~.~S, I!IC. for the laying o~t of a nevr h.'_zh~,ray at Fishers Island~ Town of So~thold, Suffolk Cou~u- ty, Ne~v York. APPL!CAT CONSENT ~ RELEASE.