HomeMy WebLinkAboutGAGEN'S LANDING ROAD (2)STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SU~'FOLK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. In the Matter of the Laying Out of two certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. DEDI CATI ON WHEREAS, application has been duly made to the Town Superin- tendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, for the laying out of two certain~ Town Highways to be known as . _-- GAGEN~S rAiDING ROAD (extension) and SOUTH STREET., ant WHEREAS, CHARLES A. GAGEN, residing at Southold, Suffolk CO~vt.Y/, New York, ~ ~ ~S~, res~g as ~reen&a~, ~urroz~ Co~ty, New York, ~e the o~ers of the premises to be here~ dedicated as here~ter provided and the only perso~ havi~ ~y interest ~ the lands t~ough which the highways are proposed to be opened, NOW, THEREFORE, the said CHARLES A. GAGEN, HENRY J. GAGEN, and JEAN MARIE M~LESEA, in consideration of the sum of ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR, to them in hand paid by HAROLD PRICE, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, the receipt whereof is hereb' acknowledged, and in fumther consideration of the laying out of the two said new highways at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk ~ounty, New York, to be known as GAGEN~S LANDING ROAD (extension) and SOUTH STREET, DO HEREBY DEDICATE, RET.W.~gE AND CONVEY TO THE SAID TOWN OF SODTH0 for highway purposes, the following lands, to wit: GAGEN'S LANDING ROAD (extension) ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point marked by a mon,,--nt set on the northerly line of Clearvtew Avenue (which point is South 81 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds Eas~ a distance of 327.74 feet from the point formed by ~he intersect- ion of the northerly line of Clearview Avenue with the easterly line of 0aklawn Avenue); running thence North 2 degrees 01 minute 50 seconds Nest a distance of 9~5.59 feet to a point marked by a monument set e~ the southerly line of the proposed highway to be known as South Street; running thence along said southerly line of said proposed highway to be known as South Street, North 82 degrees 37 minutes, l0 seconds East a distance of 50 feet, or to a point marked by a monument set at the southeasterly terminus of South Street; running thence South 2 degrees 01 minute 50 seconds East a distance of 969.92 feet to a point marked by a monument set on the northerly llne of Clearview Avenue; runni_n~ thence along said northerly line of Clearview Avenue, North degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of ~0.92 feet to the point or place of beginning. SOUTH STREE~ ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town.of Southold, County of Suffolk, an~ State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at! a point marked by an iron pipe set on the easterly llne of 0aklaw~ Avenue 339.90 feet southerly along said easterly line from its intersection with the southerly line of Pine Neck Road; running thence along the direct extension southerly of the easterly line of 0aklawn Avenue, South 7 degrees 22 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 4.11 feet to an iron pipe on the northerly line of the ~roposed highway to be known as South Street; running thence North. 2 degrees 37 minutes l0 seconds East a distance of 237.86 feet; running thence South 2 degrees 01 minute 50 seconds East a diB~anc of 50.22 feet to a poin~ marked by a monument set~ on the easterly line of Gagen's Landing Road; runnihg t~ence South 82 degrees 37 minutes l0 seconds West a distance of 50 feet or more, to a point marked by a monument set on the~,erly line of Gagen's Landing Road; running thence~uth 82 degrees 37 minutes l0 seconds West a di~a~ee of 196.05~o a point.marked by an iron pipe on the easterly line of 0aklawn Avenue, running thence along said east- erly line of 0aklawn Avenue,' North 6 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 55.67 feet to the point or place of beginning. AND the said CHARLES A. GAGEN, HENRY J. GAGEN, and JEAN MARIE' MILESKA, ~o hereby severally release said Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the laying out of the said two above described highways. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said CHARLES A GAGEN, HENRY J. GAGEN, and JEAN MARIE MILESKA, have executed this Dedication and Release, t'his l0 the day of May, 1958. (Charles A. OagemO  (L.$.) ,~J~an MA~O. ~Lil~ska) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS:- 0n/~day of May, 1958, before me personally came CHARLES A. GAGE_N, to me known and known to me to be one of the individuals described in and ,who executed the foregoing instr. ument, and he duly acknowledged that he executed the same. ~S~AI~Y ,U~LIC STATE OF ~W Y ~Y ~ommimdo~ ~... ~oruh Public STATE OF NEW YORK, COU~Y OF SDh'~'0LK, SS:- On the I~'day of May, 1958, before me personally Tcame JEAN MARIE ~iI ~'~LESKA, to me known and known to me to be one of the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instr~ ment, and she duly acknowledged to me that a~e executed~the '~ ~-~-p~CHA~D D. STATR OF N~.~ YORK, ) SS Not~,b~¢. S~to o~ ~h~1~ary ~ublic COUNTY OY Sb~'~'OLK,) :- N~ a~4m~?~ s~o~.~O~ On the ;" day of ay, came HENRY J. GAGEN, to me known and known to mo to be one of the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he duly acknowledged to me that he execute~d the same. ~ 4~' ~'~° Notary Publi CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT--THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED B~ LAW~J~RS ONLY. THIS ~ENlllR~ made the 10th day o£ May, BElW~EEN , n~ue~eea hundred and Fifty-Eight, CHARLF~ A. GAGEN, residing at Southold, Suffolk County, New York, HENRY J. GAGEN, residing at Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and JEAN MARIE MIL~SEA, residing at Grcenlawn, Suffolk County, New York, party of the first part, and TOWN OF SOL~HOLD, a Municipal Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of New York, having its principal offica~ and plac~ of business at Greenport and at Southold, Suffolk County, New York, parLy of the second part, ~I'I'~F~.~TH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ................ om ($1.0o) ...... do,a4, lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second ~part, does hereby grant and release unto the ;party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part {craver, ~ GAGEN'S LANDING ROAD (extension) ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and ~tate of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point marked by a monument set on the northerly line of Clearview Avenue (which point is South 81 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 327.74 feet from the point formed by the intersection of the northerly line of Clearview Avenue With the easterly, line Of 0aklawnAvenue); running thence North 2 degrees 01 minute 50 seconds l[_e~$ a distance of 955-59 feet to a point marked by a monument set on the southerly line of the proposed highway to be known as South Street; r~n~lilg thence along said southerly line of said proposed highway to be known as South Street, North~82 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 50 feet, or more, to a point marked by a monument set at the southeasterly terminus of South Street; running thence South 2 degrees 01 minute 50 seconds East a distance of 969.92 feet to a point marked by a monument set on the northerly line of 01earview Avenue; r--~Ing them~e along said northerly lime of Clearview Avenue, North 81 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 50.92 ~eet to the point or place of beginning. SOUTH STB~T ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described a s follows: BEGINNING at a point marked by an iron pipe set on the easterly line of 0aklawn Avenue 339.90 feet south- erly along said easterly line from its intersection with the southerly line of Pine Neck Road; rumal~g thence along tho direct extension southerly of the easterly line of 0aklaWn Avenue, South 7 d~greem 22 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 4.11 feet to an iron pipe on the northerly line of the_proposed highway to bo known as South Street; running thence NO~h ~2 ~e~ees 37 minutes l0 seconds Easts distance of 237.86 feet; ~unning thence South 2 degrees' OX minute 50 Seconds Eut a distance of 50.22'feet to a point ma~ked bY a~minement set on the easterly line of Gagen,s Landing Road; r.rmt~g t~ence $out~ 8~ degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 50 feet, Or mere, tea pot~t~ marked by a monument set on the westerly line of Gagen's ~ i[Oa~.;,} U~ running thence South 82 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 196e05 feet to apoint m~v~ad by an iron pipe on the easterly line of 0aklawn Avenue; running thence along said easterly line of 0aklawn Avenue, North 6 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 55.67 feet to t he point or place of beginning. TOGET~s~ with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party second pavt~ the success01,s and assigns of the party of the secoa0, part forever, for highway purposes. ~D the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way what. vet, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants thai the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eratlon as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as i/it read '~parties" whenever the sense of th/s/ndenture so requires. iN ~l'I'lq~.qS WHEREOF, the party of the. first part Ires duly executed this deed the day an~./)ear first above IN PRES~CE 0~'1 (Charles A. Gaggn) L.S. ) ~J~n M~rle Mt~oska) STA s ¥ORK,)SS. COUNTY 0F: SuffOLK, ) ' On'this /~dey of ~sy, 1958, be~o~e me pe~so~ll~' c~e 0~ ~. G~EN, ~o me ~o~ t0 be the individual desc~Ibe~ ~ ~}-~ ~d who e~c~ted the ~o~e~oi~ inst~ent, ~d he d~ly ~owle~e~ t0 ~ that he executed thos~e. ~~~ ~TAaY ~UlL}C STA~ OF ~ ~g Not~y Publi* ~idino in Suffpl~_~ ~ ~ .... STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUI~F 0LK On the 121:;Aday of May, 19 ~0, before me personally came . ~ JEkN MARIE MIId~KA, to me known to be the individual 'd~scribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and aclo/owledged that 8b.O executed the same, Notary Public. RICHA_RD D. FIELD No~ Public, State of New York No. ~8~27§ Suffolk ~ounty ss: STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY O~ ~31~'i~'OLK ss: On the ~'~J~'day of ~, I~$ , ~fore me persomlly ~e ,J. to me known to be the indlvldu~ described in and who ~uted the foregoing instment, and a~nowledged t~t hO ~uted the ~e. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the . day of , ~ 19 , before me personally Came ' to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like .order. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the day of 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; that he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, .said .subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. S~TE OF NKW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLX, TOm OF S~JTHOLD. Xn the M~tter o£ the ~ng Out of two certaXm ?o~ HI.ways lm the ?mm of 8outhold, ~ouaty of ~uf£ol~, a~d ~tate o~ New ~ork. UP0~ READING AND FILING the de. cation ~ rel~ae ~ ~ nowle~, de~t~g ~d releas~ ~e ~ee~ry 1~ for ~r~ln pr~oeed' to~ h~h~ye to be ~o~ as "~G~S ~ND~ R~D"(e~a~n) ~d"S~ S~", be It RESOLVED, t~t ~ne~t be ~d the s~e ~ere~ ~s gXven that the ~ ~p~t~et of H2~e of the To~ of ~uthold ~e an order laying out the afore~ld To~ H~h~ya to ~nelet of the l~ds descried lm the said dedl~tion ~d relume ~d to ext~ es ~el~neat~ upon t~e ~p ~nexe~ to said application, al~ In accrue ~th the pr~lalons of Se~ion ~?1 of the H~h~y ~w of the S~te o~ ~ew y~. D~ted, at the office of the Supervlaor of the TO~n of ~oUthOld, at ~reenport, NoY., STATE OF NEW YC~X, C0~KT~ O~ SUFFOlk, TON OF S~THOLD. I~ the Matt~ ~ the L~ying ~t of t~ ~D~ ~ING OU, T HItHerS c~ta~ To~ High~s ~, the To~ of ~thold, ~ ~E ~S~T OF ~ ~nty of S~folk ~d Sate of N~w York. ~ B~RD. O~L APPLI~TI~ ~vlng been ~ly ~$ to me ~e To~ ~p~lni~d~ H~h~ys for the Tom of ~uthold, S~ffolk ~ty, New York, f~ ~e out of t~ c~tain To~ H~h~ys, ~ the said To~ of ~uthold, ~ ~LES GAO~, H~ Jt ~$~ ~d J~N ~IE ~L~I, liable to ~ essess~ for taxes ~ s~d Tom, ~d ~e writtm co~t of the To~ ~rd of ~d To~ hav~ be~ giv~ as p~scrl~d by law, ~d a de&~tlon ~,d release ~om d~ges ~v~ be~ execute, e~owle~ed ~d delivered by the o~s of the l~ds t~ou$ ~i~ the proposed high~ys are propos~ to be laid ~t, a c~y of ~l~ la h~eto ~ex~, ~d noth~g hev~ be~ paid ~ ~y claimer for such ~es, NOW. ~EFORE, I, the To~ S~er~t~d~t of Hl$~s of the To~ Suthold, ~ffolk ~ty, New York, ~ H~E~ DE~M~E ~D ~D~, that t~ new tom h~ys ~all be, ~d thee same are h~eby laid ~t ~ said To~ as follows, ~d ~e to' be ~o~ es "~G~S ~NDING ROAD" (ext~sion) ~d "S~TH S~E~", ~ich shall ea~ be flf~ feet in wide:- LANDING RO/,D"(extens~om) ALL that tract or parcel of lead, situate, lying and being et Southold, in the To~n of Southold, County o~ Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described am follows: BEGINNING st a point marked by a monummmt set on the northerly line of Clemrview Avenue (~/mlch port is South 81 degrees 06 minutes ~0 seconds E~at a distance of 3~ .?4 feet from the point formed ~ry the ln, tersection of the northerly line of Elearview Avenue with the easterly line of O~kle~ Avmm~e); ru,ming thrace North 2 degrees O~ minute 50 seconds ~t~a distance of V5~.55 feet to ~ point merke~ by a monument set on the southerly line o£ tke proposed highway to be know as Sonth St~'eet; running thence along said southerly line of said proposed highway to be knom as South Street, North 82 degrees ~ minutes 10 seconds ~ast a distance of 5) £eet, or more, to a point marked bM a mOm~me~t set at the southeasterly termt-us of South Street; running ~he~ce South 2 degrees O1 minute 50 seconds East a d~stance of rS.V2 f~t to a point marked by a monumaut set on the northerly line of Clearview Avenue; running thence along said northerly llne of Clenrviee Avenue, North 81 degrees O~ minutee ~0 seconds West a distance of ~0 .~2 feet to the point or place of beglmm~. ALL that tract or parcel of' land, situate, lying and belr~g at Southold, in the To~ of Southold, County of Suffolk, a~d Stats of New york, bounded and described as follows: B~INNING mt a point ~ked by an iron p~pe set on the easterly line of Oa_kla~ Argue 339.90 fast southerly al~ said east- erly tine from its intersection with the southerly lt~a of Pine Nec~ Eoad; runn~'E thence along the direct extension southerly of the easterly line of O~klam~ Avmaua, South ? degrees ~2 m~m,tes 60 seccmdc ~aat a distance of 4.11 feat to an iron pipe o~ the ~rtherly line of the proposed highway to be k~o~ as South Street; runnl~ tl~e~ce North 82 de~raec 3~ m~tes 10 seconds East a distance of ~S?.86 feet; running thence South ~ degrees 01 m~nutec seconds East a distance of 50.22 feet to a point marked by a monument set on the easterly line of Gagea~s h~nding ROad; ruraling thence South ~2 de,tees ~? minutes 10 seconds West a distance of. 50 feet or mOre, to · point marked by a monument set Ga the westerly line of G~en's Landing Road; running thence South 82 degrees S? minutes 10 seconds West a distance of.196.0~ feet to a point marked by an iron pipe on the easterly line of O~klaen Avenue; running thence along said easterly line of Oaklawn Avenue, North 6 de,tees 12 adnutes O0 seconds East m dlatsa, ce of 5~.67 feet to the point o~ place of To~a~ of Southold, l~ffolk County, New Yerk. STAT~ OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, TO~ OF SOUI~OLD. In the ~tter of the Laying Out of two cartain To~ H~gh~ays in the Town of Southold, County of S~ffolk, and State of New ][oPk, ~o be kno~ ~s "(~AG~ 'S LANDING ROAD" (extrusion) and .SOUTH STREET". ORDER, CONSE/~T, DEDICATION AND RELEASE. Dated, M/ky , 1958. / /