HomeMy WebLinkAboutFOX AVENUEAt a meeting held by the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, on the day of , r9o~ , for the purpose of _ a person liable to be assessed for highway labor in said Town, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town, and releases from the owners of the land through which the proposed highway is to be opened, having been obtained, the considetTa- tion of any one claimant not exceeding Sxoo, and to aH the claimants not exceeding $5oo, it is ordered and determined that a highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid out in said Town, of which a survey has been made and the description whereof is as follows: ~ ce"_ Dated, this day of , I~O [. tCommissioneg$ of Highways TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Gommissioner~ of Highways IN THE MATTER OF ORDER , The undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suf- folk, hereby consent that the Commissioner application of pursuant to Section 8o of the Highway Law. of Highwa~ys of said Town, make an order ,~he~ed highway, described in the Dated, this . I~ of ~ - 19o~. Town Clerk. Justices of the Peace TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways IN THE MATTER OF CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD To the Commissioner Suffolk :-- of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of The undersigned, liable to be asse~ed for highway labor in your town, hereby plies to you to ~ a highway in said town, as follows: ~-~'~..~_ ~ of TOWN OF SOUTHOLD / Commissioner~ of Highway~ ¥ IN THE MATTER 01~ APPL!C,~TI~ON for and in consideration of the sum of ~ ~ ~.. to ~ , in hand paid by'~ as Commissioner~. of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that ~-'highwaY ~ ~.~ ~"~/~A~.~ ~ and opened aa-oss premises, in the said Town of Southold, whie~n surveyed and is described, as follows: ~ ~ ~.. ~ TOWN OF $OUTHOLD C( ~missioner~ of Highways IN THE MATTEI~ OF RELEASE OF( to ~ , in hand paid by~4~_ as Commissioner,~ of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that premix, in the said ~own of ~uthold, w n sn~eyed and is de~d, as And .~ Do Hereby Release said Town from all damages by reason ol i~ and opening such highway through my premises. In Witness Whereof ~ have herem~to set ~hand and seal this /~4ay of ~f/~.~,.s~ , x9oI. In presence of State of -~.*c:. ~-'v. 2 ) ,~.~b-- Co unt y ~ ss. On this J~dday of ~.~.~_ ~9~>t, before me personally t~G~m~-'l~n~-wn o/nd knowti to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing release and ~ ~ ~ acknowledged that he executed the same. In presence of in and for the County of Allegheny, in the Commonwealth of P~nsyl. *ania, the same being a Co]~t of Law and Record, do by these presents Oertify that _ . . //,. ~ / .................................. Z.....~.......~_.LZ..~ ............................................................ Esquire, before whom the foregoing ............................................................................................................... ~]/.~i~.a~ev'wq~'x~t.~kat fi~, and. i~ ~ ............................................... ....... ~(4'ZT~...-!-~~ ........... i~ a~d yor said County of All~gk~y, duly comm~ff~onsd and sworn, and authorized by law of the Common- wealth of ~"e~nsylvania to take a~davits and acknowledgments of deeds for lands and real estate in said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. and to all whose acts as such, due faith and evedit are, and of right ought to be glvea, throughout the United · States and elsewhere. And farthev, that 1: am acquainted with his handteriting and verily believe the si~qnature ~hereto to be his ge~mine sig~at~re. I farthev cevt~y that the foregoi~g was taken in aecordanse with the laws of the State of Penns. ylvania. I~V TESI¥MONY WHJ~F, I have hereanto set of said Court at Pittsburgh, t~is ........... ~ ..~t ................... day )nally )erson T~WN OF $OUTHOLD missione~ of Highways IN THE MATTER OF '~ RELEASE OF~ OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON MAIN AND FRONT STREETS 6RIglENPORT. NEW YORK ,.? August 4, 1961 DESCRIPTIONS. FISHERS ISLAND HIGH~'AYS BY"USE" ALPINE AVENUE: The easterly or northeasterly line ~ begins at the southerly end of that course of the easterly line of Oriental Avenue which runs S.38°46'E. and runs thence five courses, as follows: /il S. 62o53!50"E. 263.80 feet; thence ~ N.TIO22'30"E. 145.61 ~eet; thence S.36°01tO0"E. 147.54 feet; thence S.35°15tO0"E. 107.23 feet; thence S.46°03~15"E. 195.34 feet. And the above proposed hi~hway is at all points 40 feet in width. The southeasterly end of said highway runs from the southerly end of the last above described course S.29°58'W. $1.23 feet. BOARDINGHOUSE ROAD: The southerly line begins at the southerly end of that course% of the easterly line of Crescent Avenue which runs S.15°14T20,'W. and runs thence N;89o14~lO"E. 225.13 feet to the south- westerly line of the hereinafter described %%~%~/ Munnatawket A%~/ Road. And the above described highwa at,all points 40 feet in ~mdth. #* * . . . COTTAGE PLACE: The southerly line begins at a point on that course of the southeasterly line of Fox Avenue which runs N.46°21~E., 177.12 feet along said course from its southwesterly end, and runs thence two courses, as follows: (1) S.82o12'00"E. 363.18 feet; thence(2) S.56o25~00"E. 163.07 feet to the southerly line of the hereinafter described Sapoho Road, And the above described highway is at all points 50 feet in width. OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT, NEW YORK RODERICK VAN TUYL. -2- Fishers Island Highways by Use EQUESTRIAN AVENUE: The westerly line begins at the northerly line of West Street and runs thence two courses~ as follows: (1)N.7°37'OO"E. 210.10 feet; thence ~2)N.l°lO'10"W. 236.67~feet to the southerly line of the hereinafter described Fox Avenue; thence across the easterly end of said Fox Avenue,N.4°2$t~O'E. ~/~ 50.41 feet; thence N.4°2~'30"E._~~ feet to the southwesterly end of the~erly line of the hereinafter described Nansion Homse Drive . And the ebove described highway is at all points 50 feet in width. FOX AVENUE: The southerly or left side line of Fo~ Avenue begins at the above described point on the westerly line of Equestrian Avenue and runs thence 23 courses, as follows: (1) S.87°07'30"W. 229.11 feet; thence (2)N.84°53'40"W. 159'.80 feet to the easterly line of Bell Hill Avenue; thence (3) N.60ol~tlO"~. 120.59 feet; thence (4) N.44°05'20''~. 118.94 feet; thence (5) N.37o35'40"W. 442.45 feet; thence (6)N.22o22'20"~. 48.95 fee~;.thence (7) N.8u37~50"W. 229.98 feet; thence (8)N.12o05~50,,E. 131.81 feet; thence (9) N.36°04'50'?. 99.47 feet; thence (10)N.42°37'40"E. 67.87 feet. thence (ll)N.55°14'10',E. 71.20 feet; thence (12)N.64o13'50"E. 93.30 feet; ~he~ce (13)N.$6°21,OO,,E. 183.21 feet; thence (14) N.31°37'20"E. 87.15 feet; thence (15) N.lol$'20"E. 47.27 feet; thence (16)N.25o05,20,W. 65.30 feet; thence (17) N.30o47'30"W. 120.98 feet; thence (18)N.6°25'20"W. 68.13 feet; thence (19) N.67oSl'lO"E. 477.22 ~ee~; t~nce (20)N.82°28'10"~. 320.72 feet; thence (21)N.85 $1'30"E. 341.06 feet; thence (22)N.88°24'45"E. 173.81 feet; thence (23) N.79°42'20"E. 303.21'feet to a point on the ~%%~Z~ northerly line of Crescent Avenue. And the above described highway is at all points 50 feet in width. OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT. NEW YORK PHONE GI~ 7-OI70 - 3 - Fishers Island Highways by Use MADELINE AVENUE: The northerly line begins at a point on the easterly line of Crescent Avenue N.l~O31'20"E. 427.87 feet along said easterly line from the northerly liSe of~ h~i~tc~ dc~cri~. Central Avenue and runs thence six course~, as follow~: (1) N.83°42'30"E. 42~.83 feet; thence (2)N.33°14~10"~.384.97 feet; thence (3) N.89°36t00"E. 167.15 feet; thence (4) N.68°50'00''E- 128.64 feet; thence (5)N.80o54'15"E. 120.0 feet; thence (6) S.80°~8'00"E. 129.29 fe~t to the westerly line of Central Avenue. And the above described highway is at all points 40 feet in width. MANSION HOUSE DRIVE: ~e we terly line begins at the northerly end of the westerly line of the hereinabove described Eq~estrian~and runs thence four courses~ as follows: (1) N. 44°11'50"E. 379.41 ~eet; thence (2) N.19 56'30"E. 209.30 fee~; thence (3) N.?°15'30"E- 235.19 feet; thence (4)N. 20 15'30"W. 393.21 feet to the sputherly line of the hereinafter described Sappho Road. And the above described highway is at all points 50 feet in width. MUNNATA¥~ET ROAD: The southwesterly line begins at the northerly end of that course of Central Avenue which runs ~.3°55'20"W. and runs thence N.4$°19'45"W. 603.90 feet to the southerly line of the hereinabove described Boardinghouse Road; thence two courses, as follows: (1) Crossing the easterly end of said Boardinghouse Road and continuing, Due No:th a total distance of 137.0 feet; thence (2)N.13°59'OO"E. 513.21 feet to the southerly line of Central Avenue. And the above described highway i~ at all points 40 feet in width. OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT. NEW YORK -4.- Fishers Island Highways by Use SAPPHO ROAD: The southeasterly, line begins at the sOutheasterly end of the southerly line o'£ L~" hereinabove described C~ttage Place and runs thence N.60°49~3O"E. 238.52 feet to the northerly end of the westerly line of Mansion House Drive as hereinabove described.Amd the above described highway is at all points 50 feet in width. AVENUE B:Begins at a potst on that course of the westerly line of Crescent Avenue which runs ~.15°14~20"E., 281.73 feet northerly along said course from a sharp deflection in said line opposite Boardinghouse Road; running thence 13 courses, as follows: (1) N.Tgo03~10"W. 335.~2 ~eet; t~en~ce ~2) ~.80o30'40"W. 121.92 feet, thence ?)~.87°06'20"~. 7~.00 feet; thenc~ N.85 O1 40 ~. 116.45 f'eet, thence ~5)N.65 210.31 feet, thenc~N.S3o40'40"W. 44.05 feet,~thenc~- (~N.5°2S'W. 20.%$ f~t; thence (~)N.7?°27'10"E. 57.50 feet; thence (~)S.65~35'00"E. 209.$%.feet; t~ence ~S.$5o01'40"E. 155~50 feet~ thence (I~)S.$2~SA'00"E. 179.92 feet; t~ence (15)S.75°03'10"E. 283.60 fe~t~ to said westerly line o2 Crescent Avenue~ thence along said westerly line of Cresaent Avenue~13) S.15°14~20"W. 37.86 feet to the point of beginning. And the above described highway varies in width from about 20 feet to about 40 feet. To Mr. Robert Tasker, Otto '~. Van Tuyl & Son TOXVN OF SOUTHOLD: SUFFOLK COUNTY In the Matter of Ascertaining, : Describing and Recording "FOX AVENUE" : as a Town Highway in the Town of Southold, : County of Suffolk and State of New York, a : Highway used by the Public for more than : Fifteen Years. : : ORDER ESTABLISHING TOWN HIGHWAY BY USER WHEREAS, the public for a period of more than fifteen years has used the lands hereinafter described as a public highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and WHEREAS, it is in all respects proper that such highway shall be duly ascertained, described and entered on record as a town highway of the said Town of Southold, and taken over by such Town and worked and kept in repair by such Town, NOW, THEREFORE, I, HAROLD PRICE, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the said Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby ascertain, describe and enter on record as a town highway the following, to wit: All thai certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Equestrian Avenue which point is 446.77 feet northerly along said line from the northerly line of West Street and running thence from said point of beginning twenty-three (23) courses as follows: (1) South 87 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds West 229.11 feet; thence (2) North 84 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds West 159. 80 feet to the easterly line of Bell Hill Avenue; thence (3) North 60 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds West 120.59 feet; thence (4) North 44 degrees 05 minutes 20 seconds West 118.94 feet; thence (5) North 37 degrees 35 minutes 40 seconds West 442.45 feet; thence (6) North 9.2 degrees 9.2 minutes 20 seconds West 48.95 feet; thence (7) North 8 degrees 37 minutes 50 seconds West 229.98 feet; thence (8) North 12 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds East 131.81 feet; thence (9) North 36 degrees 04 minutes 50 seconds East 99.47 feet; thence (10) North 42 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds East 67.87 feet; thence (11) North 55 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East 71.20 feet; thence (12) North 64 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds East 93.30 feet; thence (13) North 46 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds East 183.21 feet; thence (14) North 31 degrees 37 minutes 20 seconds East 87.15 feet; thence (15) North 1 degree 14 minutes 20 seconds East 47.27 feet; thence (16) North 25 degrees 05 minutes 20 seconds West 65.30 feet; thence (17) North 30 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds West 120.98 feet; thence (18) North 6 degrees 25 minutes 20 seconds West 68.13 feet; thence (19) North 67 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds East 477.22 feet; thence (20) North 82 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds East 320.72 feet; thence (21) North 85 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds East 341.06 feet; thence (22) North 88 degrees 24 minutes 45 seconds East 173.81 feet; thence (23) North 79 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds East 303.21 feet to a point on the northerly line of Crescent Avenue. The above described line of survey being and intended to be the northerly, northwesterly and southwesterly line of said highway, said highway being at all points 50 feet in width. Annexed hereto and made a part hereof is a certain map prepared by Otto W. Van Tuyl & son, Licensed Land Surveyors, dated August 8, 1961, entitled "Map of Proposed Highways on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N.Y." which said map shows the course of said highway outlined in red. Dated: August 1961. / .... Harold Price Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York -2- ORDER ESTABLISHING "FOX AVENUE" AS A TOWN HIGHWAY BY USER