HomeMy WebLinkAboutFOUNDERS PATH The undersigned, the T ~$f the Town of Sout~_$~. County of Sui~iolk, consent that the~ of Highways o£ said ~o~ make an order laying out the i'ollo~ing proposed ~lehw&ys descrioed in the a~plicstion of the FOUNDERS EeTA~IS,XNQ., purmuant to section 80 of the Highway Law:- 1. FOUNDEHS' PATH; 50 feet wide. %~ESTEP~Y line begins on the southerly line of Korn Avenue (or Road) at the northwesterly eQ~ eX ~perty of Dayton & Smith, and runs thence ~$~E..~.~4J.gl feet to the northerly line of L,Homme~e~$ (hereinafter described), thence S.E5'55'E.-8~$.{M) feet to the southerly line of Landon Lane (hereinafter deae~ibe~), thence S.Jl° ~8'~0#E.-8~5.84 feet to the northerly lime of Old Shipyard Road (hereinafter described) at a pQlnt 1~.0 feet easterly from the easterly line of Hobart Avemme measured along said northerly line of Old Shipyard Roa~. ~. L'HOM~DIEU LANE: 50 feet wide. NORTHEBLY line begins on easterly l~ne Ho~art Avenue B21.3$ feet southerly from northerly line of property of Dayton & Smith, running thence at a right a~le to said Hobart Avenue, N.64°OS'E.-300.O0 feet to te~lnus of first course of Founders, Path (above descrioed); the· beginning on easterly line of said Founders' P·th &t · point $38.12 feet southerly from southerly line of eai~ X~Ym Avenue (or Road) and running thence N.66°27'50"E.~$.I$ £eet, thence N.67°O6,50,,E.~60.20 feet to point ,f ~,~Maing of easterly line of Old Shipyard Road (herein~te~~es'arioed). 3. OLD SHIPYARD ROAD; 50 feet EASTERLY Line begins at terminus of l~t e~urse of L'Hommedieu Lane (above descrioed) amd ~ thence S.EB ~8'E.-ll~0.4E feet, thence S.10'15~0'~.~$$.14 feet, thenc, S.JS°$1'~0"W.-ES~.TJ feet to easterly lime of Hobart Avenue at a point B~0.4E feet sOUtherly from ~efle~tion in said easterly line of Hobart Avenue. 4. LANDON LANE: 50 feet wide. ~ORTHEHLY line begins at a point om easterly line of Hobart Aven~ie 80.21 feet northerly -from · deflection in said easterly line of Hobart Avenue opposite property of William R~ch. thence run,~ingNo.64eOS,W..-~46.76 feet to westerly line Old Shipyard Road (above described). 5. : 33 feet wide. EASTEBLY line begins at easterly e~d of sOutherly line of Korn Avenue (or ~oad) and at northeasterly corner of pro- perty of Dayton & Smitha:d runs themee ~long the easterly line of said prooerty, 8.22°31'~0#$.-~98.~ ieet to north- erly line of L'Hommedieu Lane at ~e ~e~m~us of second course oi~ said L'Hom:~Lane aa a~ve described. Dated this ~ day o~ ~1 l~~7 ' ~ ~~ Jma~iees,.of the Peace. TO THE ~ OF .HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF S~UTEQED, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK. The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway labor in the Town of Suffolk, hereby applies to you to lay out highways in said Town as des~eribed below:- 1. YOUNDERB' PATH: 50 feet wide. ~ : Weeteirly line begins on th~ southerly line!i~i~ Korn Aven~e (or'Road) at the northwesterly corner of p~erty of Dayto~ & ~l~h, _a_nd~ns thence S.~8~$5'4Q~-$43.~1 r~8~O'tHK-H~R~=ly line of L'Hommediau Lane(hereinafter described), thence S.ZS~55'E.-@25.00 feet to the southerly line of Landon Lane (hereinafter described), thence S.31e ~8,40"E.-663.64 feet to the r~ortherly line of Old Ship- ,yard Road (hereinafter described) at a point 1E5.0 feet easterly from the easterly line of Hobart Avenue measured slong said northerly line of Old Shipyard ~oad. 2. L'HO~DIN~ LANE: 50 feet wide NSRTHERLY line begins on easterly line Hobart Avende feet southerly from northerly line of property of Dayton & Smith, running thence at a right angle to said Hobart Avenue, N.64"Q5'E.-ZO0.O feet to terminus of first course of Founders, Path (above described): then beginning on easterly line of said Founders' Path at a point 558.1~ feet southerly from southerly line of said Eom Avenue (or Road) and running thens~ N. 66~7'50"E.~8~.16 feet, thence N.67"O6,50"E.~60.Z~ feet to point of 5e~knnin~ of easterly line of Old Shipyard Road (hereinafter dee~ri~a~) S. OLD 8HIPIAED POAD: 50 feet wide, i .. . EASTERLY line be6~.ns at terminus of last ~urss og L'Hom~nedi~m Lane (above described) and runs thsnee S.25~ S5'E.-llSO.4E feet, thence S.lOel5'SO"W,-SES.14 feet thence S.3S~31'BO"W.-255.73 feet to easterly line of Hobart Avenue at a point ~90.42 feet southerly from de- flection in said easterly line of Hobart Avenue. 4. LANDON LANE: 50 feet wide. NORTHE~LY line begins at ~ point on easterly line of Hobart Avenue 80.~1 feet northerly from a deflection in said easterly line of Hobart Aven~e opposite property of William Rich, thence running No.64~O5'E.-646..76 feet to westerly line Old Shipyard Road (above described. EASTERLY line begins at easterly end of southerly line of Korn Aven~e (or ~oad) and at northeasterly !morner of property of Dayton & Smith and runs thenee)~lOng the easterly line of said property, S.~S!~0~;~95;5~ feet to northerly line of L'HOmmedteu Lane at the terminus of second course of said L,Hommedieu Lane as above described. which highways will pass through the land of the apDlicant and no one else, who hereby consents to the laying out of such highways. Dated this ~,~ay of May, 1927~ FOUNDERS' ESTATES INC. .:: - Pre s i dent STATE OF nEW YOEK, ) CITY OF NE~ YORK, ) SS COUNTY OF NEW Y~'RK ) SILAS A. H. DAYTOn, being duly sworn, deposes 'and says that'he is the PRESIDENT of the FOUNDERS ESTATES, INC. the corporation named in the ~itt~iz~. entitled action; that he has read the foregoing.application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to his own knowledge, exseot as to the matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and believe, and &e to th~se matters he belieFes it to be true. Deponent further says that the reason this verification is made by deponent and not by the FOUNDEH8 ESTATES, INC. is because the said FOUNDERS ESTATES, INC. is a corporation and deponent is an officer thereof, to wit, its PRESIDENT and the grounds of deponent,s beliefe as to all matters in the said Application not state~ upon his own knowledge, are investigations which deponent has caused to be made concerning the subject matter of this Application and information acquired by deponent in the course of hie duties as such officer of the said FOUNDERS ESTATES, INC.,corporation and from the books and papers of said corporation. Sworn to before me, this -~ day of May, #OTARY PUBI. I~ President. Southold, received, We, the FOUNDERS ESTATES, County of Suffolk, State hereby dedicate to INC. of the Town of of New York, for value the Town of Southold afore- said, strips of land running across our premises in said Town, for the purpose of highways, described as follows:- 1. FOUEDEkS' PATH: 50 feet wide. WESTERLY line begins on the southerly line of Korn Avenue (or Road) at the northwesterl~ corner of property of Dayton & ~mith, and runs thence S.S8 S5' .~0"E.-S4S.C1 feet to the northerly line of L'Hommedieu Lane (hereinafter described), thence 8.~5~55'E.-8~5.00 feet to the southerly line of Landon Lane (hereinafter descrioed), then,e 663.64 feet to the northerly line of 01d S~ipyard Road (hereinafter described) at a point 1~5.0 feet easterly from the easte~.~ly line of Hobart Avenue measured along said northerly line of 01d Shipyard Road. 2. L,HOM~EDIEU LANE: 50 feet wide. NORTHEBLY line begins on easterly line Hobart Aven~e ~1~8 feet southerly from northerly line of property of Dayton & Smith,.running thence at a right angle to said Hobart Avenue, N0.6~05' E.-~00.00 feet to terminus of first course of Founders' Path (above described); then.~eginning on easterly line of esid Founders' Path at a point 33S.lZ feet southerly from southerly line of said ~orm Avenue (or Road) and running thence N.6Se27'50#E.-ZS9.16 fee~, thence N.67'06,5~k.-60.25 feet to point of beginning of easterly line of 01d Shipyard Road (hereinafter described). ~. OLD SHIPYARD ROAD: 50 feet wide. EASTERLY line begins at terminus of last course of L'Hommedieu Lane (~bove described) and rune thence S.~5e~5' E.-llC0.&S feet, thence S.10"15'BO"W.-$S9.14. feet, thence S~58~$t,ZO"W~--~55.75 feet to easterly line of Hobart Avenue at a point ~90.4~? feet southerly from deflection in said easterly line of Hobart Avenue. 4. LANDON LANE: 50 feet wide. NORTHERLY line begins at a point on easterly line of Hobart Avenue 80,~1 feet northerly from a deflection in said east~zly llne of Hobart Avenue opoosite property of Wm. Rich, thence running N.S4~05~E~$6~8.7~ £eet to westerly line 01d Shipyard Road (aoove described). 6. ~~-~_ ~feet wide. EASTERLY line begins at easterly end of southerly line of Korn Avenue (or Road) and at northeasterly corner of ~ro- ~erty of Dayton & Smith and runs thence along ~he easterly line of said property, S,~'Sl'20~E.~E98.5Z feet to northerly line of L!Hom~.edieu Lane at the terminus of second course of said L'Hom~;edieu Lane as above described. We also hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of laying out such highways. ~N ~JIT~ESS ~H. ERE0F we have hereunto set the name an~ the cor?or~te seal this ~'~day of May, 1927. FOUNDER~?~TATES INC. / . presiden%.- % CITY OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK' On this ~ ~ day of May in the year One thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven before me personally same SILAS A. H. DAYTON, to me known and known to be the same person who subscribed the foregoing instrument, and who by me being duly sworn did say that he resides in the 'Town of Southold and that he is the PRESIDENT of the FOUNDERS ESTATES, INC., the corporation ~escribed in and whieh executed the above instrument; that he knew the seal of the said~or~oma~en:&nd~that~he s~a~ affi~ed!t~!~the foregoing instrument is the ~orporate seal of said corporation, and was hereto affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corooration, and that he signed the same as PRESIDENT. of said corporation by virtue of a like order of said Board of Diree~ars. WHEREAS, the Founders Estatesn~m~~the day of May, 1~?, did present to me as~ of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a written application to lay out highways in said Town as described as followa:- 1. FOUNDERS PATH: 50 feet wide. WESTERLY line begins on the southerly line of Korn Avenue (or Road) at the northwesterly corner of property of Dayton & Smith, and runs thence S.38Q35'40"E.-343.Pl feet to the northerly line of L,Hommedieu Lane (hereinafter described), thence 8.~5o55,E.-8~5100 feet to the southerly line of Landon Lane (hereinafter described), thence S.~lQ38'40"E.- 663.64 feet to the northerly line of 01d ShipSard Road (hereinafter described) at a point lB5.0 feet easterly from the easterly line of Hobart Avenue measured along said northerly line of 01d Shipyard Road. 2. L'HON~iEDIEU LANE: 50 feet wide. NORTHERLY line begins on easterly line of Hobart Avenue ~1.38 feet southerly from northerly line of property of Dayton & Smith~ running thence at a right angle to said Hobart Avenue, N.64°05'E -300.00 feet to terminus of first course of Founders Pa!~h (above described); then beginning on easterly line of said Founders Path at a point 338.1E feet southerly from southerly line of said Korn Avenue (~r road) and running thence No.66~27'50"E.-~89.15 feet, thence N.67o06,50"E.*$0.23 feet to the point of beginning of easterly line of 01d Shipyard Road (hereinafter described). 3. OLD SHIPYARD ROAD: 50 feet wide. EASTERLY line begins at terminus of last course of L'Homme- dieu Lane (above described) and runs thence S.~5~55'E.-llP0. 4~feet, thence S.10elS'E0"W.-3~9.14 feet, thence $.3S~31,E0" W.-E55.73 feet to easterly line of Hobart Avenue at a point B90.4~ feet southerly from defX~¢tion in said easterly line of Hobart Avenue. 4. LANDON LANE: S0 feet wide. NORTHERLY line begins at a point on easterly line of Hobart Avenue 80.~1 feet northerly from a deflection in said easterly line of Hobart Avenue opoosite property of Wm. Rich, thence running No.S4~05'E.-848.?8 feet to westerly line of 01d Shipyard Road (above described) 5.~~ J5 feet wide. EASTERLY line begins at easterly end of southerly line of Korn Avenue (or Road) and at northeasterly corner of pro- perty of Dayton & Smith and runs thence along the easterly line of said property, S.Z~"Zl'Z0"E.-~98.5~ feet to northerl~ line of L'Hommedieu Lane at the terminus of second course of' said L'Hommedieu Lane as above ~es~ribed. and at the s~me time the said applicant did file with me a Dedication of the land through which said highways are to pass, bearing date the '~-~day of May, l@E?., and the Town Board of the Town of Suffolk, having approved of the laying out of said highways, whleh approval is filed herewith and bearing date the ~day ~f May, 1927. NOW THEREFORE, I, the undersigned Commissioner of Highways, pursuant to section 90 of the Highway Law, do hereby lay out said highways as applied for, a survey, of which is hereto annexed and a deseription of which highways is above set forth. Dated --~ day of /~- , 1927. r off Highways. APPLICATION 01~ LAURA J. ROACHE co alter a part of the highway known as T0 ~E ~ 3UP~NTENDENT OF H~G~AYS of ~he in ~he 00UNTU of SUF~%X, NE~ YORX, THE UND~SIGNED, liable to be assessed for highway labor in the To~ of S~hold, hereby applies ~o you ~o alter a p~ of the westerly line of the highway in said To~, kno~ as ~;~ Av~E, the said ~sterly line as applied to be alt- ered being monumente~ ~d ~scribed ae follows, ~o wi~:- BEGINNING a~ a s~one mo~m~ se~ a~ or near the GEO. D., B~J. F., ~NA BELLE ~d LUE~LA ~BB, ~d ~nning ~nce north 5°32'10" eas~ ~02.16 feet ~o ~other s~one monu- ment set at or near the northeasterly corner of l~d of the applicon, which proposed alteration of said westerly line will pass through the l~ds of the applic~t ~d l~ds of EDI~ JO~SON, GEO. D., BENJ. ~., ANNA BELLE ~ LUELLA ~EBB, who consent to ~ch al~e~ation of said highway. Dated, the ~6~h day of November, 1~10. Town of SOUTHOLD RELEASE OF DAMAGES for alteration of a part of FOURISt AVENUE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That ~FE, LAURA J. ROAC~E, EDITH JOHNSON, GEO. D., BENJ. F., ANNA BELLE and LUELLA ~EBB of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, for and in qonsideration of the sUm of One ($1) Dollar, hereby consent that the westerly line of the highway known as FOURTH AVENUE be altered through, our premises in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New pursuant to the application of LAURA J. ROA~E,~ dated t~he 26th by reason of altering said line of said ~ighway ~hrou'g~ our premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands hereunto on this ESth day of November, 1910. Signed in the presence of COUNTY of SINGS ) )SS:..~ ROACNE STATE of NEW YORE) On this ~--~day of~)~~in the year . nineteen hundred and ~en, before me personally agpeared LAURA To me kncwn and known ~o me to.~e.~he in~ivi'datal described in and who executed the foregoing~ and acknowledged to me that she ~xecu~ed the same. STATE of NE~ YORE) )SS: OOUNTY of SU?I~OLK) hundred and ~ms~, before me personall apOeared EDITH JOHNSON to me known and known to me to be ~he individual described in and who executed the foregoing ~. and acknowledged to me that she ~xecuted th~ sase. STATE of NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY of SUffOLK) On this h~ndred and ten, before me peraonally appeared GEO. D., ANNA BET~LE and LUELL^ WEBB, to me known and known to me BENJ. F., to be the indivich~als c~scribed in and who 8xe,~ted the foregoing agree- ment and acknowledged to me that they executed the ss~ne. ~,ONSENT OF TOWN BOARD to alter a part of the highway known as ~OUR TH AVENUE THE LE~DERSIGNED, the TOWN BOARD of ~he Town of Southo~i ih the County of Suffolk, New York, hereby consent that ~he Town Superintendent of Highways of said Town, make an order altering the highway described'in'the application of LAURA J. ROACHE, pursuan~ to Section l§l of the Highway Law. IN WITNESS ~MEBEOP, we have hereunto set our hands on this B6th day of November, 1910. ORDER altering a part of the highway known as I~OURTH AVENUE ?URSUANT to the application of LAURA J. ROA~ME to alter a part of the w~sterly line of the highway known as ~OURTM AVENUE in said Town, a per son~ liable to be assessed for high- way labor in said town, and upon the written consent' of the Town Board of said Town, as prescribed by law, and the. release for damages having been executed by the owners of the lands through which the proposed alteration of said highway runs, I, THE UNDERSIGNED, TOWN SUPERINTENDENT o~ HIJH- WAYS of said Town, hereby order that the said w~sterly line of said highway shall be and the same is hereby altered so as ~o BEGINNING at a stone monument set at or near the south- easterly co~rner of land of EDKTH JO;TNSON and land of GEOj D., BENJ. F., .ANNA BELLE and LUELLA WEBB and running thence north 5°B2'10" east $02.16 feet to another stone monument set at or near ~he northeasterly corner of land of LAURA J. ROAC~WE. The above described line being particularly shown and set forth on a certain map entitled "Nap showing lines of a part of highways known as l~ifth Avenue, ~ourth Avenne, Main Stt. and Jackson St., as established by the Town Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold, Suff. Co. N. Y.,~" which said map duly approved by me is filed in the office of the Town Clerk ~ of said Towni Dated this ~ day of notice thag the wi[bin is n filed in the oit~ce, o{ the o~ ................. .:- .......... ~-- 192 New Yo~k Cl. O~ whte. h me within ts a-txue copy will be pte~e~xtox for settlement.and entry h~rein to County Clerk's File No.-" ,,_,'-: ¥ea1-192 COUNTS ,COURT. SUFFOLK_ COUNTY In the mat~eI of the ~pplie- ea~ion o~' ~he ~ .: .~ FOUND~S ESTA~8 INC~ -' r~O I~y out highways in ~he 5CHNITZLER, THORN & DAYTON Y SCHN1TZLER THORN & DAYTON 27 YVilliam Street To L~q., Dated New York. 192. Attorney Ple~e take no~ice that the within is a dub made a~ ~t~ in the ~i~n matl~ ............................ ~d ~ ih the o~ce of ~e ~HORN. ~ DAYTON ~l~ost ~ce: Addre~ ToL ........... ~ ............. z .............................................. ~,, Sir ~ PJ~t~e n~e ~a~ ~ order o~ wh~ ~e ~ h a~e ~py will be SGHNITZLER, THORN & DA~TON 27 Willi~ Street: B~ ~ Ma~at~n a : _ N~w York ~ To ................................................ SCHNITZLER, THORN-& DAYTON ~ ~nd P~ ~ce Add~ ~ '_. ~ -2{ wimgm S~t - ~ 'h of Manh~n - New'York ~ --To ................... ~ ............... ~- ............................. w-esq._ Due and timely service of a copy within ................... ~.~ -~- is hereby admitted. Dated, New-York,- ....................... ~ ....................... 192~ L ~dce notice that the within is s dUl~ made and entered in the within entitled .......................... -and filed in the o/rice of the Clerk d- on th¢.-~, clay ot 192 ' Dated, N. Y., . .............. 192 . Yours, (~.c., $CHNI~R~ THORN & DAYTON Attorn~s~ ................................... i ............................... Office and Post Office Address 27 William Street Borough o/ Manhattan New York City To Esq., Sir: Please take notice that an order of which the within is a true copy will be presented for settlement and entry herein to Mr. Justice at .......................... of this Court at ...................................... in the Civ/ of New York, o~ the .................................... day of ............... , 192 ~_? Yours, &c., SCHNITZLER, THORN & DAYTON AMmOs roy ...... ~ ...................................................... Office and Post Ofllce Address 27 William Street Bogough of Manhattan - Ne~w York Cit~ To-~ ................................................................. E~I., 192 COUNTY OQURT SUFFOLK COUNTY tn the matter of the Ap~Iication of th~ FOUNDERS ~T~T~S, i~C. to lay out highways in th~ T.,:.:~ of Southold. /,'-/-, DEDICATION rSCHNITZLER, THORN & DAYTON Office and Post Office Address 27 William Street Borough of Manhattan New York CiO/ Due and timely service of a copy of the within ...................................................................... is hereby admitted. Dated, New York,- ................................................. 192 Sir: Please take notice that the w/thin is a t~ue copy of a .............................................................. duly made and entered in the within entitled .............. :and filed in tile office of the on the--i~-dsy of ..................................... Dated N.Y.,£ ...................................................... Yours, &c., Auome~s ~o? - Office and Post O~ce' Address 27 William Street Borough of Manhattan New York City To ...................................................................... Esq., Sir: Please take notice that an order of which the within ~s a true cop~ w/Il be presented /or settlement and entry .herein to Mr. Justice.--.: at ........................... .: .... ] .......... ~ ......................... of this Court at ......................................................................... ' ........ ....................................... in the City of .New York, on the ............................. day of. ....................., 192 at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon. Dated.~-~ Y.,- ................................. I92 ~' YOURS, SCHNITZLER, THORN & DAYTON Atwrae:~s/~ ....................................................................... Office and Post Office Address 27 William Street Borough Of Manhattan New York City To .......................................................................... Esq., County'Clerk's File No ....... · ....... Year 192 COUNTY: COURT: SUFFOLK OOUNT¥ In the matter of the Ap0tl' cation of the FOUNDERS ESTATES, INC. to lay out highways in the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. . /*A, /f'2F CONSENT OF COMNISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS. SCHNITZLER, THORN & DAYTON Office and Post O~ice Addle. 27 William Street Borough of Manhattan New York City To ................................................................. Esq., Attorn~ t~ ................................................................................. Due and timely service of a copy of the is hereb~ admitted. Dated, New York,.. ............................. 192 A~o~n~ f~ ................................... IN TH ATT R ~ THE ALTERATION OF A HIGH~,AY KN0~{ AS // /.¢- ~7 -] 3'7 4-6 C7~ Z) / ~//~/O/V C ~ " 76 70 ~ o ~7 b .~ o L/ 7- /-/ © z ZP .~,,~//--/--Oz_t~ C OuzV /-F