HomeMy WebLinkAboutFONES STREET fo~' lands and real estate in said Commonwealtk of pennsylvania, and due faith and credit a~'e, and of right ought to be glvea throughout the United and ~:erily believe the to all States and elsewhere. And further, that I a~ acquain~d with his hand~riti~g · . .. th~'elo to be his q~iae ~alare.~&/~z4~: .................. w~ k&ea %n accorda',ce s~g~tal~e . e ore oz~g ................................... ~ ............ ~ ..... I .fw,'/her c~tify that tire. ~ g -n,~:a ?/t , , ~¢ the ~d Co~t~ '.' 'l~e laws g the State oy 1~2~"~ · ~ ..... to set ~ 1,~d and a~xed t,~e sea~ ~ .~ f w~t~ ~, .... ~ ~E~m~', 1 aa,e aer~,, ~ ~. ~ ~'. A. ~.~ -- IN TES~I~u~z "~'~ d r o¢ ..... ~'~'t~::;t'~:'"q'5"'"r"~"~ ~ ff . .................. ....... . ~ /~ ~ z~ ~.~ ................................................... h~o, ~n his o~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ w~o a~ ' d is ~ .---.-~' . ................................... ~~ ........................... e~,~c.=..~ .......... ..~ law o the Uommon- . . o~n. sad auth°~r~-ed by w~lth of ~lva~a to take a~dav~tS duly eomm~ ~ a~d ~ , ' and ac~ow~dgm~ of deeds _ __ to ~ , in hand paid by~ as Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and ~State of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that a highway be ~ ~ - ~ and opened across. ~ premises, in the said Town of Southold, which has been surveyed and is dascr/bed, as ~i,t-~ ..... .~n, ~ Dc, H~oby ..... R~lease said Town from all damages by fearn oi [~ ~ and opening such highway through my premises. Iu Witness Whereof ~ have hereunto set hand In presence of ~ State of New York ) Suffolk County$ ss. On this /a~ day of ~~ I9° I, before me perso~ to me kuown and kuowu to me to be the same pe described in and who executed the foregoing release and acknowledged that he executed the same. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways RELEASE OF as {2ommissioner of Highways of the 'i'own of Southold, in the County of Suffolk State of ~ew York, the re~ipt wh~f is hereby acknowledge, Do Hereby ~on~nt, that a highway ~ ~ and o~ a~om andd~i premix, in the said ~own of ~uthold, which h~ ~ su~ey~ And 9 Do Hereby Release said Town front all damages by reason oi ~  ~ and opening such highway through my~remises. In Witness Whereof 0 have hereunto setup} hand and seal this /7'~ day of ~. ' ,.x9°~' tate of I enn$ lvania, tsa I, GEORGE W. MILLER, Clerk of the Cmtrt of Qnarter Sessions, in and for the Co.ntF of A~legheng, in the Commonwealth ~ania, the *ame be.i..~ a Court of Law and Record, do b~ the~e pre*ent* was taken., and who has hereunto, iu his ow~andwriting, s~b- ~cribed ~~Lat that time, ~,,~ is ~.:~~ ...................... ............ ~~ ................... ~n ~[d for said C~ of Allegheny du. ly commissio~ed and sworn, and authmgzed by law of the Common. wealth of P*nnsylvania to take a~davits and acLmowkdgments of deeds for lands and real estate in said Commonwealth of Pen~jlvania, and to all whose acts as such, due faith and credit are, and of *{ght ought to be given, thronghout the United S~s and elsewhere. And further, that I am acquainted with bis ha~w~ting and verily believe the' signature thereto to be his genuine signature.~ . ~ ~ / I further certify that the foregoi*~g ............................................... *~as taken in accor&mce with the laws of the State of Pennsylvania. ~ IN TESTIMONY WH~OF, I have hereunto ~ny hand and ~'ed the seal of the said Court at Pittsburgh, this ............... ~.~.~ ........ day o[ ............. ~_~:'~. D. 190~, ~OWN OF $OUTHOLD ~ommissioner of Highways IN THE MATTER OF I- RELEASE OF /