I, GEORGE W.. MILLER, Clerk of the Court of Q,((r~cr ~ ~
in and for the COunty of Allegheny, in the Commonwealgb qf l~¢(o~$yl-
~.nia, the same being a of Law and Record, do by t]lese pre.~clds ~J-~'
haudwrili?~g, sub-
and ~s a ..................................
in and for said County of Alleghe~ly,
daly and sworn, and authorized by law of tl~e Common-
wealth of to take a~davlts and acknowled#~ents of deeds
for lands and rsal estate in said Commonwealth of Pe~msylvaMa. a~d
to all ~uch, dae faith and credit are, and of right oaght to be givea, throughout tt~e United
States and elsewhere. And further, that I ara acquainted with his handwriting and ~:crily bdieve the
signature ~hereto to be his genuine sigmat~re.
was taken in accorda~ce
seal of tl~5_~t~d Cou~
4. D.~/
I further certify that the foregoing
with the laws of the State of Pen. ns~y~ania.
IN TESPIMONY WiIE~ I have hereunto set
at Pittsburgh, lhis ......................... ~.._~ .................. day
for and in consideration of the sum of ~t~//.
-- to ~ , in hand paid by~.l~x
as Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and
State of l~lew York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that
a highway be ~ ~-x~i.~-~ and Opened across
premises, in the said Town of Southold, which has been surveyed dese/H
and is bed, as
for andinconsiderationofthesumof ~~ ~ ~._._
~ ~ ... ~ to ~ , in hand paid by~
as Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and
State of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that
a highway be ~ ~ - ~ - and opened across
premises, in the said Town of Southold, which has been surveyed and is deser/bed,
And ~ Do Hereby Release said Town from all damages by reason o!
~ and opening such highway through my premises.
In Witness Whereof ~ have hereunto set a~o,~ hand and
sea, this I r~ay of , ~ ~'
In presence of
State of New York }
Suffolk County ss.
On this /~ day of ~~'J~ z9o I, before me personal~y
to me known and known to me to be the same person
described in and who executed the foregoing release and
acknowledged that he executed the same.
C~ommissioner of Highways
And ~ Do Hereby Release said Town from all damages by reason ot
~ ~ and opening such highway through my~remises.
In Witness Whereof 9 have hereunto sets hand and
seal this day of ' , ~9°
State of lth~. ~ 6zk
Suffolk Os~'~y ~ } ss.
.... to me known and known to me to be the samfi person
described in and who executed the foregoing release and
acknowledged that he executed the same.
~tate o~ ~enn~lvania,~ss.
[, GEORGE W. MILLER, Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions,
i~ and for the County of Allegheny, in the Commonwealth of Pen~yb
vania, the same being a Court of Law and Becord, do by these presents
Certify tha~
[~....~ ~~~~~ ~s~u~,
~So~ ~ho~ t~ So~oin~..~~- ........
........... ~ ~ ................... ~a ~i~$ of
dnly commissioned ana sworn, and anthoriz~d by law of the Common-
wealth of Pen~yl~ania to take a~davi~ and acknowledgmen~ of
for lands a~ real estate in said Commonwealth of Penn~lvania, and
to all whose acts as such, due faith and credit are, and of right ought to be given, throughout th~ United
States and elsewhere. And further, that I am acquainted with his handw~ting and ve~ly believe the
I further certify that the foregoiag ....... ~~~_~...wos taken in accordance
with the laws of t~ State of Penasylvania. ~
· ~ TESTIMONY WH~OF, I ha~e hereunto s~my hand and ~ed the seal o~ the said Court
~ .~,.~, ~ ............... ~_~:~ ........ ~ o~ ............. ~;:y2: ~. ~. 19o/.
. ........... .......