HomeMy WebLinkAboutFLINT STREETIn the Matter of Laying Out Flint Street as a Public Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. X .-X ORDER IT appearing that certain lands in the Town of Southold including that portion hereinbelow described, having been used as a public highway in excess of ten years, and with the written consent of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, being endorsed thereon and attached hereto. NOW, therefore, I,. as Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York do hereby ORDER that the lands hereinafter described be and the same hereby are laid out and accepted as a public highway of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Greenport in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, being a portion of Flint Street~ as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of Greenport Driving Park" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on December 1, 1909 as Map No. 369, said portion of Flint Street being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Flint Street with the easterly side of Ninth Street as shown on said map; THENCE North 12° 12' 10" East across from Flint Street 27.85 feet to land now or formerly of The Long Island Rail Road; THENCE North 84° 11' 99.43 feet; THENCE South 82° 47' Lots 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, the corner formed by the Flint 40" East along last mentioned land 10" East along the southerly side of 88 and 90 on said map 514.66 feet to intersection of the northerly side of Street with the westerly side of Seventh Street; THENCE South 6° 53' 30" West across Seventh Street 50.00 feet to the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Flint Street with the westerly side of Seventh Street; THENCE North 82° 47' 10" West along the northerly side of Lots 58, 89, 87, 85, 83, 81, 79, 77, 75 and 10 on said map 615.16 feet to the point of place of BEGINNING which said highway shall be known as Flint Street. Dated in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York this /~ day of ~. , 1985. the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. To the Town Superintendent of Ni~hways of the Town of Soutbold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New Yom-k: The undersized, liable to he assessed for highway taxes in the said Xown of Soutbold~ hereby apply to you to take over and improve~ as town highways, all those hiChways in the Town of Southold, S~folk County~ New York, shown on a certa~ map en- titled, #Plan of ~operty at Greenport~ S~folk Co., N. ~own as Greenport Brivin~ Park, surveyed By Co Ho Bateman, Shelter Island, N. Y.~ August, 1909, and. filed in Suffolk County Clerk's ~fice, Decembe~ 1st, 1909, and desi~ated as Flint Street; Brown Street; Seventh Street and Linnet Street, except~g so much of Linnet Street as lies within the corporate l~its of the Village of Greenport, ~. Y.~ and which proposed highways are now the sole property of the estate of John~ ~elps* Dated this ~ day of June, 192~. Is Executors of the last'Will'and Test~ent of John~ ~elps, dread· WE, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the 't'own of Southold~ having met at the office of the Supervisor, at Greenpo.t, in said Town, on tbe i ~ day of June, 1928, and considered the application of Walter Eo Phelps and 6eorge~,ilexander, as Executors of the last Till and Testament of John ~,Phelps, deceased, for the takin~ over and improving, as to~ hi~hways~ all those highways in the To~ County~ New yo~k, shown on a certain ~p entitled~ ~Plan ~operty at ~reenport, ~folk CO., N. Y., ~o~ as ~reenport Driving Park, lu§ust, 1909," December 1st, surveyed by C. Ho Bare.an, Shelter Island, No Y., and filed in Suffolk County Clerkts officer 1909~ and designated as Flint Street; Brown Street; Seventh Street and Linnet Street, excepting so much of Linnet Street as lies within the corporate limits of the ?illa~e of 6reenport, No Yo, DO FE2EBY CONSENT to such takin~ over and improving said highways and that same be amde in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. ~o~n Olerk. U~ ~~) pertntendent of Hi~a~s WE, WALTE~ E. I~ELPS, of ~5 E. 149th St'~ Boroug~ of ~h~4~n, City, ~ and State of New Yo~k, and ~EO~E ~ as Executors of the last Will and Test~ent of John~ ~elps deceased, in conside~ation off the su~ of O~ DO.AR, to us in band paid by ~eorge ~. Fleet, To~ Superinte~dent of ~ig~ays of said To~ of Soutbold, and in further consideration of the taking over and im~rovi~, as to~ highways, all those hig~ays in the · o~ of Southold, S~folk County, New York~ sb~ on a certain map entitled, '~an of Property at 6~een~ort~ S~folk Co', N. Y., ~o~ as 6reenpo~t 9rivin~ Park, surveyed by C. H. Bate~n~ Shelter lsl~d~ N. Y.~ ~u~ust~ 1909~~ and filed in Suffolk C~nty Clevk*s orifice, Dec,Bev 1st, 1909~ and desi~ated as Flint Street; Bro~ Street; Seventh Street and Linnet Street~ excepti~F so much off Linnet Street as lies within the c~porate ~$ts of the Village of 6reenpovt, N. Y-~ and the t~tle to sai~ bi~ays bein~ entirely in the estate of Jo~ ~ ~elps, do hereby dedicate and release to the ~'own of S~tbold, ali land o~ By the estate of John~.~elps and included within the premises above descvlbed~ and does here~y release said Sown ~ all ~.amages By reason of takin~ over. an~ i~Fovin~ said highways. Dated this ~ ~ day of J~ 1928. STATE OF NEW. YORK, ~ SS :- COUNTY OF On the me personally ca~e WALTER E. I~[FLPS and Executors of the last Will and Testament day of June, 1928, before as of John~ Phelps, deeeasecl~ personally known to me and lmown to me to be the persons described in and who executed the fore~oing instrument and they severally acknowled~eO to me that they executed the State of New York, CO'[~T'I'Y OP KI~08 ~" In Testimony IP'hereo~, I, Wll~l~I~a~M E, ]fft]li[~l~r, CLI~RK O]F THE COUNTY OF KIN~ alld a~ CL~RK o~ ~E SU~EME COUaT for said County (said Court being a C0urt oi Record), DO HEREBY CERTIFY that whose na~b~rl~ed to~ff---~~the certificate oi proof, acknowled~t or deposition of the annexed instrument and thereon written, was, at the till~ of taking such proof or acknowledgment, a COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS in and for the City of New York commissioned and sworn and duly authorized to take the same. And further, that I am well acquainted w th the handwriting of such Commissioner and verily believe that the signature to the said certificate or proof, acknowledgo msut or deposition is genuine, and that the same is executed ~nd acknowledged according to the laws of the State oI New Yor~.I ' Ig/VOWLI ~ ~ ,~'1_. IN Z ,.~ TIP.. ££ T TOWN OF~ ,SOUTH©LO TOWN OF SOUTP_ OLD · In the Matter of the Application of WALTE~ ~. PI~LPS and AL~ANI3E~as Executors, &c. of' John ~elps, de~*d. for the taking over and 'i~rov]ng highways ~n the ~owu of So~tbold, Suffolk County, New York.. APPLICAT I0N, CONgFNT OF TOWN HF. LFASE OF BAS~AC~ES