HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIFTH AVENUEAPPLIOATION OF LAUR~ J. ROACHE ~o alter a part of the highway known as ~IFTM AV~YNU g TO T~ in the COUNTY of SUFFOLE, NEW YORE, in the of the TOWN ~;P,~RINTENDE"XT OF MIGMWA%'S of the TOWN of 30UT~LD, THE UNDERSIGNED, liable ~o be assessed for highway .labor Town of Southold, hereby applies to you t= alter a part eastsrl~ line of the highway'in said Town, known as FIFTH AVENUE, the said easterly line, aa applied to be altered, being monumented and described as follows,- to wit:- BEGINNING a~ a stone monument sat at or near the southw~sterl~ corner of land of EDITH JOHNSON and land of GEO. D., BENJ. F., ANNA BELLE and LUELLA EBB, and run'nin~ thence north 5°36'20" east 301.51 feet to another s~one monumen~ at or near the n~rthws'sterly corner of land of applicant, which proposed alteration of said easusrly line will pass thrQugh and GEO.. to such the lands of said applicant and lands of EDITM JO~ISON D., BEN. J. F., ANNA BELLE and LUELLA I~EBB, who consent alteration of said highway. Dated the 26th day of November, - RELEASE of DAMAGES for alteration of a part of ~I I~TM AVENUE ALL ~EN BY TMESE I~RESENTS: That, WE, LAURA ~. ROAOWE, EDITM ~O~SON, GEO. D., BENJ. 1~., ANNA BELLE and LUELLA WEBS, of the Town of Southold, in the Ooun~y of Suffolk, New York, for and in consideration of the sum of One ($1) Dollar, hereby cor~.~t~ the easterly line of the highway known as ~IFTM AV~NL~ be altered through our premises in the Town of Southold, County Of Suffolk, New York, ~rsuant to the application of LAURA J. ROAOME, dated the 26th day of November, 1910, and release said town from all damages by reason of altering said line of said highway through our premises. IN WITNESS WHEREO~, we have set our h~nds h~reunto on this BSth clay of November, Sigmmd in the presence of COUNT~ of KINGS ) STATE of N~W YORK)ss: On ~his ~day 1910. of.~~in tho year nineteen hundred and ~en, before me personally appeared, LAURA J. ROACME to me known and known =o me~o be the individual described in and who executed ~he foregoing~and acknowledged to me that she executed ~be same. RE~OIN6 IN THE 80ROUGt~ OF BROOKLYN. STATE of NEW YORK/ ss: COUNTY of SUFI~OLX) day of/-~/-in the year On this nine- teen hundred and &em., before me personally appeared EDITH JOHN- SON, to me known and known tO me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing ~ and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. STATE of NEWYO~E l COUNTY of SUFFOLK) On this teen hundred and t~n, bsfor~ me personally~appeared GEo~ D., BENJ. ~., ANNA BELLE and LUELLA I~EBB~ to me known a~d known t~y' of~--~n the year nine-' me to be the individuals described in and who executed the fore- going ~and who acknqwledged to me Shat they executed che s~ms. CONSENT OF TO~N BOARD to al~er a part of the highway known ~I FT~ AVENUE T~,E UNDERSIGNED, the TOWN BOARD of the TOWl~ of SOUTHOLD in the COUNTY of SUI~FOLK, NEW YORK, hereby consen~ tha: ~he Town Superintendent of. ~ighways o~ .said ,Town, make an order altering the highway described in the application of LAURA ~. ROAC~E, pursuant to Section 191 of the I~ighway Law. IN WITNESS WHE~EOF, we have hereunto set our hanc~ on this ~.6~h day of November, 1910. ORDER Altering a part of the highway known ~I FTI~ AUEI~ E t~JR~UANT to the application of LAURA J. ROAO~E to alter a parb of the eastsrly line of the highway known as FIFTH AVENUE in said Town, a person~liable to ~e assessed for highway labor in said To~, ~dupon ~he written oonsen~ of ~he To~ Bo~d of ~ said To~, as prescribed by law, ~d the release fo~ d~ag~s having been-exerted by ~ o~era of ~he l~ds ~hrough which the proposed alteration of said highway I, ~E UND~SIGNED, ~ ~P~[N~ENT of HIG~AYS, of said To~, hereby order that the said.easterly line of said highway shall be ~ the s~e is hereby ~ered so as to ~ follows, to BEGINNING at a stone mo~m~ set at or ne~ the sou~h~s~erly corner of l~d of EDI~ JONSON ~d l~d of GEO.. D., B~J. ~., M~NA BELLE ~d LU~LA ~BB, ~d ~nning thenoe north 5°36'20' east 301.51 feet to ~other stone mo~ment set at or ne~ the northwesterly oor~gf ~ off LAUR~ ~ ~~ ~hThe ab%ye describe~ line ~tng p~ti~larly shown ~d set forth on a certain m~ entitled 'Map showing lines of par~ of highways kno~ as ~ifth AVenue, ~ourth Avenue, Main ~d Jackson S~., as established by the To~ ~uperin~endent of Highways, To~ of'Southold, Suff. 0o. N. T.,' which said map, ~ly approved by~ me, is filed in the office of the To~ 01erk Dated, i, ~ day THE .~{ATTER OF THE ALT~qATIOi~ 0F A PART OF HIG~UTWAY KNOWN AS PIF~ AVE~E