HomeMy WebLinkAboutFANNING STREET To the Town Superintendent of Highways ~ the Town of Southold, in the Co~.~ty of $~fo!k and State of New York: The UUdsrsigned~ liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said Town of Southoii, hereby apply to you to lay out a new highway at New SuffOlk, in the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, ~ew York, described as follows: The Westerly line beginning at a point on the northsriy line of StuVfolk~a Avenue at a point ~00 _*~et easterly from the westerly li~e of ~. nd of JoD~ F. Fa~uing ~nd r~ning thence tD~ough land Of s~id oo. ner ~f ~and o~ H.E.TUt~li; thence t~o~h land of said ~oDm Fanning and land of Geo. F, ~at~ohl ~ud being on the ~astsrly line of land of said H.E. TUt~ll, N.5o41, W.~273,40 feet to land of Wio~am on the west; thence tD~ough land of said George C~athwoh~, five oo~ses~ as Second: N.$Oo 57~$0~E.=202.~0 feet) thence ..... ~ $o 49 E. 25~,06 ~eet- thence ~o~th: S.72 50~30~ E~-846. 50 feet to a point 33 feet nm~therly~ from the northwesterly corner ~f lan~ of Oo~ad; 2hence parallel to the northerly lin~ of said Oor~ad s land and M3 feet dis~ant northerly ther ~fro~ Fifth~ S.8io57~0~ E-~lTi.80 feet to th~ westerly line Ne~ S~ffolk Av~n~e. Above described road is to be 33 feet ~ride me~s~ed to the ri~ ~t of ~ above desoribed -~n the ~etio meridi~n~ mhd oonoret~ ~on~nt~ ~re s~t ~t the b~gi~i~g a~d end o~ said described ~.~ ~ . ~ne, also at each point zn said lins~ A map showing a~'~ of t~.e~ above b~s been made by Otto ~.' Tuyl~ Licensed S~veyor, ~ ~reenpor~ E~Y., and is filed herewith and made ~ ~arz of tD~$ record. The part o~ said highway Northland S~uth to be~!~-as Fannin~o Street and the ~o ~ said Highway r~ng East and West to b~ ~o~ as *rathwohl which proposed laying out -~i!l pass t~oug~ the lands of F. Fa~uing ~nd George F. Grathwo~, only, Dated day of~~ 1996. WE~ the undersized, ~ majority of the To~n Bo~rd of the To~n of Soutko!d~ having met at the office of the Supervisor~ at ~re~nport, in said To~wn on the ~y~ day of ~,~._~ 19~8~ and considered the application of John F. Panni~ and ~orgs F. Grmthwohl~ for tbs laying out of a new ~ghway ~% New S~fo!k, Town of Southold~ S.~fo!k Go~ty~ Nsw York~ to bs ~o~ ~s F~ing orr.et ~nd ~thwohl Strset~ do hereby consent that the prayer of the ~thin peti~J~on. ~,~ ~ ~ such laying ~erint end ant of Highways. ¥¥E~ FF0HN F~ FANNING and GEORGE Fo G~-~HWoHL~m , r of N~w $~folk~ To~ of Southold~ 0o~ty of $'~fotk and State of N~w York in consideration of the s~ of One Doll~r~ to ~ in ~md paid by George H. Fleet, To~ Superintendent of Highway of said To~ cf So~athold~ and in f~ ~ ~ ther consideration of the layim~ out of a new ~way at New S~efolk~ To~ of Southold, S~folk Co~ty~ New ~ork~ d~sorib~d as fol!ows~ The Westerly line begirming at a point on the northerly line of S~ffolk Avenue at a point 200 feet easterly from the westerly lime of land of gohu F~ Far.ming and rtu%uing thence through !and of said JoD~ F~ Far~ing~ N. £o0~E.~7i0,50 feet to ~ southeasterly corner of land of H.E.Tuthill~ thence t~hro,Qg.h land of said go~u Fame.lng ~d l~ud of Gee, F. G~athwohl ~ud being on the easterly land of Wio~m on the west; thence through land of said George Grathwohl~ five oo~ses, as Follows: First: ~. 22~8~0~ E~-5OZ.0$ ~eet; thence ~e,%, thence Forth: S.7so50~$0. E.-848~50 feet to a point M3 feet northerly from the northwesterly corner of land of Co~ad~ thence om~allel to the northerly line of sa~d O ' _ onrad-s land and 3~ feet d~sta~z northerly therefrom~ ~iffth: S.sio37~40~ E-~27i~80 feet to the westerly line of S ~ew ~ffo~k Avenue~ Above described road is to be 33 Feet wide ~eas~d to the right off above described liues Bearings are the ~ ~' ~e~o merid~an~ ~ud concrete mon~ents are sez at t~ begimuing and end of said described line~ also at each deflection point in said line. A map showing all of the above has b~en nade by Otto W. Van ~;~m~ Licensed S-~ veyor~ C~nport~ N.Y., and is filed herewith ~nd made a part of t~s record~ The part of said highway turning Eorth;snd'~6~ ~& ~e~wn as Fanning Street and the part of said Eig~way r~mning East and West to be known as ~'athwohl Street~ w~oh proposed laying out passes t~ough the land of ~obm F~ Fanning and George F. Gr~t~vo~ only~ do hereby dedicate smd release to the To~ of Southold~ al! la~d heretofore o~;m~d by ~ and included witch the pre~ses above desoribed~ a~d do hereby release said To~ from all da~gee by r~ason of the laying~ out of the oo~se off sai~ highway as aforesaid. ~-~T~ OF N~ YORK~ O~NTTff OF SS~ day of ~ 19~8~ before ms personally o~ JOHN F. FANNING and GEORGE F~ GRAT~¥0EL~ of New Suf_~olk, Suffolk New York~ p~r~onally known to me ~d known~ to ~e to bs the s~ persons d~oribed in &nd w~ sxeouted the foregoing instr~snt~ mhd they severally to me that they ex~cut~d the Not~-y P~blio~ In the Eatter of the Application of JCH~ F. FA~'~ILG G~LORGE M. GR~TMi~;OHL, for th9 laying out of a ne,~v high~7ay at New S~z~folk, Town of Southold, Suffolk Cotmty, New York.