HomeMy WebLinkAboutFANNING-GRATHWOHL ROADTo the Town Superintendent of Highways of .the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said Town of Soutbol~, hercby apply to you to lay out a new highway at New Suffolk, in the said Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Xork, by extending the present ~ratbwohl - Fanning Road laid out as Fanning Road on August 2~, 19~, and extending the same Easterly to New Suffolk described as follows:- The Easterly line of proposed highway begins at a con,rote mom~ent set on the Northerly line of the fourth comse thru land of fleorge Fred ~ratbwohl of a certain two rod bighwaYolaid out. August 27, 1926; said point of he~inning being S. 72 50'30~ E.-40.92 feet from the initial point of said course; runnin~ thence thru land of ~orme F. ~rathwohl seven courses as follows:- 0 1. N. 57o17'10" E.-373.71 feet, thence 2. N. 22~3'10# E.-234,36 feet~ thence 3. N. ?~5§~00" E.-19~.49 feet, then6e 4. N. 6~25'40" W.-231.~5 feet, thence 5. No 19 1~'30" E.-lid.14 feet, thence ~. N. 35°53'10" E.-588.52 feet, thence 7. N. 19°16~20" E.-617.14 feet to a concrete monument on the Westerly line of New Suffolk Lane, said concrete monument being So 2022'50" E. 5~.50 feet from a granite monument at a deflection point in the Easterly line of said ~ew Suffolk Lane. The above described ~oposed highway is to be of a uniform width of 50 feet, and will pass through the lands of ~eorge F. ~rathwohl and wife. ~E, the undersi~ne/~ a majority of the To~rn Beard of the Town of Southold, having ~et at the' office day of~ ~) 1931, and considered the apDlication of George F. Sratbwobl and wife, for the laying out and extending the present Grathwohl - Fannin~ Road at New Suffolk~ T~n of Southold~ Suffolk ~ounty, New ~ork, do hereby consent that such layinc out be m~e in acc~dance with the prayer of the within petition. .WE, ~E01~C,E F. GRAT!~W0KL and ELS]iE GRAT~WOHL, his wife, of New SufTollc, Town,of Southold, Suffolk County, New ~ork, ,\to us in hand paid by HAI~0t~) Eo PRICE, Town Superintendent of liighways of said Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the laying out of a new highway at New Suffolk, in the said Town of Southold, New York, by extendin the present ~rathwohl - Fanninm Road laid out as Fanning Road on August 2~, 1926, and exteudin? the same Easterly to New Suffolk Road, described ~m follows:- The Easterly line of proposed highway begins at a concrete monUment set on the Northerly line of the fourth course thru land of ~eorge Fred ~rathwohl of a certain two rod highway laid ou~ A~gu~t 2~, 1926~ said point of he- ginning being S. 72 50 30 E.-40.92 feet frGm the initial point of said course; runnin~ thence thru land of ~eor~e F. ~rathwohl seven courses as follows:- 2. N. 22 3. N. 17~10= E.-373,71 feet, 53' 10~E.-234e3~ feet, 00~ E.-198.49 feet, 40~ ~.-231.58 feet, [5~30' E .-168.14 feet, i3 10" E.-SOB~52 feet, 19' 1~'20~ E.-~l?.14 feet thence thence thence thence thence thence to a concrete monUment on the Westerly line of New Suffolk Lane, said concrete monument being'S. 2°22'§0" E. §68e50 feet from a granite monument at a deflection point in the Easterly line of said New Suffolk Lane. The above described prb~osed highway is to be of a uniform ~idth'of 50 feet, which proposed laying out passes~~ through the land of George F. 6rathwohl and wife only, do hereby dedicate and re~ase the:,~ow~,o~ $Gu~hol~'f~n~'a~l damages by ~eason of the laying out of the said highway as aforesaid. Dated this.~,, day of $~V~, 193~. ~ STATE OF NEW YORK, SS:- COUNTYOF SUFF0~(. On this ~ day of ~19~S, before me personally c~e GEORGE F. 6RA~W0~L md ELSIE ~RAT~{O~L, his wife, of New SufFolk, SuFFolk Co~ty, New York, personally ~o~ to me ~ ~o~vn to me to Be the same persons described in and ~c executed the Foregoing instr~ent; and they severally ac~ow~dged to me that they executed the same. ~otary ~blic, SurF. Co- To the To~m Superintendent of Nighways of the Toxwn of Southold, in the Uounty of Suffolk and State of New Xork: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said Toxrn of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out and alter the highway Imown as Fanning - Orathwohl Road at New Suffolk, in the said '£o~n of Southold, by widening the said highway to the width of fifty feet as follows:- "The Easterly line of proposed widened highway is to Begin at a deflection in the Southeasterly line of a certain highway, two rods in width, thru lands of ~eorge Fred ~rathwohl and John F. Fanning, laid out August 27, 1926~ said point being diagonally oppesite the initial ~oint of the fourth course thru land of said George F. Grathwohl of said highway; and running thence thru land of said George F. ~rathwohl, S. ~1'41'50" W.-227.82 feet; thence on a line parallel to and 8.5 feet easterly From the Easterly line of said two rod highway, S. 30°57~30~ W.-'187,28 feet; thence S. ~1°48~00" W.-48§.08 feet; thence on a llne parallel to and 17 feet Easterly from said Easterly line of said two rod'highway, partly thru land of said George F. 6~athwohl and partly thru land of said John F~Fanning; S. 5~41'1~ E. 2~4.57 feet; thence thru land of said John F. Fanning, two courses as follows~ 1- S. 3°25~10" W.-384.58 feet; thence parallel to and 8.5 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of said two rod highway, So'2°09~00= W.-33~.22 feet to the Northerly line of New Suffolk Avenue. Above described highway is to be of a uniform ~dth of 50 feet~ which proposed laying out and alteration will pass tl~ough the lands of George' F. 8rathwohl and others. Dated I1~$~ · WE, the undersigned, a majority oF the Town ~oard oF the 'l'own oF Southold, havinE met at the oFFice oFr;~_e 5uperviT~, a~ areenport, in said Town on the ~ ~ day oF ~ 1931, and conside,-ed the application oF aeorge F. ~rathwohl and others, For t~e ~ay/nE out and alteration oF highway Imogen as Fa~inc - Grathwohl ~oad at New SuFFolk, in said Town, do hereby consent that such laying out and altering be made in accordance with the prayer oF the within petition. S~perv!ser. · Superintendent' oF Bighways. ' WE, GEORGE F. GRATHWONL and ELSIE GRATMWOML, his wife, and JOMN F. FANNIN~ and CA~IE F.&NNIN~, his wife, all of New~ Suffolk,$~~~.~~o~ of. Southold~ ~'~uff°lk~O°u~Y'~? ~-New~.°Pk to ms !n h~d paid by NAR0~ E. ~ICE, To~ Superintenden~ of Highways of said To~ of Southold, and in Further consideration off the ~aying out a~ alterinE the highway lmo~ as $Vathwohl - Fanning ~o~, at New S~Folk~ in said To~ off Southeld as Follows:- The Easterly line of proposed widene~ highway is to begin at a deflection in the Southeasterly line of a high,my, two rods in width, thru lands of ieorge Fred ~rathwohl andJohn F. Fanning, laid out August 27~ 1926, said point being diagonally opposite the initial point of the Fourth course thru land of said ~eorge F- ~rathwohl of-said highway; and running thence thru land Of said 0eorge F. Grathwohl, S. 61o41~50· W.-227,$2 Feet; thence on a line parallel to and 8.5 Feet easterly from the Easterly line of said two rod highway, $* 30°57~30~ W--18~2~ Feet; thence ~* 2i°48'O0~ ~--4~5~05 feet; thence on a line parallel to and 17 feet Easterly from said Easterly llne of said two rod highway, partly thru land of said ieerge FY Gr~thwohl and partly thru land of said ~Ohn F. Fanning; S. $v41,10~ E. 2~.57 Feet; thence thru land of said ~ohn F. Fanning, two courses as Follows: o , -t - Se ~ 25~1d~ W* - 384.58 Feet; thence parallel to and .8.Sleet Easterly from the Easterly line of said two rod ihig~way~ ~ 2 09~00" W.-336~22 Feet to the Northerly line of New S~ffolk Avenue. A~ove described highway is to he of a~.u~vr~ width of 50 feet, .which proposed laying out and alteration passes through the land of said 9eOrge F. Grathwohl and others, &mly ido'herehy dedictate and release to the ~own of Southold, !from all damages by reason of the layin~ out and altering o£ thecoourse of said highway as ~oresaid. ~(L.S. (L.S.' (L,S. ) STATE OF I~W YORK, SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLk. On this ~"'~ day of lr~SZ~ 19~1, bef'ore me personally ca~e ~EO~E F. G~AT~O~ and ELSIE his wife~ 'of New SufFolk~ Suffolk O0~ty~ New personally ~o~m to me a~ ~ to me' to be the perso~flescribefl in and ~o executed the foro~oing s}r~entI and they seve~ally ac~owled~ed to me that they executed t~e same. Motapy Public, Surf. Co. C I In the ~atter of the ADplication of for the laying out of high~'ays a~ New Suffolk, Town of Southold, auffalk Qounty, New York, known as Fanning - Grathwohl Road !48 ~_50 ........ [Real Properly Tax Service Agency .',~, '~ ~ ........ T--'--~I c .....c .....