HomeMy WebLinkAboutEUGENE ROAD The ttnde~si~ned by an orde:~ off the County 0o11~t ~xlffol]( ~.ounty dated 14· ~e~ Z~0B on ~he ~Z~oa~on ~111!~ ~. ~a~ ha~ been ~9o~nSe~ ~o~one~s ~ ~n ~he ~n o~ $~hOld, ~n s~d ~t~ O~ ~o~, d~ ~bed aa ~ws: ~e 8~ltheT~ llne the~ff to b~n on t~ Weste~ side o~ B~ Ave~e, ~ o~led, .at a point three ~d t~tenths feet 8~ther~ ffrom the n~est road stone on said Ave~e~ ~ ~ the~e South elCht~t~ de~ees ~d ~tY ~ted. Uest two h~ed ~d th~ty-~ ~eet, then S~th s~xty-one de~ees ~d ~rtF-~ve ~tes .West f~ h~ and ff~ ~eet~ ~en S~th seven~t~ee de~ees Uest n~ne~ ~d ten ~eet~ then S~th e~ghty-seven d~ees ~d ~tes West s~x h~ed ~d ffo~tF-one feet, then No~h seventy- one degrees ~d ffo~t~ve ~tes .west ~x h~ed ~d seventF- ~e feet] then North s~xt~ve d~ees ~d ~teen ~tes We~t one h~m~ed ~d two ~eet~ then on a de~ect~on le~t de~ees ~d t~t~ ~te~ t~ h~ed ~ ~rt~ve :feet, then No~th s~x~ne de~ees West t~ee h~ ~d one feet to the 3~the~ s~de off the Old ~s ~gh~ at a point one ~d seve~tenths ~eet ~ste~ o~ the ne~st ~oad ~d stone on s~d El~s ~hw~, the s~d ~g~ to the l~ds off !~ll~am C. G~ath~, He~t A. ~to~, ~. Wells ~e O. Ho~ton, Hen~ 0. ~eton, ~oseph Glove~ and Edw~ Beebe, and to assess ~e da~ges to be oa~s~ the~e~ ~erefore, we, the said Oo~ssXone~ ~ ~n due ~tX~e - of the tl~e and place at which~ we would meet and 'all having met at the office of Jesse L. Oase in said Town of Southold, and on March 2, 1905 Pursuant to' said notice and having taken the cons~it~Atlonal Oath of office and on ~oof of the service and posting of the notices of the apDlicant px~suant to Section 8~ of the Highway Law, having' viewed the p~posed highway ~nd the lar~Is through which it. is pm~posed to be laid ~ut and opened and having thereafte2 met Pu.vsua~t to adJOu~n-- merits duly taken from time to time and having heard all allegations of ~he commissione~ of H~ghwa~,s and the pa~ties interested therein and the evidence of all the witnesses ~rOduced, dO thereupon ceftin, that i~ ~r opinion it is necessam~ and Dro~er that the hig~ay ~e laid out and opened ~uant to the sold a~pllcetlon of William C. G~athwohl dated the 2A. J~ 1BO§; a~d we have assessed the damages re~xlred to be assessed b~ reason of laying out and opening such highway as follows: To Herbert A. Herren J. ,;ells Herren Stuart .w.. Norton J. Ourtis Horton and Ellen E. Horton as interest mm~ apDea~ GeOrge E. Tuthill Ho~am~ E. Ove~ton Eve~all B. Tu~hlll Eugene G. Ho~ton Hen~ O. Herren Jo seth Glover NOthing Nothing Nothing Nothing oo $10. O0 And we do ~thee ceetl~'F and ~el~ort that ~n ou~ Clean,on that the 1)~Obable cost of la, lng o~t and ,~o~Pletlng the Dosed hlg~hw~y based ttvon the evidence given before US in the hearings will be the mtm of (~l~) $/~ /~ At a meeting held by the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, on the ~.~'~ day of ~ ~ , ~9o ~, for the purpose of deliberating on the propriety of ~ e~ a highway at in said Town, hereinafter described, on the written application of C~~ a ~r~n liable to ~ ~d for highway lair in ~id To~n, a~ ~v -'~t~ .......... c .~ ~ ....... ~fr ........... ~x ~a.~ Tz,:n, and om the owne of the land through which the pro~s~ highway is to ~ o~ned, having ~en obtainS, ordered and determined that a highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid out in said Town, of which a survey has been made and the description whereof is as follows: 7~ ~ Dated, this day of ~~ , ~9o~. Commissioner of _ Highways b.'~. SOUTHOLD C~mmissioner Highways IN THE MATTER OF ORDER ~z~ffolk, J?. Y, ~7o~/rf of"$o~l;lfold, ir~'~the ¢o~.~9 of ;~. ,:;. Th~U~er~gned, liable to be assessed for highway labor in the said Town of Southold, hereby applies to you to ]ay out a highway ~ ~ which proposed hi~may will pass through the lands of ~ Dated, this day of ~ ~ , 190 ~ Town of $outhold C~nmissioner' of- Highways In the matter of Application o£ in the Town of ~ , County of Suffolk and State of New York, for value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of Southold, in said county, a strip of land across my premises in said town, for the purposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed and is described as follows~ ~ And I also hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. IN WITNV. SS WaER~OV, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this · day of STATE OF NEw YORK)ss.~ On this ~'-~, day of ~ ----- One Thousand Nine Hundred and ~'~"-~ before me personally came ~ ~ ~ - , to me known and known to me to be the same person- described in aud who executed the foregoing instrument and ,--'- he acknowledged that ~he~ executed the same. WN OF $OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways IN, THE MATTER OF ~ . ; DEDICATION OF tatcZot 1¢w / / Due and perso~l serv~e of t~ within a~ of t~ notice ~re~ ~sed, ~ a& mitred tht¢ ......~y q........ ............... .--.~9 /~[casc hzkc ~zol[re lhat the wdhi~z ~ a true copy q/ lh~3 day (htly ...... zn lhc ~cc qf thc Clerk Dale~( Pt~,crhead, ~. Y., ~9 Yours, elc., PERCY L. HOUSEL, :4ttorney for ~IV~I~AD, N. Y. To ........................................ Esq. ~ ttormy [or ......................................................