HomeMy WebLinkAboutETTRICK STREETTO Re-Layout of E~trick Street as shown on amended map approved by George H. Fleet SUpt, of Highways November 4th~ ~c~ ov~m~n~ng at a ~ere ston£2 on ~_]~ northwest corner o£ Oriental Avenu~ and Ettriok Street~ from which point if the no~therly ~ :~t~ric~ Street was produced to the easterly side Oriental Avenue;it would be sixteen(add Eh~ee tenths Feet south from a mere stone ~arking an anglo in Oriental Avenue, and near the ~orthwest corner of the Moman Catholic Church ~. . .~ .rm~ this mere stone the line runs westerly along the ~r ~ oper~y of Harry C. Lyle a distance of four hun- dred and eight and five tenths (4@S,5) to a merestone in Oceanic ~venue: 'thence the line deflects to the left !4 and extends a msta.~ce of two hundred i~d Z~d nine tenths (202.9) feet to a ~ere stone in the angle of the Chipman property: ~hence the lane deflects to the right 40 20 to tho right and extends a distance of two hundred ninty nine and fou~ tenths (299.4) feet to the east side of Heathulie ~venu~. Said ~ ' ~t r_ch Street is · m~ty feet ~ide through its e~ire length.