HomeMy WebLinkAboutVITALE, ANTHONYDec::- 0~--i97 12:46p c~ o4 {_..' Board. Of SOu hoid Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW PERMIT NO. ~'39 UAT:: .T:~.~ 39, 1993 ISSUED TO Ar, thc~z,, :.', ~da~-~,~ Vita!e +he State of New York, J BV]: and C.haDfer 40¢ of f~e L~ws State of New York ~952; and the Sobfhold Town OrdTn~n¢e en- f[f~ed "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS · IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC 'EAND"~:'and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;' ~nd in ~ccordance'wffh Resolution of The Board ~dopeed af ~ moo+in9 he~d en i-28 '~i~' ~ cons~eeranon of the sum.o~ $ e~i.6~, peid by Terms ~nd Condff[o~s ~kf~d on the .reverse' side. hereof, of Soufhold Tew~ Trustees authorizes and permit~ the fo~iow[n9: west jetty (soutk end) and inssail ':~' 5[ 8m _ .:a . ramp with pipe support piJiaEs attached zo cxis~i~.,~ !2~ X ~h<ed ~or-t- with 6 X l()~ float a~ ~e? N~vised s!ans aated ~'~"'~"~ the originating appJZcaf[on. '-~ IN WITNESS WHER~O~, The said Baird ef Trusfee: hire- by causes frs Corp¢rafe Sea~ to b~ affixed, and +here presenf~ be subscribed by ~ majodfy of fhe.~aid Boar4 ~s of this daf, e. ":J~ · ,. ~ x' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ':% ~'' '~'~:~-&~'-' "'~ ~ ~ %%/ ~ $~,~ · ~.:~ ¢-:... ¢- TRUSTEE8 " lohn M. Elredemeyer, III, Pl'esident /tent-/P. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Krupgki, .Ir. John L. Bednoski, 'John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765- i 892 Fax (5 t 6).765-1823 BOARD'OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town OF SOUTItOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTF L. IIARRIS Tow, Hall " 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulho-'t~l, New York 1 ~9~1 COASTAL ERoSIoN MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN WETLANDS PERMIT APPLICATION TRUSTEE LANDS PERMIT APPLICATION ~Coastal Erosion PermitOffic~ U~e Only: ~Wetland P ' Application · ermlt Application ~/Trustee Lands Permit Application /~Grandfather ~ompleked Appf. Date: ,~7/~ ~varianCe Required, ' Neighbors'.~okified Date: mD /date. ~ ' wuo~e Hear'. ' - In /date: -&g~ . . ~ . , Special Conditions: ~'~2~ Application NUmber; SC~4 ~1000- ~ _ Project Name. (If any) ~~A ~ ~ Date prepared. tl]&, Iq ~ 13 Interest: ( lessee, kc Owner of Property. ~ - ' Subject Property Location: ~ (Pr°vide~cO Pole ~, Distance to cross'Streets if not on location map} THIS IS NOT A PERMIT ..Yds'; ~{be excavated: O Yds. to be filled: (~ Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Width of canal, creek or y ironting property: ~. Depth ah low hide: Aver° rise in tide: Distance to nearest channel: .:~/~ Distance project extends beyond similar projects tn area: Is project for pri~ate or business use: Intended use of property: ~^~IL_ Describe known prior opera~~-'''&n'premises: Has any prior license or permit been issued to erect structures, dredge,° or deposit fill on said premises: ~s any licefise or per[~l Governmental Agency: ~. Project Description The project description must also include plans for reclamation of land disturbed during constructi°n of the principle' and accessory struCtures and underground structures (i.eo~ 'pipeline and septic system~ make additional attaclm~ents if nec~e~ssary)~ Authorization (Where the applicant is not the owner) i residing at (Print-owner of subject property) {Mailing address-phone) do hereby authorize to apply for Coastal Erosion permit(s) from the Southol~ Town Trustees THIS IS NOT A PERMIT COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK AND SAYS T~AT HE iS Tile APPLICANT FOR TIlE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS, A~ID~ THAT ALL STATEM~TS .CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS ~OWL2DGE AND BE5i~ ~D ~AT WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS AP'PLICATi~ ~D. A~ ~Y BE APPROVED BY THE TO~ BO~D OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHoLD, ~ APP~ld~T AGREES TO HOLD' T~E TO~ OF SOUTHOLD ~D THE T~WN TRUSTEES .~b~S~. ~D FREE FROM' ~ ~D ALL D~GES ~D CLAIMS ARIStN~ UNDER OR' B~ VIRTUE OF SAID PE~IT, IF G~ED. IN COMPLETING T~IS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT OR REPR~gENTATiVE} TO ENTER ONTO ~ pROpERTY TO INSPECT THE PREM]SES ~N coN~C~IoN W~ REVIgW' OF THIS APPLICATION. Signatur~%f Applicant SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS - - NoTARy pUB~iC" DAY OF ~ -~. J~t/~m~ ... SUSAN ~. lONG Qualified in Suffolk Commission Expires November APPROVED DISAPPROV~ CONDITIONS (~ SIGNATURE OB C~Ai~ COMPUTATION 0[~. ~'EES Approved. 2/27/85 ..... - Appendtx C ', . State Environmental Qu,~lf.ty Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT'FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I Prolect Informatlort (To be completed by Applicant or Project ~ Prolec~ b P,ect~e lt~caflon {toad mtefsectrons, ~tommen! lancl'mark~ etc or p~o¥~de m-~pl 8 Will ptop0.~,ec~ action comply wtt~ ex~ft~ng zonmE of other ex~Slm~ land use reslrpt:t~onsf NO II NO. deS~'ribe b.el'i¥ [] ^~.cuhure [] Parkland, open ~pace [~] Olher 10 Does acl~On mvOIv~ a permlt, a1~roval, Or funding, now or ultlmalelv, from any ~thet eovemmen:al agenc~ [Federal. slate De Iocal}~ ~ Yet ~ NO If yes. list aRenc~sland perm~t, apo~oval~ Ye~ ~ NO Il ~'eS, list a~eocv name and' permit, approval t~'pe 12 A~t.tesult o~ p~oposed action will e,.stlne permit z~p~oval reclurre mod~hcatmnl I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORt,~ATtOH PROVIDED ^BO~.'E IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF .~t~' K~,OwLEDCE ~ ! r - ' 0 ~'~ the action ts tn the coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with thts assessment OVER. 1 C~ Cfowrh. $~bseclu~nl development, or ~elaled ac~viti~s li~el¥ to be ~ndttced by zhe proposed ac~on~' ~xplain Cfa. Secondary. e~mul.*llve, or other effects nol ,denhited m C1-C5r Extdain briefly,, CT A chan~e in use bf either cluan~ii¥ or ~vpe of energy~' Explain br*efI¥ PART ill Determination oi Significance (1o be completed by Agency) iNSTRUCTIONS: J:o~ each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it i~ ~uhstantial. large, importan~ or otherwise sieni~icanL Each effect s~ouJd be assessed in c~nnection with its (a) setting ji.e. urban or rural): (b} probability oi Occurring: {c) duration; (dj irteversibili~y; (e] geographic scope; and (f] magnitude, tf necessary, add attachments or re~erence supporting materi~[s. Ensur~ tha~ expiana[ion~ contain sufficient detail to show that alt retevant adverse impacts have been identiiied and adequately ~ Check thi~ bo~ i¢ you have ide,tified one or more potentially large or ~i~mfica~t ~dverse in~pacts ~.hich MAY occur The~ procee~ d'irectly to t~ ~ULL ~AF ~nd/or prepa[e a 9ositive ~ Check thi~ box if you have ~etermined. based on the in~ormatio, a,d analysis above and any ~uppOrting documentation. thet the proDd~ ~ti0h Will NOT result in any signi{icant ~dverse environmental impacts AND provide here, and on att~chmenls ~s ~ces~ty. t~e reason~ ~uDportn8 thi~ determinet~on: Preparer S S~nature. T~tle 2 i JAMES H. RAMBO, INC. BISHOPS LANE SOUTHAMPTON, N.Y. 11968 PHONE: (516) 283-1254 (516) 734.-5858 FAX: (516) 283-7018 December 11, 1997 A1 Krupski Southold Town Trustees Town Hall Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Vitale Permit #4109 Amendment dated February 29, 1993 Dear Chairman Krupski, Please inform us if this amendment to install armor stone, as per letter, is still in effect. If it is, in fact, still valid, please let us know. If not, please consider amendment or extension of that letter. Thomas E. Samuels cc: Ted Dowd D~£-O9-97 12:46P ~ 2/8.5¢':1997 09: 5-5 FRO~. BOA]~D OF TOWN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERvISoR sco~ L ~ 5309~ Mmrt gO. t~x I~79 ~I~ N~ Y6~ 11971 F~hruary 29, 1993 ~.ostelio Earine contm&Gtin9 Corp. P.O. Box 2124 6reenDort.. NY 11944 Re: ..' ~ony & ~arl~e Vi~le '--~.:".-~. ~2-~-s..' .'.... · .7 :-~.x :~ ..~----:.. :..:.- . ...........- .:.%:'.l_. _:.-." .~ ' ~,~¢...,.: .,. Deaz :~'..' Long, following aetion wa~ taken by t_he Bo~r~ of' Trustees at their requ~a= meeting of Febg-~az-~ ~5, i~93: Re~o!ve.d..that =he $outhold Town ]~oa~d o~ TrUStees a~/~oved the sec~o~.-::~'.~~. ~ea~ r~tm 16', ~or 1~0' sec~' .of exis't~ ".bu~O with rock revement. ~e do=k ~h~l ~ b~ ~e~e~':~.:'' Locat~ inlet ~ay, ~u~hol~. you .~ve' ~y ~ati0na, please ~i1 o~ affix. truly yours J~:d3h Albert $. Krupski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York t 1971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-!823 November 19~ 1997 The following action was taken at the Southold Town Board of Trustees Regular Meeting on Tuesday~ November 18, 1997: RESOLVED, that the $outhold Town Board of Trustees grant a quit claim deed, as indicated on survey by shade~ area, to Anthony Vitale for the Purchase of this property at the cost of. $1,000, Property located on Fairhaven Inlet~ Cedar Beach, Cutchogue. - SCTM 992-1-8 Albert j. Kmpski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenezet Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, :New York 11971 Telephone (516)765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 19, 1997· The following action was taken at the $outh°ld Town Board Trustees Regular Meeting on Tuesday, November 18r 1997: RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees grant a quit claim deed, as indicate~ on survey by shaded area, to Anthony Vitale for the purchase of this property at the cost of $1,000, Property located on Fairhaven Inlet, Cedar Beach, Cutchogue. - SCTM ~92-1-8 . I Albert J. Kmpski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel November 19, 1997 BOARD OF TOWN 'TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New Ygrk 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1,823 i The following action was taken at the Southold Town Board of Trustees Regular Meeting on Tuesday, November 18, 1997: RESOLVED, that the. $outhold Town Board of Trustees grant a quit claim deed, as indicated on'survey by shaded area, to.Anthony Vitale for the pumchase of this property at the cost of.. $1,000, Property 'located onFairhaven Inlet, Cedar Beach, Cutchogue~ - SCTM ~92-I-8 ..iq ..... .,J. III ~ [ Sldadard N. Y. B. T. U. From 8004 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SlGi4ff4O I'HLS INSTRUM,ENT--THIS INSTR~MENI' SHOi/L.D BE USnfl BY LAWYERS ONLY. THI~iNDF~made the day of December , ~n~ee~h,,ok~dandninety_seven THE BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES, Town Hall, $outhold, New York 11971, par~ ofthe first part, and ANTHONY VITALE and MARIE VITALS, residing at One Hoagtands Lane, Old Brookville, NY 11545, par~ of the second part, WITNE~ET~, that the party of the first pas, in consid~ation of ten dolors paid by the par~ of ihe s~ond part, does h~eby remi~, release and qffitclMm unto the par~ of the s~ond part, the h~rs or successors and ~signs of the par~ of the s~ond pa~ forever, ALL that certain plot, pi~e or parts of land, with thc buildings and improvemen~ thereon crated, situate, ~ing and bek~e at Bayview, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffol~ and State of New York, being particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGXNNING at a point at the Northeasterly corner of the premises hereafCer described said being the following thirteen courses and dietamce$ from the corner formed by th intersection of the southwesterly side of Inlet Way with the 8outherly s~ide of Cedar Point Drive East; 1. South 39° 18' 30" East, 121,04 feet 2. South 41° 05''40" East, 151.05 feet; 3. South 49° 00' East, 54.99 feet; 4. North 88° 00' East, 90.00 feet; 5. North 69° 30' East, 180 feet; 6. North O0~ 30' West, 51.33 feet; 7. North 56° 46' 50" East 51.33 feet; 8. North O1° 31' 48" East, 28.96 feet; 9. South 78° 15' 00" East, 25 feet; 10. South 30° 22' 34" East, 43.11 feet; 11, South 28° 08' 37" East, 50,00 feet; 12. South 57° 08~ 57" East, 15.00 feet; 13. South 22° 45' 12" East 57.95 feet to the true point or place of beginning; RUNNING THENCE South 22~ 45' 12" East, 50.63 feet; THENCE South 71° 14~ 55" West, 110.15 feet; THENCE North Ii° 18' 20" East, 26.26 feet; THENCE North 79° 38' 40" East, 47.30 feet; THENCE North 50° 52~ 30" East, 36.53 feet; THENCE North i0° 35~ 10" East, 25.19 feet to the point or place of BEGINMING. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the p-amy of the first part in and to any stireets and roads abutting the above described premizes to the center line~ thereof; TOGETHER with the appuheuances and all the esmte and rights of the pa~ of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE ~ND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and ak~igns of the party of the second part forever. o~N.D the?arty, of.,t, he fir. st .l~,rt, in c. ,c~pl!.ance, wit~h.Section 13 of the Lien Law, hereby covenant~ that me party .m.e nrsu parr .w~,a r .ecetv,e me c?.ns, m?au.on igr m~a conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- erauon as a trmt mnct to ne appnea nrst tot the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and ~ill apply the same firm to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purposm The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture ,so require& II~ WITIqF-~ WHEREOF, the parry of the first part has duly e-x*~uted ttds deed the day and year first above written. BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRHSTEES By: klbert J. ~g:~:upski/Or., as d,/r~e~±dent Southold Town Trustees o~ Board of · e,N JO :~sonboR ~¥ pop~oaa~t NOIJ.DR$ l~q; Pa~[PalA~ompe pu~ 'luoum~su! g~!olb.m) ~tll pa;nuaxa oqta ptm u! paq.uusap i~npFqpu! atl; aq ol u2aom[ am ol am a~ot*q ' 6I ~o L*p aql u0 :ss 40 AJLN(IO:~ *~lOl ,qA~N ~0 ~J. ViS 'olq itlJ. I.L am ozoloq ' 6I lo ~[~p aql u0 TP-5~I (10t96) New York State Depanmen! of Taxalion and Finance Combined Real Estate Transfer Tax Return and Credit Line Mortgage Certificate Recording Office Time Stamp See instructions (TP-584-i) be, lore com~,eting this lorn. Please print o_r type. Schedule A -- Information Relating to Conveyance Grantor Name (/f individual; ~as/. fi£st, m~ddle in{rial) [] Individual THE BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES [] Corporation Mailing address Town Hall [] Partnership [] Other [] Individual [] Corporation [] Partnership [] Other City State ZiP code SouthoZd New York 11971 Name (if individual; last, first, middle initial) ANTHONY VITALE and MARIE VITALE Ma~iing address One Hoaglands Lane City State Old Brookville New York ZIP code 11545 Social Security Num6er I Social Security Number I I Federal employe:r [dent number Sociat Security Number I I Social Security Number I I Federal employei' ident, number ] Location and descriptior, ol property conveyed ,Tax map designation Address CityNillage Town i County Section Block Lot Type of property conveyed (che~k applicable box) I [] 1 - 3 iamily house 5 [] Commemial/Industrial 2 [] Residential cooperative 6 [] Apartment building 3 [] Residential condominium 7 [] Office building 4 [] Vacant land 8 [] Other Condition of conveyance (check al/that apply) a, ~- Conveyar~ce of lee interesl L E - Acquisition ol a controlling interest (slate percentage acquired c. - Transfer of a controlling interest (state g. percentage translerred %) d. -- Conveyance to cooperative housing corporation h. e, - Conveyance pursuant to or in lieu of i. foreclosure or enforcement of security j. interest (attach FaRm TP.584.1, Sohed~rla E) Date of conveyance Percentage of teal property conveyed wh'ch i~s res'dent'a It2 197 I real property ! ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ % mon~ ~l~,y year (see instructions) - Conveyance which consists of a mere change of identity or form of ownership or organization f~taoh Form TP.584.1...~chedute F) ~ Conveyance for which credit for tax previously paid will be claimed ~at~ach Form TP-5~4. t, Schsdule Gl - Conveyance.of cooperative apartment(s) - Syndication - Conveyar)ce of air righls or development rights k. - Contract assignment L - Option assignment or surrender m. - Leasehold assignment or surrender n. - Leasehold granl - Conveyance of an easement - Conveyance fo~' which exemption from p. transfer tax is claimed (complete Schedule B, Part lilt q. - Conveyance of property partly within and partly without the state r. - Other (describe) Schedule B -- Real Estate Transfer Tax Return (Article 31 of the Tax Law) Part ! - Computation ~)f Tax Due ~[ ~,ooo 3 ! 1,000 )C 4 I .4 ~c 5 f -0- I Enter amount of consideration for the conveyance (i/you are claiming a ~ota! exemption from tax, chec~ the exemption ctaimecl box. enter consideration and proceed to Part ill) ................................. [~Exemption claimed 2 Continuing lien deduction (see instructions if property is taken subject to ~ng~e or lien) ............................. 3 T~able consideration (sub,act line 2 from Eno ~) .................................................................. 4 Tax: $2 for each $500, or fractional pa~ lhereol, of consideration on line 3 ..................................... 5 Amount o~ credit claimed (see inactions and a~ach Form TP-584.1, S~edule G) .................................... 6 Total ~ due* (~ubtract tine 5 from line 4) .......................................................................... Part ][ - Computation of A~[tionet T~ Due on the Conveyance ct Residential Real Property for $1 Million or More 1 Enter amount of consideration fo~ conveyance (from Part ,, line1) .............................................. ~ 2 Taxable consideration (m~tiply~ne ~ bytheper~n~ageottflepremiseswhichisre~deati~reatprope~y;sesJns~uct~ons) ...... 3 Total additional transfer tax due' (1% ofline ~} ................................................................... ~ 31 ~ *Please make che~(s) payable to the county clerk where the recording is to take place or if the recording is to take ~ace in New ~rk Ci[y, make check(s) payable to the NYC Department of Finance. U no recording is required, send this return and your ch~k(s) made payable to the Depa~ment of Taxation and Finance, dire~ly to the NYS Tax Department~ ~B-Tr~nsfer T~, PO Box 50~5, Albany NY 12205-5045. TP-584 (f 0tg6) (back} Schedule B -- (continued) Pert :1[]: - Explanation of ExemptiOn Claimed in Part i, line I (check any boxes that apply) The conveyance of real property is exempt from the real estate transfer tax for the following reason: a. Conveyance is to the United Nations, the United States of America, the state of New York or any of their instrumentalities, agencies or political subdivisions (or any public corporation, including a public corporation created pursuant to agreement or compact with another state or Canada) ...................................................................................... b. Conveyance is to secure a debt or other obligation .......................................................................... c Conveyance is without additional consideration to confirm, correct, modify or supplement a prior conveyance ................ d. Conveyance of real property is without consideration and not in connection with a sale, including conveyances conveying realty as bona fide gifts ..................................................................................................... e. Conveyance is given in connection with a tax sale ........................................................................... f. Conveyance is a mere change of identity or form of ownership or organization where there is no change in beneficial ownership. (This exemption cannot be claimed for a conveyance to a cooperative housing corporation of real property comprising the cooperative dwelling or dwellings.) Attach Form TP-584.1, Schedule F ....................................... g. Conveyance consists of deed of partition .................................................................................... h. Conveyance is given pursuant to the federal bankruptcy act .................................................................. i. Conveyance consists of the execution of a contract to sell real property without lhe use or occupancy of such property or the granting of an option to purchase real property without the use or occupancy of such property .......................... j. Conveyance of an option or contract to purchase real property with the use or occupancy of such property where the consideration is less than $200,000 and such property was used solely by the grantor as the grantor's personal residence and consists of a 1-, 2-, or 3-family house, an individual residential· condominium unit, or the sale of stock in a cooperative housing corporation in connection with the grant or transfer of a proprietary leasehold covering an individual residential cooperative apartment ....................................................................................................... k. Conveyance is not a conveyance within the meaning of section 1401(el of Article 3~ of the Tax Law (attach documents supporti~g such claim) ......................................................................................................... i. Other (attach explanation) ................................................................................................... Schedule C -- Credit Line Mortgage Certificate (Article 11 of the Tax Law) Complete the following only if the interest being transferred is a fee simple interest. I (we) certify that: (check the appropriate box) 1 [] The real property being sold or transferred is not subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage. 2 [] The real property being sold or transferred is subject to an outstanding credit line mo[tgage. However, an exemption from the tax is claimed for the following reason: [] The transfer of real property ia a transfer of a fee simple interest to a person or persons who held a fee simple interest in the real property (whether as a joint tenant, a tenant in common or otherwise) immediately before the transfer. [] The transfer of real property is (A) to a person or persons related by blood, marriage or adoption to the odginal obi/got or to one or more of the original obligors or (B) to a person or entity where 50% or more of the beneficial interest in such real property after the transfer is held by the transferor or such reiated person or persons ~'as in the case of a transfer to a trustee for the benefit of a minor or the transfer to a trust for the benefit of the transferor). [] The transfer of real property is a transfer to a trustee in bankruptcy, a receiver, assignee or other officer cf a court. [] The maximum principal amount secured by the credit line mortgage is $3,000,000 or more and the real property being so~d or transferred is not principally improved nor will it be improved by a one- to sixJamily owner-occupied residence or dwelling. Please note: for purposes of determining whether the maximum principal amount secured is $3,000,000 or more as described above, the amounts secured by two or more credit line mortgages may be aggregated under certain circumstances. See TSB-M-96(6)-R for more information regarding these aggregation requirements. [] Other (attach detailed explanation). 3 [] The real property being transferred is presedtly subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage, However, r~o tax is due for the following reason: [] A certificate of discharge of the credit line mortgage is being offered at lire time of recording lhe deed. [] A check hue been drawn payable for transmission to the credit line mortgagee or his agent for the balance due. and a satisfaction of such mortgage w/ti be recorded as soon as it is available. 4 [] The real property being transferred is subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage recorded in (insert libor and page or reel or other identification of the mortgage). The maximum principal amount of debt or obligation secured by the mortgage is No exemption from tax is claimed ant lhe tax of i~ being paid herewith. (Make check payable to county clerk where deed will be recorded or, if the recording is to take p/ace in New York City, make check payable to the NYC Department of Finance.) Siqnature (both the qrantor(s) and qrantee(s) must sign).. The undersigned certify that the above return, including any cediflcafion, schedule or attachment, is to the best of his/her knowledge, true and complete. THE BOARD OF SOUTI4.0LD TOWN TRUSTEES Grantee ' Grantor Title Anthony Vitale Marie V~tale Reminder: Did you complete ail of the required information in Schedules A and B? Were you required to complete Schedule C? If you checked e, f or g in Schedule A, did you complete 'rp-584.17 Have you attached your check(s} made payable to the county clerk where recording will take place or, if the recording is in New York City, to the NYC Department of Finance? If no recording is required, seed your check(s), made payeble to the Department of Taxation and Finance, directly to the NYS Tax Department, T[TB-Transfer Tax, PO Box 5045, Albany NY 1'2"205-5045. c1~ SWlS Code I. ~ ; ~ ~ ~ I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK / RP- 5217 PReacH I ? INFORMATION I 1. "re"~v I [ 1 Z guvar i Vitale I Anthony [ Vitale I Marie 3, Tax Indicate wi~-e future Tax Elitts ara to be sent Billing ~f buyer address (at bottom of form) I [ than 4. fndicate the number of Assessment ~-~ (Only if Part of a Parcel) Che~k es they al)pin Roll parcels transfen'ed on the deed I ; , I # of Parcels OR., Part of a Parcel 4/L Planning Board with Subdivision Authotfl7 E:~ists r-~ ~. Deed 4~. Subcr~vislon Appscve~ was Required for TranSfer [] Property I J X I [ OR [ · I 4g. Parcel .4~c~prewd for Subd'misiofl with Map }~mvided [] i One ~:amily Resiclentia[ 2 or 3 Family Residential Residential Vacant Land Non-Residential Vacant Land Sale co~.~ Oat, I / / I ,~.O~eofSale/T,~e, I 12 / .~ / 97 I ~s.u~r I The Board of Southold Town Trustees [ I I 7. Check the box below which most acaoratety describes the use of the property at the time of sale: ! ~ Agricultural i~C ..... it~ Service Commercial Industrial A~artreent PubtTc Service Entertainment ! Amusement Forest 13. FuR Sale Price I ~ , ~ , ,1 ,0 , ~ , 0 , 0 , 0 I (Full SaTe Price ia tbe total amount ~aid for the property including pemonal property, This payment ma,/be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages ~r ether obllgations.) £le;se~'o~edtotheeee,"estwho~edollaramounc 14. Indicate the value of personal property included in the sale , , . , .0,Ol ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the lates~ Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill Check the boxes below as they 8. Ownership Type rs Condominium [] 9. New Constmctlon on Vacant Land 10R. Prcp~rLy Located within an Agdcu~ural D~th'c~ 1OB, Buyer received a disclosure mature indicating · at the property ~a in an Agricultural District !..__1 15. Cheek one or more of these ~ondi~ons ~s applle~le to transfer:. Sale ~etween Releted Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers le else a S~ller BLs/er or Seller is Government Agency or Lend[ng Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of ~rcctinnst or Less than Fee Interest [Spec~ Below) Sale of Business is Included in Sale Prfce Other Unusual Factom Aifec~ing Sale Pr~oe {Specify Below) None 16. Year of Assessment Rail from which information taken 18. Property Class 17. Total Assessed Value [of all pamela in ffansfer) J , 19. School Oi~h'let Name J 20. Tax Map Identifier(s) I RoE Identifier(a) (if more than tour, attach sheet with additional identiflerl$)) 1 I CERTIFICATION , t I I certify that ail of the ilems of informaiion entered on this form ere true and correc~ {to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I anderstond that the making of any willful false statement o~ material fact herein will subject me to the provi~ona of the penal law relative to the making mad ~ing of false insmimentm BUYER I I SELLER The Board of $outhold Town Trustees BUYER'S ATTORNEY NEW YORK STATE COPY '-. j !. COSTELLO [VIARINE CONTRACTING CORPORATION DOCK E~U]LD~NG ~ JE'~ES ' BULKHEADtNG ~ STEEL & WOOD P~LING ' FLOATS 423 FIFTH STREET, P.O. BOX 2124 o GREENPOF~T, NEW YORK 11944 - (516) 477-1199/477-1393~ 477-0682 November 5~ 1996 Albert J. Krupski, Jr., President Board of Trustees P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Anthony Vitale Permit #4109 Dear Mr. Krupski: Pursuant to the enclosed permit, please be advised that Costello Marine would like to undertake reconstruction of the 35' offshore section of the easterly jetty. The reconstruction is necessary due to the October 19, 1996 nor'easter. It is my understanding that this notice of commencement is all that is required of your board for us to undertake this activity. I have enclosed project plans and photographs of the area for your files. Please advise if you require additional information. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Very~~truly ~urs, Enc. ~o I ] Troll Albert J. Krupski, President John Hotzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. GarrelI Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box i179 Southold, :New York 11971 Telephone (516) 76~-1892 F~ (516) 765-1 ~23 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 19, 1997' The following action was taken at the Southold Town Board of' Trustees Regular Meeting .on Tuesday, November 18, 1997: RESOLVED, that the $outhold Town Board of Trustees grant a quit claim deed, as indicated on survey by shaded area, to Anthony Vitale for the purchase of this property at the cost of $I,000, Property located on Fairhaven Inlet, Cedar Beach, Cutchogue. ~ SCTM ~92-1-8 .... P.01 TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, 11I, President Albert J. Krupski, Jr., Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthii1 William G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Roa~ P.O. Box 1~/79 Southold, New 5Jork 11971 February 29, 1993. Costelto Marine Contracting Corp. P.O. Box 2124 Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Anthony & Marine Vitale SCTM ~ 92-1-8 Dear Ms. Long, The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees at their regular meeting of February 25, 1993: Resolved that the Southoid Town Board of Trustees approved the request for an amendment to permit ~ 4109 to state the following: Resheath 332' face of existing bulkhead with plywood, replace 85-90 yards lost fill, install 5 new pilings on easterly section of bulkhead and 4 support batter.piles on north section, extend bulkhead return 1.6', armor' 150' section, of existing bulkhead with rock revetment. The dock shall not be amended. Located Inlet Way, Southold. If you have' any questions, Please call our office. ' ~.r~truly yours., President., Board of' Trustees JMB: djh TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Albert J. Krupski,, Jr., Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson Teleph.one (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 Februar'y'9~ 1993 'Costeilo Marine Sue Long P.O. Box 2124 Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Anthony & Marie Vitale SCTM 91000-92'-1-8 Dear Ms. Long: BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD · SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS - Town Hall 53095 Main Road RO. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971 The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees durl.ng its regular meeting held on January 28, 1993 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Costello Marine. on behalf of Anthony & Marie Vitale applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions'of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated and, f~gd. t~,~ WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and re.commendat: ons, and, WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with res'ect to. said application On January 28, 1993 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members, have personally viewed and are famitiir with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people f the town, NOW, THEREFORE'BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the application of Co'stelto Marine on behalf of Anthony & Marie Vitale to resheath 17' on east jetty (South end), resheath 5' on west jetty (south end) and install 32" X 8' ramp with pipe support pilings attached to existing 12' X 14' fixed dock with 6' X 20' float as per revised plans dated December 28, 1992. permit will expire two years f~0m,th~ date it is signed. Fees must be paid, .'~f applicable~ and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified upon completion of said project. Permit will be issued upon payment of .the following fees for work to be. done below'Mean High Water Mark: Very truly yours, John M. Bredemeyer, III President', Board of Trustee JMB:jd TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry P. Smith,' vice President Albert I. Krupski, Ir. John L Bednoski, John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765- i 892 Fax (516) 765-I823'. SUPERVISOR SCOTT L HARRIS BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~Tc~ lXVt. COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN WETLANDS PERMIT APPLICATION TRUSTEE LANDS PERMIT APPLICATION Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 11'79 Southold, New York 119 Office Use Only: __Coa'stal Erosion Permit Application ._.Wetland Permit Application __Trustee Lands Permit Application __Grandfather Completed Apps. Date: Variance Required, __Neighbors notified Date: SEQRA Type __ Coord. Review-opt.,mand. Insp. comp./date: · SEQRA Determin./date: .Public ·Hearing/date: Findings: Permi6 Vote: (Y/N): Special Conditions: (also see f-ite.) Date Rec. by Office Application Fee:' Application Number; SC~4 Project Na~e (If any) Date Prepared: _&ll0)q~q Applicant: C~DAT ~ Ua Address: Interest: (owner, consultant,lessee,etc.)~~ Owner of P~.operty: ~kS'q-_ ~\~ \JI~k ~- Address ....... .~ ' :' : ~:~ .6 ': ~ - ~ Phone _(Sl~)~ Subject Property Location: ~oUT 7! (Provide LILCO Pole 9, Distance to cross Streets if not on location map) THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Yds. to be excavated: ~t~ Yds. to be filled:. Manner in which materia~ ~ill be removed or deposited: Width of canal, ~reekl qr bay fronting property: Depth at low tide: ~/j- _ Aver. ~ise in tid~: Distance to nearest ch~nel: ~!~ . D~stance pro]ec~ extends beyond similar .projects i~'area: Area zoning: ~~ ~ Land area in acres: is project for pr~te'or business Use{ .~ ~ntended use of property: .n~~O ~ -... Describe known prior opera~n~ 66n~uct~ on premises: Has any priOr license or permit been issued to erect structures, dredge, or deposit fill on said premises: Has any license or permit ever been revoked or suspended by a Governmental Agency: Project Description The project description must also include plans for reclamation of land disturbed during construction of the principle and accessory structures and underground structures. (i.e., 'pipeline and septic system; make additional attachments if nec~ess, ary). Authorization (Where the applicant, is not the owner) · I residing at (Print-owner of subject property) (Mailing address-phone) do'hereby authorize to apply for COastal Erosion permit(s) from the Southotd Town Trustees Signature THIS IS NOT A PERMIT ), L ~ _.~~ TO~¥N OF SOUL~ TRUSTF_.ES ' ,.~ "Jolm 'M. Bredemeyer, lll, President Albert j. ;.~Lrupsk~, Jr., Vice President Henry P. Smith :John B. TuthiI1 William Ca. Aibertsen Teleplmne (516) 76501892 Fax (516) 765-1823 ~. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road EO. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 S~Eo'QoR.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF MO S~.G.W!FICkNT EFFECT ON THE .ENVIRONMENT APPLICATION NO~ Nk~E: Marie-Vitaie DAT~: December 17~ 1992 Chapto 97 - Wetlands Chapto 37 - Coastal Erosicn RESOL~D that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Consel Law, State Environmental Quality Review an~ 6NYCP~R Part 617~ Section ill7.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Sou.t~¢ notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees~ as Lead A~ency for the action describo~ below~ has determined ·that the project will no~ have e significant effect on the environment. Please take further notice that this declara%ion should not be considered a determination made for any other department or age which may also have an application pending for the s~me or s~mi project. A planting survey shall be submitted prior to final approval~ TYPE OF ACTION: 'l'xn~e II DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: to resheath 17~ on east jetty (south end resheath'5~ on west jetty (south end) and attach to a 28" X 16 float~ r~m to be 32" X 8" and pipe support pilings: NOTE: Revised survey must be received prior to the January 28~ puDlic hearing. LOCATiON:SC~4 REASONS SOPPORTiNG THIS DETErmiNATION: I. An on site inspection has been conducted by the BOard! Trustees. ration ncy lar ,993 of¸ 2. An environmental assessment~ submitted bx the applicant and reviewed and completed by the Board of Trustees~ has indicated that no ·significant adverse effects to 'the environment are likely toloccur should the project be implemented as planned. TelePhone (516)-765-1801 SOUTHOLD TOWN · CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TO: " Southold Town Board .of Trustees FROM: DATED: Southold Town Conservation Advisory.Council' December 16,1992 RE: Recommendation of' Wetland Application Town Hail. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NEw York 1197;~ At its meeting held. Thursday, December 10, I992, the Southold Town Conserva Advisory Council made the following recommendation: ..... On a motion by John Holzapfel, seconded by Bruce Loucka, it was RESOLVED to recomm.e_nd to the Southold Town Trustees approval with conditions of Wetland Application No. 92-I-8 of Anthony. and Marie Vitale to . resheath 17' on east jetty (south-end), resheath 5' on Wetst jetty (south end). Install 28' x 16' folat attached to 6' x 20' float. The-CAC approves the project provided that it does not block navigation (tie-up must not block navigation up the creek) and the floats must not go out further than the fixed dock. Inlet Way, Southold. Voie of COuncil: Ayes: Ali Motion carried. ~ion D~C ~E~'41T' Nt~M~£R FAC ILl TY, PROCR~M NUMBE RI'si YORk· Under the Envlronm~ · ,.. ...... ...... .... ,_-m: SOUTHOLD j tY~,.o¢ ~. (~ A, ADDI'~ a~ .... '" ' ' .............. tale 15, Title $: tectt0ri el Water cle iS,. Title I5: !er supply ... ADDRESS O~ PER,~tTTEE · ATE OEPART,MENT OF ENVIRON,ME,~TAL CO,~SERVATI,JN Article 17, Titles ?. 8: SPDES ' ' Article t9: Alt PofluU6n Control A~cfe. 23, ~tle 27: ' Mined ~d R~jama~ A~de 24: FreShWater Wetland~ A~ic[e 25: Tidal WetlAnds Adicle 27, Title 7; 6NYCRR 360: Solid Waste Management ~FFECTFvE gATE ..,De~m~r ~.,, 1992 EXPtRATION DATE December 4, 1995 ~.,Per, mit to Ol~.erate ] .~-~ Article. 27, Titte g: 6NYCRA 373: . Haza~Us ~S~ Management ' ~ A~cle 34: - , ~t~l Erosion ~anageme~t ' AdJcle 38: ~ R~plajn Management A~cfes 1, 3, ~'L 19, 27, ~7; 6NYC~R 380: Radiation Cohtrol Other: , , ~ "i TELEPHONE( ) NUMBER 1 Hoagsland..Lane~ Old Brookville NY CONTA~, PE~ON Jq~tR i~EJ~IT'~D WORK Costello '~ N~E ANO ADDRESS OF PROjE~JFACi[ITy Vitae Inlet way LOCAtiON OF PROJECT/FAC~LITY Southold Suffolk Southold DESCRIPTIOH'OF AUTHORIZED ACT.IVITY TELEPHONE NUMBER c516~ 477-t199 11545 WATERCOURSE/~NETLAND NO. NYTM COORDINATES .... E: N:4 i -. ' -- Resheath a po~on..~ .,., 'of. two. jetties;, t7' on bhe Eas% jetty and 5' on the West je,t,t,y. Ins%ati a 32i~ ~ 8~ r~ ~ x ~floa~ held with pipe support pilings. All work shall be in a.C..~da~ce with the attached NYSDEC approved., pl. ans. .~ponditions included as part of this permit. · uty Req~onai PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR J AD~I~ESS '" David .DeRidd.er ,.;, By acceptance of this permit, the per.mittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all applicable regulations, the General Conditions specified (See Reverse Side) and any Special .... _t .... ~- ~ .... J~~r 4; 1992 I Pa,elof 4 ..I GENERAL CONDITIONS Inspections .%:.~?~ 1. The permitted site or facility, in~¢ading r~l:evant records, is subiect to inspection at reasonable ho~.~:'s and interVals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation · DePartment) to determine whether the permittee is complying with this permit ~-nd the ECL. representative may order the work suspende.d pursuant to ECL- 71o0301 and SAPA 40t(3). A cop?' this permit, including a~l referenced maPs, drawings and special conditions, must be availabie insp~CtlOn bY the Department at ali time's at the project site. Failure to produce a copy of the · upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. Permit Changes and Renewal'Is 2.' The DePartment 'reserves the'right ~o modifY, suspend or, revoke this permit when: a) the scope ~ the permitted activity is exceeded or a violation of any condition of the Or ~i'o~isiot{s of the ECL and pertinent regulations is found; b) ~he permit was obtained by misrepresentation or failure to disclose relevant facts; c) new' materiel'information is discovered; or d) environmental conditions, relevant technology, Or applicable taw or regulation have matefi.~ly changed since the permit was issued, 3. The permittee'must submit a separate written application to the Department for renewal, modi tion or transfer of this permit. Such application must include any forms, fees or supplemental marion the DeP~tment requireS. Any renewai, modification, or transfer granted by the Departn,'~nt must be in writing. 4. The permittee must submit a renewal application at least: a) 180 days before expiration of permits for State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPU ." H~ard0us Waste Madagement Facilities (HWMF), major Air Pollution Control (APC) and Waste Management Facilities (SWMF); and b) 30 days before expiration of att other permit types. 5, UnitS§ e~(pfessty provided for by the Departrhent, issuance of this permit does not modify, super?.de or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, con- diuons Or requirements contained in Such order or determination. other Legal Obligations of permittee ' ' 6, The permittee has accepted expressly, by the execution of the applicati°n, the full legal responsibili- ty for alt damageS, direct or indirect, of whatever nature and by whomever suffered, arising c.~:t of · the p~ojeCt desc~'ibed in this permit and h~S agreed to indemnify and save harmleSS the Stat~ ~rom SuitS, actions, damages and CoSts of every name and description resulting from ibis project_ 7. This permit' does hot cOnVey to the Portal[tee any right to treSpaSs upon the lands or interfer~ with the riParian rights of others in brder to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the ment of any rightS, title, or ~nterest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not ~ .;,arty to the permit. 8, The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands, easements and of-Way that may be required for this project. Page 2 of _.__----- ADDITIONA~. I~ENERAL CONDITIONS FOR ARTICLES 15 ~itle ~}, 24~"~5,. 9. That ff ~re OPerations by the S~.te of NeW York require an teration in the pos~n of t~ st~cture or WOrk herein authorized, or if, in the ~iniod Of the Depa~ment of Environmental Conse~ation it shaU cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said wa:e~ ~ flo~ flo~ or e~anger the heatth, safew or welfare of the p~ple o~ the State, ~ cause loss or destruction of the natural resou~ of the S~te, t~ ~net may ~' o~er~ by the Depa~ment remove ~ al~er '~ha ~tmctuta~ work, o~tr~ctlons, ot hazard~ caused 14. thereby without expens~ tO the 5tare, and if, u~n the expiration or revoc~fi0~ of this ~rmlt, the st~cture, flU, excavation; or other 15 modification of ~he ~at~c~rse he~e~ authorized shall not be com- ' pieced, the owne~, shall, wltk0ut expense to the 5~te, and to such ~tent a~ i~ ~h time a~d manor ~ ~ D~a~ent oE E~it~ental C~on m~ r~if&, ~ all ~ any ~ib~ of ~e Uncomplet~ s~ucture or fill a~d re,tore iO i~ foyer Conditi~ ~he navigable and fl~ cb~aci~ bf ~ha Wa~reourse: No Claim sh~ll be made against the Sta~ 0f N~ Y0fk 0n accent of a~ such ~moval 0r al~ration. lo. That the State ~f New ~b'~ Jhall ~fi n6 ~ase b~ liable for any damage or inj~ ~ ~ St~bt~ ~ ~ E~in a~0~ed ~ch may ~ caused ~y ~ ~ult f~ fU~t& oPa~a~ons u~e~aken ~ the State for con~a~Oa ~ i~t~e~fi~ bf ~vigatlon; ot for oth~ pur~s~, and ~ claim br right ~ ~~i6n Shail ~e from any such damage. 11. Granfingof thls pe~It.d~.~0t~[i~e theapPticant of thetes~nsi- billty of o~nl~g a~ 0tEe~ '~ef~ission, co,sent ~ approval fr0~ the U.S. A~,~:b~s ? ~ih~'g~ U.~. ~0ast Gu~, N~ Yor~ State Offic& 0f G&fi~ta'~'~a~ica~ of'theft ~m~,e which may ~ 12. Alt n~essa~ ~rec~d~6~ s,atl 'be takan to p~ciude contamination of a~ w~tland.~r wa~e~ay by segpend~ solids, sediments, solvents, lubricant, a~ cObUngg, ~tnts, co, fete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project. 13. Any material dredged in ~he prosecution of the work herein permitted shaU be removed evenly, without Leaving large refuse piles, ridges across the bed of a waterway or floodplain or deep holes that may have a tendency to cause .damage to navigable channels or to the banks of a waterway, There shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the work herein authorized. If upon the &xpiration cr revocation of this permit, the pr6ject hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shaft, witliout expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of F.nvironnienta~ Conservation may require, r~move alt or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and resiore the site to its former condition, No claim shall be made against the 5tare of New York 6n account of any such remova~ or aheratior~ t6.. ff granted under Article :36, this permit does not slgnifyiin any Way that ~he proi&ct will be free from flooding. 17. If granted under 6 NYCRR Part 608, the NYS Departmentlof ~:nviron- mental Conservation hereby certifies that the ~ubjact : · pfol.~Ct wd[ not contravene effluent'limitations or other limit;ation$ or standards under Sections 301,302, 303, 306 and 307 0f the Clean Water: ,~ct of 1977 (PL 95~217) provided that all of the conditions listed her~in are met. 18. ^1I activities authorized by thi~ permit must be in strict cdnformance with the approved plans submitted by the applicant or his ai ent as part of ~Se permit application. Such approved plans were prepared .by Co~t~]_,]_C _5~Ttrit/e sheets 3, 4, 5 of 5 on SPECIAL CONDITIONS Any debris or excess mate ' '' ' '. proje¢% Shall b . . . r~!_~rom construction of thzs ,,,~~~, ..... e. c~mpletely r~muved from the aa~~ No ...... ~ perml~e~ in tidal Wetlands. P al Floats and ramps may not rest on vegetated tidal wetlands. D°ckZ maY. not extend laterally beyond property lines, be P~aoed .So that do?ked boats extend over ad ace lln&~ interfe~e Wxth navi~at{~- __ ~ .... ] nt..~roperty '' . . . = .... ) u~ zn:erzere With other landowners rzpar[an rights. No permanent Structures may be built on dock without first ~ O btaxnzng Departmerrt approval. All repairs to ~xi~ting structures shall ~e confined replacement of exi~tzng s.tructurai elements with no change in design(, d~men~ion, or materials unless ad.thorlzed herein, , specificallyl Supplementary Special ConditiOns (A) thru (j) attached. DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1-4738-00628/00001-0 PROGRAMtF^CIL~Ty NUMBER Page 3 of .~ SUPPLEh~NTARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS The following conditions apply to all permits: A. If a,y ~of the 'permit cOndition~ are unclear,the permittee shall, con- tact the DiviSion of Regulatory Affairs at the address and telephone noted below. B. A cOpy'o~ tl~.i~ permit with supplementary conditions and.approved Pla~.shail...be avail:-able at the project site whenever authorized .work iS i~ p~ogress. C. The permit ~ign enclosed.with the permit or a copy Of letter of app~ovai shall be protected from the weather and posted in a con- spiCuoO~ location at the work site until 'completion of authorized work. D. At 1~ 48"~.6fffs'prior to commenCement of..th~ project, the permitte~ ~.h~l~ c?mPl~te and return the top portion of tl~e enclosed receipt fo~,, Certifying Ehat..he is fully awar~of ahd understands'ail provisions ~nd co~dltt0~s of this permit~ Within one week of completion Of the petmltted.~'~rk~ the bottom portion Of that form shall also 'be com- plet~d.~bd ~et~f~ed. E. For pfojedt~ ing~ving activities to be accomplished over a period more .than one year, t~e permittee shall notify the Regional Permit A~mi~i~t~rato~'i~ Writing at least. 48 'hours pri6r to the commencement{ 'of 'r~U~ptiO~ Of Work each year. F. If prOjeCt 'desi~ modifi.cations take place after permit issuance, th~ permltte~.shall, submit the appropriate plan changes for approval by th~..~[oNai P~'.rmit Administrator.~priof'tO ~hdertaking any.~uch modi~ fl~{O~'§,.'~ ~ P~rmitt~e is advised that substantial modification ! ma~ r~g~ire sUbmiSsi°n of a new application for permit. G..Ail necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination oJ any W~tla.nds or waterway by suspended solids; sediment, fuels, solg~t~ l~bri~a~'ts~ epoxy coatlngs~ paints, concrete, leachate or afiy dth~f ~fivlfO~me~ta.lly deleterious materials associated with the B, project Wot~,' finy~taiIOt~ to comply precisely with all of the terms and conditions Of thi~ permit, unless authorized'in writing, shall be treated as a Viotati~,'-o~ the ~nvironmentai conservation haw. The p~t~itEee is advised to obtain any permits or approvals that may b? reg0!ted from the U.S. Department of Army Corps of Engineers, NY Distf!~t', 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278, (Attention: Regulatoty Fu,ctlOns.~tanCh}, prior to commencement of work authorized herein. The gfagtin? of this per,it does not relieve the permlttee of the respo, g~bii~f'~y of'o~t~in!ng a.grant,Ut~ilzation,ea?ement' oroff~ce.ofO~her necessary apprgvai :from the'~!vlsi'on of Land General ic~ Se~vi~s;"~ow~r B~lding, Empire state Plaza, Albany, NY 12242, wh may. be ~'eq~ite.d fOr}any'encroachment upon state-oWned lands underwater. Regional Permit Administrator NYS Dept. of' Environmental Conservatiofi Bldg. 40, SUNY-Room 219 Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356 .( 516). 751-~89 ~_ ,'.-, ...... ~..~.=..?.:..~.? < .... APPROVED AS PER ~ND CONDITIONS '~PP~OVED AS PER AND CONDITIONS t TRUSTEES ~hn M. Bredemeyer, iii, President bert J. Krupski, Jr., Vice President Henry E Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR.. SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 111971 December 7, 1992 John Holzapfel P.O. Box 210 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Holzapfet: Enclosed are the application recently received in the Trustee Office. Please review the following and send your comments back as soon as possible. Eugene Bolter 111-14-36.1 & 36.3 Tony Heiies 123-8-13 Anthony Vitale 92-1-8 TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert I. Krup~ki, Jr. John L. Bedrmski, If: John B~ TuIhill Telephone.(516) 7654892 Fax (516) 765-'1823 BOARD'OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O.'Box 1179 Southold, New York 119~I COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN WETLANDS PERMI'T APPLICATION TRUSTEE LANDS PERMIT APPLICATION office Use Only: coastal E:ro'sion Permit Application _ Wetland .Permit Application __Trustee Lands Permit Application Grandfather _ _Completed Apps. Date: Variance Required, Neighbors notified Date: SEQRA Type Coord. Re.View-oPt.,mand. i'~InSp.'comp./date: SEQRA Determin./date: . Public Hearing/date Findings:'.'' Permi% Vote: (Y/N): Special COnditions: {also s. ee file) ApPliCa%ion NUmber; SC224 ~1000- $~ - } - ~ Project Name (If any) ~~ ,? ~~ Date Prepared: I.; ]& ]9 ~ U Address: ~ O. ~~~ ~ .~~~. - ' ~ ~ {Iq ~ ~ ' ~ Phone Interest: (owner consultant,lessee,etc. ) ~8~f' ~pe~ty~~~ .~~ 0~ ~)~ Subject Property Location: ~ {Provide LILCO POle ~, Distance to cross Streets if not on location map) THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Yds. to be excavated: ~ Yds. to be filled: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Width of canal, creek or Y fronting property: 60' Depth at low tide: Aver. rise in tide: Disbance to nearest channel: ~/~ Distance project extends beyond similar projects in area: Area zoning: ~ Land area in acres~ d~~ is project for private or busingss use: Intended use of property: ~4~.'~.~A3~I~AL~0~ . Describe known prior operatioHs conducted on premises: Has any prior license or permit been issued to erect structures~ dredge~, or deposit fill on said premises: ~~ ~~0~ Has ~ liceSse or perDit ever been revoked or suspenaea Dy a Governmental Agency: ~/Vk~D Project Description The project description must also include plans for reclamation of land disturbed during construction of the principle and accessory structures and underground structures. (i.e., 'pipeline and Septic system; make additional attachments if nec~exssary). Authorization (Where the applicant is.not the owner) · I residing at {Pri~-owner of subject property) (Mailing address-phone) do hereby authorize . to apply for Coastal Erosion permit(s) from the Southold Town Trustees - si~natur~ -- THIS IS NOT A PERMIT COUNTY'OF SUFFOLK STATE oF 'NEW 'YORK AND SAYS THAT HE IS THE APPLICANT FOR 'THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS, AN~ THAT ASL S~AT~S CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE. SOU.~,;%+~ .,:....~.~;~2. D?~:~x.~ mm AFF~OVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF -z-nu~ 'z'~. APPLICANT AGREES TO HoLD · · TRUSTE'ES:~~SS AND ~"~" ~ ..... - ..... ~_E T~OWN-OF SOUTHOLD AND THE ~OWN · ~---. ~.num ~z~x ~).ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISiN( ,~FSETtNG THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBy AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEI~ AGENT OR'R~PR~ENTAT.IVE, 'TO ENTER ONTO.MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PRE~ [SES IN ~'ONjt~.~ON WiT~: REViEw: oF THIS AP~LiCATiON. ' Signatur~of App%icant ...... ' SWORN iTO BEFORE ME TH~S .. NOTARY PUBLIC EXAMINED By ............... A'PPROVED:~:. CONDITIoNs={~ sIG~ATUREO~.C~Ai~~ App~oVed. 2/~V/85 . Notary Public, State of New York No. 01L0495~343 '" "' :' ' Appendix 'C ......... ~ Stale EnvirOnmental Quality RevieW SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT'FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I Project Information (To be completed by Appfican! or Project sponsor) Municipality. ~.(L,.~'- . County 4 Is Proposed act,on: ~ $ Precise Jocatton (r~d inter~ect~ons, prominent landmark~, elc. or provide map~ . 7 Amoum el land ahected: 8 wilt proposed action c0mpiy w~th e~stmg zomng of olhe~ e~s~mg land use testr~ctmns? ~ ~Yes '~ No If NO. describe b.e~lv 9 W~at ~s p~eSen~ la~d use m vi~inily b~ prelectl ...... ~ Residemial ~' Industrial ~ CommerciaL: ~ Asr, cuhure ~ Parkland~o~en space ~ Other 10 Does a~ldn inv~ive a perm~t, ap0rovat, ~ iundin~, now o~ ultrmatelv, tram any other governmental ~genc¥ (Federal. state o~ Iocat}~ Yes' ' ~ NO ' ~f yes, IJs~ ~genc~s) and pe~mr:;approvals ~ 1 Does any A~C[ oi the aEt,o, have a curie"tlr valid permgt or a~movai~ ....... ~ Yes ~ ~o "If ~es. list a~encv name and permit;approval Type 12 AS tesUl~ o~ p~o~osed a~tton wilt ex~stmg permrt approval ~equ,re mod,hcatmn~ I C~AT~FY THAT ~HE ~NFORMATION PROVIDED ABOV~ t5 TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY ~NOWLEDC~ It: the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER. 1 PART II Environmental Assessment (Tq..be_cPmPieted by Agency) B W)It action.receive coo~d~nale~ r&v,ew as P~ t~ UnE~ted Actions )n 6 HYC~R. Part 6~7.7~ I~ No, a negative declatet~o~ may ~ sub,ceded b~ another invo[ve~ action C. Could action result ~n ANY eof, verse elfects on. to, or arising Sram the toiler, ag [Answers may be handwr~lten. =f leg,brel dramage or IJo~ng problems'[ ExpJam b~,efl~ C2. Aesthetic. agricultural..~rcheological, h~sior,c, or other natural or cultural ~esou~ces. or community or ne,ghbo~hood character~ Exptam brreitv. C-~. Vegetation or tau~a,..moveme t o1' fish or v. HdhJe st~ec~es, s~gnttlcan! habitats, or threatened or el~dangered sl~ecte~t Ex£~la~n bl,etlv C4 ^ cornmumtv'S existmg Plans or goats as off~c~a1{¥ adopted, or a change in use o~ ,mens,tv of use of Sand or other natural resour[e~ ExDlatn b,ett¥ C5 Crowth. subsequent deYslopment, or related eot,vitals lll~e[¥ to be induced by the proposed action? Secondary, cumulbtive, or other effects not ~den~dted in C1-¢6~' E~elain briefly. C7. ^ change in u~,e of e~t~er quantity o~ type of energ¥~ Exptai~ briefly =ART U! Determination al Significance (To be completed by Agency) iNSTRUCTiONS: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, targa, important or significant. E~.ch effect ~houid be assessed in c~nnection with its {e.j setting [La, urban o~' ~ural): (b) prob,~bifitv o~ occurring: (c) duration; (d) irreversibilit¥; tel geographic scope; and (fl magnitude. If necessary, add attachments o~ reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that ail relevant acfverse impacts have been identii[ed and adequately addressed. [] Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially targa or sigm~:icant adverse impacts ~hich /~AY occur. Then proceed d'irectiy to the FULL E^F and/or prepare a positive deciatation. '[-~] Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and an&[ySis above and any 5upportlng documentation. that the propos[,d aCti0h WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide here. and on attachment~ as necessary, the reasons supportng this determinat'~on: ~,~e~c¥ ",,.ame Agenc~ Pteparer'S .%ama Preparer S Sq~nat'.~re.T~le Date 2 TRUSTEES M. Brederneyer, III, President ttenry P. Smith, Vice President Albert j. Kmpski, Jr. John L. Bednoski, John B. Tulhill Telephone (516) 765- i 892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD'OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town OF SOUTttOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTI' L. HARRIS Towt~ Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box ! 179 Sotflhold, New York ! i9~:1 COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN WETLANDS PERMIT APPLICATION TRUSTEE LANDS. PERMIT APPLICATION Office Use Only: __Coastal Erosion Permit APplication ~Wetland Permit Application __Trustee Lands Permit Application __Grandf.a[her _Completed Apps. Date: _ Variance Required, . Neighbors notified Date: SEQRA Type Coord. Review-opt.,mand. __Insp.. cOmp../date: __SEQRA Dekermin./date: _ P~blic Hearing/date: FihdingS: erml~'V°te: (Y/N): ~ Special Conditions: ~ (also see file) ~e ApPliCaSion Number; SCTN ~1000- q~- 1__ g Project Name (If any) ~m~ ~~ Date Prepared: Inkere,t: (owner, eonsultank,lessee,eee.}~ ~ner of Pzoperty: ~~ . ~n~.~. ~'~n . ~ Phone {~/~} Subject Property LocatiOn: ~ (Provide LILCO Pole ~, Distance to cross Streets if not on location map) THIS iS NOT A PERMIT Yds. to be excavated: ~) Yds. to be filled: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Width of canal, creek or y fronting property: ~0~. Depth at low tide: Aver. rise in tide: Distance %o nearest channel: ~/~ Distance project extends beyond similar projects in area: Area zoning: ]Pam~~Q Land area in acres: C~30~t_~ ~~ Is project for~private or business use: Intended use of property: ~~x~.~ A3~.J~3~Le~ Describe known prior operations con~u~ted on premises: Has any prior license or permit been issued to erect structures, dredge,, or deposit fill on said premises: Has ~ license or per~it ev~ been rev6ked or suspended by a Governmental Agency: Project Description The project description must also include plans for reclamation of land disturbed during construction of the principle and accessory.structures and underground structures (ioe., 'pipeline and septic system; make additional attac~m~ents if nec~exssary). Authorization (Where the applicant is not the owner) I residing at {Print-owner of subject property) (Mailing address-phone) do hereby authorize to apply for Coastal Erosion permit(s) from the Southold Town Trustees COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK AND SAYS THAT HE iS THE APPLICANT FOR T[{E ABOVE DESCRIBED PERM.ITS~ AN.D TH.AT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWL AND BELI~,~ AND ~HAT WORK Wing BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORT[{ IN'THIS APPLICATION AND.A~ MAY BE APPROVED BY TNE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTt{OLD, T~'AP~gidANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE T~ TRUSTEES ~g~S~ AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR' ~ V~TUE OF SAID PERMIT, IF GRANTED.' IN COMPLETING TMIS APPLICATION, I UEREMY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT OR REPR~ENTATiVE~ TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTy TO'INSPECT THE PREM IN .CONJ[~NCTION W~T~ REVIEW'OF THIS APPLICATION. BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSESl ~gnatur~ ~f Applicant ~WN SES SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ~ - NOTARY Pb~IC , 19 EXAMINED BY .~ APPROV~ DIsApPROV~ · USAN E. LONG Notary Public, State of New York No, 01 LO4958343 Cemm~sU~otinfi~d in Suffo,~ Coun~ =xpJres November 6, ~ SIG.NATU~ CoMPUTATIoN ApproVed 2/~7/85 o .w -r~p 617.20 Appendix 'C Stale Environmental Quality Revfew SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I P. roject Inlotmal~orl [To be completed by Appficant or Project sponsor) Prec,se Iocatmn Iroad ~nttrseclmns, prominent landma~h s etc or p*owde mapl · '. Does actson revolve a pe*m~Lappfoval, or funding, now or Ultimately. ttom any other ;o~ernmenral ~gency tFederal, ttale ~ I'e5 ~ No If ~es. li~ t~ncv name Ind perm~l.a~proval t~pe I CIRTIFY THAT THE INfOR~tATION PROVIDEO ABOVE ts TRUE TO THE gEsT OF 1t the action ts tn the CoaStal Area, and you are a stale agency, complete the Coastal ASseSsmen! Form beiore proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 other natural or cultura~ ~esources, o[ (ornrnunrt¥ or neighborhood ¢ha~acler~' ~ ~plam b~reflv. C4 A (ommunr~v'~, etiSt~nf: ~Jans or I~oals a~ oift¢~al~¥ a~ODted, or a cha~Re itt use or ~nten~,~tv o{ use oJ land o~' ot~et natural reso~r£e~! Explain brret]¥ C~ C~owth. sub~ecluen~ develeprnent, or ~eraled act,vili;s li~.etv to be reduced by the proposed act,on~' E~plain briefly: Cumulative o~ ot~qet el:~ecl5 not ~entrf~ec~ C7 A chan~e in use of ei~lher auantity ot type of ~'ne~'¥? Explain briel~l¥ PART iii Deletmirtailon ot' Significance (To be completed by Agency) fN~;TRUCTIONS: For' each adverseef~ect identified above, determine whether it is ~uh~tantial, large, important orotherw~e significant. Each &fi'bet s~ouJd be assessed in c~nnection with its (a) setting [i.e. urban o~ rural]: (b] probabillt~, oi occurring; Jo} duration; (d] irreverJibility; [e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude ff necessary, add attachments or reference ~uppordng materials. EnSure th.a[ expJanations contain sufficient detail to ~how that aft relevant adverse impact~ have been identd~ed and adequately addressed. ~ Chec~ this box if ~,ou have identified one or more potentially large or sigmficant adverse impacts '~,hlch MAY occur Then procee~ directly to th& CULL EAF and;or prepare a positive declaration. ~ Check this box if ?0u have determined, based on the information and anatysis above and ~ny supporHng documentation. that the proDds~ ~ct~6h WIlL NOT re~utt in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide here. and on eHachmenls a~ ~ce~ary, the teason~ ~upDortng this determination: P~epafe~ ~ S~nat~re.?trt~ A~'~n~'~r P~'eparer'! N<lrn~. ~ate 2