HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOUGLASS STREETST~TE OF ~Y YORK~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK~ TOW OF SOUTHOLD. X In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain Town Highwey in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. DEDICATION AND REL~SE WHEREAS~ application has been duly made to the Town Superin~ tendent of H_ghways of the Town of Southold~ in the County of Suffolk and State of New York~ for the laying out of a ~ertain town h_ghway to be known as DOUGL~SS S~T & H~2qBOR ROADi and ~HEBEAS~ JA~S F. DOUGLASS and LILLIAN J. DOUGLASS~ his wife residing at Orient~ Suffolk County~ New York~ are the owners of the ~remises to be dedicated as hereinafter provided and are all of the ~ersons having any interest in said rights of way and said proposed ~ighwa y ~ NOW~ T~F, REFOP_E~ we ~mS F. DOUGLASS and LILLIA~N J. DOUGLA~S~ his wife~ both residing at Orient~ in the Town of Southold~ in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00)~ to each of us in ~and paid~ by ~EOLD PRICE~ Town Superintendent of Highways of the ~own of Southold~ the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged~ and in further con~ider~tmon of the laying out of a new highway at ~rient~ in the Town of Southold~ ~u~olk County~ New York~ to be ~m~own as D0~GLaSS ~TREET & HARBOR EOAD~ do hereby dedicate~ release ~nd convey to the said Town of Southold~ for highway purposes~ the [ollowing lands~ to wit:~ ALL those tracts or parcels of land situate at 0rient~ ~--n the ~own of Southold~ C oun~y of Suffolk and State of New York~ more ~articularly described as follows: PARCEL I to be known as DOUG~SS STREET. The north~q~terly line of the proposed highway to be kno~m mS "Douglass street~ is described as follows: Beginn'ing at a point on the southwesterly 1Lne of King Street~ 399.~4 feet no_ ~hwesterly along said southwesterly line from its inter- section with the northwesterly line of that part of King Street kn~own as "Hog Pond Road"~ being also the northeasterly corner of land of Nelson Douglass Estate and the north- westerly corner of land of James Douglass$ from said point of beginning r~&uning along the boundary line between said land of Nelson Douglass Estate and land of James Douglass~ $. 49° 32~ O0~ W. 744.60 feet to its inter- section with the southwesterly line of the proposed highway to be known as =Harbor Road"~ hereinafter described. The southeasterly line of said proposed highway to be known as ~Douglass Street~ is described as follows: BegLuning at a poLnt on said south~ westerly line of Kin~ Street~ 50.0 feet south- easterly along said oouthwesterly line from the point of beginnLng of said northwesterly line of said proposed highWay~ as hereinabove described$ and running parallel with and ~0.O feet south- easterly from said northwesterly lio_e~ measured at right angles thereto~ ~. 49° 3~ O0~ W~ 6g0.4~ feet to its intersection wzth the north- easterly line of said proposed highway to be known as =Harbor Road~ hereinafter described. PARCEL II to be known as HARBOR ROAD° The southwesterly line of the proposed highway to be know~ as "Harbor Road= is described as follows: Begi~uLug at a point on the north- westerly line of that par~ of King Street known as Hog Pond Road", 54~.86 feet southwesterly along said northwesterly line from its inter= section with the southwesterly line of King Streets and runming N. ~7° 16' lO~ W. ~78.57 feet to its intersection with the northwesterly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Douglass Street=~ as hereinabove described. and we do The northeasterly line of said proposed highway to be known as ~Harbor Road'~ is described as follows: Beginning at a point on said north- westerly line of that part of King Street known as ~'Hog Pond E~ad"~ ~0.0 feet northeasterly along said norbhwesterly line from the point of beginning of said southwesterly line of said proposed hzghw y~ as hereinabove described$ and running parallel with and ~0o0 feet north~terly from said southwesterl~ line~ measured at right angles ~here~o~ ~ ~o 16~ 10,~ W. 319~8~ feet~ thence N. 40 28 00 ~. 87.~0 feet to its inter~ section with the southeasterly line of the pro- posed highway to be known as "Douglass Street= hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the Dated laying out of the said above described new highway. Orient~ New York May 15, 1951o STATE OF N~ YOP~: :SS COUNTY OF SUI~'FOLK: On the J~.~ day of ~ ~ 19~l, before me personally appeared J~S F. DOUGLASS and LILLIAN J. DOUGLASS? his wife~ to me ~o~ and ~own to me to be the ~dividuals described Lu and who executed the forego~g instr~ent and severally duly ac~owledged to me that they executed the same. ST~ OF N~ YORK~ COUNTY OF SUF~ 0LK~ T0?~ OF SOL'HOLD. In the Matter of the laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York. CONSENT OF TO~¥~ BOARD UPON R~L~DING AND FiLING the dedication and release of JA~ES F. DOUGLASS and LILLIAN J. DOUGLASS~ his wife~ dated May 15~ 1951 ~ and duly acknowledged~ dedicating and releasing the necessary' lands for a certain proposed town high- way to be known as DOUGLASS STREET & HARBOR ROAD. HESOLVED~ that consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the To'~m of Southold~ make an order laying out the aforesaid Town High~ay to consist of the lands described in the said dedication and release and to extend as delineated upon the map annexed to said application~ all in accordance ~m~h the provieions of Section i?I of way Law of the State of New York~ Dated~ at the office of the Supervisor of the Town of Southo_m at Greenport~ N. the High~ Justices of the Peace Superinte~~de~t of Highways TO~%~ BOARD OF THE TO~S~ OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SD~FFOLK~STATE OF h~EW Y0t~J ST gTE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK~ T0~ OF SOUTHOLD. In the Natter of the Laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York. ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAY WiTH THE CONSENT OF THE TOWN BOARD Oral application having been duly made to me,the Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of $outhold~ Suffolk County~ New [ork~ for the layLug out of a certain Town Highway~ Lu the said Town of Southold~ by James F. Douglass and Lillian J. Douglass~ liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town~ and the ~itten consent of the Town Board of ss id Town having been given as prescribed by law~ and a dedication and release from damages having been executed~ acknowledged and delivered by the owners of the lands through which the proposed highway is proposed to be laid out~ a copy of which is hereto annexed~ and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages~ NOW, THEREFOBE~ t~ the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk Cothuty~ New York~ DO NEBEBY DETER~I~ AND ORDER thaz ~ town highway shall be~ and ti~e same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows~ and is to be known as "Douglass Street & "Harbor Road".~ ALL those tracts or parcels of land situate at Orient~ in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York~ more particularly described as follows: PARCEL I to be known as DOUGLASS STRE~. The northwesterly line of the proposed highway to be known as ~?Douglass Street~ is described as follows: BeginnLug at a point on the southwesterly line of King Street~ 399.44 feet northwesterly along said southwesterly line from its intersection with the northwesterly line of ~hat part of King Street known as "Hog Pond Hoad", being also the northeasterly corner of land of Nelson Douglass Estate and the northwesterly corner of land of James Douglass~ from said point of begir~ning running along the boundary lLne between said land of Nelson Douglass Estate and land of PARCEL Da ted~ this ~! James Douglass~ S. 4~ 32' O0~ W. 744.60 to its intersection with the southwesterly line of theproposed highway to be known as "Harbor Hoad~'~ hereinafter de_crmbed. The southeasterly line of said proposed highway to be known as "Douglass Street" is described as follows: Beginning at a point on said southwesterly line of King ~treet, 50.0 feet southeasterly along said southWesterly line from the, point of beginnLug of said northwesterly line of said proposed highway~ as hereinabove describ~d~ and running parallel with and 50.0 feet southeasterly from said north- westerly line~ measured at right angles ~hereto~ S. 49~ 32~ O0'~ W. 650.45 feet to its inter~ section with the northeasterly line of said proposed highway to be known as ~'Harbor Road~, hereinafter described. Ii to be known as HARBOR ROAD. The southwesterly line of the proposed high- way to be kno-~n as "Harbor Road~ is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north- westerly line of that part of KLug Street known as ~Hog Pond Road~ 546.86 feet south- westerly along Said ncrthwesterly line fro~ its intersection with the southwesterly line of King Street; an~ running N. 57 16~ lO~ W. ~78.57 feet to ~ts intersection with the northwesterly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Douglass Street~ as here~ inabove described. The northeasterly line of said proposed high~ way to be known as ~Harbor Road" is described as follows: Begiuzaing at a point on said northwesterly line of that part of King Street known as ~Hog Pond Road"~ 50.0 feet north~ easterly along said northwesterly 1Lue from the point of beginning of said southwesterly line of said proposed highway, as hereinabove described; and runnLug parallel with and feet northeasterly from said southweste~oly lzne~ measured at right angles'the~eto~ N. ~7 16~ lO~ W. 319.85 feet~ thence N. ~0~ 28~ O0~ W. 87.50 feet to its intersection with the southeasterly llne of the proposed highway to be known as ~Douglass Street~. Town S~perinte~dent of Highways Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York STATE OF.NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAY WITH CONSENT OF T07,~ BOARD HENRY TASKER I~::h_. AN OIr'