HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-4621Albert J. Krupski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrefl Peter Wenczet Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-t823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD office Use Onl~ ~ t~,~ !...: LCoastal Erosion Permit Appticatior Wetland Permit Application Grandfather Permit Application Waiver / Amendment / Cbang~ s. ....... ~__Received Application: ~//~/~ ~ ~__Received Fee:$~00, eB--. t . ~Completed Application ..Incomplete 'SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II__Unlisted Coordination:(date _§gn~) -~CAC Referral Sent: -~ Date of Inspection: ~/l?/q¢~ ~Receipt of CAC Report: ~/~/~ Lead Agency Determination:___~t Technical Review: _P lic Hearing Held: Resolution: ---- Name of Applicant ~Ti~MLEq Address ~EUl Vg~., ~y Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 Property Location: ,~t)~b~l E~J ~U~ AGENT: C./5~T~LkO (If applicable) l-Od,q-T/Old Ix,tAP D~} ~%:'b't'F--CT' ~'LAI05 (prov±de LZLCO Po~e #, distance to c=oss streets, ~d loc~tion) 7 ~oard of Trustees Applicati~ GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): Area Zoning: ~ES~D~'I~L bOAT~ Previous use of property: Intended use of property: ~ Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date No prior permits/approvals for site Has any permit/approval ever been revoked governmental agency? ~'~No~ If yes, provide explanation:. improvements. or suspended by Yes a Project Description (use attachments if necessary): ~AC_~ FILL uO/Tiff ~C)O C.~, CC ~A ~3 I Z 'Board of Trustees Applicati~n WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: Area of wetlands on lot:~O~O00 5A~A(~square feet Percent coverage of lot: M/A % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and uplan~ edge of wetlands: ~D~ ¢~ feet- Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet FWO Does the project involve excavation or filling? No /~ Yes if yes, how much material will be excavated? -Cb- cubic yards How much material will be filled? ~)(2) cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed o~kg~e o~~3! feet ~I~CTL~ ~;~b Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: ~a~ Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason os such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): 1 3 ~oard of Trustees Applicatl~Jn COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: EROSI b~ C~T~0~ Are wetlands present within 75 feet of the proposed activity? No ~ Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? No ~ Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated? - ~ - (cubic yards) How much material will be filled? ~ ~ (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) ! A'P~>A~ F_-NT ~F_~ld Hight W ATF_le , ~ o~,,g T'IOAJ F~oJ~ T, qx iV'/,Rt~ / / / ROCK RE V£ TME~J 7" w/ NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER SCTM#LO00- Oy -0~- ~,/7 + ~ YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: 2. That the property which is the subject Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows:_~~.C]- kA~3~ LOC. ATEb vk]E~T OF gJ[C_~OLA_q 3. That .the property which is s~ject to Snviro~ent~l ~eview under Chapters 32,37,0r 97 of the Town Code is open to p~tic cogent. You mst contact the ~rustees Office ~t 765-1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board Trustees of the Town of Southold and dose not reference any other adjacent that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: Enc.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. County of Suffolk ) State of New York ) ~EO~ D~ ~OJTELLO , ~, BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS ~HE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE bESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMITIS), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(s) OR REPRESENTATIVEIs), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS S I ~ATURE NOTARY PUBLIC Suggested space for location Map THIS iS NOT A PERMIT ~ FPDH ' DHC ~ Ftl011E 1tO, : 9%71-Fj~4 .~ iD.r. 07 17'~, ~6:d~31:'11 P0.P AUTItORI2ATION FORM ao her~eby 91ye Cost~llo Ha~[n9 Contracting Coop. the authority to permits in owdor for- wogk to be done on my property described Attomey-ln-F~ct AUTBORIZATION FORM located at ~ ', ; Business/Property Name do hereby give Costello Marine Contracting Corp. the authority to act as age~t i~ ~,y behalf in applying [or all of the necessary permits in order for work to be done on my property described above, Signat~e Part 2--PROJECT IMPACTS AND THEIR MAGNITUDE I{esl)(msil)ilil~, gl [ea(I Agency General hitormali(m iRe,id · In cornt)lelinR H.? tom~ tim u,vi~,~,,, d~,~uhl Im m~id*,d hy lira clueSlion: tfnve I11y respm~ses and delermin~ions been Any large ifTlparl fnu~t h~' ~'vnhhd,'~l it, PAI?I J In determine significance, lden(iiyin~ an impact in column 2 simply * lira E~antple~ I)r~wlded arf, t. ~,;,;i~l th,, t~%,i~,w~.l hy ~h~)win~ lypes gl imf)ntis all(J wherevor I)ossihJo Hm Ihreshold of maRnihJde Ihal wc~uGI trigger n f~,~p,m,:,, in c~)hnnr~ 2 1he exarnp~es are generarly appli~l)le throt~gl~out the Sta~e and lot Inn~l siluafio~. Ihll. ~r any ~1-'~ ili~ projr.~:r or site odmr exnmples andh)r lower H.esholds may be appropriate elhe i,.~r).('l~ .i <.nd~ proj~,~l, ~n~ ~'~,~ h ~il*', in <'at:t, Iocalily. will vary, ]here[ore. fha examples are ilh, slraUve and have linen ol[ere(I a~ ~Hidan(:~' I h,'v ,1~, n,~l ~ on,tihHe an exhau~live list el frei)at:Is and Ilneshold~ (o answer each question. e ]lip nuinlmr of exnnll)le~ per fl,~F'~i~,~ d~,s rl[)~ in(lica~e elm ilnporlmtce of each (Itlesiiun. - hi idenlifyif~ i npacl% (:~)~i~i~l~'r h.u~ I~.rm. ~h~nl term and Clm)ialive a. Answer each et lira t9 qu~,sli~m,; in I'AR I 2. Answ{,r Yes i[ there will be any ~. ~ay~e answer~ ~Jlould })¢ ('(Hl¢iyh'l~'(J ;iS YeS arlswers. ilflllacJ. It Jnlp~cr fhroshold y, qtlnls J~r ~'xf-~'i'[l~ any exarnl)le pr.vi(led, check column 2~ J[ init)net wilt occur bLll threshold d. Ii reviewer Ires (Io~Jd ~t)oul ~' ~ th,' ifHlJa('l lhen consider the impacl ~ potenlially lar~ mid proceed Jo.PAR e. If ~ pole~dially large inll)a~'l ~ I,,~ L~,d il~ ~ ()JlllJll~ ~ Call h~ mili~aled by chan~e(s) in the project to ~ small impacl, al~o cJlP~k Jhe Ye~ h,,x i~1 d rdmnn ~ ANn response indicates Itlal such a reduction is not possible. This must be explained in Pnrt ]. IMPACT ON LAND Will Ihe i~rop(~sed action re~ul! in a I~hv~ical (:hange to the project [.ri N O Examples Ihal would apply i() ~diFimJ 2 Any constrtJctio, on slopes of Iq?C, (,r ~r(.alor. (15 loot rise pet 1~) idol el length), or where lhe Rm~er;d ~hqm~ in the project area exceed 10%. Con~lrudlrm on Im.I where lira d~.plh h~ lhe wal(~r labia i~ les~ than 3 teat. Construction of paved parEinE m~';~ f~. 1,fli)O (~r more v:~,hicles. Con~Iruclion on land wh~re hm[r~n'k i~ ~,~pnscd or Reneral)y wilhin 3 feet of existing ~round suHn, Construction that will Colllinlu' I()~ llt,,i" fhnn 'l year o~ involve more lh~l~ one phase or stag('. Excavation Jor mining I]tlrl)o~.~ th:~l w~,~bl t~,move more than Conslruclion or ~Xl)ansion o[ a ~anih. v Con~lrudi*~. in a de~i~nah.d ~h,,,~hvnv giber impacfs Will lJmro I)e an ~f[~cI It) ,34W ,mi.pu' ~,~ qmli~l~at land form~ found the site! (ia, citify, dimes, Ro()hmi~ ;d [r~rln~iion~, etc.JE.JNO ~IYES Slmffflc land fom~: .............. 6 1 2 Small lo Potential Moderale Large Impacl impact L] I_t Can Impact Be Mitigated By Project Change l~¥es ' ,E3No.. ~Yes [3No, L~J Ye5 EJNo UYes [~]No ~Yes ~No OYes L~No I~¥es I~INo U J~JYes J~No PART 1--PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOI ICli' Ihi~ d(i¢:um~nl i~ d~'siRn,'(l Icj ;t~i~1 in determi.ing whether the actlo, proposed may have a si~niiica~ff elfecl as I)arl of the applientim) [c~r appr.v~t m~d may he ~ubjed to further verification and pubik review~ P~ovide any additional tniormalion you believe wilt b~ Hm.~h.d lo *:Omldete Parts 2 and 3. it k expeded lhat eompl~lirm .I I1., hdl I Al will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new sludie% research or invesli~nlio,~ I[ i.h,rmatio,~ requIHn8 such additiona1 work is unavailable, so indicate and specify each h~stnnce. Costello Marine %o~t.r~c~.i~g..._Corp. J {516) 477-1199 ADDRESS ... PO Box 2124 CITY/PO Greenport 4,,~A~r or ow.c. I,, CITY/PO STATE ZiP COOE .. BY 11944 Please £emplele Each Quesli()n--Indicale N,A. ii ,mi applicable A. Site Description Physical selti.R of overall I.Oj*'ct, b.ll~ d~weloped and m~developed areas. 1. Present land use: i".lt.ld)~n I tl.d.slrial [ ti:oH's! I 1ARtictJlh~re 2. lolaJ artea~e el projecl arPa: . ~ ~- acres, API'ROXIMA1 E ACI~A(;t' r(,re~(.d " ARriculh.~} (IHclude~ or~ hmd~, ~ ~-ldaml, p~slure, etc.] Wella,.I (freshwater or IMM a* r,('r A,licles 24. 25 of ECl ) UnveRelated (Rock. ,.nrth ,.' Ifil} tJCommerclal I~]Olher ~Residential {subt,rba,~) EIRtirat (non-latin) PI~,I-.SEN I I Y AFfER COMPLETION -- O '-- acres ~ ~ ~ acres - 0 '-- acres ~_O '~ ac~es -- O ~ acres ,~ ~ Ch ~ acres ' ~ acm~ / ~ acres ~ ~ ~ acrP~ _ ~ 0 ~ acres -- ~ ~ __ acres -- 0 '~ acres Roa(l% t)uildinRs ami olt.,r I,nV('d ~lllJa¢'l.s' acres Other [I,,dical. IyI,e)~LbE~T/,~ e ~ '~ ac,es ,7~ ]. What i~ predominant soil Iyl.'(~i-n t.oj.ct ~ile~/ ~A~ a Soil (Irai,age: ~lWPII dr.~ir..d % of site L1Modernlely w~ll d~ained % of site I 1Pomly dmi..d __ % of site b. If a.~ a~ric,ltur~l land i~ i,votw.d, how manf acres of ~0il are classifie(I within ~,il ~roup 1 throush 4 of the NYS tm~d Cla~ilicatio, Sy~H.m~ .... ~/~ acres. (See I NYCRR 370). 4. Are the~e bedrock outrmplfiHg* oH pr-i~d sitef ~Yes ~No a. What is depth to lm(Ir.c[~ ..... _~/A (in feet) 2 ale percenlal~e of prop,~s{,d pr,,j~,ct silE? with E]O-lt)% , /(?~ J~'15% or greater Regklers of Ilistoric Places~ I.IYo~ ~No 7. I~ project suhstnntinllv CollliRuf,tl~ Ir) n qil(t liqed on the Register of NaJJooaJ Natural Lnnchnarkst [;]Yes' 8. What is lhe deplh ol lira wnler latdr.1 _N/A____[in feet) 10, Do Jmntit~g, [ishing or shell lishi,uT ~q~p(~thHHties presenlly exist in tile project area? ~Yes ~No 11. Does pr~i~cl ~ile cor~tain mW ~p~,~iPs of i)l~nl or animal tile that is idenliiied as ihrealened or endan8ered~ J~No A¢~<~,rlinj~ 1~ Cn~lln Marin, Pnnrrar~ing tdmltily each spPcJ~ 12. Ar, Ilmt~ m~V uniq~m or Liilll~uaJ l~nd torres on Ihe projecl silo1 fi.e., cliffs, dillieS, oilier geological Jorm~lJons) (lYes I~N~ I)escdh0 . ..... 13, i~ lhe pmje~q silo p~eSefllly II~t'(I JW the comnlulJity.,or neighborhood as an open si]ace or recreation areal t jYes F~No a Name of Slrem,, and ~am,. fit ~ivo~ to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, pomk, weltamJ at(m~ wilhi. ~. (~mJi~uot/s to project area: 17. I~ the ~ile ~grvei{ I)v oxistil1R I)uhli(- idililie~? ~Yes a) If Ye~, (h)e~ ~tlfJi(:ienl ~npa(ity <,~isl io allow conneclion1 ~Yes []No b) If Yes, will improvemenls Ge ~(,< us~a~y Io allow connectimff ~Yes ~N~/A 18. I~ lhe sile Iocaled in m) agri<:ulh,al dishict certified pmsuant to Agricullum and Ma~kels I. aw, Article 2S-AA, Section 303 nn(l 304! LIY~,s 19. I~ tim sile Iocaled in or sul)~lanlially ( (mligugus Io a Crilical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Adicle 8 of lhe ECl., ami 6 NYCRR 617~ I~Y(,s r'lNo 20. Ilas ihe sile ewr heen used lot It~, (li~l)o~l of solid or hazardous wastes1 [lYes ~lNo B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensiol~s aH(f scale ~,f pmi~'( I (fill il~ dinmnsio~s as appropriate) a. Total conlJRtlOtls acrenj~e (]wn{.d ~r cor~lrolJed by project sponsor ~ f ~ acres. b. I'rojeft ac,caRe 1o I~e (h,v,,h,lm,I .._.N/~ .... acr~ initially; N/A acres ultimalely. c. Projm-t acreage lo r~lt,ain m]d~'v-h,lmd N/R acres. d. I. englh ol I)roj~cl. in mite~: ..... ~.~_ (If al)ptopriate} e. I~ ttm I)tOj~:t i~ an expm~si~m, indi¢~l~ Imrcenl or expansion proposed N/A %; f. Number of ofl-slreel pa[kin~ ~l)a(~'~ existiug N/A ; proposed g Maximum vehicular Idp~ ~enm;]l('d per hour B/A (upon completion of project)? h It r~idenlial: Numlmt and IyIm f~l hi~usin~ mils Opm I-amity l wo Family .- Multiple Family Condominium Inilially BxJs[Jng ___ ~/A N/A Ullimalely _~/A .... ~/A ~/A i. Dipimnsiolls {i,i feet) of la,g~,d l,,()l,,,~,'(J slruclt,re ~ height; ~/~ widlh; /~ Jenglh. J. Linear Joel o[ [[o~Jla~ all~nl{ a l)~ddic Ihoroughfare project will occupy is! _ ~ __ fl. · Proposed Action is i~Jco.lpnlihh, wilh ~,~islillf~ (Irai~e patterns. I~PAgJ ON Alfl 7. Will lJrOpos~d nclio~ nffmt ;~i~ rp~lilv~ ~INO ~YES · Proposed Aclion will indu~ ~, J,(Jllqi i~i llIOr(t vehicle trips in ~ny Riven ' · P~nposed Acti~>ll will r~ult i. th~, i.~ it..r~ltion gl more than I ton of reltl~r per helle. · [mission rate DJ Iolal CToJll;llllJll,itlJ~ will ~.xq:(,e(I 5 Ib~. i~er hour or a lo Jll(JJl~lrJ~J USO. IMPACT ON PL^N1$ AND ANIMALS 8. Witl P..~posed Acli-. all~.~ t ~,-v Ihl,'alened or endangered ~pecie~! T~INO Examples Ihat would npply 1,, ,,d.r.. 2 ~YE$ Reduclion ot one or mot~ q.. i.s li~l(.d on ihe New York or Federal list. tlsJn~ the site, ov~r or .~,n, dh' ,,~ found on tt~e site. Removal ol a.y portion of a , ~iti( al or ~iR~Jilicafl[ wildlife habitat. Al~pli('alion o[ I)eSticido or It,,,J,i~ id- more than twice a year, other Ih~n lot nRricultural OItm~ impa{:t~: Will Pr.I)OSed Aclim~ ~i,h~t;~.Ji~,iiv ali~.(:t non-lhrealenea or E~amples Ihat would almJV I,, ~ ,,Imm~ 2 " ~rOl)OSe(J Actim~ w~nhl .u1~l;mli;dly i.lerf~re with any ~esident o~ mi~ralo~y iish, slmltli~h or wihllil(, of mature Iorest [ove~ I00 y~.;~lq .t a~1~) or other locally important veR~lation. IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES 10 Will the Pmposml A(lio,~ ali~'(1 a~Ti~ultural land resource~ ONe ~1YES lJl~ prOl~OSed ~(:JJnJJ would ~r'w'L ~ mss or limil ~cc~f Io ~ticuJJil[aJ InnJl (ira lu(les crol)land, h;1yli~,hJ% p~l~lr~, vineyard, orchard, etc.) 1 Small 1o Moderale impact LJ 13 LO O [] [] LO [] 0 13 L] Potential Can impact Be Large Mitigated By impact Project Change, k'] OYes •No [3 []Yes [-INo J~J OYes J~No [] OYes J~No I3 0 [-1 [] [] ~J LTJ L._~Yes [~]No OYes [3No OYes LONo C]Yes [_~No F-IJYes ['-JNe [~]Yes L~Yes ON []Yes O~ J~JYes []h OYes 01 •yes [] OYes ~ls Req.lred: City. Town, VillaRe Ihmrd I IYe~ ])~No City, l'own, VillaRe Flanldnl4 ih)auJ ~ IYe~ ~No City, Town ZoninR Iloard I.IYes ~o Cily, Comity Ileallh gelJarlmenl 1 lyes ~No Other Re~ionaI A~encies f lYes ~]No $1~l~ Agen(:ie~ ~lYe~ tINe Fed~t~l Agencies I IYo~ ~No C. Zoning and Planning Inlormalion Type 5uhmillal Date 1. Does proposed action iiwolv[, a I)h,luing (~r zoni~rg decision!' rL~Yes If Yes. indicale decision []zoninR amendment f I~{~iliR vnri,3m:e [~lspecial use permit gsubdivision ~site plan I'hmw/revisio. el master pla,~ I h,,som(:e management plan ~other 2. Whal is the zoliitlg el~ssiiicali,.fisl, d il., silo? ~E~] b~MTIAL J. WJl~l i~ lira ma~imun] potenlinl d~.w. Jopmf, nl el lhe ~ile if developed as permitled by the present zonin~l 4. What is the proposed zonin~ (~I Il., ~ih,? ~ ~. Whal is lira maximum potenliM d~.v~,h~lm..nt of file site ii developed as permitted by Ihe proposed zoning1 ~/.a .......... 6. Is lhe pioposed aelion consish.~d wilh I1.. ~(.~:mt. nended uses in adopled local land use plans! ~Yes 7. Wbal a~e lira prellomi~lant land u~t,j~J and zo~i,~g classifications wilhin a % mile radius of pioposed aclionJ ~No 8, Is lire proposed action compalild~, wilh adioininl4lsurroun(ling land uses within a ¼ mile¢ ~}Yes ~No ~. If Ihe proposed aclio, is ti.' s,d~divi,k,n of la.id, how ma*w Jots are proposed? a. What i~ the lllilliltlUiu liH sizl, i~opose(]l 10. Will l~ropo~ed aclio, reqtlil~, any .~lh,~riznlion(s] ior IIle formation of sewer or water dislricls~ ~Yes ~No 11. Will Ihe prOlm~d acli(m rreaf~' a dm.and for any community provided services [recreation, e~ucalio., police. fire proh. clion)t []Yes KIN,~ ~. II y~, is exJ~lilll~ c.lp;U ilv ';tll~it i~,lll h~ Ji~lljJt~ projecled demand/ i'.lYes 12. Will IJle proposed aclion rr~uJl in I1,, ~,nvralion of trafflc si8nific~nlly above presenl levels1 DYes ~]No R. l( yes. is lira exisliru~ re;id ilq'l~(ilk ad(,uuale lo handle Ihe additional Irafficl BYes D. Inlormallonel Details Allach ally a(hlilio,nal i,d(..u;di~,n ;~ ~uny he n~(.(led {~ clarify your proj.cl. If ihere are or may he any adverse iml)acl~ n~*ocinled wilh your pfOl.~;ll. Id,';IS{' discus~ ~ucJl impacts and the measures which you prOl)O~e lo miligate or avoid Ih~m. E. Verilicalion I certi[¥ lira' l'heinf°rmati'"'In"vh'"'lai"'ve is"tle I°thebest°f mykn°wle(l~e' Applicant/Sp,,q~or Na,~,~ ~gste~o._.~arine Contracting Corp. Dale Signalure,~ ~I~.) __ Tilfe Pecmig Manager II the action is In lhe Coaslal Area, n~.l y.. ale a slale a~ency, complele the Coaslal Assessmenl fo~m belo~e ptoteedi.g wtlh Iht~ asses~menl. 5 IMPACT ON WATER 3. Will propo..ed adion atfe~'t a~, wah,i h,,tly tl(,~iRnaled as prolected~ (Under Adi~:le~ 1~. 24.2~ ol It., I m'i~...~mlal Conservation Law, ECl.) U1NO ~YES · Exlension o( utility dislribufion l;1< ililhm Ihm~th a l.'olecled.~aler body. · OlJmr impacl.: ........ 1 Small 1o Moderale Impact 2 Polentlal Large impact U 3 Can Impact Be Ml[Igated By Project Change []Yes ON• UYes []No J~JYes []No I-lYes ON• []Yes ON• 4. Will pr~qm.ed adi(m ntf(~('l rap,, -~.~ I.~,Ir'¢.lecl existing or new of wnl~r! I IN• ~IYES · ConsJHIclJOll oJ a JJocJy oJ w~lJ~'l IJ~,d ~'x( ~'f'(JR lO acres o[ st. face area, · Olher impa( Is: ..... LO OYes FIN• J~Yes ON• 0-1Yes ON• Will Propo~ed Ar:lion alle(I ~i.1.~, ,, ,,~ grr,mdwnler quality or qunntilyT LiN• LJY[S Examples dial wmdd apply Proposed Aclion will require Proposed Atria. require~ u~,' ,,I ;~ q,Hil'[ t' ()[ water Iba[ does not have nlq.oval Io serve proj.~s~,d PrOl~O~e(I Arli(m require~ wah.~ .~q,l,l¥ I~.m wells wilb grealer d~an 45 CO.SIIUCIi(Jil O~ operalion cau~im~ ,-,V (~,nlami~nlion of a water supply Propo~ed Arlirm will n(Ivrr~,ly Liquid eilhm, l will be cmwi,y~,d ,,1t rl~,, ~it,, I. lacililies which presently do nol exisl or have i.n(Jmluatr' Proposed Aclim~ would u~e wal,.~ i. ~,x.'~,s~ of 20,~)U"~allons per day. Proposed Ai:li~,~l will likely ~'aw,,. dll;,ti~ ~. ~ther discharge iai• an e~i~tlnR body ol water I0 Ihe exl--I lhal IJlr,~e will be an obvious visual Proposed Actiml will reqi~iJe I1., ';h.m:*' ~J imlroJetJm or chemical Proposed Aclim~ will allow req,I,..ti~l us~'s in areas without waler emi/or sewer services. Proposed Aclion locates comm,.~ iai a..l/.r in(hlslrial uses which may requi~e ,mw or expansio, o[ ~,xi~lhH.[ w;~sJe lrentment ami/or storage facilities. Olher impacls: ........ © [] I-'1 [] [] [] U [] [] L~ EJ [] LO [] [3 [] J-lYes •No OYes J~JNo HYes ON• L~J Yes []:]No LOYes []Yes []No OYes [~No [~]Yes F]No J~Yes OYes EJNo [~Yes ~No LOYes [~No 6. Will proposed action alter rh;Hm~., th~w or pattern,~, or surface taler mr~ofl~ [-]NO ~YES Example~ that would apply h, r ,~Jtlttlll ] · Prnpn~ed Ar'lion would i'ha.~?, II,,,,,t ~'~1,. fl,,ws .. 7 E] OYes •No IMPACT ON TRANSPORTATION 14. Will there be an eflect fo ['~P,I nj, f~,mspollalion ~yslPm~? UNO UYE5 Examples that wouhl apply I,~ ~ r~ltlllill 2 ' Aller~lion o[ r-em, hi I~nllerrl~ ,d m,,%,'mm~( rd Imoplr ~nd/or goods. · I'mposrd Aclion will re~nll in m4j,,~ h;dlir prol)J~nl~, · Other imlm~ts: Small to Moderate Impacl L-~ L~ L1 Potential Large Impacl C~ Impact Be Mtllg~tted By Projecl Change UYes l~No F_lYes IMPACT ON EHEI'IQY 15 Will i~rr)pnsr.(I ,lClloll ~ff~'~l Ih,. ,,,nmHmify's source~ of fuel or ~prRy .ur,ply~ UNO IJYES Examples fhal would apl]ly Io , ,,h,.,. 2 I'r(~posml Aclion will cat~e n ~p,,al,.r Ih;tn ~'~', .,, increase ill the use of . any form of energy in lhe munh il,;Hii~r Prolms.d A~lion will req.im Ih,, , i,,;Hb.i ~r ~'xlensim~ oF'an energy Ir~rni~i.n or ~upply ~y~tem I~ ~,,~ v,, n. ,w d~an Sfl ~ingle or lwo family re~ide~lC:e~ or lo s~rve n mn~. ~ r,mrn.~4:h~l or industrial use. Other impa~ ts: .... E3 [3 [~iYes [~Yes E]No NOISE AND {}DOll IMPACTS Will Ihem of tlm I'rnposed Action~ liNC L]YES Illa~ti~R fadlily. O(Ior~ will occtir routinely in.,.' Ih;m tm(, h(~llr per day}, Prepr)se{I Aclion will produ, ~, ~,ll,':ali*ll] noise exceeding the local PtolN)~d Action will remow Il;frill;If Im~riers Ihat would act as a IMPACT ON PUBLIC IiEALTH 17 Will I'lopo~ed ^ellen all~.cl f,ld,lh' I.'nhh and UYES s~b~lanre~ (i.e. oil, pe~ti(:idt.~. , h,.mi~ al,.. ~adialion. elco) in lho event of PrOl~O.~,d Aclion may resuJ[ ill Iii" Fnni,~l nf "hazardous waMes" in any Imm Ii e, loxic, poigo~m~s, hi~hly r,';-Hve, ra(}ioactive, irritati~, Slornge I~llililie~ for one milli~,n ,. m,,-, l~;lllons of liquified nalural Rns or olher flamlnable Ii(fill(I, within 2,{]X! feel of a ~ile ii,mi Ir,~ Ih*' diqpo~;d of solid or hazardous wa~le~ 10 U U U r_]No L-lYes l~No [] Ye~ UNo J~Yes [-]No a~ri(:uhural land The I)rOl)O~(I a~iion woldd irr{,v,.r.dl,ly r ()nv~.r[ r.or~ than 10 ~cres of aErhufltlra] la.d of, ii Io[ ~lf.~l ht n. AEricIIIILJlel Dislricl, more fha. 2.~ a(r,.~ of a~icullural la.,l " 1he propo~,-d n(:fio, wo.hl ,li~q~l~l ,- I-*,vr,.I i.~lnllnlion o[ nRrictllhlral ~lrip cropl)i.t[); or (:r~l~ n nr.,,~l f~. ~ h itl(,;1%qJr~ [~.~. C~Ll~ ~ [flrI}l Olher iml)a( f~: . 1 Smell to Moderate Impact EJ IJ L1 2 Potenllal Large hnpact tZI 3 Can Impacl Be Mitigated By Project Change E-]Ye,; [~__J No LJYes ONo []Ye~ ~JNo [_~_J Yes I-1No IMPACT ON AES1ttFIIC RESOURCES I']YES (if m, ce.~sary, use lite Visual IAI Ad,h.14unl in Section 617.21, AIq.,.dix lxampJe~ thai would alJl)ly I,~ . ,ff~... 2 Jfl ~Jl~llJJ COllJr~l lo ~urr('rll ~lll1~llfJJlJll/~ J;llJ{J USe J)~ll~r~. wJl~Jh~r n~sthnlic resource~ whkh will .Ih~i...~l... ~mniiicantly reduce their enjoymenl of the aeslhelic qu;diri,.,; r,t ,bat -'source PJojecl compo.enls Ihat will t,,.;.ll i. Ih. ~.limination or signiJi/an~ ~crreninR oJ ~enir views k~own Olhet ir.parl~: ......... ['~Yes ONo L__qYes E]No J-]Yes EJNo iMPACT ON HISTORIC AND AiqCIIAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12 Will I'ropo~ed Arlion iml~a~ Ill,lotto or paleo.lrd(~iral illtl..rr,uu ¢.~ []NO [gYES Jxample~ Ihat wot,hi al)ply I~ Proposed A~lion o(curH.R wl.,llv ,. ~,.. ~i.ll~ witbi, or sui)slamiRIIy contimmu~ f(~ any [a(:ilily or dl. li.4,,,I ,m ~1., ~lale or Halional E~gister Any impa~l Io an a.:haeolo~h.~l ,4h, ,,~ h~s~il bed located wilhin the Pml)O~rd ~:Ii~.) will Olher imlm(.l~: [] El LJ E]Yes ~]No ElVes J-]No J~JYe~ E]No []Yes E]No IMPACT ON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 13 Will Proj.~se(J Aclion atfr{1 ti.. ~l..~rdilv or quaJily of exisling or ftllurr' ()1~('11 si)aces or re( le;lli~,~,d Example~ Illat would apply h~ , ~d,.,., 2 IINO L]YES m ~ perlll~flpltf forel:lo~lKe (ff ;~ f~l~, ~.{ .,alto.al Ol)l)orlulfitY, · A major u,dt~(:lio, of an op~'. ~l,.u r, i.H~f.lant to the community. · Olbet iml~arl~: ....... g. [J L_i LJ [] L~ [~JYes E]No [~]Yes [~No L~ves EINo 423 FIFI'H STREET, P.O. BOX 2124 .._~' GREENPORT, NEW YORK 1 lg44' ?:~:.'~. . : .,~,~. .... ? ~.~.~{ :- · -, .... _. Dec~-mher .30, +1996 - : ~.~,. , ..~.:~..,,~ ,, .-. . ,~,~,..~..- ~ .? ~ .:. ~. ~ , :~F ........ ~:'-., ' ' · · ?~[.~': '-, . .~..~ . Al~.~__~._.__~JJ.'~pski, Jr., President . so~'~o~stees :.~':. '...' ', .. . · ~.,. ~ · , ~ ~..,..-; %~ ~ ~. , · SO~~;?'.' ~:~;: 11971 : · ~ :.:.'~ .J..-~...., . R~}' ' anley :J. ciaputa De~. :-~. Krupski: .,, ,,~-'~Thank yo~ .for processing the above referenced permit .to' construct a bulkhead with rock armor. '-.'~ ~"'"9".':;/'~" ':~: ~<:':" ! ~ , .i.~ -',' ~Constructlon ..is ',U~.derwaY"and our client has asked .that · repair/reconstruct the existing deteriorated Stairway and '.~'plat~fgrms.~on"Lthe bluff. As a result, we would like to .ii%~,a~e~h~ to'~ the' existing permit. I have enclosed copies of ~,~?p~'6~j~'~¢~t,r'plans~,. _..,~,. 'and' various photographs of the structure for y 3'~.irev~ew?and consideration. . . _ ~ '. ~... · · ~'~ -' , . -~ ~'' ~ .... ~., ....... .' ,,',-~"'~.'t',~ .... :.-... ~-'- ' -, ' -~ ~'.~i.~2 :: "L~. ~ 'I~. ~.,:r~ ..... :..,:~ ,,, :. ~, , . ,, ':', ..' '. ..... .. .. '&,' .':~.,.-S~sa ~:-~ ',~%~O~:,.'~;'.;~r' ,~'..' '.- ' '[ ] -' '." . .~ .~ : '': ~,., ,.,~ .~ r~ ...... '~ ~'~ ,;i'Z: '/':' .' ' ~ I ~','' "' ~ ' '" ' ~'~' . .. ,' ~"~$ ~:: '. ',- '.' .... . e' '".:' .~ ' ,...~.~ ~-:~;~.~ ~ ~; ~ :.:; "/ ,r' ~ ' ~" ,.~'"."., ~ ~ r ' ~ : ' · ~.~.:'[~ -... ~ ..... .~,.~,~. .... ~.~.....~,.~..~.. '..::::- y'U':,./~.: '." ...~.:fi:..,:; ..~ , ~;'~,'.'- .. . . '?" 1..!.'.,..(t' "' .... :'", · ' .:' .,'. :.~,.~¢(.,~. ~... ~ .-- ~'~ .. ~ ~ ~ - f.. r,~. ,~.. ,:' · ,,?':;,,..' ~ ": r': ~' · ."-i '~'::"i,~.. ~,-, · ~:,':~., -., ..... 'i 2. Itow ,m.:h nnh.~d mah. d~l Ii *,. u,r I<, ¢,..Ih, el(:.) will he rem.v(,d from tim sile~ ...... 0 .... ]. Will di*lurhe(i area~ he re,( lain-.rl¢ I tYr, I INo t~NfA n. II ye~, f.r what i.l(,mh,d f..l..,.r i~ Iht' ~ite bein~ reclaimedf I). Will Iol)seil I., ~I(-kpih,d f~r ,~,r I ~ , ;I ion~ I..1Yes EJ~o c. Will Ul~per ~.bsoil Im ~h. I<pih.~l Ir~r rf'( lnmalio.? I']Yes I_tNo 4. Ilew ma.y a(tr~s ~f ve~elnlir.I II~'r'~, d..hs, ~r~..'~d covers) will be removed from site? 5. Will a.y malllre [(~rest (.vet Itlt) y~,n~, (~1(t) <~r other Ioc~!lyJmportant ve~etalion he removed I)y this projectf I 1Ye~ I~N~ 6. Ii ~i~T~h~ TThas~t pr(~ie(:t: Anlicip~llu~! I-'~h,(l (~t cml¢lrtldio,i One monlhs, (i,cludin~ demolition). il. Allficipaled (late of ('r.n..,m'('ml..l phons,. 1 ~.~/L month c, Al~l.oximale compl(,lion il,~l,. ~1 linal liJJas(? __~/L IIIOIIIII. il. t~ phase 1 Itmclion~lJy (l¢'l.'n(h'TH ()- ~qd)SeilUe.t pl~asesf LlYes fl. Will hln~linR occur dtlriliJt <-on~lft,( li~.~/ I'lYes g. Ntllillle~ l~l k;l)s Reller~l~,(J: (lurinl,. ~r.)~l~.('lion ~ - 5-~- ; after project is (:OltJplele 0 lg. NgmJ)er i)f joJ)s i, lil. hlal~(I i~v Ihis I.f)j~'* I ...... 11. Will I.Ojecl require u.locali{.t (~1 ;-iv l.oj('rl~ or fncilj, tiesf L]Ye~ ~No II ye~, 1]. i~ ~llfJ~fe liquid waste (li*l~osal i.volw.d? I_]Yes ~No b. Name of water bo(if inl. whi~ h ,.iii.eh[ will be discharged 1]. Is stlb~JfJflce li(llli(t wasl(, (li*l.mnl i.v~ Iw,(l~ EWes I.;]No Type 14. Will ~urla(:e ~r~n 0i n. i.xislin~l wal,,~ J~{)(Jy ini:r(,ase or lJecre~se by i)rOl)Osat! I"lYes ~No Fxl)tai. .................. 15, Is l.oi-cl or any portion of I.(tj~'cl if)( ah'ti ill a 1()0 year IJoo~ J)laJll{ ~Yes ~'.~N() 16. Will lira 1)r()iecl Rem'rate s.lhl w;~,d,,1 I 1Yes ~No a. II ye~. whM i~ Ih. a,i()u.1 l.'r mm~lh ~/A__ Ions b. 11 yr,~, will an exislinR solid w;lq,, [;. lilly J)e used? L]Yes ~No c. II yes. ~ive uml~e ..... ~/~_ ; Ioc~lion ti. Will apW wastes n(~i ~o inl,~ n ,rwni~' (Jisl)()sal system or inlo a sa.itary la.drill? I lYes ~No year, (i.ch~dillll demolilionJ. yea?. 23. 2.1. 24. l)oes pr()jec:l involve I.~C~lt. SI;,fr. 17. Will Ihe prr)jerl inw)lv~, the di-.i.,~;ll ,)1 ~r)li(I waste? I'}Yes [~No a. If y~, what i~ Ihe flail( ip;tl~,rl ]nh, ~)l cti~posalf N/A ton~Imotdh. 19. Will projoct rmHinely I)r(-h.r ~' ,.I,.~ lin-er, fha. olie hour per day)f E]Yes ~No 20. Will i)lojecl pr(.ltlce Ol~eralinl~ t.d~r ~,x(~.~.(linR the local ambient noise levels! L]Yes ~lNo If water ~ltpply is Irom welts, imli{ nl(' 1.tmpiu~ capacity N/A Rnllons/nlinuie. []Yes ~lNo ~4-t6 2 617.21 Appendix A Slele Environmental Quelily Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM S£QR Purpose: I1.. fi,ir FAI is rle~if;r~[,(I I. h,.ll~ ;q)ldh'anI~ and asencies delermi~e, in an orderly manner, whether a project or nclion may I>n ~ignificanl. rim (Iq.'qlim~ ~f wh~'lher an action may be significant is fy, Ihere are n~l,ec:t~ ol a I)roje~'l Ih;H ar*' ~ubj~.t'tive or unmea~ureai)le. It Is al~o un[lerslood Ihal those who determine ~i~niftcamto may have liHle ()r no formal ~nmvledRo oF lbo enviro~m~enl or may not be lechnically exl)erl in envi~(mmen[al analy~i~. In mhlili(m, many wi-) h,~w. ~ m)wh.d~c i. one pa r[icular area may not be aware o[ lhe bromler conceros affedin~ lira h. II t:AI~ i~ inh,n(h,d I(~ i.ovid~, a m(qhod whereby el)plican~ and a~encies can be a~ured that the determilmlion l-o{:e~ hn~ I..m r)r(l[,rry, (onq.~,J..nsiw. in Ilaltllt., yel Ilexible mmugh to allow i,ffioducti,m ol i[fformatio,p (o fit a l)roject Full EAr Comp(me.is: Il., lull I'^t RaH 1: PHwid~.~ ()l)i(,(:Jiw' (IaI;L il ~isls n r~,vi~'w(,r g,,idanc'o ns h) wh(,ll-'r ;m i,npa('l i~ lika. Iv f*) he considered ~mall lo m(M(~rale or whether il is a potentially- large impa{:l, I Ira imm M~- identifies wh{.ther an impad ca. be mitigal{,d (. reduced, rah 3: Ii any impa( 1 in l'atl 2 iq idmHifi{,d as potenlially-la[ge, the~) Part ] i~ uqed to evah, ale whether or not the DEIERMINAIION OF SIGNIi:ICANCE~Iype I and Unlisled Actions fde.lil¥ the Porti(~i)s ol EAr compleled for II)is project: [J Parl 1 [] Fart 2 [it)ail 3 inl~m~iali~m, and consi(Jorin~ I)~lh Ihe m~nilud(, and importance of eaci~ impacl, ii is reasonably determined by the lead aRf,~(-y that: J I A. lira proi~'('f will m~ r(,qdl in any iarRe arid imlmHant impact(s) and, Ihem~ore. is one which will .gl Imve a siRnificanl i,nl~a('l -n the mwironmenl, Iherefore a ne~aiive dedaralio, will he prepared. [ J IT AllhrmRh Ilmpr~)iJ,(l(mdd havea 5im]i[icmd~Jleclon the environment, (here willnol t)ea ~is.ilicant ~,fJr<:t [~)r this th,li~t('d Ar-lion hi, cause fh~ miliRaiion measures (I.~cribe(J in PAR [ 3 have bee. ~e(lui~ed. therein)re a CONDIIlON[I) .e~alive (leda~lion will be prepared.* J J C the proje(:l may r~'~tlll in ,m~. ()r In()r,. iar~e ~t),l importan~ impacts Ihat may have a 5i~niiicarit impact (m Ihe onvimm~..nl, th,,~,.J.r,, a po~ilive (ledaralJon will ~e prepared. ' A C(m(lifi(med N~'Rafiw' lh,,'larnli(m i~ ~niJy vali(~'Jor Unlisted Acfion~ Nam(, of Aclion Name o! Lead Agency Pri. I or l ype Name ol I~eslmrtsild[. ()lJi{:er irt I cad A~ency Title ol Responsible Ollicer Signature oi Preparer (11' clil'[erent from responsible olficer) 1 Albert J. Kmpski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 30, 1997 Costello Marine Contracting P.O. Box 2124 Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Stanley J. Ciaputa SCTM #50-2-7 and Lucien Arcas SCTM#50-2-6 Dear Mr. Costello: The following actions were taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees on January 29, 1997: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees grants an amendment to Permit #4621 (S. Ciaputa) to repair and reconstruct existing deteriorated stairway and platforms on the bluff. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trusteesgrants an amendment to Permit $4622 {L. Arcus) to repair and reconstruct existing deteriorated stairway and platforms on the bluff. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK: jmd v. "~" ', , ,'. '~':~, ..' ·~, , .. ~ ', .......~..,.'. j, .. ;J~... '. '~" '.. ' '. ' .' ~i ...... "'";:. "~ , . ,'.. ,.. ' , ,,~ :. ,;~ ..... ~ ', .. . ,, ~ ., . ,., ..'.',,.,'; ~.,' ,.~..: ....... ;. ,, ':, . ~.~. ~ .,,'~ ,,.,,..,. . ~.. ......... ...? .... $tVEET I Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. DATE: ....~/z?!.96 ..... ISSU ED TO .... STAN~.EY...J~.:.C.];A.P~T.A ........................... uthorizatio Pursuant to the provls~ons of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952; and the Soufhold Town Ordinance en- !'~ titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on 6./2?/96. · 199.6 .... and ~n consideration of the sum of $;~00,00 paid by Costello .Marine Contr. for..STANLEY ,J..CIAP.UTA .......... of ...S.ou~.hold N.Y. and subject to the Terms and Cond~tlons listed on the reverse side hereof, of $outhold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: :'~ Wetland & CEHA permit to install 200' of timber bulkhead to attach to neighbors proposed bulkheads east & west of this prop~ armor with stone and backfill with clean fill from approved s°ur}~'in accordance with the detaiJed specifications as presented in the originating application. IN WITNESS WHEREO't:, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a maiority of the said Board as of this dat,e. Albert J. Krupski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Gan'ell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTElZ-$ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Costello Marine Box 2124 Greenport NY 11944 Re: STANLEY J. CIAPUTA $CTM $50-2-7 Dear Mr. Costello, The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during its regular meeting held on June 27, 1996, regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, STANLEY J. CIAPUTA, applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated Mar. 14, 1996, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on June 27, 1996, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, W~RREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standard set forth in Chapter 97-18 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the application of STANLEY J. CIAPUTA to install 200' of timber bulkhead to attach to neighbors proposed bulkheads east and west of Ciaputa property, armor with stone and backfill with clean 'fill from approved upland source. Located: 635 Soundview Ave., Southold. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Permit to construct project will expire two years from the date it is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified upon completion of said project. FEES: None Very truly yours, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/djh cc. CAC DEC Albert J. Kmpski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 mOASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT Permit Number: 4621 SCTM ~50-2-7' Name of Applicant/Agent: Costello Marine Contracting Name of Permittee: STANLEY J. CIAPUTA Address of Permittee: 785 5th Ave., Apt. 2E N.Y.N.Y. 10022 Property Located: 635 Soundview Ave., Southold DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: To construct 200' of timber bulkhead to attache to neighbors proposed bulkheads east and west of Ciaputa property, armor with stone and backfill with clean fill from approved upland source. Date of permit issuance: June 27, 1996 This permit is valid for a period of two years from the date of issuance. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Bluff restoration through a re-vegetation agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. A relocation agreement is attached hereto'and is a necessary special condition of this permit. A maintenance agreement as attached with application and is a necessary special, condition of this permit. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/djh MARY GIANOPULO$ 825 SOUNDVIEW AVE. EXT. SOUTHOLD, N.Y., 11971 10 May 1996 Southold Town Trustees Town Of Southold Main Road-P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y., 11971 BI,I IFF/BEACH F, RO,qION-825 SOl JNDVIEW AVE. EXT-SOI ITHOI,D. N.Y.-NE~IGI4~ORING I,OT TO ARCA~qlCIAPIJTA Dear Sirs: This letter serves to verify that an erosion problem exists at our property at the above referenced address. For several years now, we have noticed increased areas of erosion on the bluff, loss of beach level, and bare soil areas on the bluffwhich were once thick with plant growth. This problem is especialty evident on the western end of our property which borders Mr. Areas' lot. This problem is and has been for several years clearly evident when viewing the bluff from the beach. Further, the erosion is not limited to our lot as the condition is present in both Mr. Areas' lots as well as Mr. Ciaputa's. We are hopeful that your efforts will help "stem the tide" of this problem. Please call with any questions or comments you may have regarding the above. MARY GIANOPULOS JUN-~5-1996 13:86 NYS DOS CMP ~ 518 4?3 2464 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE P,01 DIVISION of COASTAL REsouRcEs. & WA TERFRONT REVITAUZA TION 162 WASHINGTON AVENUE ALBANY, NEW YORK 12231 Phone: {51'8) 474-6000 FAX: (518) 473-2~.S4- USA FAX MESSAGE TO: FROM: DATE: MESSAGE: Number of shewmI 0ncluding this ¢~nu' shee~ If ~he~e is a ques~mt o~ ;rol~wn, ;all: JUN-25-1996 13:06 ~'EC'I~E"F,~'Y OF STATE; NYS DOS CHP STATE OF .N£W YORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE ALBANY., NY.' 1223]-OOO1 518 4?3 2464 P.02 Board of Tmstees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, ~ 11971 ~IJN 2 5 fig§ Thank you for ~u oppmmaJty to comment on the pemfit al~lication by Ci~t~ aad Arcas. My · personal ~mments on the sio_:!_fion follow, but plmse re~nber they z~ b~,se~ on the ~ provkied a,~! no[ on fir,-hand knowledge of tl~ site from field v'~. Sound. These nor'easters follow a relatively 6~lm pezwd of years during wltich erosion rates were probably less. We do not know ff ' ,mctmsed storm activity will continue into thc future or if ¢~mer conditions will return. The best available data suggests that over the long-term (100 ye. ors) this area is eroding at a rate of I fl/yr or, less. Littoral U'an~ of sand is generally eastward in tiffs area aud thus mud eroded from the bluffs near Horton's Point supplies beaches to the east. Therefore, if the enti~ bluff ~s bulkheaded, we could expect acc~rated beach erosion adjacent to downdritt l~perti~. 'l~is beach erosion would con, hue until tho bulkheads failed, .. which ~woeld result in rapid recession of ~ bluffs. It is. unknown if a percentage of the bluff co,_~d~:be,, bulk~eaded withot, ~detximeutal impacts. Whea enviwumental conditions affecting the shorelim~ and odmr proper~" owners are delicately balanced, as in this case, it maims sense to ~ the ~0.amtion using the least ~mviro-~teal~tly intrusive mett~ which has a reasonable chaa~ of suc :e~s. This philosophy ~s consistent with the Coastal Erosion liazard Area Act (CJ~LA.)~ which '~ats ti,,,, bh~ff as a · m~ttral area whexe Within the natal-al pmtec~ve feature ar~ of!f~ ~ ~n-~~ ~ for ~~ . ~b~. ~ ~ ~, m~n~,~ ~ ~ ~ a mn-s~~ ~~ve ~n w~h ~ w~k on two of ~ lo~. ~ ~t lot ~~ no ~on si~ ~ ~ ~ ~,....'..~ ~.~ ~ DOS GMP 518 473 2464 P.03 If non-structural methods are not likely to work at a site, soft stm~a~ methods should be considea~xi n~xt. In this ca.~, I would especially examine the draiaa~; patterns above the bluff methods such aa Imlkheada could bo applied. Bocauso hard sUuctural ~ adversely impac~ the natural processes within natural protective featu~: areas, ~ discourages their use. Futthenno~, fl~e b~de~ of provlnE that non-stgactu:e.d or soft stntctural ~ethods would not ' wca'k at a sit~ should be on ~he applicant. ~ If in this case non-structural and soft-stmctmal methods are shown W be inadeq~_a_~_~ and a permit is granted to construct the bulkhead, tl~n I suggest minimizing i~s potemiai impact by: · Consm~cfing i~ only in front of upland, structures which need protection (not in front of vacant land) · Kc~:pin~ it as close to the base of the bluff as possible · Not allowing in-kind/in-place replacement of thc structu~ in the furore. Instead, allow of the bluff Nationslly, there are cases where governments have lvquired property owners to phce sand on the beach in front of sharo protection stntclar~ to componsatc for tho sand removed fwm thc littoral sysw'm. hc~ t~ ~view is heJpful. 474-6000). If I can b~ of'fin'tlw, r assis~ce do not he,siia~ to give me a call Coastal Resourc,~ Specialist Division of C~asml Reaource.s : '~ TOTAL P.03 Albert J. Kmpski, President John Hotzapfel, Vice President William G.'Albertson Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Enclosed is a permit application and a completed part I of the Environmental Assessment Form. Southold Town Trustees are interested in your ageny's comments~ " .... for: Please contact Albert 3. Krupski, Trustee President, . LY ' 21 ......... .......... SENT TO: DOS ( ) DEC ( ) DOH ( ) PB ( ) ZBA ( ) BLD ( ) ACE ( ) CAC ( ) processing. Involved Agency: Project Name: Location: SCTM: We at AGENCY Please complete, detach and return this form to expedite Signature of Authorized Representative Albert I. Kmpski. President John Hotzapfel. Vice President Jim King Mardn H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (5 I6) 765-1892 · Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~_Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~( Wetland Permit Application Grandfather Permit Application Waive r/Amendment/Cban~e s ~Recei'ved Application: 4/l~]q ~Received Fee: $~0 O, e Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted__ Coordination: ( date ~$r~t) ~..---~CAC Referral Sent: q/t~ '~Date of Inspection: ~l~q(,t t ~_Receipt of CAC Report:. '~/,$%¥/~ Lead Agency Determination:__ 'Technical Review: ~__Public Hearing Held: Resolution: .- Name of Applicant ~Tp, MLF.',/ r, CIAFO'rt% ~1~) ,~)*' ~/O'~'~ Phone N~er: (~,&) ~- ~ O~ Suffolk County T~ Map N~er: 1000 -~0 - ~R-~ Property Location: .~O(l~b~lE~ ~UE~t) F J {provide LILCO Pole ~, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: ¢.DST~ (If applicable) CoP. P, Phone: /'/"~"~ - l/~/~ c/Tq- ooo.c' ~ rd of Trustees Applicati~. Land Area (in Area Zoning: Previous use Intended use GENERAL DATA square feet): of property: of property: Prior permits/approvals Agency for site improvements: Date No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended governmental agency? ~/ No__ Yes If yes, provide explanation: by a Project Description (use attachments if necessary): RE,Tt) ~ N\S REI ~ F~3 ~._CF h L,,J ~'T ~ R~eK '~ AC._.K F l t L u...; I. rht (,-', O O C,~, CaE. AM ~-PPRbUE th Of'LAMb .'qOO"~.C-F_.., I 'P.. E'U ~T NI E..M T',, FILL F R~IVt 2 b~ard of Trustees Applicatio~ WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: Area of wetlands on lot:~Or000 ~A~SB~(~square feet Percent coverage of lot: ~/A % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and uplan~ edge of wetlands: ~O- ~ feet- TO a ~H ~j - ~Mb~ ~C~ Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: i~~ feet ~WO~ ABL~SBD TO ~o~&a Does the project involve excavation or filling? No ~ Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? -~- cubic yards How much material will be filled? ~b~) cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed o~.~! feet ~I~CTL~ ~;~D ~UL~ Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason os such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): uO 5 =_.~rd of Trustees Applicat~._ COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: Are wetlands present within 75 feet of the proposed activity? No ~ Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? No v/ Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated? -O- (cubic yards) How much material will be filled? ~ ~) (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) ~L~ AT F_. ~ , ~ O AJ~ I ~ ~. ~ AJL~ P/e£PA££D BY P.O. BO~ ~1~ G~££HPO, e~ 1~. Y. 115t~ $ttE£7' ~ oF ~ w~ / ,! PART 1--PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Projec! Sponsor NO IICI!: Ihi~ (J()(:LiIllon| i~ d,.~igH-~l Io a~iM itl deter.fining whether the aerie, prOl)o~ed may Imve a Ma. il'icant el'l'ect on Ibp r.viro....nl. Please r..qd-i,, ih,, (..tim feral. Parts A throuah E. An~wer~ ~¢~ th-se (it.eMions will be ce.sidereal as part of Ihe applicalio, for apl--v.M m.I may ho subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional Inlormation ye. believe wilt he .,..d.d to complete Parts 2 and 3. It i~ eXpeLled Ihat complelio. -f I1-, I,,tl I Al' will he dependent on informatio,! curre.lJy available and will .et invoJve thew sludie~, research or invesli~atio. If i.f.r.,atio, requirin8 such additional work is unavaitabJe, so indicate and specify each i.slanre. NAME OF ACI1ON 5 rA ~ILJ::_~I_~.~,~_C I A~O~ A L~TION OF A~,~ION jl~d~ SI~ Addr NAME OF A~PL1CANTISPON~R----~ I Cos[ello ~a~ine Con~act~n~ ADDFIE,~ PO Box 2124 CITY/PO Greenport _. ~ .3.~ __~ T ~ ~ ~ ~ ......... " ClTYIPO gAOl< F'l CL aY,,T 477-].[99 I SrAIE [ ZIP CODE ___ NY 11944 BUSINESS IELEPHONE ~IT~ Jog- -- / sr^~E /z,.cooE + lb/ '~E~-U~N o~r~r~4 &06 c,~, Please Complele Eacl, Queslion-Imlicale N.A. if riel applicable A. Site Description Physical sellinR of overall proir'ct. I).lls developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Ptese. I tn.d u~e: ['JtJd)a. I ll.duMrial UCommerctal ~Residential (suburban) [lForesl I IARdcull.re ~Olher Wa~orfrnn~ 2. Tolaj acreage o1' proied area: ~q_ "~ ~ acres. API'ROXIMAIE ACRFA(;[ PRFSENII.Y Meadow or lhusl,land {Non ;m,i,,,IturM) -- O ~ acres ~oroMed -. - O '-- acres Agricull.ral (l.clmles orrhar, t~. r.C,l,hmd, pasture, etc.) -- 0 ~ acres Wefla.d (Freshwater or tidal n. per Arli(:les 24, 25 of ECl_) '~ acres Water S.rface Area ~ ~ ~ acres U.veRelaled (Rock, .aHh .r {ill) - ~ ~ acres [:]Rural (non-farm} AFTER COMPLETION acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres Rea(l% b.ihli.gs and olh¢.r I,aV(.(l ~.rfac:es ' acres Other (I.dicate t¥1)e}_~F~--~_l b~ TJ ~ L ~ 'Z~ acres ,7~ a. Soil drainage: ~lWell drai.,.d % of site UModeralely well drained % of site [ll'o(Hiy drai.ed ~ % of site b. II mw a~ric.llurai land i~ i.volvo(I, how many acres of soil ~re classified within soil group I fl~rough 4 of the NY5 La-d Classificalion 5yslem~ .... ~/~ acres, (See I NYCRR 370). 4. Are ihem bedrock outcroplH.g~ o- project site? ~Yes ~No a. Whal is depth to bedmck~ ..... _N/A ti. feet} ale p~rcenta~e of l)r(~l~'*1 Pr~"i~'* I sil~ with slopes: E]'15% or grealer % 6. Is project suhstat~tiall¥ co~dim~m~ I-. <~r ~'m~rair~ a building, sile. or districh li~t~H o, t~e Stale or 7. is project ~uhstantinllv contim~m~ ~- a ~ih, li~l~d on the Register of National Natural t.andmarks~ ~Yes ~JNo 8. What i~ Ihe deplh oi the water lnhh,t .~/_A_~ tin feet) 9. Is sile Ioca?e(t over a primary, l,i~ ipM..r s~le ~ource afluifer~ ~Yes ~lNo 1(), Do hunti~g, fishing or shell [iqHnl: (q,I)()rlunilie~ presently exist in the project area~ ~Yes ~No 11, Does project site ¢m~tain ~uv ~t)~'ri~'s ol plant or animal lile that is idenHfied as threalened or endangeredl I~l~,ffily each speci.~ ........ 12. Are there a,~y unique or t,nu~unl land form~ ot~ tim proiect site~ (i.e.. clilfs, dune~, otlmr geological formations) 13. Is IJle pre}jet:! sile presenlly u~,,J t~y the community..or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area~ IIYes i~No Il V~'~, explain 14. Ooe~ th~ presenl sile incit~de ~c'{,~li~ vi{,w~ known [o be Jlnportant to the commullilyt IJYes I~No 1~. Slreams wilhin or c(~nti~nou~ I~ l~f~i~'~ I nre~: a. Nan~e o~ Slreal~l ~ll(] ~l;l~,l,' ¢}~ [fiver to which it is tributary ~/A 16. [ake~. p(md~, wella~d nrea~ wilhin ~. r--tHi~ous to project area: 17. Is Ihe sile served l)y existin~ putHir ulililies! ~Yes ~No a} II Ye~, doe~ ~ullicienl c~pn~:ily ~,~isl Io allow connection1 ~Yes []No ~/A b) II Yes, will improvemenls he ne~sary Io allow connectJollJ DYes gN~/A t8. Is lhe site toc~led in m~ aAri~:ullurnl district cerlilied pursuant to Agricullure and Markets Law, Article 25-AA. Section 3l)3 and 3114~ [1Yes ~IN~ 19. Is Ihe ~ile Ioc~led in or ~ul~l~nlially ~ ~mti~m)u~ Io a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant ol Ihe ECl., aud 6 NYCRR [,17~ l~Yes 20. lla~ the ~ile ever been u~e(I f,~r Ilm fli~l}o~l of solid or hazardous wastes? UYes Be ProJecl Description Physical (fimensiot)s ami ~(:nh~ -I 1,-i*'~ 1 liill iii dimensions as appropriate) a. Tolal conliKumm acreal{o ~w~,d ~r rmllrotled by project sponsor ~ 'f ~ acres. b. Proierl acreage lo be d~'w'h,l-'d: ~/A acres initially; N/A acres uJtimalely. c. Pmie~t a(:rea~e Io remai~ uud~,w,hq~ed N/A acres, d. [el~glh ol project, in mile~: N/A (ti appropriale) e. I[ ttm proiecl i~ an expand,n, indi,'~te percent o[ expansion proposed ~. Number o[ ()[(-slreel pa~ki~E ~l~a< ~'~ existiug ~/A ; proposed 8- Maximum vehicular lrip~ g~,~eral('d per hour ~/A [upon comp[etion of pro~ed)~ h. I~ residential: Numt~er and lype ~( hou~il~R One Family Two Family .-. Multiple Family Condominium Initially ~x[~E[l]~. __ ~/A N/A Ultimalel? _~/A .... N/A N/A / Di,nel,simJs (in feet) oi Inr[:,,q l,,-l-,~,'d slructure ~ heighl; ~J4 widfl~; ~6 ~ Im~glh. J. Linear feet o( [ronl~Re nhmf] a l,d,lic Ihoroughfare project will occupy is! 2. Itow rated1 hal.ual maleri;,l (i ,'. r,-k. ~,a,lh. etc.) witl I)e removed from tim site! _ ]. Will (Ji~lufhl,d arra~ lie r~,~ J;Jin..~l! I iYl,~ I JNo I~NfA a. Ii yes. J~r whal ifUer.h,d I-~l~?~p i~ Ihe ~ile ~ein~ reclainte(ll b. Will tol)~ni[ h(, storklHh'~l f,~ r~.~ h,.,;dirm~ 1 lyes ~No 4. I Iow mn~W a(:re,~ ~d veRelali¢)n Ill,'~'~. ~l)~t~l~. 14roun(I cover~.l will be removed from .~ite~ to.s/cubic yard~~~ 0 acrlBs, S. Will f' lyes I~N~ 6. l[ sitll41e phas(t pfojec:t: Anlh'il);~h.~l i.,~i~,d (d (:rmslruclJo. One 1. II multi-phased: h Anlicipaled (late of cotm~,,n,'~,mem pha~(, I __~/L month c, AIq)roxituale conu}lelion d,tlr' (.f tin;il I)hase B/A mglith~ 6. Will I)lasli~)R occur dttrillR rotl~llll( ti,,ll? l'lYes ~o ~. NuIllJ)~r oi j(JJ)~ ~ell~r~le(l: (hlJillj~ q ipll~JllH'li()ll 4 - 5 10. Number oJ jobs elimi.ale(J J)U ll~i~ i.rqe~l ..... 0~ 11. Will jlfoj~cI r(t(lilJ[~ mloc~li(.~ ~d a.V j)loj('~'ls or f~ciJjtles/ any mature f(~rest (~ver 1IH) V*';'P~ ~,hl) r~r other loc.a.!ty-important vegetation Im removed by U~is proiect~ months. (inclutli.g demolition}. UNo year. (including demolition). year. · after project i~ complete 0 L]Yes ~No tl yes. explain 12. Is .~urfare liquid waste disposal i,;,v,r'dv,,,d? i.iYes I)gNo a, If ye,. indicate tylm <)l waq.. (sewam,, iTldtlSttiaJ, etc.] a.~d amount b. N~llle oJ walef body inl~ whit h elllu('nt will be discharged 13. 15 subsurface liquid wash, dial-re;il inv(dw,cl! OYes UNo Type 14. Will surJa~:e area of an ~,xislin~ wal'(,i h()(ly in(:rease or decrease by proposal/ FXldain .. 15, Is project or any portio~ of j)l(ij~'{'l Jo( ;lf('(J itl a 100 year flood plain? ~Yes 16. Will lira project Renerah, s~li~l wa~l~,~ J IYe~ ~No a, I1 ye% whal i~ the aIlIOUIH l.'r n-mfh ~/A tons b. II y.s. will an existing s. li~[ wash, (a~ iJily be used! ~Yes ~No c. If y.s. Rive name ............. B/A ; location d. Will nny wasle~ nol go inl~ ;i ~i,wn~r. (lisl)(~snl system or inlo a sanitary la.dlill! e. I[ Yes, .xpJain N/_~ N/A N/A N/A I-lYes ~No [.1No I. ]Yes ~]No 17. Will life projecl inv(,lve ll,l' di'.lm~;,I 4,! ~r,li(I waste? IgYes ~No a. II yes, what is the nnlicil,al~'d ,;,If, ~d ,fisposalf N/A tons/month. b. If ye~, what i~ the n,ticip;,l,,*l ~il,, Jii,,t _.__ N/A years. 10. Will I}r,>j~,ct tl~e hed)icid~,s (- p,,qi[ id,,~ I 1Yes ~lNo 19. Will projecl routinely p~(-Ju(~,' ~.h.~ (...(. Ihan one hour pet day)J ~Yes ~No lO. Will project pr(.luce oper;~tin~ .m~,, ~,xce(,di.R the local ambient noise levelst LJYes 22. i! water SUpl)ly is Irom well% imih ale plllllpin~ capacity H/~ ~allm~sh.inute. 23, Ti)Iai anlicilJated waler ostler' I-'l ~hw N/A gallons/day. 24. J)oeS projecl i.votve Local. $1;,l(. ~.~ f~,der;d funding/ ~Yes ~lNo [~No 4 Reqq~ired: City. Town, Village II~ard I t~'~s ~No City. 'town, Village Planrfinfi lh);~(i f lY~,s ~No CIIy, Town Zonin8 Iloard r.lYes City. COunty Ilenllh Deparhl~ettt I IY.~ ~No Other Local ARencies ~Y~,s J;]No Olher Re~iot~al ARencies I lyes ~lNo Slate A~encies ~lYe~ Ii]No Federal A~encies I IY~ C. Zoning and Planning Information Type 5uhmiltal Date 1, Does proposed action involv(, n ld~m,lh,~4 or zoning decislon.~ [:]Yes it Yes, imli~ale decision FJzoninfi amendment t Iz,.th~ vnriamm Uspecial use permit ~subdivislon ~site plan I]new/mvision ol master pl,~,~ i h(,so~ir(:e mar~aqement plan ~other 3. What is Ihe maximum polenlial d*,w,hq.uenl o[ lira site if developed as permitted by the present zoning~ 4. What is lira proposed zoni., r~{ Ih~. ~il(,~ S. What is the maximt~m polential d~.w,hqmmfll of lite site ff developed as permilled by U~e proposed zoning? 6. Is tim proposed adion co.sislenl wilh tim re(:ommended uses in adop[ed local land use ldans~ ~Yes 7. What are Ihe predominanl Inml u.e(.l ami zo.i~18 dassi[icallons wilhin ~ % mite radius o[ proposed ENo 8. Is the proposed aclio,1 co, nlmlihh, wilh adjoi,iog/surrounding laod uses within a ¼ mile~ ~]Yes I-]No 9. II the proposed action is the suhrlivisi~,~ o[ ]mid, how many lois are proposed~ a. What is the ~ni,irnur,~ h~l ~iz(, IJ,Ol)osed[ 10. Will proposed notion requi~e n~y mrH~rizalion(s) [or the ~ormation ol sewer or water districts~ ~Yes ~No 11. Will lira' propo~e(I a(:li()n crea~,- a ~hm~ancl for any co~nmunity provided services (recreation, education, police, fire proleclioml)~ []Yes n. Il ye~, is exi~lin~ ral~a~ ilv ~l[i< i~.~l hz handle projected demand~ l]Yes ~No 12. Will the proposed aclion r,,~;lll in lh~, R~.m,r~lion of traffic significantly above present levelsl ~Yes ~No a. I[ yes. is Ihe exi~li~l~ r~,.~l m,lw.~k ad~,quate to handle the additional Iraffic[ ~Yes ~No D. Inlorm~llonel Del~ils Allad~ any addili~mat inl(~m:,li,n ;,, ~,~y he needed Io clarity yo~r project. Ii lhore aro or may be any adverse impacl, a~ocialed wilh your pr~q.m;,t. Id,'a~' di~cu~ ~ud~ impacts a~d the measures whid~ you propose to millgale or avoid E, Verillcalion I cedify Ihal the inlormati~,~ [,.vi~l,.,I al~,~w~ is true to the best o~ rny knowledge. ApplicanllSpo~or Name_ C~e~o._.~ag&ne Con~actin9 Coop. Date S'snah, re,~g~~) C ~~ Title Pegm,~ II Ihe acllon is in lhe Coaslal Area, ami ym~ a~e a stale a~ency, cemplele lbe Coaslal Assessmenl Form before proc~tdi~ wilh this assessmenl. "? 5 Fk'OAd .. SdFFO~ K COUld'T?' TRX l~qF~ I HOU~ Albert J. Krupski, President John Holzapfel, Vice ?resident William G.'Albertson Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Enclosed is a pe~it application and a completed part Z of the Enviro~ental Assessment Southold Town Trustees are interested in your ageny's comments° .' ' - ' for: LOCATION: _%~..-~.,,.cu3 ~,¢,-5o,; k-~,~'¢~ TAX MAP: ~-~- b,-] e~ PERMIT .~ PERMIT REQUIRED: (L~WN WETL32rD ( L~OTStER ~~[ ~Vcq~.Fn SEQRA CLASSIFICATION: ( )Type ! ( ) Type II ~ UNLISTED ( ) CEA Please contact Albert J. Kruppki, Trustee President, ...2%1_2 ~_£ ........ _,., - .. SENT TO: DOS ( ) DEC ( ) DOH ( ) PB ( ) ZBA ( ) BLD { ) ACE ( CAC ( processing. Involved Agency: Project Name: Location: SCTM: We at AGENCY Please complete, detach and return this form to expedite Comments/Reasons: Signature o~ Authorized Representative RICHARD C. ROBERTiELLO, 49 EAST 787H STFIEIET NEW YORKr N.Y. 10021 2 FR81"I : DHE PHOIIE tlr3, Poet-If' brand tax transmiOal memo 7671 Foir,.u.'' ~' "3_ ~ , - ~,o~ . ' 7 - . ~p,-.. 2,1 l_qq_a 81:31PH POI Daria M. Ciaputa 635 Soundvlew Ave. Ext. Southold, N.Y. (516) 76%2913 Apl il 24, 1996 Souti~old Town l'rustees Southold, New Yo~ k RE: Above said property Bulkhead installation ])ear Gentlemen, It has been brought to my attention that there will be a meeting of lbo Trustees today to discuss the installalio, of bulkhead and the corresponding permit(s) required. I am an owner or lhls property and my family and i have witnessed eonsldetable erosion problems on the cliff and below at the bottom, near the beach There used to be stone steps lhat reached to 1he bench and now we I~ave lost over half of these steps and lose approxhnately one additional step per year. The wooden steps that now net ag lite continuation of the stone stops are themselves unslable because of'the loss of valuable land. We, as owners, have a vestcd interest in this property and are concerned tlaat any fi~rther erosion might compromise lhe value of our home and the ,~eenrity of our home's foundation. Please extend your assistance Io Mr. Georgo Costello in his attempt to preserve our land. We have hired Mr. Costetlo in the hope that we can maintain the quality and beauty of our sea-fi'oat home~ Il'you shouhl have any questions concerning this matter, please do not he.~ttate to contact me at (212) 957-1054. In addition, please be adviaed that our ,eighbot's to the east and west have been nolified of our fi~ture work and have voiced no complaints. i thnnk you for your cooperatio, and altention. Sincerely, I)aria M. Ciapula Telephone (516) 765-1801 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Monday, April 22, 1996, the following action was made: No. 13~0 Moved by Bruce Loucka, seconded by Scott Hilary, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees DISAPPROVAl of the Wetland Application of STANLEY J. ClAPUTA 50-2-7 to install a 200' timber bulkhead to attach to neighbors to east and west in the future and backfill with clean fill from approved upland source. The CAC recommends disapproval because there is no need shown. Soundvlew Avenue, Southold Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. ~LI~FO~ K ~'OUX/7"Y' ATZ R~ - pjZoJ~';r' sOU~O ,¢U~t~O~' ~Od/IVY'~' Y'~>( ~hqP ~L/~ KH~'A ~ ££1klFO£~ED