HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEEP HOLE DRIVE 1939 ORDER LAYING OUT A NEW HIGHWAY WITH THE CONSENT OF ~IHE TOWN BOARD. Written application having been made to me, Town Superintendent of Nlgh~ays for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by James A. Gildersleeve, ~ ~h~~ Sidney H. Gildersleeve mm~lx~t~ -m~X~--'J~~~_ and Donald R. Gildersleeve., persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town having been given as prescribed by Law, and releases from damages having been executed by the owners of the land through which the proposed highway is to be laid out, copies of which are hereto annexed, and nothing having 0een paid to any claimant for such damages, it is hereby ORDERED and DETERMINED that a highway shall be aud the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows: The left boundary line of proposed highway begins at a point on the Southerly line of New Suffolk Avenue, ll0.0 feet Westerly from the Northeasterly corner of property of H.R.Gildersleeve Esta~$~ running ~hence S. ~°~0,30, E. 130.0 fee~: thence S. 15' 10" E. 232.96 feet; ~hence S A°~2,50- W. 125~.09 feet; thence S. i6°02,20- W.~§0.0 fee~; thence to the right around a curve whose radius is ~47.3~ feet, a distance of EOS.85 feet; thence N. 83°20'*0' W. S92.88 feet; thence to ~ne right around a curve whose radius is 330.0 fee~ a distance of ~06.1E feet; thence N. 30°11, E0" W. S9S.28 feet; ~hence to the right around a curve Whose · radius is 3~0.0 feet, a distance of 189.30 fee~; thence N. 2o~0, · ~0" E. about 1£8~ feet to the Southerly line of New Suffolk Avenue. The right 0oundary line of proposed highway is parallel to the above described left line, and a~..! ail points ~0.0 fee~ WE, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having met at the office of the Supervisor, Greenport, in said Town on the ~19~i day of ~ at 1939, and considered the application of James A. Gildersleeve, Sidney H. Gildersleeve, and Donald R. Gildersleeve for laying out of a new highway to be known as at Nattituck, in the Town of Southold,'Suffolk County, New York, do hereby consent that such laying out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. Supervisor T~own Clerk Superintendent of Highways. Justices of the Peace. distant therefrom. DA~ED April 1939. Town Superintendent of Highways - Town of Southold. ~, James A. Gildersleeve, Sidney H. Gildersleeve and Donald R~ ~lde:sleeve, of Nattituck, ~uffolk County, New York, in consideration of the sum of ONE D0VJ.~, to us in hand paid by HAROLD D. PRICE, Town Superintendent or Highways, of the To~ or Sout~old, and in further consideration of the la~ out of a new ~ighway at Mattituck, in the town o~ Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as follows: The left boundary line of proposed ~ighway begins at a poin~ e~ the Southerly line of New Suffolk Avenue, il0.0 feet Westerly from the Northeasterly corner oi' property of H.R. Gildersleeve Estate, running thence S. 8°40'$0" W. 130.0 feet: t~ence S. 14°lg'10" E. 202.96 feet; thence S. A°S2'80" W. 1259.0~ feet: thence S. 16°02'20" W. 3§0.0 fee~; ~hence to the right around a curve whose radius is 1A~.38 ream, a distance of 200.85 feet; thence N. 83o20'40" W/ 392.88 fee~; thence to the ~ght around a curve whos~ radius is ~0.0 fee~, a distance of ~06.12 feet; thence N. 30~11'20" E. ~93.2~ feet; thence to the right around a curve whose radius is 330.0 feet, a distance of 189.30 feet; thence N. 2°40'~0" E. about i~8~ feet to the Southerl~ line of New Suffolk Avenue. The right boundary line of proposed highway is parallel to the above described left line, and at all points 50.0 feet distant t~erefrom., w~ich proposed new highway will pass t~rough the lands of James A. Gi£dersleeve, Si~ney H. Gl±Gar- sleeve and Donald R. Gilde~leeve only do here~y dedicate ant release to the Town of ~uthold, all land heretofore owned by us and lncluded within the premises above described, and do hereby release said Town from ali damages by reason of the La~ng out of the new highway. STATE OF NEW YORK SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the ~-'~/ dayof April, 1939, before me personally came James A. Gilaersleeve, Sidney H. Gildersleeve and Donala R. Gildersleeve of Nm$~isuck, Suffolk County, New York, personally known to me aha Known ~o me to be the persons described in an~ who executed ~e foregoing instrumen~ and t~ey severally acknowledged ~o me ~hat ~hey executed ~h~~ (~ ~ Notary Public, Su f. Co. TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK A~D STA~E OF NEW ~: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby applies to you to lay out new highway at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County New York, to be known as -~]~ H~ ~V~ : as follows: The left boundary line of proposed highway begins at a point on the Southerly line of New Suffolk Avenue, ll0e0 feet Westerly from the Northeasterly corner of property of H.R. Glldersleeve Estate; r,!~ing thence S. 5o40'80" W. 1SO,O feet; thence S. ~e~$~t~ oE. 2~E.96 feet; thence 8. 4°52'50" W. 1259.09 feet; thence 8, 16 0~'E0= W. 550e0 feet; thence to the right around a curve whose radius is 147.~5 feet a distance of E05.85 feet; thence N. ~o~0'40" W. ~9~.88 feet; thence to the right around a curve whose ~adius is ~0.0 feet, a distance of feet; thence N. 50°ll'E0# W. 59~.B5 fe~t; thence to the right aro~ud a curve whose radius is 5~0.0 fee~ a distance of feet; thence N.,E°40'40# E. about 1ES4 feet to the Southerly line of New Suffolk Avenue. The right boundary li~e of proposed highway is parallel to the above descri0ed lef~ line and at all points 50.0 fee~ distant therefrom. w~ic~ proposed laylng out will pass ~rougn ~ne lands or James A. Gilders±cave, Sidney H. Gilders-cave and Dona-d R~Gildersleeve,only. Dated this day of Ap~il,195$. In the ~MtteE of the Application of Sidney H.~ildersleeve. James ~ Gildersleeve, and ~onaid R. Gzldersleeve for he laying out of a new hz~hwav at ~tt~tuck. Town of 3ou~hoi~, SuffolkOodnty New York to be knova~ as Deep HoleD~ve, ORDER In the Matter of the application of Sidney H.Gildersleeve, James AiGilder~leeve and Donald R. Gtldersleeve for the laying out of a new highway at D~ttituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County New York, to be known as Deep Hole Drive APPLiC~iTION in the matter of the application of Sidney H. Gildersleeve. James ~. Gildersleeve and Donald R. Bildersleeve for the laying out of a new highway ~t I~attituck. To~ of ~outhold, ~uffolk Co~n~v, N~w ~k. to be knovm as IY~e~ Ho±e ~rzve R~L