HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAYTON ROADSTATE OF NEW Y~RK, COUNTY OF TOM OF SO~THOLD. In the ~atter of time Laying O~t of t~o certain Town Hlghmys in the Town of ~outhold, County of S~ffolk and State of New York. DE~I~ATI ON AND ~F~S, ~pllc~tf~n has been c~aly nmde to ~e To~ ~per~t~d~t of Hl~ys of ~e TO~ of ~ut~ld, ~ the ~ty of ~lk ~d Stat~ of ~ew York, for the l~g ~t of t~ cert~ ~ H~mys to ~ ~o~ aa DA~ ROAD ~d M~ PA~ ~, ~d ~S, F. ~OLD ~, resid~g at ~uthold, ~f~lk ~ty, N%e Yor~, ls ~e ~le omar of ~e praises ~ be here~ deC.ted es h~ pro- vided ~d the o~y p~son hav~ ~ ~tereat In ~e l~da t~o~ ~ch the hl~s ere propos~ ~ be opted, NOW, THEREFORE, the sa~d F. NAROLD SAYRE, in comaideretlon of the mm of ONE ($1.00) DO~, to hl~ in ~end p~d b~ ~AROLD PRICE, Tom Superintendent of Highways of tl~e Tom~ of Southold, the receipt whereof la here~ ac~wiedged, and in further eonslderation of the laying out of t~e two said new h~ghways at Southold, in the Town of Southold, S~ffolk County, New York, to be known as D~YTON ROAD and NO~TH ?ARI~ DRIVE. DO HERE~ DE.CATE, RELEASE AND CO~VE~ TO THE SAID TO~N OF SOUTHOLD, for highway purposes, the following lands, to wit: DA~T ON ROAD ALL that tract or parcel of lamd situate, lying and being at Ba~Aew, at Southold, in the Tom of Southold, County of S~ffOlk amd State of N%w York, bonded end described as ~ollews: BE~I~ING at a point marked by a concrete monument set at the northerly an~d of that course of the easterly llne of North Road te BaFvlew ~hich runs North ' 21 degrees 22 m~mutee 30 seconds East; from said point of beginning running in a westerly direction along the northerly line of said North Road to ~ayvlew, North 61 degrees 8~ m~nutes 80 seeomds West a distamce of ~.0 feet to a point marked by a manument; running themce in a northerly dlrectinn North ~ degrees O~ minutes 10 seconds East a distance of ~.I1 feat to ~oint marked h~ a monument; running thence Nort~x 14 degrees 05 m~m, tes 10 seconds East a distance of 111.~§ feet to a point marked by a monument set on the southerly line of North Parish Drive; running thence In an easterly dArection along the southerly line of North Parish Drive, ~outh ?$ degrees 8A m~nutes ~ seconds ~ast a dis- tamce of ~0.0 feet; running thence ~outh 14 degrees 05 m~nutes 10 seconds West l!a distance of 117.?? feet; running thence ~outh ~ degrees 02 mlnutes 10 seconds West a distance of ~18.23 feet to the point or plaae of beginning. NORTH PARI~ DRI~E ALL that tract or parcel of lend situate, lying and being at B~lew, at Southold, in the T~m~ of Southold, County of S~ffolk and State of New York, bounded and described am follows: BI, INNING at a point marked by s concrete monume~t set on the southerly line; of the premises herein described at the northwesterly corner of Day'con Road; running thence in e westerly direction, North 75 degrees 54'minutes ~0 seconds West a dlstamce of 73~.08 feet to a point marked by a m~nument; rung thence ~outh 75 degrees 34 m~mutes ~0 seconds West a dlstanca of 2~.1~ feet to a point marked by a monument set on the northeasterly line of North R~d to t~yView; u 4558 ru~u~ng thence along said northeasterly line oF the North Road to l~vvlew, North 14 degrees 25 m/nurse 20 seconds West a distance of 72.~1 feet to a point ~rked by a monument; running the~ce South 75 degrees 84 mtm~tes ~0 seconds East a dleteace of $45.50 feet; running thence South 14 degre®m 05 minutes lO seconds West a distance of 50.0 feet to the northeasterly corner of Dayton Road; rurml~g thence in a westerly direction elo~ the northerly line of Dayton Road, North 75 deErees 54 m4nutes 50 seconds west a distance of 50.0 feet tO the point or place of beginning. A}~D the maid F. HAROLD SA]~J{ ~oes hereby release said Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the la, hug out of the said two above Sserlbed highw~s. IN WITN$~S H/EREOF, the said F. HAROLD SAIrRE has execute~/ this Dedication and Release, this ~o~ day of O~tober, 1958. (L.S.) STATE OF NEW YO~K, ) )ss: COUNI"f OF /~FFOLK.) On the .~0 ~ day of O~tober, 19/B, before me personally came F. HAROLD SAYRE, to me k~ovau end known to me to be the lndlvlduai des- crlbed in end ~ho executed the fore~olng instrument, and he ~ul¥ ack- nowledged that he executed the seine. Not~ry Public. STATE OF NEW YORK, C0[FmTY OF SUFFOLk, T0~ OF SOUTHOLD. In the Matter of the Laying Out of two certain To~ ~{lghways in ~he To~ of Southold, Oounty of Saffolk and State of New York. UPON READING AND I~ILING the dedication and release of F. NAROLD SA~RE, dated O~tober ,~O , 1958, ~nd duly acknowledged, de/tleating and releasing the necessary lands for certain proposed town hlghws~s to be known as "DAYTOE ROAD" and NORTH PARISH DRIVE", be it RESOLVED, that consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold m~ke an order layisg out the aforesaid Town Nlghways to consist of the ls~ds described i~ the said dedication and release and to extend as delineated upon the map annexe~ to said application, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New ~ork. Dated, at the office of the Supervisor of the Town of Southold, at Greaaport, N.Y., ~ ~- 1958. TO~N BOARD OF THE TO~[ OF SOUTHO~D, O0UNTY (~ SUFFOL~, STATE OF ~E~yI~, Sa~gr~lser.  Town ~lerk. / ~ ~ . ) / Superintendent of Highwaye. sTATE OF NE%~' YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. In the Matter of the LayLug Out of two certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, county of S~ff~lk, and State of N~w York. ORAL APPLICATION having been duly made to me the To~A~ ~perintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, S~ffolk Coumty, N~w Y~rk, for the laying out of t~o certain To~u Higkways, in the said Town of Southold, by F..HAROLD ~YRE, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Tom, an~d the eritten consent of the TO~A~ BOard of said Town having been giver~ as prescribed by law, and a dedication and release from ~-m~ges having bea~ executed, ac~uowledged and delivered b~ the owner of the leads through which the proposed highways are proposed to be laid out, a copy of which is hereto annexe~, end mothing having bee~ paid to any claimant for ench damages, NOW. THEREFORE, I, the To~n S~perinte~dent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, DO HERE~ DETERMIN~ ~ND ~DER, that two new to~u highwnys ~hall be, end the same ~re ~ereby laid out in said Town ~s follows, e~d are to be known as ~DAYTON RG~D" and ~ORTH pAEI~ ~IVE, ~hich shall each be f~fty feet l~ widthS- DAYTON ROAD ~J~L that tract or parcel of land sitUate, ly~mg and being at Bayview, at $omthold, in the Town of Sou~hold, County of' S~ffolk amd State of Ne~ York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point marked by a concrete monument set at the northerly en~ of that course of the easterly line of North Road to BaMview ~ich runs North 21 degrees 2E minutes ~0 seconds East; from sa~d point of beginning running in a westerly direction along the northerly llne of said North Road to Bayview, North 61 degrees 8? ~z~nutes 80 seconds West a distance of ~0.0 feet to a ~lnt marked by a monument; running thence in a northerly direction North 2~ degrees O~ m~m,tes 10 seconds East s distance of ~IE.11 feet to a point ~rked by a monument; running thence North 14 degrees 05 m~nutes 10 seconds East a distance of 111.65 feet to a point mar~ed by a monument set cm the southerly line of North P~rish ~rivs; running thence in an easterly direction ~long the southerly line of ~[~th p~rlsh Drive, South ?5 de~rees B4 minutes fO seconds E~st a dis- tence of 50.0 feet; fussing thence South 14 degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 117.?? feet; running thence South $ degrees 02 minutes l0 second West a distance of 318.23 feet to the point or place of beginning. NORTH pARIS{ DRIYE ALL that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Bayview, at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINI~[G at s point marked by e concrete monument set on the southerly line of the premises herein described at the northwesterly corner of Dayton Road; running thence in a westerly direction, North 75 degrees 84 minutes ~0 seconds West a distance of ?~9.06 feet to a point s~zrked by a monument;running thence SouTh ?5 degrees 34 minutes 40 seconds West a ~lstancs of ~.1~ feet to a point marked by a monument set on the northeasterly line of NOrth Road to Beyview; runni~ thence along said northeasterly line of' the North Road to Bayview, NOrth 14 deg~rees ~5 minutes ~0 seconds Nest a distance of ?~.~1 feet to a point marked by a monument; running thence South 75 degrees 54 m~nutes ~0 seconds E~st a distance of 84~.~0 feet; running thence South 14 de~reee 05 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of ~0.0 feet to the northeasterly corner of Dayton Road; running thence in a westerly dir~ ection along the northerly line of Dayton Road, Nwth 75 degrees 84 minutes ~0 seconds ~eet a distence of 50.0 f~et to the point or place of beElnning. rated this 25 dey of ~aer, l~e. To~ Superlnte~dent of Highways To~ of Southold, S~ffolk County, New York In the Matte~ oi' the LaylnE Out of tee Southold, County o~ ~ ~d State o~ New Y~k, ~HB~EA8, epplicat~on has been d~ly made to the Toan Superintendent of Highmmye of the Teen ef Southold, ia t~e Country of ~uf~olk md State of New for the laying Ottt of t~o e~Jrts~n T~wn Hl~h~e to bm knoen nat Kerf, ~ItRRRFORH, the sedd F, II~ROLD I~YRB, ~ ~Mdom~lon off ~O mm of ON~ (~,~) ~, ~ him tn ~d paid ~ ~OLD ~lC~, Tom ~p~into~nt of HZ~I of ~o To~ of ~u~ld, ~e toe.pt ~o~of ~s hoPe~ a~ll~ed and ~ ~er ~d~utlon or ~e lay~ out or ~e t~ s~d new M~s at ~uthold, ~ the T~ of ~ut~ld, ~r~lk ~ty, Nee Y~k, to be k~ am _IItI[T~ Read ~nd DO HRRE~ DEliCaTE, RRLEAsB AND COI~BZ' TO ~E SlID TO~ OF ~UTItOLD, fox' highway purpmeew, tho following lands, to ~Ylt: ALL that t~m~t Or parcel of land s~tunte; lying ~d ~ at ~1~, at ~ld, ~ ~eTom ~ ~ld, ~ty ~ ~ ~dS~teof Mew ~d ~d d~l~d as ~o11~= of t~t ~me off ~e oasta~ly line of ~ ~d ~ ~iew ~1~ ~8 Sl do~ees ~S ~t~ ~. se~nds hat; ~m hid point of ~lnnt~ ~ a wuterl~ d~eott~ 81~ ~e nor~e~y line or s~d ~ a~d ~ ~tew, H~ 61 dqroeo ~ ~nuCos ~ s~ds ~st a ~st~o of ~.0 r~t ~ a point ~ed ~ a ~mt; ~n~ ~mee ~ a ~or~ ~re~lon ~ M ~eos or Ill. SO re~ ~ a point ~Aod ~ i ~u~t set ~ ~e ~th~l~ line of line of N~ Par~ ~ve, ~uth ~5 d~eu ~ ~tes ~ s~n~ ~st a dip tuco of ~.0 f~t; ~ ~ ~ 14 ~ OG ~Uto8 10 se~nds West a ~at~ce o~ llT,T~ fe~; ~m~ ~ee ~h ~ ~eem 02 ~tes 10 ee~d W~ a ~S~ee of ~8.~3 feet to ~e point or pla=e ~ bq~ ALL that t~aet Or parcel of lm~d sit~ate, lying and be~ng at ~iew, at ~ut~ld, In ~e ~ of ~uChold, ~ of ~f~lk ~d S~Ce of Mew ~o~, b~d~ ~d dm~i~d ~ ~IN~NG at m po~t ~kod ~ a ~norete ~t sot on ~e ~uth~ly line off tho pr~s~ h~eln derailed at the n~ewate~ly West a ~s~co of Y~,06 Feet to m point ~ked ~ 75 d~r~ ~ ~nutes ~ ~n~ West a dlst~ee of ~.~ f~t to a ~inC ~k~ ~ a m~m~t set on ~e no~theas~ly line of ~th Red ~ ~lew; AHD the sa~d ~ does he~et~ release 8aXd ?om or ~t~hold f~-ota al:], duma~e, b,/ ~'eason of ~ho :Iw~u~ o~t~ of' tho Said ~uo above dlaez, lbed coum'l' o1~ n.tFFOLK.) befm, e me personally e~o HAROLD 8J~YR~. to ne kn~m and k~x~in to IW to be the lnd~vlc~al des- ~r~bed In and u~o executed ~he fol'eSo~Lr~ lnstlammto and ho daly nowledsed 1Mt he exeeuted the some. NOT~Y PUBLIC STATE OF ~W YORK In the cot tale Tout ~uthOld, Omm~ of SuFfolk end State Now CONS]IHT OF TOI ~ R~SADINO AND FII, INO ~o d~mtlm ~d r~ ~ ~ tho ne~y l~s for ~t~n p~s~ ~m h~s to ~ kno~ 88 ~ RO~~ ~d ~ PARI~ ~ be ~t R~SOLVID, that oonsent bo ~ad the sene hereby la ~lv~ ~at ~o Tom ~r~t~dmt ~ HI~s ~ ~e Tom of S~t~ld ~e ~ ~r 1~ ~t de~mtlm nd r~ease ~d ~ ext~d aa del~t~ up~ ~e ~ ~x~ to auld appll~tX~, all ~ ae~ with ~o pr~Mons of ~=tlon 1~1 of ~e H~ Law off ~e S~te of N~w ~o~. 9ated, at the office of the Supe~wtoo~ off the t*om of Southold~ at Ol'eenport, O~ LtYIN~ ~rf .Ixaaw~Ys ORAL LPPLXCtTIGN havln~ boen dulY m~ to ~ ~e Tom ~rhten~t or H1~8 ~ ~e To~ ~ ~old, ~ ~ty, N~ Y~k, fop ~o 1~S out ~ tm efmln ~m H~s, ~ ~e s~d To~ oF ~u~old, ~ ~ ~. l~lble to be a~mmm~ to~ h~ t~l In s~d Tom~ ~ tho ~ttt~ eonmmt of ~e Tom ~d off ~d T~ ~vZ~ bom gXven am prom~Z~d ~ leu, ~d m do~t1~ ~d ~oleamo ~m ~em ~v~ bern ~tod, a~owlo~ ~d doltVo~d ~ ~o ome~ or the l~dm ~ ~ ~o pF~ ~l ~e p~os~ to be laid ~t, u ~y of ~t~ Is ~roto anMx~p ~d MtM~ ~ X, the Tom ~r~tudont of H~s or ~o T~ er ~ut~ld, ~o~ ~) New Y~, ~ ~ ~T~S ~D ~ ~t t~ now tom ~s ~all be, mdt~o m ~e~o~ luZd~t In s~dTomaa follM) ~d ~e ~ be ~om us t~ R~Du ud ~ p~RI~ ~B, ~ ~1 ~ ~ f~f~ foet In ~d~s- ALI, first t~aet or pentel of land sltuate, lYtn~ and ~ at ~lew, at ~1~ 1~ ~e T~ ~ ~old, ~n~ of ~fo~ ~d State of R~ Y~k~ bo~d~ ~d d~eelb~ as follY: ~INN~ at a po~t ~k~ W a ~n~to Mmm~t s~ at ~e n~ePly of ~t ~me ~ ~o masterly ~Zne ~ ~r~ R~d ~ ~Xow ~Z~ ~nm ~1 d~m ~1 ~tes ~ se~nda ~8t; ~m m~d point off b~ ~l~ a v~terl~ d~eet~ el~ ~he n~er~ l~e ~ ~d ~th hd ~ North 61 de~e~ ~ ~tes ~ 8e~nd8 West a ~aCm~'~of M.O feoC to O~ ~tes M ~da hat a ~s~ce or ffi2.11 ro~ ~ a point ~ed ~mmtl mmt~ ~oe N~ 14 d~ou O~ ~nutea 10 so~nds mst u of 111.~ f~t Co a po~t ~ked ~ a ~mmt sec ~ the s~herly line of Ner~ P~ ~1V$t ~ th~ in ~ e~t~ly ~eet~ ~1~ ~e ~therly ~ee ~ ~.0 feet; ~ ~m~ ~ 14 d~ 08 ~nute~ 10 me~= we~t a ~stmee ot ll~.T~ feet; ~n~ ~mee ~th ~ dqH~ Oi ~u~es 10 W~t u ~l~o ~ ~8.~3 f~t to the point ~ plaoe ~ ALL ~at t~et ~ ~ of l~d ~ato) ~ ~d ~ at ~lew~ ~ld, ~a ~ T~ of ~old, ~y ~ ~ffolk ~d S~te off How York; BSGZN~I~ et n point ~v~ed by a eone~ete ~nument set ~ ~ ~m~ '~e In · w~ly di~ec~on, N~ 76 de~a ~e ~uCh Y6 d~s 34 ~uCes 40 8e~8 ~st a ~to of ~.lJ feet'~o ~lew; ~M ~ce al~ ~id no~h~at~ly l~e of the N~ ~d ~o ~i~, N~ 14 d~rHl ~ ~tei ~ semn~ ~ a ~.~ce of ~2.~ feet se~nds ~lt t ~e of 8~.~ feet; ~ ~ ~uth 14 ~l 06 Dated ~h18 ~ of October, 19~8. Tom S~erlntendeat of Hl~hu~e ........ Tom of ~out~old~ Suff~olk Cmm~¥, New York STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ~JFFOLK, TO~ OF SOb~fHOLD. In the Mat~er of the L~lng Out of two certaln Town Highways in the Town of Southold, COunty of SUffolk, end State of New York. DEDICATION, REleASE, CONSENT and ORDER. Deted, O~tober , 1958. STATE OF NEW YORK, CO~TY OF SUFFOLK, TO?~ OF SOUTHOLD. In the Matter of tAe Leylng Out of S~te of New Y~k. DEDICATION, RELEASE, CONSENT and ORDER. Der ed, O~tober , 1988. NOV 28 I~M I0:31 ALE>( JAEGER CL.IERK OF ~U~, uLKCOUNTY F' DEDICATION i ' o I 7~ , i ' i 2 ] :F [ · f='A:) ,'~ / $ H