HomeMy WebLinkAboutCENTER STREETTOI~N OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF NEW YOPJ~ In the Natter of the Application of ~arjorie S. Wickham, for the laying out of a new highway in ~ttituck, in the To~n of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, to be known aS CENTER STREET. CONSENT ! We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of ithe Town of Southold, in the Oounty of Suffolk and State of New York, having duly met at a regular meeting of said To~vn Board, at 'the office of the Supervisor at Greenport in said Town, on the //~ day of , 1950, and h~vlno duly considered the applicatic lof. ~IARJORIE S. ~ICKWA~, dated the /~ day of -M~ , 1950 for ithe laying out of a new highway at l~attituck, in said Town, to be known aS Center Street, do hereby consent that such laying out be made in accordance with said petition.. ~~ervlso~ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNf~f OF SUFFOLK T0','8~I OF SOUTHOI~ In the MAtter of the laying out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. ORDER LAYING OUT HIGtT,¥AY WITH T!~ COLE~ENT OF THE TOV~ BOARD. Written application having been duly made to me the Town Super- 'intendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Ne~ iYork, for the laying out of one Town Highway in the said To~m of Southold, by ~,~r~orle S Wickham, liable to be assessed for highwaZ taxes in said Town, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town having been given aS presecribed by law, and a dedication and release from damages having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by the ov~ners of and other persons in the land through which the proposed highway is proposed to be laid out, a copy of which is hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any clatm-I ant for such damages, NOW, 'i~-iEREFORE, t, the To~*m Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, DO HEREBY DETEP~.~NE ARvD ORDER that the Town highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out to the extent of fifty (50) feet in width a~ ~ttituck, in said Town and shall be known and described aS follows: CENTER STREET: The northerly line of the proposed road to be known as Center Street is described aS follows: Beginning at a concrete monument on the easterly side of Marratooka Road, said monument being 609.8 feet measured S. l0° 19' E. from another concrete monument marking the intersection of the Easterly line of Marratooka Road and the southwesterly line of Bungalow Lane; from said monu- ment of beginning running N. 88o 5?' E.8~.$5 feet to a concrete monument on the westerly side of Bungalow Lane, the southerly line of said Center Street being parallel to and 50 feet southerly from the northerly line herein described. Dated, the / ~ ~ day of ~[~7~ , 1950. Town Superintendent of H~ghways', Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York ST~:i~ OF ~@]%[ YORK In the Matter of the A'opli- catlon of i./~rjorie S. Wickhar~ for the laying out of a new highway in Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Sufi'olk, and State of New York, to be knovm, as C~TER STREET. I~imkham & Smith Counselors at Law l~.iattituck, New York WICKHAM A, SMITH · .Tune t4, 1950 TOWN OF SOU~HOLD: : SS. STATE OF NEW YORK: ¥~ DO HEREBY CERTI~ff to the T(F~N OF SOUTHOLD, that based upon an examination of the records in the offices of the Clerk, Treasurer, and Surrogate of the County of Suffolk, in our opinion, a good and marketable title to the premises dedicated to the Town of Southold for use as a public highway to be known aS Center Street, at Mattituck, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, and more f~lly described in the dedi- cation by Marjorie S. Wickham dated the 19th of May, 1950, waS vested in Marjorie S. Wickham Me and clear of all liens and encumbrances and that the only adjoining owners were Lloyd Lindsay and Nonnilee Beebe. TOWN OF SOUTIiOLD, STATE OF NE~ YORK In the Matter of the Application : of MarJorie S. Wickham, for the laying : out of a new highway in Mattituck, in : the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, : and State of New York, to be known as : CENTER STREM, T. : : APPLICATION Mattituck, New York, follows: To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southol, in the County of Suffolk and State o f New York: The undersigned petitioner, MarJorie S. Wick_ham, residing at Mattituok, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to the Town Superintendent of Highways to lay out a new highway at in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of to be known aS Center Street and more fully described as CENTER STREET: The northerly line of the proposed road to be known aS Center Street is described as follows: Beginning at a concrete monument on the easterly side of Marratooka Road, said monument being 609.8 feet measured S. lO° 19' E. from another concrete monument marking the intersection of the Easterly llne of Marratooka Road and the southwesterly line of Bungalow Lane; from said monu- ment of beginning running N. 86o 57' E,8~igA~B feet to a concrete monument on the westerly side of Bungalow Lane, the southerly line of said Center Street being parallel to and 50 feet southerly from the northerly line herein described. A map of said proposed highway has been made by Otto W. Van 'lb~yl, Licensed Surveyor, Greenport, N. Y. entitled, "Map of Propos. Highway Through Land of MarJorie S. Wickham at lv~attituck, Town of Southold, N. Y." AnneXed hereto and made a part of this application are releas~ and dedications to the Town of Southold by the petitioner herein, Marjorie S. Wickham, and by Lloyd Lindsay and Nonnilee Beebe over and adjoining whose properties said highway is to run. ~ ~jorie S. Wickham STATE OF NEW YORK: : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS. MARJORIE S. WICKHA~f, being duly sworn, deposes and says that she is the petitioner herein; that she has read the foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to her own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to b~ alleged unpon information and belief and as to those matters she believes it to be true. SwornJbefore me this 19th/ day of ~y //, 19~ ~ WILLIAM WICKHAM NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW ¥OR~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF NEW YORK In the ~tatter of the Application of MarJorie S. Wickham, for the laying out of a new highway in Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, to be known as CENTER STREET. RELEASE I, i~L~RJORIE S. WICEHAM, being the owner of certain land in llattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, over which laud said proposed highway, known aS Center Street and described in the application in the above entitled matter, dated May 19th , 1950, will pass, Now, in consideration of One ($1o00) Dollar to me in hand pai~ by Harold D. Price, Superintendent of the Highways of said Southol~ Town, and in further consideration of the laying out of the new highway, known as Center Street, do hereby release and dedicate to the Town of Southold, all the land heretofore owned by me and through which said proposed highway will pass, and described as follows: The northerly line of the proposed road to be knovm as Center Street is described aS follows: Beginning at a concrete monument on the easterly side of Marratooka Road said monument being 609.8 feet measured S. l0° 19' E. from another concrete monument m~rking the intersection of the easterly line of Marratooka Road and the southwest- erly llne of Bungalow Lane; from said monument of begin- ning running N. 86° 57' E.819.,~§ feet to a concrete monu- ment on the westerly side of Bungalow Lane, the soatherly line of said Center Street being parallel to and 50 feet southerly from the northerly line herein described. A~d I do release the said Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the laying out of said highway,. ~arJorle- S. Wickham STATE OF NEW YORK: : SS. COUNTY OF SJFFOLK: On this 19th day of May , 1950, before me, the subscriber, personally app.eared MarJsrie S. Wickhsm to me personally known and known to me to be the same person descrifd in and who executed th, within Instrument, and she duly acknow]~6dged to me tha%' she execut ed the Ss~ne. ~/~ .~ ~~ WILLIAM WICKHAM NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK C~*m~.~ ~r~ Il=ch 30~ 1951 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF NEW YORK In the ~atter of the Application of Marjorie S. Wickham, for the laying out of a new highway in $iattituck, in :. the To~n of Southold, County of Suffolk : and State of New York, to be known aS : CENTER STREET. : : RELEASE We, Lloyd Lindsay and Nonnilee Beebo, being the owners of cer- tain lands in Mattituck, in the To~ of Southold, County of Suffol~ and State of New York, adjoining whose land said proposed highway known as Center Street and described in the application of the abo~ entitled matter dated May 19th , 1950, will pass, Now, in consideration of One ($1) Dollar to us in hand paid by Harold D. Price, Superintendent of the Highways of said Southold Town, and in further consideration of the laying out of the new highway, known aS Center Street, do hereby release and dedicate to the Town of Southold, all the land heretofore owned by us and ad- joining which said proposed highway will pass, and described aS follows: The northerly line of the proposed road to be known as Center Street is described as follows: Beginning at a concrete mon~n~nt on the easterly side of ~rratooka Road said monument being 609.8 feet measured S. l0° 19' E. from another concrete monument marking the intersection of the easterly line of Marratooka Road and the south- westerly line of Bungalow Lane; from said monument of beginning running N. 86° 57' E.819.$~ feet to a concrete monument on the westerly side of Bungalow Lane, the southerly line of said Center Street being parallel to ~nd 50 feet southerly from the northerly line herein described. And we do release the said Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the laying out of saidhighway. ~ ~~~ ~~ * Nonnilee Beebo STATE OF NEW YORK: : SS. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On this 19th day of May scriber, , 1950, before me, the sub personally appeared i~LOYO ZJdqo~Y and i~0i~ILEE BEEBE, to personally known and known to be to be the seine persons described in and who executed the within Instru~ and they severally they execute the s e. acknowledged to me that WILUAM WICKHAM NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF Nm YORK In the ~attex' o-f the :ation of Liarjorie S. ¥~ict~bam for ~he laying out of a new highway in L[attituok, in the Tov~ of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New ~ork, to be known as CENTER STREET. APPLICATION AlfD REI,EASES Counselors at Law ~,.mtozt~c~, New York WICKHAM R,. SMITH June 8, 1950 Mr. Ralph P. Booth, Southold New York Dear Ralph: Town Clerk Re: Center Street, Mattituck, N.Y. I enclose herewith the following instrum~nts in connec- tion with the dedication of certain premises to the Town of Southold for highway purposes to be known as Center Street: 1. Petition of MarJorie Wickham dated and verified May 19, 1950. 2. Release executed by MarJorie Wickham dated and acknowledged May 19, 1950. 3. Release to the T~ of Southold executed by Lloyd Lindsay and Nonnilee Beebe. 4. Proposed consent of Town Board 5. Proposed order for the laying out of a highway with the consent of the Town Board. 6. Certificate of Title Opinion. 7. Map of proposed highway to be known aS Center Street of land of MarJorie Wickham, computed and mapped June 5, 19~0 from survey made by D. R. Young, by Otto W. Van Tuyl. A copy of these instruments with the exception of the map are being forwarded to R. G. Terry, Jr., Esq., Town Counsel. cc to R. G. Terry, Jr., Esq. truly yours,