HomeMy WebLinkAboutCENTER ISLAND AVENUESTATE OF NE~ YOBK ) COONTY 0]~ ) SS, In the matter of Laying Out of certain Town Highways in : the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York : APPLICATION To the TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW ~ORK: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for High- way Taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out two (2) interconnecting Highways on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known as CENTER ISL&ND ~.VENU~. (~aln Hi~hwav~ which is an improved and hard-surfaced road, the other being a newly constructed road and which is to be known as the PENINSULA ROAD, said Highways being described as follows: Parcel 1 Center Island Avenue CMain Mizhwav) BEGINNING at a stone bound set on the northerly side of Oriental Avenue, said stone bound being loca- ted 534.11 feet north of a point which is 626.24 feet east of a monument marking the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Triangulation Station "Pros"; and running from said beginning point, along the southerly bound- ary of a 1.14 acre parcel of land conveyed by Fishers Island Estates, Inc. to John Leone, South 74 degrees 57 minutes east 282.4 feet to a point; thence along other land of Fishers Island Estates, Inc., the fol- lowing five courses and distances: (1) South ~4 de- grees 57 minutes east 230 feet to a point; (2) thence South 86 degrees O1 minute east 90.94 feet to a point; (3) thence North 79 degrees 42 minutes e~st 107 feet to a point; (4) thence North 65 degrees 37 minutes east £21.12 feet to a point on the easterly side of the proposed road leading to Peninsula Point, said point being located 505.12 feet north of a point which is 1518.45 feet east of s~id Triangulation Station "Pros"; and (5) thence South 34 degrees 23 minutes east 50 feet to a point in the northerly line of lands of the United States Government; thence along the northerly line of the lands of the United States Gov- ernment, the following four courses and distances: (1) South 65 degrees 37 minutes west 227.3 feet to a point; (2) thence South 79 degrees 42 minutes west 119.45 feet to a point; (3) thence North 86 degrees O1 minute west 102.05 feet to a point; and (4) thence North 74 degrees 59 minutes 37 seconds west 477.1 feet to a stone bound which is at the easterly end of the highway known as Oriental Avenue; thence running along the easterly boundary of Oriental Avenue, North 23 degrees 30 minutes west 64.4 feet to the point of beginning~ Parcel · S BEGinnING at a point on the northerly boundary of Parcel i hereinabove described, which point is 484.02 feet north of a point which is 1471.$9 feet east of said Triangulation Station "Pros"; and from said beginning point, running North 1£ degrees 54 min- utes west 245.12 feet to a point; thence running North 6 degrees ll minutes east 353.6 feet to the easterly corner of land conveyed by Fishers Island Estates, Inc. to Lawrence S. Baldwin and Bertha W. Baldwin by deed dated January 19, 1945; thence running North 00 degrees 04 minutes east 334 feet to a point, which point is 1447.49 feet north of a point which is 14~?.ll feet east of said Triangulation Station "Pros"; thence running North 42 degrees 55 minutes west 272.3 feet to a point, which point is 16~6.91 feet north of a point which is 1261.69 feet east of said Triangula- tion Station "Pros"; thence running in an easterly direction at right angles to the last course, 50 feet to a point; thence running generally southerly on lines which are 50 feet easterly of the first four courses hereof as measured at right angles to said first four courses hereof and which are parallel to said first four courses hereof and on lines in contin- uation of said lines, to the terminus of the fifth course of Parcel i hereinabove described, said point being 505.12 feet north of a point which is 1518.45 feet east of said Triangulation Station "Pros~; thence running part way along the fifth course of said Par- cel i reversed, on a course South 65 degrees 37 min- utes west to the point of beginning. Hereto annexed and made a part thereof is a certai~ map showing the courses of the said proposed Highways. The proposed highways will run entirely through the lands of the undersigned. Dated this ~ day of July, 1949. FIS~EHS ISlaND ESTATES, INC. President Assistant Secretary STATE OF NE%~ YO~ COUNTY OF SUFFOI~i) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ) In the matter of Laying : Out of certain Town Highways in : the Town of Southold, County of : Suffolk snd State of New York : CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD · UPON hE~DIN6 AND ~iLISG Tile Applicstion of FISHERS ISLAND ESTATES, INC., by its President snd Assistant Secretsry, dated July , 1949, and Dedic8tion and Release of said FISHERS ISLAND ESTATES, INC., dated July , 1949, and duly acknowledged, dedicating and releasing a perpetual essement for highway purposes in the necessary lands for the hereinbefore pvoposed Town Highways to be known as CENTER ISLAND ~V~UE [~ain Highway) and PENINSULA RO~D - RESOLVED That consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways and the Town of Southold, make an order laying out the aforesaid Town Highways to consist of the lands described in the Applica- tion, Dedication and Release and to extend as delineated upon the.map annexed to said application, all in accordance with the provisions of Section ltl of the Highway Law of the State of New York. Dated at the Office of the Supervisor of the Town of Southold, at Greenport, New York~. ~O, 1949. TOWN BOAAD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY 0F SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YOPd Supervisor Justices of the Peace STATE OF NEW YOF~l~ COUNTY OF SU~'FOLK) ss. TOWN OF SOJT~0LD ) In the matter of Laying : Out of cert~in Town Highways in : the Town of Southold, County of : Suffolk and State of New York : OBDEH bAYING OUT ~IGHWAYS WITH THE CONSENT OF THE TOWN BOARD Written application having been duly made to me, the Town Superintendent of Highways, for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the Laying out of two (2) Town Highways, in the said Town of Southold, by FIS~3~S ISLAND ESTATES, INC., by its President and Assistant Secretary, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town having been given as prescribed by law, and s Dedication and Release from damages having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by the owner of the lands through which the two (2) proposed highways are proposed to be laid out, a copy of which is hereto-annexed, and nothing having been paid by any claimant for such damages, NOW, T~0RE~ I, the Town Superintendent of High- ways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, DO HEREBY DETE~INE A~D ~RDE~ that Two (2) Town Highways shall be, and the same are hereby laid out in said Town as follows; land are to be known as l, CENTE~ ISLAND AVENUE (main Highway), 2 PENINSULA HOAD, respectively, each of which shall be fifty (50) feet in width: Parcel 1 Center Island Avenue (Natn Ni~way) BEuINNING at a stone bound set on the north- erly side of Oriental Avenue, said stone bound being located 534.11 feet north of a point which is 626.24 feet east of a monument marking the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Triangulation Station "Pros"; and running from said beginning point, along the southerly bound- ary of a 1.14 acre parcel of land conveyed by Fishers Island Estates, Inc. to John Leone, South 74 degrees 57 minutes east £82.4 feet to a point; thence along other land of Fishers Is%and Estates, Inc., the fol- lowing five courses and aistances: (1) South 74 de- grees 57 minutes east 230 feet to a point; (2) thence South 86 degrees 01 minute east 90.94 feet to a point; (3) thence North 79 degrees 42 minutes east 107 feet to a point; (4) thence North 65 degrees 37 minutes east 221.12 feet to a point on the easterly side of the proposed road leading to Peninsula Point, said point being located 505.1£ feet north of a point which is 1518.45 feet east of said Triangulation Station "Pros,'; and (5) thence South 34 degrees 23 minutes east 50 feet to a point in the northerly line of lands of the United States Government; thence along the northerly line of the lands of the United States Sov- ernment, the following four courses and distances: (1) South 65 degrees 37 minutes west 227.3 feet to a point; (2) thence South 79 degrees 42 minutes west 119.~5 feet to a point; (3) thence North 86 degrees 01 minute west 102.05 feet to a point; and (4) thence North 74 degrees 59 minutes 37 seconds west &77.1 feet to a stone bound which is at the easterly end of the highway kno%~ as Oriental Avenue; thence rurming along the easterly boundary of Oriental Avenue, North £3 degrees 30 minutes west 64.4 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel 2 BEuINNING at a point on the northerly boundary of Parcel 1 hereinabove described, which point is 484.02 feet north of a point which is 1471.$9 feet east of said Triangulation Station "Pros"; and from said beginning point, running North 12 degrees 54 min- utes west 285.12 feet to a point; thence running North 6 degrees ll minutes east 353.6 feet to the easterly corner of land conveyed by Fishers Island Estates, Inc. to Lawrence S. Baldwin and Bertha W. Baldwin by deed dated January 19, 1945; thence running North O0 degrees ~$ minutes east 334 feet to a point, which point is 1A47.49 feet north of a point which is 1447.11 feet east of said Triangulation Station "Pros"; thence running North 42 degrees 55 minutes west 272.3 feet to a point, which point is 16~6.91 feet north of a point which is 1261.$9 feet east of said Triangula- tion Station "Pros"; thence running in an ~asterly direction at right angles to the last course, 50 feet to a point; thence running generally southerly on lines which are 50 feet easterly of the first four course~ hereof as measured at right angles to said first four cours~hereof and which are parallel to said first four courses hereof and on lines in contin- uation of said lines, to the terminus of the fifth course of Parcel i hereinabove described, said point being 505.12 feet north of a point which is 1518.45 feet east of said Triangulation Station "Pros"; thence running p~rt way along the fifth course of said Par- cel 1 reversed, on a course South 65 degrees 37 min- utes west to the point of beginning. Dated, this~day offS,' · TOWF S~ERINTENDENT O~ HIGHWAYS, To~.~ of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. In the matter of Laying Out certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New ~ork. ArFLICATIoN CONSE~IT OF TOWN BOARD and ORDER SAGE GRAY TODD 4. SiMS COUNSELLORS AT LAW THIS INDENTUHE, made the ~ day of July, 1949, be- tween FISHEHS ISLAND ESTATES, INC., a New York corporation, having its principal office at No. ll East 47th Street, Borough of ~anhattan, City of New York, pa~ty of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, party of the second part, W I TNE8 SE TH: That the party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (31.00) in hand paid by the party of the second part to the party of the first part, the re- ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the further con- sideration of the laying out of the highways on Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, to be known as CENTEH ISLAND AVENUE (main highway) and PENINSULA ROAD, does hereby dedicate, release and convey to the party of the second part a perpetual easement, for high- way purposes only, in and to the following lands: ALL those two certain parcels of land situate at Fishers Island in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: Parcel 1 Center Island Avenue (~ain Highway) BEGINNING at a stone bound set on the northerly side of Oriental Avenue, said stone bound being loca- ted 534.11 feet north of a point which is 626.24 feet east of a monument marking the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Triangulation Station "Pros"; and running from said beginning point, along the southerly bound- ary of a 1.14 acre parcel of land conveyed by Fishers Island Estates, Inc. to John Leone, South 74 degrees 57 minutes east 282.4 feet to a point; thence along other land of Fishers Island Estates, Inc., the fol- lowing five courses and distances: (1) South 74 de- grees 57 minutes east 230 feet to a point; (2) thence South 86 degrees O1 minute east 90.94 feet to a point; (3) thence North 79 degrees 42 minutes east 107 feet to a point; (4) thence North 65 degrees 37 minutes east 221.12 feet to a point on the%easterly side of the proposed road leading to Peninsula Point, said point being located 505.12 feet north of a point which is 1518.45 feet east of said Triangulation Station "Pros',; and (5) thence South 34 degrees 23 minutes east 50 feet to a point in the northerly line of lands of the United States Government; thence along the northerly line of the lands of the United States Gov- ernment, the following four courses and distances: (1) South 65 degrees 37 minutes west 227.3 feet to a point; (2) thence South 79 degrees 42 minutes west 119.45 feet to a point; (3) thence North 86 degrees O1 minute west 102.05 feet to a point; and (4) thence North 74 degrees 59 minutes 37 seconds west 477.1 feet to a stone bound which is at the easterly end of the highway known as Oriental Avenue; thence running along the easterly boundary of Oriental Avenue, North 23 degrees 30 minutes west 64-4 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel 2 BEGINNING at a point on the northerly boundary of Parcel i hereinabove described, which point is 484.02 feet north of a point which is 1471.89 feet east of said Triangulation Station "Pros"; and from said beginning point, running North 12 degrees 54 minutes west 285.12 feet to a point; thence running North 6 degrees ll minutes east 353.6 feet to the easterly corner of land conveyed by Fishers Island Estates, Inc. to Lawrence S. Baldwin and Bertha W. Baldwin by deed dated January 19, 1945; thence running North O0 degrees 08 minutes east 334 feet to a point, which point is 1447.49 feet north of a point which is 1447.11 feet east of said Triangulation Station "Pros"; thence running North 42 degrees 55 minutes west 272.3 feet to a point, which point is 1646.91 feet north of a point which is 1261.69 feet east of said Triangula- tion Station "Pros"; thence running in an easterly direction at right angles to the last course, 50 feet to a point; thence running generally southerly on lines which are 50 feet easterly of the first four courses hereof as measured at right angles to said first four courses hereof and which are parallel to said first four courses hereof and on lines in con- tinuation of said lines, to the terminus of the fifth course of Parcel i hereinabove described, said point being 505.12 feet north of a point which is 1518.45 feet east of said Triangulation Station "Pros"; thence running part way along the fifth course of said Parcel i reversed, on a course South 65 de- grees 37 minutes west to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING, t~O~VER, to the party of the first part, for itself, its successors and assigns, ease- ments and rights for the erection thereon, maintenance and operation of poles, cross-arms, wires, cables and other equipment and facilities for the transmission of electricity ~ for light, heat, telephone snd other purposes, for the con- struction, operation and maintenance of sewer lines and sewerage and drainage facilities and of pipe lines and - 2- 149 conduits and other facilities under the surface of said lands for all lawful purposes whatsoever, and easements and rights of way for all utility purposes of any and every nature whatsoever. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement hereby conveyed unto the party of the second part, its suc- cessors and assigns, so long as the same shall be used for highway purposes and exclusively for such purposes and no longer. SUBJECT, HOWEVFd{, to all easements and rights, in and to and over and under said lands, heretofore conveyed by Fishers Island Corporation to The Fishers Islsnd Electric Corporation by deed dated December 30, 1939 and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office on November 23, 1940 in Liber 2135 of Deeds, page 449, and to The Fishers Island Telephone Corporation by deed dated December 30, 1939 and recorded in said Clerk's Office on November 23, 1940 in Liber 2135 of Deeds, page 433. The party of the first part her%by releases the party of the second part from all damages and claims for dsmages by reason of the laying out of said highway aforesaid IN WITNESS WHEitEOF, the party of the first part has duly executed these written. presents the day and year first above ATTEST: Assistant~18eereSary FISHEES ISLAND ESTATES, INC., President. -3- STATE OF NEW YORK, ) COUNTY 0F ~. ) On the ~day of July, 1949, before me came ERAHD A. ~TTHIESSEN, to me known, who, being by me duly. sworn~ did depose and say, that he resides at River Bank Road (no number), Stamford, Connecticut; that he is the President of FIShY. RS ISLAND ESTATES, INC., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. 1LADFORD C. SHANKLIN Not~y Pubic in the Sta~ ~ New R~ding in ~ffo~ Su~lk Co~ty No. Term Exp~ M~ ~ 19~ RECORO p~ FORD H[JGH O~,~K OF suFFO~.K 00"11~ 4 FISHERS ISLAND ESTATES, INC, - to - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEED 0F DEDICATION and RELEASE The land affected by the within instrument lies at Fishers~ Island, Town of Southold on the Land Map of the County of Suffol~ STATS OF MEW YORK ) COUMTY OF SUFFOLE ) TOWM OF SODTHOLD ) 'In the ~atter of the Laying Out of certaLa High~ys on Finhers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Su~olk and State of Eew York. W~.~/EAS, Application ~ been duly made to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, ~n the County off ~i'folk and State of l/ew York, for the laying out of two (~) certain Highaays ~nown to be CEMT~ ISLA,~D AV~UE (Main Road) and PENINSULA ROAD, respectively, end ~S, Fishers Island l~states, Inc.,with offlces at ~11 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y.; Lawrence -~. Baldain and Bertha Baldwin, h~s wife; Wlllard L. Mayn~d ~d P~ay ~n~, ~s wife; ~rt~ ~. Olsen ~d ~or~e ~s~, her humid; Jo~ Leone T~a Leone, ~s wife; ~n L. ~d, J~.; F~s Isled F~as, Inc., of Fishers Isled, To~ of ~uthold, Co~ty of ~folk ~d State of Mew York, ~d A~lph ~d 4~/} ~ ~lgr~, ~s ~ife, of ~5 - 41st Strut, B~okl~, N,Y., are the owners of respective portiobs of lend and respective rights of way over the premises to be dedicated an hereinbefore provided either es grantees or mortgagees and are all the persons having any interest in said rights of way end said proposed h2ghways; WO~, T~aF~BE, We, the ~aidersigned, in cc~mideration of the sum of ONE ($1.00) Dolls~ to each of ua in hand paid, by ffarold D. Price, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of SOuthold, the recelpt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further con- slderatlon of the Laying Out of the staid Highways on Fishers Island, Town of Scuthold, County of ~uffolk, New York, to be known as C~TER IS&AND AVB~UE (Ma2n Highway) and pEMIMSUhA ROAD, do hereby dedicate, release end convey to the said Town of Southold, for Elghwey Purposes, the following lands, to w~t:- A~.t those two certain parcels of land situate at Fishers Island, in the Town of $onthold, ~fTolk County, ~w York, ~ounded end described sa follows:- ~A~CF~ L. ~EMTER I-~T.AMD A¥~U~ (M~TM HigHWAY) BEGIMMIM~ at a atone bound set on the northerly side of 0riantal Avenue, said stone bound being located 534.11 feat north of a pointwhich is 6~6.PA feet east of a monument mark~lng tile U.S. Coast and C-eodetic Tl'la~l~ulation '~tatlou "Prosm; and running fl~om said beginning point, along the southerly bowery of a 1.14 acre parcel of lend conveyed by Fishers Island Berates, Inc. to ~ohn Leone, ~uth T4 deg~weee 57 minutes east ~8~.4 feet to a point; thence along other land of Fishers Island Estates, Inc. the following flys courses and distances.' (1) /touth 74 de- Ereee 57 minutes east ~0 feet to a point; (2) thence South 86 degrees O1 minute east 90.94 feet to a point; (~) thence North 79 de~rees 4~ m~nutes east 107 feet to a point; (4) thence North 68 de~reee 37 minutes east P~l.12 feet to a point on the aastel*ly side ofl the proposed road leading to ~en&usula Point, said point bainS located ~06o12 ~et ~h ~ a ~nt ~ch ls 1~S.45 fleet east of s~d ~l~att~ S~atlon "~s"; ~d (5) t~nce ~h ~ de~s ~3 a~tea east ~ feet to a po~t In t~ hOrSefly line of 1~ off t~ ~l~d ~hen~ along t~ n~therly line of t~ l~ds of t~ ~lt~ States ~e~ent, t~ following fo~ co--es ~d ~st~ces: (1) Sou~ ~ degrees ~ ~u~s ~es~ ~.3 f~t to a poln~; (2) ~ ~h ~9 de~es 4~ m~n~ea ~st'llg.4~ fee~ to a point; (3) t~ce ~rth 86 ~ O1 ~nute ~at 1~5 feet to a point; ~d (4) t~nce ~h ~4 ~g~es 59 ~u~ea a~onda ~s~ 4~?.1 ~et to a ~o~ b~d whl~ ~sterly e~ off t~ h~gh~ ~o~ ~ O~lent~ Argue; t~nce ~ ~o~ t~ e~terly bo~d~y ~ff Orlent~ A~nue, 2~ deg~es ~ ~X~tes ~st ~.4 ~t to the po~ PAR~L 2. P~ ~S~r~,A aOAD ~OI~IMG at a point o~ the northerly boundar~ ofl Parcel 1 herainabove described, ~lch point ia 484~2 ~eet north a point ~lch is 1471.S9 feet east of said ~¥2an~ulation Statl~ #PI~8#; and f~om said begin~&ug point, ~n~S ~th 1~ de.es ~ ~nu~s ~st 285.12 ~et to a polnt; ~ ~rth 6 de.es 11 ~nutes e~t ~3.6 feet to the o~tevly comer of l~d c~vey~ by Fishers I81a~ ~c. ~ ~en~ S. B~dw~ ~d ~ ~. ~ldw~, by d~d dasd ~ 1~, 1945; thence r~i~ ~h O0 de~s 08 a~ e~t ~ ~et to a ~lnt, w~h ~lnt ia 1~?.4~ no~h off a point w~ch la 1~?.11 ~et e~t of said ~atlon ~tatl~ "~se; t~n~ ~g Morth 42 de~s mtnut~ ~st 272.3 feet to a ~t, ~lch point Is ~et n~th of a po~ which la 1261~ ~et ~st of s~d ~atl~ Statl~ ~ose; ~hmce r~tng In ~ easterly d~etlon at rl~t ~es to t~ last ~, ~ ~e~ to a point; t~nce ~g gmerally southerly on l~es w~ch ~ ~et e~terly of ~e Fl~t f~ c~aea ~of as me~u~d at right ~glea to said First ff~ eel.s ~of ~d ~lch ~e pa~llel to said f~t f~r ¢~es ~r~F ~d on l~es ~ ~ntln~tt~ of smd l~es, to tM tetanus of t~ f~h . co.se off P~cel 1 h~elnab~e d~bed, s~d point ~5~et ~h of a po~t e~ch Is 1518.45 feet e~t sald ~l~E~att~ Statl~ "~osn; t~n~ ~ng ~rt al~ t~ fish c~se of said P~cel I ~raed, ~ a co~ ~th 65 de.es ~7 ~nu~s ~st to the point of and we do hereby severally release said ?o~A~ off all d~aagee by reason o~' the Laying Out ofl the said above described h~hways. Lawrence S. ~aldetn orge Ol~bn - P,-A DFORD C. Noteay SHANKLIN Public in the State of New Yor)~ Residing in Suffolk Country Suffolk County No. 1841 Term Expires Maxch 30, 19.50 P~AD~ORD C. S~A!~;I~Lii~ Notary Public in the State of New ~i~ng in SU~olk Q~ty S~olk Co~ty No. 1841 T~m Exp~ ~ ~ 19~ 881- /'~DFOR D S}IANK. LIN Notary Public in thC~ State of New York Residing ia Suffolk Coanty Suffolk Cotmty No. 1841 Term Expires March 80, 19~50 before uo pe~mal~ e,,.e STATE OF NE~ YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the 2$rd day of August, 1949, before me personally came WARR~2. L. ~AYNAHD, J?t. to me known and known to be the individual described in and ~ho exedute~ the foregoing instrument, and he duly ac!cnowledged to me that he executed the same STATE OF NE~V~YO~ ) COUNTY OF ~ on t /3 I~DFORD C. S'~:ANICLiN b/otary Public hi the State oF New York Residing in Suffolk County SUffolk County No. 1841 day of August, 1949, before me personally came ADOLPH AHIGHEN ~,i ~ AHLGEEN to me known a~d ~m to be the~.~v~duala described in and who executed the foregoing .ins~r~meat, and' they ~uly acknowledged te me that they executed the aame STATE OF l~I}~ ) On the ~O ~ day of August}$~I949, before me personally came LOUIS ROTAR AND DOROTHY HOTAR to me known and known to be the individuals decribed in and who executed the t~e foregoing instrument, and they duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same STATE OF ~,~' YORK State o[ N~ York } ss.: Cou~$y o] King$ I, FRANCIS J. SINNOTT, Clerk of the County of Kings. and also Clerk of the Supreme Court for the said County,_~ ~a seal, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, That w~-o~--~t~s-~)~a-~i~'~th-~ deposition, certift~-f--~-~i~W]~'~Tn'~h-t--oT--~]>7-f~--tThe annexed instrument, was at the time of taking the ~lme a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of New York, duly commissioned and sworr~nd qualified to act as such throughout the ~ut~a~oaft~e,w ~y~r _k, ;.. that. pursuant.to law a .comm.~sion, or a certificate of Ns appointment and .............. , anu ms autograph s~gnatare, nave been filed in my office; that as such Notary Public he was duly authorized by the laws of the State of New York to administer oaths and affirmations, to receive and certify the acknowledgment or proof of deeds, mortgages, powers of attorney and other written instruments for lands, tenements and hereditaments to be read in evidence or recorded in this State, to protest notes and to take and certify affidavits and deposi- tions; and that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of such Notary Pub c, or have com- pared the signature on the annexed instrument with his autograph signature deposited in my otlqce~ and believe that the signature is genuine. iN WITNESS WHEREOF,.J~,e/hereunto set ~ hand.~nd affixed th~ seal of ~, said Court and County this ---'x ~ day of · ~4 .......... ~'"~ ~, o ex~ented · tate tllaine t ' I' GeOrge P. Could, Clerk of the County of Penobscot (and abc Clerk of the Supreme Ju~ehl that ........ ..Lff~......~...L~..,....~.I.~ ............................... :....whose name is suh~,ihed to the attached certificate of acknowte~_gnae~.~.or_ nt~d~_t,~ls pt the time of t~ldng ~.id acknowledgment, proof or affi.~..vlt, .a ........~...,.4 ...... ~...~.~...t....: .......................... duly commi~oned .and. ,r~mdlng, m ~ .,county, aud was,,,i[s such an office~ .o~ said state duly authorized by the lam thereof m. ~ax.e anu cerm.y ~ne..~me, as welt as to .take .~1 certify the proof and aeknowledl~aent of deeds ,md omer instruments m writing to he recorded m said state, and that full faith and credit ~re and ought to be given to his official acts: and I further ce~y that I am well ~usinted with his haudwri~ m~e ~we o~ ~ .a~.ne~luo' no~ ,r~u~.. ,m.&t a spe.?tmen, ~mpremon or Noteri~ ~eals be filed or delx~ted in my omcc~ or reoor(l~4 I1 ~1~ or (lopoglt4t(1111 auy other plcco. .: COU~I'Y OP SlJPPOLK ) TO~N OF sOUTHOLD ) In the ~tter of the Laying Out of cert~tn Highways on Fishers Island, In the Town of SOuthold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. D~ICATION and RELEASE, RADFORD C, ~HANKLIN FISHERS ISLAND, N, Y. September 15, 1949 Mr. R. G. Terry, Jr., Southold, N. Y. Dear Mr. Terry: After a long, long time I have finally gotten the Dedication and Release for the Peninsula Road signed, ~r~ which is inclosed herewith. I hope you will find this all right and that it closes the matter so far aS the Town Board is concerned, and that we may be able to spend scme of our highway fnn~s on this pro~e%~o Please let me if the matter is closed, and oblige. 1 inclosure. Yours very truly, Radford C. Shanklin