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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCEDARFIELDS JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 10. 1991: WHEREAS, Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken has made application to the Town Board of the Town of Southold to dedicate certain roads in Greenport, New York, to be known as WASHINGTON AVENUE, BENNET ROAD and CEDARFIELDS DRIVE and "OPEN AREA", shown on subdivision map entitled "Map of Cedarfields", filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 27, 1990 as Map No. 8966; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Superintendent of Highways has inspected the said highways and has advised the Town Board that said proposed highways comply in all respects with the specifications for the dedication of highways in the Town of Southold; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that in accordance with Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, consent be and make an order laying out said application as shown further RESOLVED that the Town forthwith cause the dedication, Clerk of the County of Suffolk, the same is given to the Superintendent of Highways to the aforesaid highways, to consist of lands described in on certain maps attached to said application; and be it Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to release and deed to be recorded in the office of the New York. Judith T. Terry b' Southold Town Clerk December 11, 1991 John T. Me~zger, L.$. PECONIC SURVEYORS, P.C. P.O. Box 909 54655 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 516-765-5020 FAX 516-765~1797 Southold Town Clerk Main Road / P.O. Box Southold, NY 11971 Attn: Judith Terry 1179 Dear Ms. Terry. Attached please final captioned subdivision. Please contact me information. Thank you. December 13, 1991 DEC, ! .5 1991 Re: Final As-Built Survey Cedarfields as-built survey of the above if you require any additional Sincerely, JTM/tas BOARD OF ASSESSORS TOXVN OF SOLITHOLD Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1937 TO: Supervisor Scott L. Harris & Members of the Southold Town Board FROM: Robert I. Scott, Jr. DATE: December 9, 1991 RE: Cedarfields As per your request I have calculated the amount of assessment on the improvements Subdivision located in Greenport. know. in the Cedarfield Assessed Value on Imp. 136,270 Total Road Area 2591 feet If you have any further questions please let me Robert-~l-~--.Scot%,/~r. - ~ Chairman ~ TO~I OF SOUTHOLD: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of DIANE CARROLL and DONALD BRACKEN Highways in Southold, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York to be known as: WASHINGTON AVENUE, BENNET ROAD and CEDARFIELDS DRIVE and ~OPEN AREA' ORDER LAYING OUT THE HIGHWAYS WITH THE CONSENT OF THE TOWN BOARD WRITTEN application having been duly made to me, the Town superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of Town Highways in the said Town of Southold by Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and a dedication and release from damage having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by the owners of the land through which the proposed highways are proposed to be laid out, and a copy of which is annexed hereto and nothing having been paid to any claim for such damages; NOW THEREFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, DO HEREBY DETERMINE AND ORDER that the Town highways be and the same are hereby laid out at Southold, in the Town of Southold as follows: 1. The highways known as WASHINGTON AVENUE, BEN-NET ROAD, CEDARFIELDS DRIVE and 'OPEN AREA',as shown and designated on certain maps entitled "Map of Cedarfields", situate at Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, surveyed by Peconic Surveyors, PC and filed in the Office of the County of Suffolk on June 27, 1990 as map No. Dated: 8966. 10th day of December , 1991 Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of DIANE CARROLL and DONALD BRACKEN Highways in Southold, Town of Southold DEDICATION AND Suffolk County, New York to be known as: RELEASE WASHINGTON AVENUE, BENNET ROAD and CEDARFIELDS DRIVE and "OPEN AREA" WE, DIANE CARROLL and DONALD BRACKEN, being the owners of certain land in Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and included within which land are proposed highways known as WASHINGTON AVENUE, BEN-NET ROAD, CEDARFIELDS DRIVE and "OPEN AREA", described in the above entitled matter dated December 6, 1991; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of One ($i.00) Dollar to us in hand paid by Raymond L. Jacobs; Superintendent of Highways of Said Town of Southold, and in further consideration of laying out of the new highways known as WASHINGTON AVENUE, BENNET ROAD, CEDARFIELDS DRIVE and "OPEN AREA" do hereby release and dedicate to the Town of Southold all the land heretofore owned by us within said proposed highway as follows: 1. The highways are known as WASHINGTON AVENUE, BENNET ROAD, CEDARFIELDS DRIVE and "OPEN AREA", as shown and designated on certain Cedarflelds , situate at Southold, town of maps entitled "Map of ' Southold, Suffolk County, New York, filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 27, 1990 as Map No. 8966. And we do release the said Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the layout out of said highways. STATE OF NEW YORK) . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK)s.s. On the 6th day of December, 1991, before me personally came Diane Carroll, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that she executed // the same. r Pu ' ~ Nora y~~ STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK)s's: On the 6th day of December, 1991, Quclllfted In S~olk Co~nfy ? before me personally came Donald Bracken, executed the foregoing the same. to me known to be the individual described in and who instrument and acknowledged that he executed -2- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of DIANE CARROLL and DONALD BRACKEN Highways in Southold, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York to be known as: WASHINGTON AVENUE, BENNET ROAD and CEDA~FIELDS DRIVE and "OPEN AREA" CONSENT WE, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, having duly met at a regular meeting of the said Town Board on the 10th day of December , 1991 and having duly considered the application of Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken, dated the 6th day of December, 1991, for the laying out of new highways at Southold, Town of southold, to be known as WASHINGTON AVENUE, BENNET ROAD, CEDARFIELDS DRIVE and 'OPEN AREA", do hereby consent that such laying out be made Sco~ Harris Town Councilman Ellen M. Latson in accordance with said petitioner. Judith T. Terry Town Justice Raymond W. Edwards TR%~D°.U ~iiv~am a n Town Councilman Thomas H. Wickham TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Hatter of the Application of DIANE CARROLL and DONALD BRACKEN Highways in Southold, Torn of Southold APPLICATION Suffolk County, New York to be knovn as: WASHINGTON AVENUE, BENNET ROAD and CEDARFIELDS DRIVE and "OPEN AREA" ......................................... X To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York; The undersigned petitioners, DIANE CARROLL and DONALD BRACKEN, as owners of WASHINGTON AVENUE, BEN-NET ROAD and CEDARFIELDS DRIVE and "OPEN AREA", having their principal place of business at 100-30 South Jersey Avenue, Setauket, N.Y., liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby to apply to the Town superintendent of Highways to lay out new highways at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York as follows: 1. The highways known as WASHINGTON AVENUE, BENNET ROAD, CEDARFIELDS DRIVE and "OPEN AREA", as shown and designated on certain maps entitled "Map of Cedarfields", Southold, Suffolk County, New York, of the County of Suffolk on June 27, situate at Southold, Town of filed in the Office of the Clerk 1990 as Map No. 8966. Maps of said proposed highways have been made by Peconic Surveyors, P.C., Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, and are annexed release herein, hereto and made a part of the application, together with a and application to the Town of Southold by the petitioners over whose property said highways are to run. Diane Carroll D~~aldBracken STATE OF NEW YORK)s.s: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the 6th day of December, 1991, before me personally came Diane Carroll, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that the same. she executed STATE OF NEW YORK) . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK)s.s. On the 6th day of December, 1991, before me personally came Donald Bracken, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same. ~ ~. OLIVER -2- WEB*2 TH~INDF.,NTUR~madethe~ ~yof November ,nineteenhundred ~d Ninety-One BETNVEEN DIANE CARROLL and DONALD BRACKEN, having their principal place of business at: 100-30 $. Jersey Avenue Setauket, N.Y. party of the first part, and The To~rn of Southold party of the second pa~t, ~i-i-N~rH~ that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon orected, situate, lying and being in the See Attachment "A" and TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party ~ehe fi~t-pa-rt~.v0ill receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- '~rat?6n as a'ti'fi~ i'und to be applied first for 'the purpose of paying the 5,0st of the improvement and will apply .vthe's~me first to the .payment of the cost of the .improveme. nJ ,b. ef~?)'e~ti~fil~ ~py part of the total of the Same for any, other purpose. < ,~ ~. ~..,~ ~ The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN wrrNE, S$ WH,re. REOF~ the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN pR.~,~ENClg OF: {~'.~'~ O~ NEW YORK, COUNTY O~ -~UffO]]~ ss: On the ~]/~ day of Nov. 19 91 b~fore me person~ly came ' Diane Carroll to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same. JOHN P. OLIVER Public, ,grot® of New Yo~k No. 49543O7 Quol~ed in Cx~,I k County STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is sue', corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the b~rd of direCtors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Suffolk On the~'(~ day of NOV 1991 , before me personally came Donald Bracken to me known to be the individual described in and who el~Utedextehc%tfe~ret~ir~n~:trument, %~ that ar~y~ Public ~o Qutglf~d In ,~,ffolk County mm~ion F.~o~r~-Aug~ 7, t99~ STATE OE NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the day of 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he knows ; to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. WlIH COVENANT AGAINST GRANIOR'S AC~S TITLE NO. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OK TOWN TO Distributed by First American Title Insurance Compan!l o£ New York Recorded At Request of First American Title Insurance Company of New York RETURN BY MAIL TO: Zip No. Jo~pn ;, Ingegno. LS John [. Me~zgef. LS. Howard W. Young. LS. PECONIC SURVEYORS, P.C. P.O. Box 909 54655 Main Road Southold. N.Y. 11971 516-765-5020 Suggested Description for open space: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New YorK, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection formed by the northerly line of lands now or formerly of The Village of Greenport and the easterly line ot Moore's Lane, said monument and point and place of beginning being a distance of 1523.22 feet southerly as measured along the easterly line of Moore's Lane from the intersection formed by the easterly line of Moore's Lane with the southerly line of Middle Road (C.R. 48); RUNNING THENCE from said monument arid point and plac~ ct begir~ning along thc easterly lin~ oT Ploore's L~ne in a northerly direction North 17 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds N~st a distance of 223.7& feet to a point and the Peginning of a curve to the right; THENCE along said curve to the ~ight having a radius of 40.00 feet a distance of 64.2~ to a point; THENCE North ?& degrees 45 minutes O0 seconds East a distance of 491.85 feet to a point and the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE along said curve to the left having a radius of feet a distance of B4.6~ fee~ to a point on the curve; THENCE South 31 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 276.10 feet to a Point and lands now or formerly of tine Village of Gr~enport. THENCE along the lands now or formerly of The Village oT Greenport South 58 degrees 14 minutes CO seconds Nest a distamc~ of 17.98 feet to a monument; THENCE still along l~nds now or formerly ~f the Village of Greenport South ?& d~grees 45 minutes GO seconds Nest a distance of 669.70 rc~t to a inonument and th~ point and place of BEGINNING. THENCE South 75 degrees distance of 227.00 feet curve to the left. 51 minutes 25, seconds West a to a point and the beginning of a WHENCE along said curve to the left having a radius of 40.00 feet a distance of 65.92 feet to a point; THENCE South i6 degrees O1 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 626.95 to a point and the beginning of a Curve to the right; THENCE along said curve to the right having a radius of 352.17 feet a distance of 51.g5 feet to a point and the beginning Cf a curve to the left; THENCE along said curve to the. left having a radius feet a distance of 69.11 feet to a point; THENCE North 75 degrees 58 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 252.55 feet to a point; THENCE South 16 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 50.00 feet to a point; THENCE South 75 degrees 58 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 279.12 feet to a point and the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE along said curve to the left having a radius ct 40.00 feet a distance of 41.59 feet to ~ point and the beoinning of a curve to the right; THENCE along said curve to the right having a radius of 551.17 feet a distance of 255.&7 feet to a point; THENCE South 58 degrees 15 minutes O0 seconds West a distance of 112.98 feet to a point and the beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE along said curve to the right having a radius of 759.69 feet a distance of 215.01 feet to a point: THENCE South 74 degrees 45'minutes OO seconds West a distance of 491.85 feet to a point and the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE along said curve to the left having a radius of 40.00 feet a distanc~ ct 64.25 te~t to a point and the easterly THENCE along the easuerly line of degrees 15 minute 00 seconds W~st th~ point and pl~c~ of BEGINNING. Moore's t~ne Nort~ 17 a distance of 91.45 feet to Peconic Abstract, Inc. Agent for First American Title Insurance Company of New York P O. Box 1267--405 Ostrander Avenue--Riverhead, New York 11901 (516) 369 0222 Telecopier No.: (516) 369-4020 November 5, 1991 John P. Oliver, Esqo 348 Main Street Setauket, NY 11733 RE: Dedication of all roads on Map of Cedarfields Dear Mr. Oliver: In regard to the above matter, please be advised of the following: "Peconic Abstract, Inc., agent for First American Title Insurance Company of New York, hereby certifies to the Town of Southold, that First American Title Insurance Company of New York is holding monies in escrow to cover the mechanic's liens mentioned in the above captioned Street Dedication." Kindly make JA:dc this lette~×~p'~a~t of your file. f/ ,tY tr rs, --- f~ne Anstett ~ffice Mana&er DEDICATION SEARCH PECONIC ABSTRACT, INC. hereby certifies to the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk that it has examined title to the premises described in Schedule A herein for the dedication of ali roads on the Map of Cedarfields filed 6/27/90, Map Number 8966 and find title vested in: Lot 1 OWNER: Nancy M. Mazzaferro By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 1/16/91, recorded 2/4/91 in Liber 11213 page 528. MORTGAGE: Nancy M. Mazzaferro to Hartford Funding Ltd. Amount $60,000.00 Dated 1/16/91 Recorded 2/4/91 Liber 16568 mp 327 ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE: Hartford Funding Ltd. to State of New York Mortgage Agency Liber 16602 mp 563 Dated 1/16/91 Recorded 2/25/91 LOT 2 OWNER: Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken By a deed from John Costello dated 1/29/90, recorded 2/13/90 in Liber 11016 cp 215. MORTGAGE: Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken to North Fork Bank & Trust Co. Amount $2,707,000.00 Dated 1/29/90 Recorded 6/19/90 Liber 16078 mp 376 LOT 3 OWNER: Scott Mulvaney and Diane Mulvaney, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 6/28/91, recorded 7/24/91 in Liber 11304 cp 338 MORTGAGE: Scott Mulvaney and Diane Mulvaney, his wife to Hartford Funding Ltd. Amount $89,250.00 Dated 6/28/91 Recorded 7/24/91 Liber 16896 mp 324 ASSIGNMENT: Hartford Funding Ltd. to Countrywide Funding Corporation Liber 17033 mp 28 Dated 6/28/91 Recorded 9/19/91 continued Pa§e 2 LOT 4 OWNER: Dominick A. DeMarco and Frances DeMarco, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken, dated 1/17/91, recorded 2/6/91 in Liber 11215 cp 203. MORTGAGE: Dominick A. DeMarco and Frances DeMarco, his wife to Hartford Funding Ltd. Amount $67,400.00 Dated 1/17/91 Recorded 2/6/91 Liber 16573 mp 111 LOT 5 OWNER: George Sakellarides By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 7/26/91, recorded 8/14/91 in Liber 11315 cp 576. MORTGAGE: George Sakellarides to Arcs Mortgage, Inc. Amount $50,000.00 Dated 7/26/91 Recorded 8/14/91 Liber 16944 mp 196 ASSIGNMENT; Arcs Mortgage, Inc. to State of New York Mortgage Agency Liber 16944 mp 210 Dated 7/26/91 Recorded 8/14/91 LOT 6 OWNER: Warren C. Bondarchuk and Karen A. Bondarchuk, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken, dated 1/14/91, recorded 1/28/91 in Liber 11210 cp 333. MORTGAGE: Warren C. Bondarchuk and Karen A. Bondarchuk, his wife to Arcs Mortgage Inc. Amount $90,600.00 Dated 1/14/91 Recorded 1/28/91 Liber 16556 mp 120 ASSIGNMENT: Arcs Mortgage Inc. to State of New York Mortgage Agency Liber 16556 mp 117 Dated 1/14/91 Recorded 1/28/91 Page 3 LOT 7 OWNER: Gregory W. Van Kesteren and Colleen Van Kesteren, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 1/16/91, recorded 2/4/91 in Liber 11213 cp 539. MORTGAGE: Gregory W. Van Kesteren Colleen Van Kesteren, his wife to Hartford Funding Ltd. Amount $89,000.00 Dated 1/16/91 Recorded 2/4/91 Liber 16568 mp 348 ASSIGNMENT: Hartford Funding Ltd. to State of New York Mortgage Agency Liber 16602 mp 559 Dated 1/16/91 Recorded 2/25/91 LOT 8 OWNER: Donna A. Foster By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 1/16/91, recorded 2/20/91 in Liber 11220 cp 513. MORTGAGE: Donna A. Foster to Hartford Funding Ltd. Amount $85,400.00 Dated 1/16/91 Recorded 2/20/91 ASSIGNMENT: Hartford Funding Ltd. to State of New York Mortgage Agency Liber 16602 mp 557 Dated 1/16/91 Recorded 2/25/91 LOT 9 OWNER: Virginia M. Gilmore By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 1/17/91, recorded 2/6/91 in Liber 11215 cp 210. MORTGAGE: Virginia M. Gilmore to Hartford Funding Ltd. Amount $85,430.00 Dated 1/17/91 Recorded 2/6/91 Liber 16573 mp 118 Page 4 LOT 9 continued ASSIGNMENT: Hartford Funding Ltd. to State of New York Mortgage Agency Liber 16602 mp 561 Dated 1/17/91 Recorded 2/25/91 LOT 10 OWNER: John F. Costello By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 2/15/91, recorded 3/4/91 in Liber 11226 cp 422. MORTGAGE: John F. Costello to Southold Savings Bank Amount $71,500.00 Dated 2/15/91 Recorded 3/14/91 Liber 16615 mp 546 LOT 11 OWNER: Patrick Hanly and Elizabeth Hanly, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 2/5/91, recorded 2/5/91 in Liber 11214 cp 290. MORTGAGE: Patrick Hanly and Elizabeth Hanly, his wife to Arcs Mortgage Inc. Amount $89,200.00 Dated 2/5/91 Recorded 2/5/91 Liber 16571 mp 1 ASSIGNMENT: Arcs Mortgage Inc. Liber 16571 mp to Dated 2/5/91 State of New York Mortgage Recorded 2/5/91 Agency 15 LOT 12 OWNER: John D. Grilli and Jennifer A. Grilli, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 1/23/91, recorded 2/6/91 in Liber 11215 cp 187. continued Page 5 Lot 12 continued MORTGAGE: John D. Grilli and Jennifer A. Grilli, his to Hartford Funding Ltd. wife Amount $85,400.00 Dated 1/23/91 Recorded 2/6/91 Liber 16573 mp 87 ASSIGNMENT: Hartford Funding Ltd. to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Liber 16684 mp 581 Dated 1/23/91 Recorded 4/11/91 LOT 13 OWNER: Terrence R. Nitsch and Rhonda Nitsch, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 2/20/91, recorded 3/6/91 in Liber 11228 cp 6. MORTGAGE: Terrence R. Nitsch and Rhonda Nitsch, his wife to Arcs Mortgage, Inc. Amount $104,000.00 Dated 2/20/91 Recorded 3/6/91 Liber 16620 mp 369 ASSIGNMENT: Arcs Mortgage, Inc. to State of New York Mortgage Agency Liber 16620 mp 383 Dated 2/20/91 Recorded 3/6/91 LOT 14 OWNER: Daniel Patrick Commins and Maria Rosa Commins, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 6/27/91, recorded 7/10/91 in Liber 11296 cp 482. MORTGAGE: Daniel Patrick Commins and Maria Rosa Commins, his wife to Southold Savings Bank Amount $80,000.00 Dated 6/27/91 Recorded 7/10/91 Liber 16865 mp 266 continued Page 6 LOT 15 OWNER: Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken By a deed from John Costello dated Liber 11016 cy 215. MORTGAGE: Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken to North Fork Bank & Trust Co. 1/29/90, LOT 16 recorded 2/13/90 in Amount $2,707,000.00 Dated 1/29/90 Recorded 6/19/90 Liber 16078 my 376 OWNER: John M. Hess and Diane Hess, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll recorded 3/4/91 in Liber 11226 MORTGAGE: John M. Hess and Diane Hess, his wife to Hartford Funding Ltd. ASSIGNMENT Hartford Funding Ltd. to Barclays American Mortgage Corp. LOT 17 and Donald Bracken dated 2/15/91, cp 413. Amount $97,150.00 Dated 2/15/91 Recorded 3/4/91 Liber 16615 my 541 Liber 16691 mp 467 Dated 2/15/91 Recorded 4/16/91 OWNER: Donald J. DeJesus and Peneloye A. Payne, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 2/12/91 recorded 3/18/91 in Liber 11233 cp 245. MORTGAGE: Donald J. DeJesus and Peneloye A. Payne, his wife to Norstar Mortgage Company a division of Fleet Real Estate Funding Corp. Amount $83,000.00 Dated 2/19/91 Recorded 3/18/91 Liber 16639 my 58 continued Pase 7 LOT 18 OWNER: James C. Klein and Loretta By a deed from Diane Carroll and recorded 2/20/91 in Liber 11220 MORTGAGE: James C. Klein and Loretta Klein, his wife to Hartford Funding Ltd. ASSIGNMENT: Hartford Fundin8 Ltd. to State of New York Mortgage Agency LOT 19 OWNER: Anthony J. Fiorvante and By a deed from Diane Carroll and recorded 2/20/91 in Liber 11220 MORTGAGE: Anthony J. Fiorvante and Karen Fiorvante, his wife to William Sampson LOT 20 OWNER: Brian P. Bracken and Bonnie Bfa deed from Diane Carroll and recorded 2/6/91 in Liber 11215 cp MORTGAGE: Brian P. Bracken and Bonnie E. Bracken, his wife to Hartford Fundin~ Ltd. LOT 21 OWNER: Mari Erberber Klein, his wife Donald Bracken 5O6. Amount $85,000.00 Dated 1/30/91 Recorded 2/20/91 Liber 16594 my 268 Liber 16616 my 99 Dated 1/30/91 Recorded 3/4/91 dated 1/30/91 Karen Fiorvante, his wife Donald Bracken dated 1/30/91 504. Amount $90,000.00 Dated 1/30/91 Recorded 2/20/91 Liber 16594 mp 262 E. Bracken, his wife Donald Bracken dated 1/23/91 194. Amount $76,500.00 Dated 1/23/91 Recorded 2/6/91 Liber 16573 my 94 By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated recorded 10/21/91 in Liber 11356 cp 61. continued 10/17/91, Page 8 Lot 21 continued MORTGAGE: Mari Erberber to Arcs Mortgage Inc. Amount $77,000.00 Dated 10/17/91 Recorded 10/21/91 Liber 17113 m~ 145 ASSIGNMENT Arcs Mortgage Inc. Liber 17113 mp 159 to Dated 10/17/91 State of New York Mortsa~e Recorded 10/21/91 A~ency LOT 22 OWNER: Jason C. Leonard and Laura A. Leonard, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 6/19/91, recorded 7/3/91 in Liber 11293 cp 262. MORTGAGE: Jason C. Leonard and Amount $85,400.00 Laura A. Leonard, his wife Dated 6/19/91 to Recorded 7/3/91 Hartford Fuading Ltd. Liber 16853 mp 1 LOT 23 OWNER: Nell J. MacDonald By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 8/13/91, recorded 9/4/91 in Liber 11326 cp 541. MORTGAGE: Neil J. MacDonald to Dale Mortgage Bankers Corp. Amount $90,900.00 Dated 8/13/91 Recorded 9/4/91 Liber 16990 mp 396 ASSIGNMENT Dale Mortgage Bankers Corp. to State of New York Mortgage A~ency Liber 16990 m~ 411 Dated 8/13/91 Recorded 9/4/91 continued Page 9 LOT 24 OWNER: Philip T. Charters and Marl C. Charters, his wife Bfa deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 8/9/91, recorded 9/4/91 in Liber 11326 cp 587. MORTGAGE: Philip T. Charters and Amount $113,300.00 Mary C. Charters, his wife Dated 8/9/91 to Recorded 9/4/91 Arcs Mortsase Inc. Liber 16990 mp 279 ASSIGNMENT: Arca Mortgase Inc. Liber 16990 mp to Dated 8/9/91 State of New York Mortsa~e Recorded 9/4/91 Agency 294 LOT 25 OWNER: Patrick Love By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 6/10/91, recorded 0/26/91 ia Liber 11288 cp 350. MORTGAGE: Patrick Love to Hartford Fundins Ltd. Amount $92,150.00 Dated 6/10/91 Recorded 6/26/91 Liber 16834 mp 21 ASSIGNMENT Hartford Funding Ltd. to Simmons First National Pine Bluff Bank of Liber 17005 mp 535 Dated 6/10/91 Recorded 9/10/91 LOT 26 OWNER: Patrick R. Walden a~td Robin L. Walden, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 5/21/91, recorded 6/12/91 in Liber 11277 c~ 292. MORTGAGE: Patrick R. Walde~ and Amount $86,100.00 Robin L. Walden, his wife Dated 5/21/91 to Recorded 6/12/91 Arc~ Mortsa~e Inc. Liber 16801 mf 557 Page 10 Lot 26 continued ASSIGNMENT Arcs Mortgage Inc. Liber 16801 mp 569 to Dated 5/21/91 State of New York Mort~ase Recorded 6/12/91 A~ency LOT 27 OWNER: Catherine Ann Napier Bfa deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 6/19/91 recorded 7/3/91 in Liber 11293 cp 271. MORTGAGE: Catherine Ann Napier to Hartford Fandin~ Ltd. Amount $30,000.00 Dated 6/19/91 Recorded 7/3/91 Liber 16853 mp 8 ASSIGNMENT Hartford Fandins Ltd. to State of New York Mort5ase Asency Liber 17011 mp 224 Dated 6/19/91 Recorded 9/11/91 LOT 28 OWNER: Jeffrey S. Bi,ss and Donna M. Bises, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 7/29/91 recorded 8/14/91 in Liber 11315 cp 560. MORTGAGE: Jeffrey S. Bisss and Amount $96,300.00 Donna M. Bisss, his wife Dated 7/29/91 to Recorded 8/14/91 Hartford Fundins Ltd. Liber 16944 mp 169 LOT 29 OWNER: Do,ma Marie Ri.i By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 6/26/91 recorded 7/24/91 in Liber 11304 c~ 320. MORTGAGE: Doana Marie Rini to Marine Midla~d Mort~aae continued Amount $92,000.00 Dated 6/26/91 Recorded 7/24/91 Liber 16896 ~=~ 293 Page 11 Lot 29 continued ASSIGNMENT Marine Midland Mort~ase Corr. to State of New York Mortsase Agency Liber 16896 m~ 307 Dated 6/26/91 Recorded 7/24/91 LOT 30 OWNER: Lee W. Rodenburs and Carol Roxanne Malinauskas as joint teuants with right of survivorship Bf a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 5/17/91 recorded 6/5/91 in Liber 11272 cf 579. MORTGAGE: Lee W. Rodenburs ~nd Carol Amount $89,100.00 Roxanne Malinauskas, aB joi~t Dated 5/17/91 teaants with risht of s~rvivor~hif Recorded 6/5/91 to liber 16784 ~ 352 H~rtford Fuudins Ltd. LOT 31 OWNER: Ned W. Harroul~ and Marl Anne Harroul~, his wife By a deed frol~l Diaue Carroll a~d Donald Bracke~l dated 5/22/91 recorded 0/12/~1 in liDer 11277 cf 285. MORTGAGE: Ned W. Harroul~ aud Amount $100,800.00 Mary aime Harroun, his wife Dated 5/22/91 to Recorded 6/12/91 Hartfor2 Fundin~ Ltd. Libor 16801 mf 532 ASSIGNMEmT Hartford Fundiuo Ltd. to State of New York Mortsaoe A~ency Liber 16896 m~ 495 Dated 5/22/91 Recorded 7/24/91 LOT 32 OWNER: Ionel Sforea and Valeria Sfor~a, his wife By a deed fro~ Diaue Carroll and Do~lald Bracken aated 6/12/91 recorded 7/3/91 iii Liber li293 c~ 293. Page 12 Lot 32 continued MORTGAGE: Ionel Sporea and Valeria Sporea, his wife to Home Federal Savings Bank Amount $60,000.00 Dated 6/12/91 Recorded 7/3/91 Liber 16853 mp 63 LOT 33 OWNER: Shawn Keating and Rosemarie Keating, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 7/2/91 recorded 7/24/91 in Liber 11304 cp 387. MORTGAGE: Shawn Keating and Rosemarie Keating, to Arcs Mortgage, Inc. his wife Amount $83,000.00 Dated 7/2/91 Recorded 7/24/91 Liber 16896 mp 446 ASSIGNMENT: Arcs Mortgage, Inc. to State of New York Mortgage Agency Liber 16896 mp 461 Dated 7/2/91 Recorded 7/24/91 LOT 34 OWNER: Douglas C. Schlaefer and Maryan Schlaefer, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 7/19/91 recorded 8/7/91 in Liber 11311 cp 477. MORTGAGE: Douglas C. Schlaefer and Maryan Schlaefer, his wife to The Bridgehampton National Bank Amount $60,000.00 Dated 7/19/91 Recorded 8/7/91 Liber 16927 mp 52 ASSIGNMENT: The Bridgehampton National Bank to Shawmut Mortgage Company Liber 16927 mp 59 Dated 7/19/91 Recorded 8/7/91 LOT 35 OWNER: Eileen Starke By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 6/28/91, recorded 7/24/91 in Liber 11304 cp 329. continued Page 13 Lot 35 continued MORTGAGE: Eileen Starke to Hartford Funding Ltd. Amount $112,700.00 Dated 6/28/91 Recorded 7/24/91 Liber 16896 mp 319 ASSIGNMENT: Hartford Funding Ltd. to Countryside Funding Corporation Liber 17033 mp 22 Dated 6/28/91 Recorded 9/19/91 LOT 36 OWNER: Neal D. Catapano and Carol S. Catapano, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated recorded 7/24/91 in Liber 11304 cp 378. MORTGAGE: Neal D. Catapano and Carol S. Catapano, his wife to Southold Savings Bank Amount $77,600.00 Dated 7/2/91 Recorded 7/24/91 Liber 16896 mp 434 LOT 37 OWNER: Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken By a deed from John Costello dated 1/29/90 recorded Liber 11016 cp 215. MORTGAGE: Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken to North Fork Bank & Trust Co. Amount $2,707,000.00 Dated 1/29/90 Recorded 6/19/90 Liber 16078 mp 376 LOT 38 OWNER: Robert M. Bracken and Laura Bracken, his wife By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated recorded 7/3/91 in Liber 11293 cp 278. MORTGAGE: Robert M. Bracken and Laura Bracken, his wife to Dime Savings Bank of New York Amount $71,900.00 Dated 6/21/91 Recorded 7/3/91 Liber 16853 mp 23 continued 7/2/91 2/13/90 in 6/21/91 Page LOT 39 OWNER: Victor Farinha By a deed from Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken dated 6/24/91, recorded 7/10/91 in Liber 11296 cp 467. MORTGAGE: Victor Farinha to Hartford Funding Ltd. Amount $88,900.00 Dated 6/24/91 Recorded 7/10/91 Liber 16865 mp 220 Open space OWNER: Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken By a deed from John Costello dated 1/29/90, recorded 2/13/90 in Liber 10116 cp 215. MECHANIC'S LIENS: Number 53749 Filed 4/22/91 Lienor: Seabreeze vs Diane Carroll and Amount $1,117.10 Carpentry Contracting Inc. Donald Bracken Number 53769 Amount Filed 4/30/91 Lienor: Henry Connick dba A & H Drainage vs Diane Carroll and Donald Bracken $23,628.00 Nothing further has been found of record. This search is made for information only, none of which is to be insured. The liability of this Company is limited to $1,000.O0 for any reason. ~ANNE ANSTETT ~FICE MANAGER DATED: OCTOBER 23, 1991 RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK PECONIC ABSTRACT, INC. hereby certifies to the Town of Southold County of Suffolk and it has searched the records of the Suffolk County Treasurer's Office for the period 1970/71 throush and including 1990/91 and have found taxes to be paid in full. /_~ ~ANNE ANSTETT [~FFICE MANAGER DATED: OCTOBER 23, 1991 RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK PI:CONIC SURVEYORS, P,C, P,O. Box 909 54655 Main Roacl $Outhold, N.¥. 1 t9'71 .516-765.~020 Town of Southol~, County of Suffolk line of RUNNING THENCE from said monumen~ an~ point and ~lace of distance o~ 6~.23 to a moire; THENCE Notch 7~ d~grees 45 minutes OO seconds Eas~ a distance of ~91.~5 fee~ to a poin~ eno ~he beg£nnin~ of a ourve to the left; THENCE South ~l degrees ~5 mir of 276.10 feec ~o a poin~ an~- Village of Greenport. THENCE along the lands now of BEGINNiNg. the Village of ~he Point and place PECONIC SURVEYORS, P,C, P.O. Box 909 54655 MaiA ROQ¢I SOuthoICl, N,Y. 11971 516-765,5020 M~lzoer, L.& to.,,vata W, ¥o~nO. LS, RUNNZNG THENCE &long s~f~ curve 626.93 fce~ Co ~ point and ~h~ ~innino of ~ curve Co cn~ pighC; of 50.00 fee~ to e poing; of 27~.12 feet to a Point and the beginning of m curve to the THENCE along said curve ~o the left having m reaius of ~0.00 THENCE along said curve to the right having a raolus of Moope's ~ane North 17 PECONIC SURVEYORS, P.C. P,O. Box 909 54~55 Main Roaa Southola. N,Y. 11971 516-705-5020 line of l~nd~ now om ~opm~rly o~ The of Co ~ moint mn~ l~nd~ now o~ formerly of John 535.02 fe~ feet a al~noe o~ 198.62 of ~2.98 Ye~t; Middle Roa~ (C.R. FI¢~ Field" filed ~n t~ offio~ of ~he Suffolk County Clerk o~ ~,?O go a nlon~mo~ ~n~ ~lge poir'~ ~n~ ~iaoe o1' ~EGZNNZNG. N KEY MAP Sca/e: 1" ~ 600' ROAD MIDDLE N. 69' 00' ( C.R. 48 ) N. ?1' £8' 20' E. 31.E.65 (ACT.) C E N IC E S E M E N T .m BENNFT BENNET RD: MIDDLE FINAL AS BUlL T PLAN OF SUBDIVISION OF CEDARFIELDS A T GREENPOR T TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ooo - 40- ,o, 5 - Scale: I = 60 Dec. 12, 1991 ROAD ( C.R 48 ) 8. ,.~ WASHII 496.,719' R" 669.69' CEDARFIELDS ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~' t7= 739.69' 491.85' L = 8~Io66' '~ N. ?§' "~5° 00' E. .~ ° OPEN SPACE - PARKLAND 5 C G TON AVE. ?1~''~0 (pCT.) SHEET I OF 2 PECONIC (516) 765 - '5020-- .... P.O. BOX 909 MAIN ROAD $OUTHOLD, N Y~ 11971 NO. 49618 87-293 PROFILE,. Scale, ... Vert. I"-- 10' Horiz. I'~ 50' CEDARFIELDS DRIVE FINAL PROFILES SUBDIVISION OF CEDARFIELDS A T GREENPOR T TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Dec.. 12, 1991 PROFILE, WASHINGTON A'VE EXT. Scsi, e: Vert. 1"=10' Horiz. 1"- 50' MOUNTABLE CURB DETAIL TYPICAL LEACHING SYSTEM NO SCALE TYPICAL ROAD SECTION NO $C~ /o'-o ' TYPICAL SECTION LEACHING BASIN · NO ~[CALE TYPICAL SECTION CATCH BASIN & LEACHING BASIN NO SCALE. SHEET 2 OF 2