HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOTTAGE PLACE FISHERS ISLANDOTTO W. VAN TUYL & £ON GREENPORT, NEW YORK August 4, 1961 ' ~: ' BY"USE" DESCRIPTIONS. FISHE~RS ISLAND HIGH AYS ALPINE AVENUE: The easterly or northeasterly line be§ins at the southerly end of that course of the easterly line of Oriental Avenue which runs S.38°46tE. and runs thence five courses, as follows: 1) S. 62o53'50~E. 263.80 feet; thence 2) N.71o22'30"~. 145.61 geet; thence ~henc~ (3) S.36°01'00[m. 147.54 feet; (4)S.35°15'00"~. 107.23 feet; thence (5) S.~6°03~15"E. 195.34 feet. And the above proposed highway is at all points 40 feet in width. The southeasterly end of said highv~ay runs from the southerly end of the last above described course S.29°58'W. ~1.23 feet. BOARDINGHOUSE ROAD: The southerly line begins at the southerly end of that course~ of the easterly line of Crescent Avenue which runs S.15°1~20',W. and runs thence N~89o14,10,E. 225.13 feet to the south- westerly line of the hereinafter described ~/ ~unnatawket A~/ Road· And the above described highwa~ at,all points 40 feet in width. COTT~GE PLACE: The southerly li~e begins at a point on that course of the southeasterly line of Fox Avenue which runs N~46°21tE., 177.12 feet along said course from its south¢~esterly end, and runs thence two courses, as follo.~s. (1) S.82o12'OO,'E. 363.18 feet; thence(2) S.56o25~00"E. 163.07 feet to the southerly line of the hereinafter described Saooho Road~ And the above described highway is at all points 50 feet in width. OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT. NEW YORK - 2 Fishers Island Higbs~.~ays by Hse EQUESTRIAN AVE~UE: The westerlM line begins at the mortherly line of West Street and runs thence two courses~ as follows: (1) N.7°37~OOI,E. 210.!0 feet; thence [2)N.!°iO,iO,,W. 236.6?feet to the southerly line of the hereinafter described Fox Avemue; thence across the easterly end of said Fox Avenue,N.4°24T~O,~. ~/~/~/~ 50.41 feet; thence N.4o24,30,E. ~_ ~J~ fee~ to the southwesterly end of the~~? line of the hereinafter described ~ansioa Homse Drive . .~nd the a~ove described highway is at all poimts 50 feet in width. FOX AVENUE: The southerly or left side line of Fox Avenue begins at the above described ~oint on the westerly line of Equestrian Avenue and runs thence 23 courses, as follows: (!) S.89°07,30"~. 229.11 feet; thence (2)N.84°53~40~W. 159.80 feet to the easterly line of Bell Hill Avenue; thence (3) N.6Ool~'!O"W. 120.59 feet; thence (4) N.44°OS'20"W. 11~.94 feet;~thence (5) N.37o3~'40~Wo 442.45 feet; thence (6)N.z2o22,20',~. 48.95 ~eet;.thence (7) N.8~37~50"~. 229.98 feet; thence (8]N.!2oOSTSO,,E. 131.81 ~eet; thence (9) N.36°O4'50"Eo 99.A7 feet; thence . lO)N.42°37'AO"E. 67.87 feet; thence (ll)N.55°i4,10~,E. 71.20 feet; thence (12)N.64o!3~50,E. 93.30 feet; thence (13)N.46o21~OO,Eo 183.21 feet; thence (14) N.31°37'20"E. 87.15 feet; thence (15) N.!olA'20"E. A7.27 feet; thence (16)N.25oos~20~W. 65.30 feet; thence (17) N.30o47~30:~W. 120.98 feet; thence (18)N.6°25~20"W. 68.13 feet; thence (19) N.67OSl,lO,~E. 477.22 feet; t~ence (20)N.82o24,!0,~.. 320.72 feet; thence (21)N.85o4t,30.E. 3A1o06 feet; thence (22)N.88°2A'AS"E. 173.81 feet; thence (23) N. 79°42'20"E. 303.21 feet to a point on the ~%%~%Z~ northerly line of Crescent Avenue. And the above described highway is at all points 50 feet in width. OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREEI~,~PORT. NEW YORK -3 Fishers Island Highways by Use ~kDELINE AVENUE: The northerly line begins at a ooint on the easterly line of Crescent Avenue N.!4o31~20~E. 427.8? feet along said easterly line from the northerly li~e of ~*~-~he~inaftar ~sc~i~ Central Avenue and runs ~hence s~ courses, as foltow~: (!) N.83°42~30"E. A2A.$~ feet~ ~nence (2)N.33°14'lO"m.384.97 feet~ thence (3).N.87°36~OO"E. 167.15 feet; thence (4) N.65°50'00"~. 128.64 feet; thence (5)N.80osA'iS'~E. 120o0 feet; thence (6) S.80°~8'00"E. 129.29 fe~t to the westerly line of Central Avenue. And the above described hig~ay is at all ooints 40 feet in width. , ~L~NSION HOUSE DEIVE: The~westerly line begins at the northerly end of the westerly line of the hereinabove described Equestrian~and runs thence four courses, as follows: (1) M. 4~°i!'50"E. 379.A1 feet; thence (2) N.!9056'30"E. 209.30 f~e~; thence (3) N.9°lS'~O"E. 235.19 feet; thence (4)N. ~0~!5~30"~. 393.21 feet to the southerly line of the hereinafter described Sappho Ro~d. And the above described higb~ay is at all points 50 feet in width. ~[UNNATA~£~ET ROAD: The sout~vesterly line begins at the aortherly end of that course of Central Avenue which runs ~.3°55~20"~. and runs thence N.A4°lg~45"W. 603.90 feet to the southerly line of the hereinabove described Boardinghouse Road; thence two courses, as follows: (1) Crossing the easterly end of said Boardinghouse Road and continuing, Due N~ th a total distance of 137.0 feet; thence (2)N.!3°59'OO"E. 513.21 feet to the southerly line of Central Avenue. And the above described highway i~ at all ooints 40 feet in width. OTTO W. VAN TUYL E< SON -4 Fishers Island Highways by Use SAPPHO ROAD: The southeasterly, line begins at the southeasterly end of the sout~o~ ~6si hereinabove described C~ttage Place and runs thence N.60°49'30"E. 238.52 feet to the northerly end of the westerly line of ~ansion House Drive as hereinabove described.~md the above described highway is at all points 50 feet in width. AVENUE H:Begins at a point on that course of the westerly line of Crescent Avenue which runs N.15o14~20~E., 281.73 feet northerly along said course from a shard deflection in said line opposite Boardinghouse Road~ ~..~ running thence 13 courses, as follows: (1) N.78o03'10"~. 3~5.42 feet~ then~ce (2) N.~Oo30,AO,~W. 121.92 feet;. thence (3)S.87°06,20,Wo 77.00 fee6; thence (~) N.85 Ot ~0 W. 116.45 feet~ thence (5)~.65o35,~ 210.31 feet; thenc~N.83o$o,40~,W. 44%08 feet~th~c~ (~0~.5°25'W. 20.48 feat; thence (~)N.?9°27,10,,Eo 57°50 fee~; thence (~)S.65°35~00,,E. ~09.84 feet; thence ~)S.85~01'40"~. lS5.50 feet; thence (i~)S.$2°SA,OO~,E. 179.92 ~eet; thence (1~)S.78o03,10~,E. 2~3.60'fe~t/ to said westerly line o~ Crescent Avenue; thence along said westerly line of Cresaent Avenue~13) S.15°14~20"Wo 57.86 feet to the ~oint of beginning. And the above described highway varies in width from about 20 feet to about 40 feet. To i~r. Robert Tasker, Otto '~W. Van TuM1 & Son