HomeMy WebLinkAboutCONKLIN ROAD EXTENTION 1929 TO TEE TO%~N SUP~]~I~TENDENT OF HTGR~/AYS OF THE TO]~N OF SOUTHOLD, I-N THE COUNTY OF SI~FFOLI{ AND STATE OF NE~ YORK.' The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the ;~'Own of Soutbold, hereby applies to you t.o alter and extend highways at Mattituck, T~wn of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to ]a~ laqo;:n as CONELI~ ROAD ~TENSION and RA~{!L~0N ~TENSION~ as follo~s:- CONKLIN ROAD ~XTENSION: The Easterly line heuins at a point on the northerly line of Freeman Street 17,05 feet westerly from the intersection of said Northerly line of Freem~ Street uith the easterly line of Conklin Roa~ as these highways were lai~ out in 1925; runnin~ thence N, 14°0~50" W,-16~87 feet~ thence N, 22°42~10" E--127,§0 feet; thence N. 41~09'40" E.- 85,16 feet~ thence N, 66036'40" E.-120.64 feet to the Westerly line of Mary's Road. The above ~escribed high,ray is ~o he of a uniform width of 33 feet and will pass through land of Bryant S. Conklin only. HA~{ILTON AVE. NUE~ ~XTENSI0~: The south~ ly line begins at the intersection of the east- erly line of Conklin Road with the southerly line of Hamilton Avenue as laid out in 1925; ~unningAthence on the same bea~ing as said southerly line of Hamilton venue, N. ?0~34'40" E--1§4.27 feet to the northerly line of ~ight of way of Lens Island Railroad_ O~ny; thence along said ne~th- erly line, N. 46°92' E.-115.~ feet to the westerly line ~ ~ary' s Road. The above described highway is to be of a uniformwi~th of 33 feet ar~iwill pass through land of Bryant Se Conklin only, which proposed laying out will pass through the lands of Byrant S, Conkli~, only- Dated this ~day of April, 19~9. VE, the undersigned, a majority of the T~wn Board of the Town of Southold, having met e.t the office of the Supervisor~ at Greenport~ in said Town on the~day of 'April 1929~ and considered the application oC Bryant S. Conklin, for the alterin~ and extending of ne~ highways at ~attituok~ T~n of Southold~ Suffolk County~ Ne~ Y~rk~ to he known as CO~,,IN ROAD F/TENSION and F.A~{ILTON AVENUE EXTENSION~ ~o here~y consent that such layin~ out ~e made in accordance with the praye~ of the ~ithin petition. I , - ) Supe~intenS. ent of Highways. I, ERYANT S. CONKLIN, of Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New york, in consideration OF the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to me in hand. paid by George ~. Fleet, Town Superin- tendent of Hichways of the Town of Southoldw and in further consideration of the ~ltering and extending highways at ~attituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to he kno~rn as CONKLIN ROAD EXTENSION and NA~I,TON AV~NUE EXTENSION, as follows:- CO~LIN ROAD ~TENSION: The Easterly line begins at a point on the Northerly line of Freeman Street 17.05 feet westerly from the intersectien of said Northerly line of Freeman Street with the easterly line of Conklin Road as these highways were laid out in 1925, ru~ning thence N. 14o02'50~ ~.-163.87 feet; thence N~ 72°42'10~ E~-127.50 feet; thence N. 41~09'40" E.-85.16 feet; thence N. 66~36~40" M.-120.64 feet to the Westerly line of ~!ary~s Roa~. The above described highway is to be of a uniform width of 33 feet and will pass'through land of Bryant S. Conklin only. ~AMILTON AVENUE F~XTENS ION: The southerly line begins at the intersection OF the east- erly line of Conklin Road w. ith the southerly line of Hamilton Avenue as laid out in 1925, ruuningAthence on the same hearing as said southerl~ line OF 9amilto.n .v_enu~ .... N. ?0°34~40 E--1~4o27 feet ~o ~e mor~ner-y line of right of way of Long Island Railroad Company; thence along said north- erly linew N. 46022' E.-ll§.4~ feet to the westerly line o~ ~ry' s Reade The above described highway is to be of a~uniforn w~Ith of 33 feet and will pass through land of Brya~ SeI Conklin, only, which proposed laying out passes through the land of Bryant Se Conklin only~.~X~ hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by me and included within the premises above described, and do hereby release said Town from all damages By reason of the alteration and extension of said highways as aforesaide Dated April~1929. STATE OF ~W YORK~ SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. On this ..~ ~.'~ d~.y of April, 1929, 'before me personally came BBYANT So CONKLIN~ e~ ~attituck, $~ffolk one of CoulZyt New York~ personally known to me and Imam to me to be ^ the same personsdescribed in and who executed the foregoing in~trument, and he duly aclmowledged to me that he executed the same° Notary P~blict Surf. ~e. STATE OF NEW SS..- COUNTY OF Su~'FOLEe this day o~ April~ 1929e Before me personally · C0~KLIN~ wife o~ Bryant S. Conklin~ of N~ttituek, Suffolk County, New Ye~k~ personally known to me and known ~o me to Be ~he of the persons described in ~nd who executed the//foregoin~ inst~ument, and she duly ack- nowledged to me t~hat she executed the same. Notary Public, SuFf. Co. In the 51atter of the Application BRYLN'T S · C OhU:LiM, for tile altert, n~ and extending of new highwa[s ~n ~.[attituck, Tmvn of Southole~, Suffolk County, New Y~k, to be lmown as COk~ ~0~ EXTENSION and I~;,L~O~ AVEN~