HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOLONY ROADORI~ER~G O~T HI~HW~r~ WITH THE CON~ENT OF TO~I~ BOARD, Writ~n applicaticax having been made to me, Town superintend- ent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk Count-y, 'New York, ~y ~hc Summer Haven Corporation, a corporation having its princi- Tessa S. Tillinghast, his wife, of Southold, New York, ~11 liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written consent of the Town Board of said town havin~ been executed a~ preset ~bed by law,, and releases from ~amages having been executed by the owners of the land th~°u~h which the proposed h ~hways ~:ara be laid out, copies of which are hereto manexed, and nothing hav- ing been paid to any claimant for such damages, it is hereb~ ORDERED and DETEREX~D that She highways shall be a~l the same are hereby laid out in said Town as follows~- COLONY ROADt The northerly line begins at a concrete monument on the westerly line of Albertson Lane and on the line between land formerly df Frarfl~ Tillinghast on the south and land now or formerly of Michael and Thomas Cassi~y on the north; runn- ing thence along last described line, Se ~Vv 501 50" We - 1486.72 feet, more or less, to a concrete monument on the westerly line of Bayview Avenue as hereinafter described. Said highway is to be 50 feet in width, mass,ed southerly at right angles to above des- cribed line, except that the westerly end of this highway is to be the westerly line of said B~yview Avenue as hereinafter des- cribed. BAYTIEWAVEI~UE! The westerly line begins at the monument above described as being at the terminus of the northerly line of Colony Road, and runs thence S. 37° 50~ E. - 1857.91 feet, more o~ less~ to a monument. Said highwa~ is to be 50 feet in width~ measured easterly at right angles to above described line. R0~D TOARSHAMOMA(UE POND~ The n~therl2 line begins on the westerly line of above described Bayview Avenue, 100 feet no~therly from the southerly term;.nus of said westerl2 line of Bayview Avenue, and ~s thence west.fl2 at right angles to said line of Bayview Avenue, ~ fe~, more or less, to the shore of Arshamomaque Pond. Said high~ay is to be 50 feet in width, measured southerly at right angles to above described line. This last parcel being a continuation of Bayview Avenue to Arahamomaque Pond. Which pro osed laying out will pas ~hrough lands of Frank Tillinsb~st and Tessa S. Tillingt~st, his wife, and the Sump:er Haven Corporattone Dated this~ay Superintendent ~ HXghwayse TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT ~ H:GH~AI~J OF THE TOWN SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE ~ NEW YORKI ~he S~,~mer Haven Corporation, a corporati~ having its principal office and place of business at~-~ / Tessa S. Tillinghast, his wife, al~ liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the town of Southold, hereby ap:~12 to you to lay out hew highways known as Colony Road, Bayview Avenue and a continuatic~ of Bayview Avenue~ at A~shamommqua, Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York, described as follows:- COLONY ROAD! ~he northerly line begins at a concrete monument on the westerly line of Albertson T~ue and on the line between land formerly of ~ar~¢ Tiltinghast on the south an~ now or formerly of Nic~h,a, el and Thomas Cassidy on the.north; running thence along last described line, Se ??0 ~0~ SO" W. 1~6.~2 feet, more or less, to a concrete monument on the westerly line of Bayview Avenue as hereinafter described. Said highwa2 is to be ~0 feet in width, measured southerly at right angles to above descr ~.bed line, except that the westerly end of this highway is to be the westerly line of said Bayview Avenue as hereinafter des- cr ibed. BAYVIEW AVENUE~ The westerly line begins at the monument above described as being at the terminus of the northerly line of Colony Road, and runs thence Se 3~o 30~ Ee - l§§V. 9l feet, more or less, to a monument. Ss id Highway is to be ~0 feet in width, measured easterly at right angles to above described line. ROAD TO ARSHAMOMAQ~E~ The northerly line begins on the westerly line of above described Bayview Avenue, 100 feet northerly fr~n the southerly terminus cf said westerly llne of Ba2view Avenue, and r~ns thence westerly at ri~ht angles to said line of Bayview Avenue, 167 fe~,t, more or less, to the shore of Arshamomaque Pond. Said highway is to be ~0 feet in width~ measured southerly at right angles to above d~scribed line. This last parcel being a $ontinuation of Beyview Avenue to Arsh- amo~aque Pond. Which proposed ~uin~out will pass through roads of Frank N. Tillinghast and Tessa S. Tillinghast, his wife, and the Summer Haven Corporation. Dated this~_~day of Au~ust, 1~33. SU~ER HAVEN CORPORATION WE, the undersigned, a maJo~it~ off the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having met a~ the office of the Supervisor, at O~eenport. in said ?o~n, on the ~'7 ~daY Of ~ ~..__ i933, and considered the application of The Svmm~r Haven Corporatie~ and Frank N. Tlllinghast a~d Teesa S. Tillin~hast, his wife~ for the laylng out of new highways known as Colony Road, Ba.vview Avenue a~ a continuation of Bayview Avenue~ at Arahamomaque, Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York~ do hereby consent that such laying out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. · Supe:~rvlsor of the 'S~pe ~intendent WE, FRAI~ N. TILLINGHAST and TESSA ~5. TILLINGHAST, his wife~ of Southold, New York, in consideration of the sum of One Dolla~ to us in hand paid by Harold E. Price, town superintendent of highways of the town of Southold, and in further consideration of the laying out of new highways known as Colony Road, Bayview Ave- hue and a continuation of Bayview Avenue at Arshamomaque, in the Tow~ of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, des- ct:bed as follows~- OOLONT ROAD: The northerly line begins at a concrete mon- ument on the westerly line of Albertson Lane and on the line be- tween land formerly of Frank Tillinghast on the south and land now or formerly of Michael and Thomas Oassi~y on the northJ running thence along last described line, Se ?T° ~Ot 30" We' 1486.72 feet, more Rr less, to a concrete monument on the westerly line of Bayview Avenue as hereinafter described. Said highway is to be 50 feet ~n width, measured southerly at right angles to above described line, except that the westerly end of this highway is to be th~~ westerly line of said Bayview Avenue as hereinafter des- cribed. BAYVIEW AVE-~UES The westerly line begins at the monument above described as being a~ the terminus of the northerly line of Colony Road, and x~uxs thence ~. 3¥° 30t E. - 1§§?.91 feet, mo~e or less, to a monument. Said highway is to be §0 feet in width, meas~ ured easterly at right angles to above described line. ROAD TO ARSHANO~QUE POND~ The northerly line begins on the wet,fly line of above described Bayview Avenue, 100 feet northerly from the southerly terminus of said westerl2 line of Bay- view Avenue, and runs thence westerly at right angles to said line of Bayview Avenue, 167 ~ee$, more or less, to the shore of Arsh- amomaque Pond. Said highway is to be §0 feet in width~ measured south, fl2 at right angles to above described line. This last pa~- col being a coninuation of Bayvfic~ Avenue to Arshamomaque Pond. Which proposed laying out will pass throtk~h land of Fra~ N. Till- inghast and Tessa S. Tillinghast, his ~lfe, do hereb~ dedicate and release to the town of Southold, all land heretofore o~ned b~ us and included within the p~em~Ises above described, and do hereb2 release said Town froz~ all damages by reason of the laying out of said new h:ghwayse Dated August ~ 1933. -~?ATE-OF NEW YO~ COUNTY ~' 8~PFOL~e O~ this-~day of August, 1983~ before n~ personall~ came FRAK~ N. TILI~GIt^ST and TESTA 8. TILLINGHAST, his wife, of SouthOld~ New York~ pe rsonall2 known to me and known to me to be the persons descrlbid i~ and who executed the fa~ gota g instru- ment and they severall2 acknowledged to me that they executed the .Notar~y 'Public.~3~ o~ Count2 STATE ~ NEW YOHK~ de~ -~ .~n, the~ ?~ da2 of August, 1933, before me c~e ~ · ~ , to me ~o~, who~,being ~ me d~ ~o~n, did pose and sa~ ~t h~ ~esides ~ ~ ~ ~. ~. . that he is the ~ of ~e S~ ~n 'Co~a~, the co,portion described ~ and which executed the foregoing ~st~nt$ t~t he ~s the seal of ss. id co~po~ation; that ~e seal ~f~e~ to said inst~nt is such corporate seal~ that it w~ so ~f=ed ~ o~e~ of the Board of ~. ~. .f .~ .... ~unty. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the ~atter of the Application of SLU~[~,~R HAVEN CORPORATION and FRANK N. TILLINGHAST and TESSA S. TILLI,[GHAST, his wife, for the Laying out of New Highways at Arshamo~aque, Town of Southold, Suffolk Co~unty, New York. APPLICATIoE, CONSENT, RELEASE and ORDER. THE SUN~,~R HAVEN CORP$RATION, a corporation having its i principal office and place of business at~ ~7~ ~ to it in ~a~ paid b~ Harold E. ~rice, ~own Superintendent of ~'.~,.h- ways of the town of Southold~ and in f~xrther consideration of the lay!ng out of mew h~ways known as Colon7 Road, Bayview Avenue and a contin~tio~l of Bayview Avenue, at Arshamomaque , Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, described as follows $ COLONY ROADt ~he northerly line beg.Lns at a concrete monument cn the westerly line of Albertson Lane and on the line between land formerly Of Frank Tiliinghast on the south and lanzl no~ o? formerl.~ of Ntchael and Thomas Cassi~y on the north; ~unn- lng thence slang last described line, S. 77v 50~ 30" W. - 1486e~ feet, more or lo~s~ to a concrete monument on the westerly line of Bayviev~ Avenue as hereinafter described. Said highway is to be 50 feet in width, measured sout]~erly at right angles to above described line, except that the westerly end of this hlg~way is to be the westerly line of said Bayview Avenue as hereinafter des- cribed. BAYVIEW A1~! The we~terly ~.ine begins at the monument above described as being at the terminus of the northerly line of Colony Road, and ~uns thense S. ~o SO' Ee - 155"/e91 feet, more or less, to a monument. Said h!gh~a7 is to be 50 feet in ,~idth, measured easterly at right angles to above described line. ROAD TO ARSHAMOMA~UE P0~D~ The northerly line begins On the westerly line of aboMe ~lescrlb~ Bayview Avenue, 100 feet northerly from the southerly terminus of said westerly line of Bayview Ay nue, and ~uns thence westerly at right angles to said line of Bayview Avenue, 16~ feet, ~.~o~e or less, to the shore of Arshamomaque Pond. Said highway is to be ~0 feet in width, measured southerly at right angles to above described line. ~his last parcel belng a continuation of Bayview Avenue to Arsha~omaque Pond. Which prod sod laying '.:ut will pass through land of The Sttw~er Haven Corporation, does hereby de~icate and release to the town of South- old, all land he*etofore owned by it and included within the prem- ises above described, and does hereby release said To~rn from all damages by reason of the laying out 'of said new highways. Dated August ~J~1933. SDI~!ER HAVEN CORPORATION TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF H G~IAYS OF THE T011~N OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COU~TY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK: The Summer Haven Corporation, a corporatian havlng its principal office and place of business at #56 Hollywood Avenue, Huutington, Suffolk County, N. M., and Frank N. Ttllinghast and Tessa S. Tillinghast, his wife, all liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the to~wn of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out hew highways ~own as Colouy Road, Bayview Avenue and a continuation of Bayview Avenue~ at Arsha~ommque, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, described as follows:- COLONY ROAD: The northerly line begins at a concretm? monument on the westerly line of Albertson Lmne and on the line between land formerly of Frank Tillinghast on the south and la~d now or formerly of ~ichael and Thomas Cassidy on the north; running thence along last described line, S. ~,o ~0~ ~0" W. - 1~88.'~ feet, more or less, to a concrete monument on the westerly line of Bayview Avenue as hereinafter described. Said highway is to be $O feet in width, measured southerly at right angles to above described line, except that the westerly end of this highway is to be the westerly line of said Bayview Avenue as hereinafter des- cribed. BAYVIEW AVENUE: The westerly line begins at the monument above described as being at the terminus of the northerly line of Colony Road, and runs thence S. ~o ~0~ E. - 18~.~l feet, more or less, to a monlzment. Said Highway is to be 00 feet in width, measured easterly at right angles to above described line. ROAD TO ARSHAM0~QUE POND: The northerly line begins on the westerly line of above described Bayview Avenue, 100 feet northerly from the southerly terminus of said westerly liue of Bayview Avenue, and ruus thence westerly at right angles to said line of Bayview Avenue, 167 fe~t, more or less, to the shore of Arshamomaque Pond. Said highway is to be 50 feet in width, measured southerly at right s. nMles to above described line. This last parcel being a oontinuation of Bayview Avenue to Arsh- amomaque Pond. Which proposed l&ying out will pass through roads of Fra~ N. Tillinghast and Tessa S. Tilliughast, his wife, and the Sum~aer Haven Corporation. Dated this ~day August, 195~. of WE, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the To~n of Southold, having met at the office of the~S~pervisor, at Gl~eenport, in said Town, on the ~ day of ~ 1933, and considered the application of The Summer Haven Corporation and Frank N. Tillinghast and Tessa S. Tilling-hast, his wife, for the la~ing out of new highways knovm as Colony Road, Bayview Avenue and a continuation of Bayview Avenue, at Arshamomaque, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, do hereby consent that such la~ing out be made in accordance with the prayer of within petition. the ~ [~j, ~.4/l~,t..__l Of the guperintendent of ~i~waTs. THE SUMPteR HAVEN CORPSRATION, a corporation having its principal office and place of business at #56 Hollywood Avenue, New York~ Huntington, Suffolk C_o.i in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, to it in hand paid by Harold E. Price, ~own Superintendent of High- ways of the town of Southold, and in farther consideration of the laying out of mew h~$hways known as Colony Road, Bayview Avenue and a continuation of Ba2view Avenue, at Arshamomaque , Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, described as follows: COLOE~Y ROAD: The northerly line begins at a concrete monument on the westerly line of Albertson Lane and on the line between land formerly of Frank Tillinghast on the south and land now or formerly of Michael and Thomas Cassi~y on the north; runn- ing thence along last described line, S. r~v 50' 30" W. - 1485e'~2 feet, more or le~s, to a concrete monument on the westerly line of Bayview Avenue as hereinafter described. Said highway is to be ~0 feet in width, measured southerly at right angles to above described line, except that the westerly end of this highway is to be the westerly line of said Bayview Avenne as hereinafter des- cribed. BAYVIEW AVENUE: The westerly line begins at the monument above described as being at the terminus of the northerly line of Colony Road, and runs thence S. ~¥o 30' E~ - 1557.~1 feet, more or less, to a monument. Said highway is to be 50 feet in width, measured easterly at right angles to above described lines ROAD TO ARSHAM0~QUE POND: The northerly line begins on the westerly line of above described Bayview Avenuw, 100 feet northerly from the southerly terminus of said westerly line of Bayview Aw~nue, and runs thence westerly at right angles to said line of Bayview Ave_~nue, lB'! feet, more or less, to the shore of Arshamomaque Pond. Said highway is to be 50 feet in width, measured southerly at right angles to above described line. This last parcel being a continuation of Bayview Avenue to Arshamomaque Pond. Which proposed laying out will pass through land of The Summer Haven Corporation, does hereby dedicate and release to the town of South- old, all land heretofore owned by it and included within the prem- ises above described, and does hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the Dated August ~6 -- 1933. laying out of said new highways. SUM~R HAVEN CORPORATION President.' STATE OF NE~V YORK~ COUNTY OF ~,~S:- On the ~3- day of August, 1933, before me came Charles D. Miller , to me known, who, b$in~ by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in that he is the President of The Summer Haven ~orporation, the corporation described in, and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that seal affixed to said instrument issuch~3 _corporate~ seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of of said corpo- ration; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. ~t~ry ~dblic, GEORGE LEVITUS Notary Public, Bronx County I.'lk's Bronx Co. Resister's No, ~. ~. ~k's No. 455, Reg. No. ,~ ~xp~ ~ch 30, County. WE, FRANK N. TILLINGHAST and TESSA S. TILLINGHAST, his wife, of Southold, New York, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, to us in hand paid by Harold E. Price, town superintendent of highways of the town of Southold, and in further consideration of the laying out of new highways known as Colony Road, Bayview Ave- nue and a continuation of ~ayview Avenue at Arshamon~que, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, des- cribed as follows:- COLONY ROAD: The northerly line begins at a concrete mon- ument on the westerly line of albertson Lane and on the line be- tween land formerly of Frank Tillinghast on the south and land now or formerly of Michael and Thomas Cassidy on the north; running thence along last described line, S. VV° 50t 30" W.- 1~6.V2 feet, more ~r less, to°a concrete monument on the westerly line of Bayview Avenue as hereinafter described. Said highway is to be 50 feet in width, measured southerly at right angles to above described line, except that the westerly end of this highway is to be the westerly line of said Bayview Avenue as hereinafter des- cribed. BAYVIEW AVENUE: The westerly line begins at the monument above described as being a~ the terminus of the northerly line of Colony Read, and runs thence S. 3'2° 30t E. - 1557.91 feet, more or less, to a monument. Said highway is to be 50 feet in width, meas- ured easterly at right angles to above described line. ROAD TO ARSHAM0~QUE POND: The northerly line begins on the westerly line of above describAd Bayview Avenue, 100 feet northerly from the southerly terminus of said westerly line of Bay view Avenue, and runs thence westerly at right angles to said line of Bayview Avenue, 16V ~ee~, more or less, to the shore of Arsh- amomaque Pond. Said highway is to be 50 feet in width, measured southerly at right angles to above described line. This last par- cel being a contnuation of Bayview Avenue to Arshamomaque Pond. Which proposed laying out will pass through land of Frank N. Till- inghast and Tessa S. Tiltinghast, his wife, do hereby dedicate and release to the town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by us and included within the premises above described, and do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of said new highways. Dated August~-- STATE OF NEW YORK, SS:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. On this ~ day of August, 1935, before me personally came FRANK N. TILL~NGHAST and TESSA S. TILLINGHAST, his wife, of Southold, New York, personally known to me and known to me to be the persons describAd in and who executed the f~e go~ g instru- ment and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the s~e · ORDER L~YING OUT HIGHWAYS WITH THE CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD. Writ~n applicati~ having been made to me, Town superintend- ent of Highways for the Town of Southold, suffolk County, New York, by The Summer Haven Corporation, a corporation Having its princi- pal office and place of business a~ #56 Hollywood Avenue, Hunting- to, Suffolk County, New York~ and Frank N. Tillinghast and Tessa S. Tillinghast, his wife, of Southold, New York, all liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written consent of tl~e Town Board of sA~d town having been executed aS prescribed by law, and releases from damages having been executed by the owners of the land through which the proposed highvJ~ are *o be laid out, copies of which are hereto annexed, and nothing hay- lng been paid to any claimant for such damages, it is hereby ORDERED and DETERNI~D that ~he highways shall be and the same are hereby laid out in said Town as follows:- COLONY ROAD: The northerly line begins at a concrete montunent on the westerly line of Albertson Lane and on the line between land formerly of Frank Tillinghast on the south and land now or formerly of Michael and Thomas Cassi~y on the north; runn- ing thence along last described line, S. 7~ 50~ 30" W. - 1586.~2 feet, more or less~ to a concrete monument on the westerly line of Bayview Avenue as hereinafter described. Said highway is to be 50 feet in width, measured southerly at right angles to above des- cribed line, except that the westerly end of this highway is to be the westerly line of s~id Bayvi~w Avenue as hereinafter des- cribed. BAYVIEW AVENUE: The westerly line begins at the monument above described as being at the terminus of the northerly line of Colony Road, and runs thence S. 37© 30' E. - 1559.91 feet, more or less, to a monument. Said highway is to be 50 feet in width, measured easterly at right angles to above described line. ROAD TO ARSHA~?OMAQUE POND: The northerly line begins on the westerly line of above described Bayview Avenue, 100 feet northerly from the southerly terminus of said westerly line of Bayview Avenue, and runs thence westerly at right angles to said line of Bayview Avenue, ~ fe~, more or less, to the shore of Arshamomaque Pond. Said highway is to be 80 feet in width, measured southerly at right angles to above described line. This last parcel being a continuation of Bayview Avenue to Arshamomaque Pond. ~hich proposed laying out will pass through lands of Frank N. Tillinghast and Tessa S. Tilling~ast, his wife, and the Stummer Haven Corporation. ~~. Dated this~day of_A~ ~933. /~m-perlnDenc~en~ oI highways.