HomeMy WebLinkAboutCEDAR DRIVE, East Marion 1938 TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF T~E TOWM OF $OUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORE: IN T~E The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highw~v taxes in the Town of ~uthold, hereby applies to you to lay out sew highways at East Marion, ~n the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as Aquaview Avenue; Cedar Drive and Southern Boulevard, as follows:- AQ~AVIEW AVENUE, T~e northerly line begins at a concrete monument set on the easterly llne of Eocky Point Road st e point 1ES feet, more or lees, south~ erly from a concrete monument near the top of the Sound Bluff; running thence slx courses ss follows:- First: N. ??°19t50" E.- 400.0 feet to a etakeS thence Second: S. 83°10t10" E.- ~0.0 feet to a stake; thence Thir d: Fourth: Fifth: Sixth: S. 69010710" E.- 440.0 feet to a stake; thence S. 80°35~10" E.- 118.99 feet to a stake; thence N. 79o14t00" E.- 100.0 feet to a stake; thence N. 67o14~00" E.- 1~3.~6 feet more or less to land of Howard Clark; end the southerly line of said highway is to be parallel to and at all points 50 feet distant southerly from the above described north- erly line. CEDAR DRIVE, The easterly line begins at a point on the southerly line of the last course of above described AquaviewAvenue at a point distant 120 feet westerly from maid westerly llne of land of Howard Clark, measured at right angles to said line; running thence on a line parallel to said westerly line of land of Howard Clark, S. 10°46t00" E.-l$?O feet, more or less to the southerly line of land of said W. C. Case; and the westerly line of said Cedar Drive is to be parallel to and at al! points distant 50 feet mesterly from the above described easterly line. SOUTHE~N BOULEVARD, The southerly line begins at a point on the easterl line of said Rocky Point Road distant 120 feet northerly from the southerly llne of lend of said W. C. Case. measured at right angles to said southerly o I - It E. 50 line; runnin~ thence N. 68 49 20 - IN feet, more or less, to the westerly line of above described Cedar Drive; and the northerly line of said Southern Boulevard is to be parallel to and at all points distant 50 feet northerly from said above described southerly line, which proposed laying out will pass through the lands of W. Courtland Case only. Dated this '/~-~ day of ~/ 1938. TO T~E TOFIT OF SOUTHOID AND TO T~ SUTERVISOH AHD I~EI~ER-~ OF THE T~w~ BOi~ OF TH~ TOWiI OF SOUTHOID I, W. COURTLA~D KA~, t~e umdereigned, being the owner of rea/ lmroperty in the Hamlet ef F~et Nation, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and ~tate of New York, popularly known aa Sunset Shores, In eonsideration o~ the sum of cnw dellar to me in hand paid by the said Town, and in further con- slderation of the laying out of three new streets in said Town, ~c-own as Aqu~view Avnn_ue, Cedam Dx~lve &nd ~outhern ]3oUleTard, described in a deec~iption prepared and certified hy Otto W, Van Tuyl, licensed engineer and surveyor aa followa~ AQUAVIEW AFENUE, The northerly linc begins at a conerete monument set on the easterly line of Rocky Point R~ad at a point 125 feet, more or lees, south- erly free a concrete monument near the top of the Sound ]~luff~ running thence six courses, as followe~ 50# X.-400e0 feet to a stakel thence 10" X.-360.0 feet to a stake; thence 10e ~.-440.0 feet to a e$~kel thence 10e E.-115.9~ feet to a etakel thence 00a X.-100.0 feet to a etaket thence 00e ].-15~.3S feet more ~r lees to land of Howard Ctarkl and the southerly line of said high.way ia to be parallel to and at all p~ints ~0 feet distant southerly from the above described northerly line. ~ DRITE, The easterly Iine begins at a point on t~e eoutherI7 line of the last course of above described Aqu~view Avenue at & point distant 120 feet westerly from said westerly linc of land of Howard Clark, measured at right angles to e~td line; running thenee on a. line paraXIeI to a~lc[ westerly line of land of Howard Clark, ~.10o 46* 00· ~,-1~70 feet, more or leas, to the southerly Line of lan~ of said W. C, Case; and the westerly l/ne of e~/d Cedar Drive ia to be pax~llel to and at all p~ints distant 50 feet westerly from the above described easterly line. SOUTHERN ]30ULEFA~D, T~ southerly Line begins at a point on the easterly line of said Rocky Point Road ~tistant 120 feet northerly from the southerly line of lan~l of ~a%d. Vo C. Cane, measured at right angles to aa~d southerly linel running thence No 86e A9~ ~0" ~.- feet, more or lees, to the westerly line of ahc~e described Cedar Drivel and the northerly line of said Southern BouleTarg[ ~8 to be l~r~el to and at &li point0 diatan.t 50 feet northerly from s&id abo~e described southerly line. J~t of said proposed hig~eayo lX~eo throufh the lands of oaid W. C. Case, only, D O HE R3~ B Y D~eD I CA TE and reIeaoe to the said Town, for Street and High, my purposes coiF, all la~ o~ed by us a~ ~uc~ed within t~ ~em~ae8 above desk,bed, 8~ do here~ ~lease sa~d ~own from all da~8 to us or to our 8~d 1~ by re.on of t~ lay~ out of t~ ~d n~ streets a~ ~8. l, OTTO W. VA~ TULL, licensed engineer and suryeyor, do hereby certify that ! prepared the fo~egoi~ desariptton ~o~ 8~e~ a~ ~ ~ret~f~e ~de by ~ a~ t~t ~ld deser~ption ia accurate a~ corree.t. D~tedr January 30th 1937 and delivered to the said thereto, The foregoin~ dedieatton and release Town By mo, whose name is otgned htedt ~anue~y 50t~ 19~7 ia hereby e~eeuted In IYensnoe off s~ ~ ~w ¥oP~ ) On t~ta ~Oth day of ~&nuary, Nineteen l~undred and t~mtrty-eeven, before me peraonaXly &ppa&red, T. COURTI~ CA~E, to me perBonally known and known to me to be the aamo person described in and w~ao exeGuted the fore- goLng Inetru~ent and he &cknowladged to me t~t he executed ~ior. a~y Publ~[~, Suffolk CourtW WE, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the To~n of Southold, having met at the office of the Supervisor, at Greenport, in said Town on the ~-d) day of /~ 1938, and considered the application of W. Courtland Case for the laying out of new highways to be known as ~AVIEW AVENUE; CEDAR DRIVE and SOUTHERN BOULEVAFG), at East $~arlon, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby consent that such laying out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. Supervisor Superintendent o£ Highways. ) Just ic~ ) ) of the ) ) Peace. ) ORDER LAYING OUT NEW HIGHWAYS WITH THE CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD. Written application having been made to me, Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by W. Courtland Game, a person liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, end the written consent of the Town Board of said To~ having been given as prescribed by law, and releases from damages having been exeCuted by the owner of the land through which the proposed hlghw~s are to be laid out, copies of which are hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages, it is hereby ORDERED end DETERMINED that h ~g~!.way~ shall be end the ae~e are hereby laid out in said Town es follows:- AQUAVIEW A~ENUE, The northerly line begins at a concrete monument set on the easterly line of Rocky Point Road at a point 125 feet, more or less, south- erly from a concrete monument near the top of the Sound Bluff; ~unning thence six courses as follows:- First: Second: Third: Fourth: Fifth: Sixth: N. ??°19'~0" E.- 400.0 feet to a stake; thence S.83°10'10" E.- 380.0 feet to a stake; thence S.89°10[10" N.- 440.0 feet to a stake; thence S.80°35110w ~.- 115.9~ feet to a stake; thence N.?9°14tO0" N.- 100.0 feet to a stake; thence N.6?°14tO0" E.- 1§3.~ feet more or less to Sand of Howard Clark; and the southerly line of said highway is to be parallel to and at all points ~0 feet distant southerly from the above described north- erly line. CEDAR DRIVE, The easterly line begins at a point on the southerly line of the last course of above described Aquavlew Avenue at a point distant 1~0 feet westerly from said ~esterly line of land of Howard Clark~ measured at right angles to said llne; running thence on a line parallel to said westerly line of land of Howard Clark, S. 10o4~00" E.-lS?O feet, more or leas~ to the southerly line of land of cald W. C. Case; end the westerly line of said Cedar ~rive is to be parallel to and at all points distant 80 feet westerl from the above described easterly line. SOUTHERN BOULEV~.RD, The Southerly line begins at a point on the easter] line of said Rocky Point Road distant 120 feet northerly from the southerly line of land of said W. C. Case, measured at right angles to said southerly line; running thence N. 8~°49~20" E.- leE0 feet, more or less., to the westerly line of above described Cedar ])rive; and the northerly line of said Southern Boulevard is to be parallel to e~d at all points distant 80 feet northerly from said above described southerly line. .ted ~V ~-7 l',8.--~~~~..~~~~J~~ ~ Town S~pe~r~n~tendent of ~igh~aya - Tom of So~tho~l., In the garter of the Application of W.COURTLANI) CASE for the laying out of new highways at East Narlon, To~m of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as AQUAVIEW AVENUE; CEDAR DRIVE and SOUTHERN BOULEVARD. AP PL icaTi ON, (X)NSENT, RELEASE and ORDEE. TOWN OF SOUTHO~D DEDXOAT ~ ON FRANK J. MCMANN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING GR£ENPORT, N. Y.