HomeMy WebLinkAboutCEDAR'S ROAD, CASE'S LANE EXT. 1957resid~g e~ 8c~ol ~ ~, ~oa~, ~ for t~ la~g out of ~ ~g~ays ~ ~tc~e, ~ the ~ of ~~ Cowry of S~f. fol~, amd State of ~ Zo~k, to be haown z .e- i ~ _ ~ ;-- -. - -- y -- ~ - --~ - -- - - -_~ ~ I COffSF~T OF T0W~ BOARD. Nrt~ten appllcaClon having Becel d~ly ~ade to ~e the To~ ~hAperintendent of ~ghways for =~ T~n of Eouthold~ ~uffo~ ~y, ~ew York~ for t~ ~g oct of two '~o~ ~g~s said T~ of 8out~ld, ~ ~. ~rria~ Case, Ralph ~. Case, B. C~e, Russell B. C~e, ~ Xo~ B. Case, liable to ~ for hlg~ay ~axes ~ said To~n ~ving ~e~ giv~ ~s ~reme- ri~ ~ law, ~ s d~Ica~lon and release fr~ damages hav~g ~ exertS, ac~wledg~ ~d delivered ~ the o~era ot~r pers~ ~nterest~ ~ t~ la~s through m~ch t~ ~o pro- posed hig~ays a~ p~poa~ to be laid out~ a copy of'which hereto ~x~, a~ not~mg ~v~ ~en paid to ~y claret for such d~ges~ ~ T~ of Sou~hold~ 8uffo~ Co~y~ New YorK~ ~ ~Y D~ ~ laid out at ~%=~e. ~ said To~, as follows~ ~ a~ ~o ~ ~ as 1. f~ ~ad ~d 2. Case's ~e (~tension), ~vely each of w~ch s~ll ~ fifty feet in wldth~ ~e s~u~rly l~e of ~ propoa~ htg~ay to ~ ~ ~ ~e ~gins a~ a mon~nt eot ~ t~ wes%erly line of ~ '~fo~ ~oad a~ 1948 feet Boo.fly along said Co~} ~ ~g t~e al~g sa~d 1~ of Cohen, S. 80 dog 19 ~ ~ ~c ~. 167-~ fe~ to a ~en~ three along sa~d 1~ of I. 223.0 fee~ ~ a ~men~; ~m~ I. 89 aef 20 ~ ~ sec W. t~weote~lF Xl~e of a p~opo~ed hXgh~ay to ~ k~ aa '~'o rain ~. 80,?~ Feet to ~ lm~e~eo~iom of the easterly ll~ of · ~ S~ee'o ~e' (~ens~om), ~th the no~r~ 1Xne of n~ ~M R~d'. ~ m~he~l~ li~ o~ g~J Roa~" rims ~e alo~ ~ld ~ of Ca,& Em~e 3 ~em, .~ ~1~: (1) ~. B~ 4og 20 m:n ~ see g. ~1~.~ fee~; ~n~ (2) N. ~ ~eg 39 ~n ~0 oeo E. ~8.~9 f~t; ~e ~3) M. 80 ~X~ ~ ~0 oeo g. ~9.~ 20 see E. ~.%0 fee~ ~o t~ poin~ of ~gl~i~. .The w~eterly llne of the p~opo~e~ hAgh~a~ %0 be k~own &e "Oaee'e L~ne* (Ex~enelon) begin& et e. monum~n~ eet &t the weete~X~ ~er~nue of the eoutherly llne of ~Se~ar~ Road', her~X~aboVe dee~ ~lbe~; art~ xoun~ th&nee along land of ~aee Estate, 2 omux~ea, as follo~8l (1) ~. 1~ d~ 02 ~ 30 ~o g. 337.~ feet to a t~noe (2; N. 9 deg O? mtn O0 see E. ~0.3~ feet to a ~n~; ~e ~ ~ of ~11 ~se, N. 2 ~g 37 ~n ~ see W. ~,0 ~%~ ~o the southerly te~mXnus of t~ weste~ l~ne of Caoets as ~l~ ou~ (19~; ~he~e a~s the ~u~r~ end of a~ ~ne, M. 67 deg 29 mln E. ~.~ fee~ ~o ~ eouthe~ly te~n~ of ~ eas~er~ line of aaXd Case's ~ne. T~ eaa~e~ly line of ~e'~enslon) rune t~nee ater~ gat~ la~ of ~e garage. (2) ~. ~ ~eg J7 nlm O0 sec .~. 17~.JJ fee~, 2~noe'(3) S. 9 ~ rain oO zee W. ~?.98 ~e~; ~ae (~) S. 1~ d~ OZ ~n 30 oeo 276.1? fee~ to ~he westerly t.rmln~ of Zhe no~r~ line of ~d Da,~, the 7~ ~ ~ ~ 19~. of ~m, Town of LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICKHAM MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK MATT. 9- 8331 A~.I 18, 19~? To~t~ Supel~,nt~l~t o£ Hlt~hwa~'~ 0n Hovembor 15, 1954, ~ll~ation of the Caoe famtl~ fol. tho dedloation of two reade in Cutohogue to be knoen aa CEI~A~ ROAD and CA~F.'$ LA~E. lnolude4 with the apmltoation we~e ~o- ~oeed o~del, and ooneeRt end a bersain and oale deed. Co,lee of tho a~lAoatlon and tho ~opoaed order and At a late~ date, it woe oalle4 to my attention that no motion woe taken on theme matte~8 eo I w~ote to ~ou again on ~une 23, 1955. After the aeoond lettel., I a~a'k,laaOd, &r~d I th~k pFOl2orl~ mO, that the ~OF8 had been ~aoeed o1~ and the ~oade taken oreo. bT tho TOlrAe It hoe now been bromght to B~ attention again that the l~de still have not been taken o ~ver. Z am been taken and had oo billed m~ ollente. would opm, eolate ~c)ur advJ. oo in tho mattel.. Vo~I oordlall7 TOWN OF ~OUTHOLD. ~TATE OF NEW YOMX In th~ Matter of the Aoplimatlon of W. : Harrison Case, Ralph H. Case, Henry E. Case, Russell B. Case, all residing at Cutohogue, Suffolk County, New Yolk, and Norman B. Case, residing at School House Lane, S~e~set, New Yo~k for the layl~ out of new ~ghway~ in Outohog~, In the T~n of Sou~hold, County of Suffolk, ~ : ~ate of New Yo~k. ~o be kno~ as C~S RO~ CAME~ S ~E (~enslon), : OON~NT WE, the undersigned, being a m~.Jority of ~he Town ))card of the Town of SOuthold, in the County of ~uffolk and State of New York, having duly met a~ a X-egu~ meeting of said Town Board, at the office of the Supe~viso~ at ~eenport, in said Town,- on the Z~iay of ~ , 195~ and h~v!ng duly oon,idered the application of W. rlson Case, Ralph H. Case, Henl-y E. Case, Russell B. Case, and Norman B. Case, d~ted the /~day of~ 1954, for the laying ou~ of new highw~$ at Cutohogue, in and to be known as Cedars Road and Case's Lane (Ex~cension), do here- by consent that such laying out be ma~e in accordance with said petition. ' J~ti~e of th~ Pea~ --- × ~SuDe~lntendent of Highways TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of ¥. Harrison Case, Ralph H. Case, Henry E. Case, Russell B. 0ass, all residing at Outohogue, Suffolk County, New York and Norman B. Case, residing at School House Lane, Syosset, New York for the laying out of Mew Highways in Outohogue, the To~n of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, to be known as CEDARS ROAD and LANE (Extension), : ~PPLICAT ION To the To-wa Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Sou~hold, in tl~e County of Suffolk and Rate of New York: The undersigned petitioners, W. Hal-tiSCh Case, Ralph H. Os_se, Henry E. Case, Russell B. Case, and Norman B. Case, residing at Cutchogueo Suffolk County, New York, liable ~o be asseSSed fop highway taxes in the Town of Sou%hold, hereby a~ply to the Town Sup- erintenden% of I~ghways to lay out new highways at Cutohogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State o f New York, to be known as CEDARS ROAD, and CASE'S LANE (Extension), and more fully described as follows: The southerly line of ~he proposed b_%ghway to be known as "CEDARS ROAD" begins at a monument set on the west- erly side line of New Suffolk Boad about 1948 f~et south- erly along said westerly line from the Main Road being the northeasterly corner of land of Cohen; and running thence along said land of Cohen, S. 80 deg 19 mln 30 sec ¥. 167.0 feet ~o a monument; thence along said land of Oase Estate, 2 courses as follows: &l) S. ?~ deg 39 min 50 sec W. 223.0 fe.t to a monument; thencea. 89 deg 20 min ~0 sec W. i~86.73 feet to a monument set at the south- erly terminus of the weste?'ly lin~ of a proposed highway to be known a~ "Case's Lane' (Extension) hereinafter ~esorlbed; thence diagonally across the southerly end of said "Case's ~n~" (Extension), N. 52 d~g 51 to ~he interseo~ion of the easterly line 'of said "Oase's Lane~ (Extension) with the northerly line of said "Cedars Road". ~ai~ northerly line of Cedars Road" runs thence along ,aid lan~~ of Case Estate, 3 courses, as follows: (1) S. 89 dog 20 min ~0 sec E. a13.5~ fee~; thence (2) N. 73 dog 39 min 50 sec E. 218.~9 feet; thence (3) N. 80 dog 19- mln 30 sec E. 169.70 fe~t to said westerly line of New Suff- olk Road; thence along~ said westerly line of New Suffolk r~d, S. 9 deg 53 mln 20 sec E. 49.50 f~e~ to the point of beginning. !Tuyl, The westerly llne of the proposed tLighway to be ~nown as "Case's Lane" (Extenslon) begins at a monument sst at the westerly terminus of the south- erly line of w~ Road", hereinabove described; and runs t~enee along land of Case Estate, 2 courses, as followa~ (1) N. 15 deg 02 min 30 sec E; ~37.&O ~e--t to a monument; thence (2) N. 9 deg 07 mln 00 sec E. 480.34 feet to a monument; thence along land of Russell ~ase, ~. 2 deg 37 min O0 sec ~. 165,0 feet ~o the southerly terminus of the ~e~terly line of Case's Lane as laid ?ut~ thence across the southerly end of said Case's L~ne~ N~ 67 deg 29 min E. ~q.73 feet to the Southerly terminus of the easterly line of said Case's Lane. The easterly line of 'Case's L~e" (Extension) rt~ns thence along said land of Case Estate,-& courses, as follows: (1) S. 17 deg GO min E. 1'1.03 feet; thence (2) S. 2 deg 3~ min O0 sec E. 176.33 feet;thence (3) 8. 9 deg 07 min O0 sec W. &~7.O~ feet: thence (4) ~.15 de~ 02 min 30 sec ~. 276.17 feet to the westerly terminus of the northerly llne of said "~g~ ~oad"; thence diagon~lly across the westerly end of said ~.~ Road", S. 52 deg 51 min ~ 80.75 feet to t~ point of beginning. The aobve highw~ys being 49.50 feet in width. A M-p of said proposed highw,.ys has been made by Otto ~. Van Llcense~ Surveyor, Greenport, N.Y. and is annexed hereto and ~art of tni~ application. Annexed hereto and made a part of this ap?licetion is a relaa~ ~nd dedication to the Tomn of 8outhcld by the petitioners hereLu, over whose property said hi~nw~ys are ~TATE OF NE~Y YORE COUNTY OF SUFFOLE to rlAno /~. . RalPh R. Case /~.. Russell B. · C~,e ~. Harrison Case, Ralph ~. Case, Henry E. Case, Russell B. ~ase, and Norman B. Case, heinz duly sworn, deposes and says that they are the petitioners herein; that they have read the foregoing petition and known the contends thereof, and that the same is true ~o t~ir own knowledge, except as 2o the matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and belief and as to those matters ~hey believe it to be true. ~/~-)- ~ ~ W. Harrison Case Sworn to before me this /~f daf of *m~n~, 19~/~. /! ,/~ WILLIAN WICKHAN WILLIAi~ WICEHA~ ~OTA~Y PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW ~0~ ~o. Russell B. Case ?OVH OF SOU~Ot,D, STA'ffg OF ~¥ B~ Go~y, ~ ~, ~ No~ ~. Gale, ~sl6i~ a~ ~ol Ho~e ~, Syoaee~, Hew Xor~ fo~ ~ i~X~ o~ of new h~o ~ Gu~e~ue, ~n ~To~ of.~u~lA, ouSy of S~fo~ ~ s~e of hv ~ to ~ ~ aa Ye, ¥. Ha~-~loon ~ee, Ralph H. ~aee, Hon~y E. Game, Russell Case, and Hox~ B. OleO, beane the oue~ of a oo~aln land Cutcho~Go, &n the Town of SouthoLd, Co~u3t7 of SuffOlk and Stale of ]f~e ~ol-k, Ovo2~ vhXoh l~m ooFtaln p~*opoeed hi~h~yl, kmom~ aa mCedax'm Ro~Am and moslems L~nd# a~d deeo~lbed In tho Ihs above enlitled mtle~, 6areal Met let , 19~, will ~s, ~O¥. tn oonsideratXon of One ($~) Dolla~ to ne In hand b~ Hare3A D, PFlee, *Su..~er~ntendent of Ihs fl&Abra.ye of maid Town, and ~n ffu~he~ oonelde2~ttion of the ;,ayln~ oul of tho nov high, Gym, known ae sCedard Roa~· sad ecaseel Lane· (]~tenelo~) her~b~ ~lealo an~ dedlo~le to the To~ of Soutbola, Lll the he~tofo~ embed by ul an~ lhPou~h vbAeh said p~poled b. tg_h~ye v&ll paso, ~ described as The oouth~17 lime of the p~)P°eod h~h~ay, to ~ ~ ~ mG~ ~" ~e at a ~n~nt met on C~ ~fte~ XX~ off ~ ~ffo~ ~ a~u~ 1~ feet Iou~he~ ~ong ea~ vomte~ line t~ h~n ~, be~nK ~e no~heaste~ oo~ ~ ~ of Oohen; a~ ~1~ thence alo~ ,a~ h~ ef ~hen, a. 80 del 1~ m~n ~0~ 167,0 fee~ ~o a ~; t~noe al~ m~&d h~ of ~me gm~ate, oourlea am.followl (1~ S. 73 6em 39 m~ ~0 moo Weeq 223.0 fee~ ~o monument lets at the 8outhe~]~y t®Tm~tn~iiB of the ~mtex'~y 11ne of ~te~ ~eoorlbed; t~nce d~f~lly ~Je t~ sout~ e~ off lam m~lell ~em (~ens~on), X.-~2 d~ ~, n~ E. ~.7~ feet to Snte~eo~Son of C~ easterly ~ of ~a '~8eOm ~' (~enmSon; w~th the northerly line of said Cedars RosA. amid. northo?l~ l~ne of fell°vi: (1)8. ~ do~ ~ m~n ~0 loc ~a~ ~.~ f~t; t~ (2) 30 leo ~m% ~69.70 feel Co maid ~m%e~ ~ne of ~v ~f~ ~, 5curb 9 6em ~3 sin 20 Bec m. "9.~0 feet to the point of hegXnnXn~, The westerly line of the p3-opose~ h~y ~o be ~ terminus of ~ Iout~ line of ~,.. Ro~', he~e foll~e: (1) ~. 1~ deg 02 aln 30 eeo E. 337.~ ~t to a · henoe ~1o~ ~ of ~useel ~.ee, ~. 2 deg 37 ~ 00 sec ~. as laid out (1~); thenoe aerie the .o~ end of oa~ ~let8 ~-ne, N. 67 ~og z9 m~n K. ~9.73 fee~ to ~ .o~t~ ~he eas~er~ l~ne of said Caoe's ~ne. tb eal~e~ line of boo ~ne" (~ensXon) ~8 thenoe alo~ (22 ~. 2 dog 3~ nlm O0 ee~ g. 176.~3 ~t;~n~ (3) 5. ~d~ rain 0 sec W. "57.98 ~et, ~moe (~) S. 1~ ~eg 02 rain ~0 oeo 276.17 feet ~o ~ ~8ter~ ~ln~ of the ~r~ line of · ~ Roa~s, [. ~2v ~1, ~. 80.7~ feet ~e ~ ~in~ of The a~O~ h~hw~s bei~ $9.~0 ffee~ in width. , ~d we do ~leaae the enid To~ of ~u~ld, ~m all by ~ason of the ~yi~ omt ef said ~$. /~/ WIL.UAM~ ~I~M t WILI~IAM WICKHAM NOTARY P1JBLIC, STATE OF NEV, YO~ ~ ~ No. 52-4259000 l Qu~ in S~o~ County ~ G:~CDAC:)