HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLARK ROADTo the Town Superintendent ef Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York: The undersigned~ liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said Town of Soutbold, hereby applies to you to lay out a new highway connecting the North Road and Sound View Avenues near Seuthold~ in the Town of Southold, Sufffolk 0ounty, New Y~rk~ to Be ~u~ow~ as Clark Road~ described as follows Tbs center line of proposed highway is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of North Road distant 97~58 feet easterly along said northerly line From a concrete monument bstwee~ lands of Mrs. Griffi~ on the west mud the applics~t o~ the east; running thence through land of sai8 appiicant~ N. 20°~6~10~ W.-!052.94 Feet to the southerly line of Sound View Avenue at a point about half way between the northeasterly corner ar~ the northwesterly corner of land of said applicant- Above described line to be the center of proposed hi&hway, which shall be of a uniform width cf ~0 feet. And granite mon~ments have been set to mark the terminations of both the easterly line and the westerly line of this re~d at its interseeti, on with the northerly !~ne North Road and the southerly line of Sound View Avenue. a map of the above described read has been made by Otto W. Van Tuyt~ Surveyor, ~f 6reenport, N. T.~ and is fii~ he.with an5 msde m ~rt off this record~ which proposed laying out will pass through the lands m~ Anna Bo C, Clark only- Dated this ~ day of ~, 1928. Town of Southold, having met at t~e office of the ~upervisor, at . j I928, and considered the application of A~a B. 0,~O!ark for the View Avenue, near Sout~eld~ in t~e Town of Southold, S~.Folk ~Ounty, New York~ to be ~own as Clark Road, do hereby consent that such laying out be made the within petition. ) Justices erintendent of ighw~ys ~ ~[, ANN3_ Bo Co CLARK, of Southo~Id, Suffolk County, New York, in consideration of the ~um of One Doliar, ~o me ~ h~d ~i~ ~y Oeo~ge ~. Flee~, To~ Superintendent of ~ighways of the T~n of $outhold, and in f~ther consideration of the laying out of a new highway connectin~ the Nortb Ro~d a~ S~un~ View Avenue~ near Soutbold~ in the Town of Seut~old, S~folk County, N~ York~ 5o be ~own as Ctark Road, described as follows :- The center line of proposed highway is described as follows Begirming at a point on the northerly l~n~ of North Road distant 9T.5~ feet easterly along said_ northerly line from a concrete monm~ent between lands of Ers. Griffin on the west and the applicant on the east. rumuln - ~ , E thence through land of applicant, N. ~0~$6~!0~ W.-105~,~ feet to the southerly line of So~d View ~venue at a point about half way betwee~ the easterly corner and the northwesterly corner of Iand of said applicant. Above described l~e to be the center of proposed highway, which shall be of a un~orm width of 50 feet. And granite monments have been set to mark the termi~tions of both Bhe easterly llne and the westerly tine ~ this road at its ~terseotion with the northerly line of N~th Road mud the southerly line ~ Sound View Avenue. Also a ~p sf the above described road has beem mdc by Otto ~. Vm~ Tuyl, 8u~eyor, ~ ~reenport~ N. Y.~ and is filed herewith and made a part of this reoo~d~ which proposed laying out passes through the !anO~ of Anma B. C. Clark only~ do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of $outhold, all land heretofore o~rned by me a~d included within the premises above described, and do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of the course of said highway :us ~foresaid. STATE OF N~f YORE, SS :- COUNTY OF sonally came ANNA ~. C. CLA~E, of~&.Sout~old, Suffolk County-, .~ew York, pe~sonaliy ~ovm to me and ~n to ~e to be the sa~ person described in a~ who executed the Foregoing instrument, endshe duly acknowledged Notary ~B~ic ~ In the .~Iatter Applic at ]on of of thc ANNA B. C. CLARK, for thc laying out of a new Mi~bway, near Soutbold, ~n the Town off~ Soutbold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as Clark Road · APPLICATION, CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD, RELVASE OF 9A.%{AGES.