HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHESNUT ROADSTATE OF~,~'~w~ YORK COL~TTY OF SUFFOLK In the matter of the Laying out of : certain ~own Hig>s~ays in the Towh of Southold~ Co,~ety of Suffolk and a State of New York~ CONSENT OF TO,TN BO$3~D Upon hearing and filin~ the application of ar~hu~ ~ Hahn~ Jr.~ and uoon~ re~dln~ and I~lng~' the dedication and release of Henry Eetzendorf Jr~ Dorothy C. ~etzendorf~ Florence Moffat~ Helen Mo Conway~ H~iton L, Epp~ Frances D~ Arthur w ,~ ~ Epp~ and ~. Habn~. Jro~ dated ~ /~ ~ ±9%0~ duly acknowledged~ aemic=~_ng a~m =e±eas~ng the necessary land for certain proposed town highways to be .~Lo ROAD~ known as ~P~oTNu~ ROAD~ HICKORY ROAD~ o~w ~'%PLE ROAD~ and BIRCH ROAD~ ~ha~ consent b% ana the same hereby is RESOL\~D~ ~ ~ ~ given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the l~own of Southold make an order laying out the aforesaid Town H~gbsays_. to consist of the land descrm~em mn said dedlc=tmon and release and to exzend as delineated uoon ~ ~ map annexed to said =o~ ~+~ ~mc~on~ ali mn accordance with the ~o~_ons of the High,ray ~ ~ ~ ~a~ of t~ State of New York. Dated: at the office of the Supervisor of the Town of Southo!d~ at G~e~o~+ w~ v~ on the T05~7~ BOf~RD CF THE TO;~ OF SOUTHOLD CO~TY OF SD~FOLK~ STATE OF NEW YORK~ ~-~ Supervisor · ~ Justices of the Peace Justices of the Peace "~~~~'~S~per int end~nt ~iEhways TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: : SS~ STATE OF NE~ YORK: I DO HEREBY CERTIF_ to the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ that based upon an examination fo the records in the offices of the Clerk~ Treasurer~ and Surrogate of the County of Suffolk~ in my opinion~ a good and marketable title to the premises dedicated to the Town of Southold for use as a public highways to be known as Chestnut Road~ Hickory Road~ Pine Eoad~ Naple Road and Birch Road~ at Southold~ Southold Town~ Suffolk County~ New York ~ud more fully described in the dedication by Arthur W, Hahn Jr~ ~ud others dated~ f~"~, 19~0 was vested in Arthur ~ Ha~hn Jro and others free and clear of all incumbrances and that the only adjoin~ug owners were Florence Noffat~ Helen E~ Conway~ Henry Eetzendorf~ Dorothy G~ Metzendorf~ Hilton Lo Epp~ Frances D~ Epp and Arthur W~ H~u Jr~ all of whom joined ~ said dedication and release~ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SL~FFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of the Laying out of~ certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold~ Co~smty of Suffolk and~ State of New York D~ON ARS REI~ASE 7C~EREAS~ oral application has been made to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold~ in the Co:~_ty of Suffolk and State of New York~ for the %eying out f five certain highways zo be ~maown as CB~ST~JT ROAD~ HICKORY ROAD~ PiNE ROAD~ MAPLE ROAD AND BIRCH ROAD~ and ]%q~EREAS~ Henry letzendorf Jro~ his wife~ Dorothy 6, Metzendorf~ Florence ~offat~ Helen ~ Conway~ Hilton Lo Epp~ his wife~ Frances D~ Epp~ Arthur We Hahn~ Jro: are the own- ers of respective portions of~ and/or resvective rights of way over~ the premises to be dedicated as hereinafter pro- vided either as grantee~ or some other capac!ty~ an5 are all of the persons having any inzerest i~ said rights of way and said proposed highway~ NOW~ THEREFORE~ 7~ FLORENCE ~OFFAT and HELEN ~ CO!~fAY. both of whom reside at Southo!d~ New Ycrk~ and HENRY METZENDORF JR~ and his wife~ DOHOTi~Z G, ~TZENDORF~ residin at 7%-!5 3~th Avenue~ Jackson Heights~ Queens~ New York~ and HILTON L, EPP~ and his wife~ FRANCES D~ EPP residing at 189-18 3%th Avenue~ Bayside~ Queens~ New York~ and ARTh%~ ~ ~±~ Ne~k~ Queens~ ~ HAHN JR~ r~=~,m._g at New York~ in consideration of the s-mm of One ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ to each of us in hand ~aid~ by HAROLD PRiCE~ Superintendent of Higbz~ays of the Town of Southold~ the rece~pz whereof is hereby aokr~owtedged~ and in further consiSeratlon of the laying ouz of the new highw~s~at Southold~ in the Town of Southold~ Suffolk Cour:ty~ New York~ to be known as Ci~ST?WJT ROAD~ HICKORY ROAD~ PINE ROAD~ ~APLE ROAD an~ BIRCH HOAD~ respeetively~ ~o hereby dedicate~ release sn~ convey to the said Town of Southold~ for highway purposes~ the following !ands~ tc wit~ CHESTR~T ~0AD; The southeasterly line of the propo ed highway to be ~-~n as ~Chestnu% Road~ is described ast follows~ Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of Ke.~neys Road~ 261.%0 feet southeasterly along sai~ northeasterly line from the intersection of said north- easterly line with the southeasterly line of Wesland Road~ as laid out in J~nne~ 1949~ and running over lar~ of Moffat~ N~O°~3~30.E.-~?io%8 feet~ thence along said o. nd of ~offat~ N~2°23~30~E,-12t.84 feet~ thence along land of A~W. Hahn~ Jr~ and along land of Coms~ay~ No47~ 49~40~Eo-491~86 feet to the northeasterly line of a proposed highway to be known as ~Hickory Road~ as hereinafter described. The northwesterly line of said proposed highway to be known as "Chestnut Road" is parallel to and ~0o0 feet northwesterly from the above described southeasterly lin HICKORY ~OA~D., The northeasterly line of the pro- posed highway to be known as ~Hickory Road~' is describ~ ed as follows: Beginning at a -0oint on the southeasterl~ line of ~ound View A~enue~ 140.~2 feet soutb:~ester!y along said southeasterly line from a deflection point in saio southeasterly iime; and r~ming over z=nd of Ha~hn~ ~r~ 2 courses~ as fo!lows~ (I) So47°~4~20~ 26 feev~ thence (2) 8.42°I0~20~E.-~84.62 feet to the southeasterly line of a proposed highway' to be k-~own as ~Ches~tnut Hoad~ as hereinabove described. The southwesterly line of said ~ro~osed highway to be kr. own as "Hickory ~load~ is parallel-to and 50°O~feet soutb~esterly ~rom the above described_.o~ ~+~.~a~te~ ~_y ~, PINE ROAD. The nortbz~vesterly line of the proposed highway to be known as ,~Pine Road~ is described as follows., Begim~ning at a point on the northeasterly line of Bireh Road~ as laid out in J~me~ 1949~ 255~20 feet southeasterly along said northeasterly line from the in2ersection of said northeaterly line with the south- easterly line of So~om_d View Avenue~ s~_d r'~ni~ ove~~ land of A~. Habm~ Jr. N.~Y°49~40"E~-5~8~93 feet to the southwesterly line of a proposed ~i~b~a:~ to be kno~ as ~_zekory Roa~,~ a~ nere~nasove described~ , The sou~h~as~er!y zinc of said proposed h~gYn~ay ~ be known as "P~ne Ro~d~ is parallel to and 50.O feet ~ ~uz..~=ast~=y =~.om ~n~ ~uo~e aes~riued nerve,westerLy lin MAPLE ROAD° The §outhwester!y line of the proposed highway to be known as "Maple Road~ is described as follows: Begium_ing at a uoint on the southeasterly line of a proposed highway to ~e ~n as ~Pine Road"~ as hereinabove described~ 2[0~0 feet norZheastep!y along said southeasterly line from the intersection of said southeasterly line with the northeasterly line of Birch Road~ as laid out in Jume~ !949~ and r~mnning over land of A.W. Hab~n~ Jr~ and along land Hilton L. Epp~ S.42© iO~20~E~-393~22 feet to the nortb~,~esteriy line of a proposed highway to be known as ~Chestnut Road~ as hereinabove described. The ~mr~asterty line of said proposed highway to be known as ~Mag!e Road~ is parallel to and ~0~0 feet northeasterly from the above described southwestemly line BIRCH ROAD~ The northeasterly line of the orooosed highway to be k~_own as ~Birch Road~ is described-as- foliows: Begirming at a point on the northeasteriv line of Birch Road~ as laid out in Jume~ 1949~ 614~04 f~et southeasterly along said northeasterly line from the section of said northeasterly line with the southeaster] l_nE of So~ud View Avenue~ said Point being the southea eriy terminus of said northeasterly line of Birch~Boad~ and r~uning along land of Hilton L~ Epp~ So42o10~20~o2 ~94281 f~et~to the northwesterly line of the prooosed ~gnway ~o oe known as "Chestnut Road~ as herei~above de~cribed~ The southwesterly line of said proposed highway to be kr~own as ~Birch ~cad~ is parallel to a~d ~0~ soutnwesterty from the above descrmoed nortneaster±~ lmn$~ ~ND 7~ DO HEREBY release said ...... by reason of the ~v~~ _ ~-~ ~=~m_~s out of the Said above desc~o- ed ~ew ~ ~shways. ~ITNESSES~ STATE OF NEW YORK COUI~TY OF SUFFOLK TOW OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Laying out: ORDER LAYING OUT HIG~AYS of certain Town Highways in the: WITH THE CONSENT OF THE Town of Southold, County of : TOWN BOARD Suffolk and State of New York : Oral application having been duly made to me the Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County~ New York, for the laying out of five highways in the Town of Southold, by Arthur W. Hahn, Jr. and others, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said Town of Southol¢ and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town havin been given as prescribed by law, and a dedication and releas from damages having been e×ecuted, acknowledged and delivered by the owners of, and other persons interested in, the lands through which the five proposed highways are proposed to be laid out, a copy of which is annexed hereto, and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages, NOW, THEREFORE, I~ the Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, DO HEREBY DETERMINE AND ORDER that five Town Highways shall be, and the same hereby are, laid out in said Town as follows, and are to be known as (1) Chestnut Road, (2) Hickory Road, (3) Pine Road, (¢) Maple Road and (5) Birch Road, respect- ively, each of which shall be fifty feet in width: 1. CHESTNUT ROAD. The southeasterly line of the pro- posed highway to be known as "Chestnut Road" is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of Kenneys Road, 261.50 feet southeasterly along said north- easterly line from the intersection of said northeasterly line with the southeasterly line of Wesland Road, as laid out in June, 1949, and running over land of Moffat, N. 50° 53' 30" E.-571.58 feet; thence along said land of Moffat, N. 52° 23' 30" E.-121.84 feet; thence along land of A.W. Hahn, Jr. and along land of Conway, N. 47° 49' 40" E.-491.86 feet to the northeasterly line of a proposed highway to be known as "Hickory Road", as herinafter described. The northwesterly line of said proposed highway to be known as "Chesthut Road" is parallel to and 50.0 feet northwesterly from the above described southeasterly line. 2. HICKORY ROAD. The northeasterly line of the pro- posed highway to be known as "Hickory Road" is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of Sound View avenue, 140.62 feet southwesterly along said southeasterly line from a deflection point in said south- easterly line; and running over land of A.~. Hahn, Jr. 2 courses, as follows: (1) S. 47° 44' 20" E.'507.26 feet; thence (2) S. 42° 10' 20" E.-484.62 feet to the southeast- erly line of a proposed highway to be known as "Chestnut Road"~ as hereinabove described. The southwesterly line of said proposed highway to be known as "Hickory Road" is parallel to and 50.0 feet southwesterly from the above described northeasterly line. 3. PINE ROAD. The northwesterly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Pine Road" is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of Birch Road as laid out in June, 1949, 285.20 feet southeasterly along said northeasterly line from the intersection of said north- easterly line with the southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue; and running over land of A.W. Hahn, Jr. N. 47° 49' 40" E.-558.93 feet to the southwesterly line of a proposed highway to be known as "Hickory Road", as hereinabove described. The southeasterly line of said proposed highway to be known as "Pine Road" is parallel to and 50.0 feet south- easterly from the above described northwesterly llne. 4. NAPLE ROAD. The southwesterly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Naple Road" is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of a pro,osed highway to b~ known as "Pine Road"~ as hereinabove described, 250~0 feet northeasterly along said southeasterly llne from the intersection of said southeasterly line with the north- easterly line of Birch Road, as laid out in June, 1949, and running over land of A.~. Hahn, Jr. and along land of Hilton L. Epp, S. 42° 10' 20" E.-393.22 feet to the northwesterly line of a prososed highway to be known as "Chestnut Road", as hereinabove described. The northeasterly line of said proposed highway to be known as "Naple Road" is parallel to and 50.0 feet nort~- easterly from the above described southwesterly line. 5. BIRCH ROAD. The northeasterly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Birch Road" is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of Birch Road as laid out in June, 1949, 61a.04 feet southeasterly along said northeasterly line from the intersection of said north- easterly line with the southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue, said point being the southeasterly terminus of said northeasterly line of Birch Road; and running along land of Hilton L. Epp, S. 42° lO' 20" E.-104.S1 feet to the north- westerly line of the proposed highway to be known as "Chest- nut Road", as hereinabove described. The southwesterly line of said proposed highway to be known as "Birch Road" is parallel to and 50.0 feet south- westerly from the abo~e described northeasterly line. Dated this -To~n Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold, Suffolk County. State of New Yor~.