HomeMy WebLinkAboutCEDAR AVENUERE~EASE Per and in consideration of the s,~u~ of One ~-~00) Dollar ~ud divers other good and valuable considsration~ we~ the unde~s~gned~ all the property owners in fee of some portion of the property hereinafter des~rmbed~ and which is proposed to be created as a F~blis highway o~ the Town of Southold~ Suffol~ cou~nt~ New York~ and owners of .~th~"~roperty abutting upon said proposed highway ~ ~e hereby for ourselves~ our heirs an~ assigns agree to ~nd DO RELEASE unto the Town of Southold for the purpose of such hi~way~ all our right~ title and interest in and to the premises hereinafter described and as shown on a map entitled "Proposed Highway to be knov~ as Cedar Avenue~ at Bayview~ Town of Southold~ New York" Otto M. Van ~ayl~ L~ a copy of ~mich is filed herewith; and do hereby release said Town from all damages to us or to our said l~ad by reason of the laying out of said.new street or highway~ Desoription of C~AR AVENUE BEGINNING at a concrete monument set at the point of int~r~ seotio~ of th~ northerly line of the North Read and the eas~erty line of Cedar Lane~ as shom~ on the above mentioned map~ thence from said concrete monument running north ~9°08~ East 8~Vol~ feet more or less to a concrete mon~ment~ thence North 19°l~0~ East 8Z~l feet more or less ~o a concrete mon~ment~ thence North ~l°~9~lO~ West ~88.~0 feet more or less to the ordinary high water mark of Goose Bay or Creek; the above being the westerly line of Cedar Avenue and the total width thereof through~t, being 80 feet, Date IN ~TNESS ~-HEREOF we have hereunto subscribed our names and ~f_x~ our se als on the dates set opposite our respective signatures~ ~itness to Sig~a~e Lot No. STATE OF N~,YOEK ) / :SS: C O~,~TY OF ) On the ~ day of April~ 1938~ before me came to m~ known~ ~ud kno~ to ~ to $, the individual described in, and who executed~ t~ foregoing instr,~ent~ and ao~owledged that executed of ~p~il~ 1968~ bef'o~s ~e c~e to me kno~ ~d ~o~m to m~to be the individual desoribed in~ ~d ~Wno~xecuted~ the foregoing ~nst~.ment ~ ~ud ac~owledged that ~ executed the s~e. No~lic~ STATE OF N~7 YORK ~ ~ ~~. . to me ~o~ and ~o~ to me to ~o the individual described in~ ~d who~xecUted~ the foregoing inst~ent~ ~d acknowledged that ~ executed- the ~ ~me. STATE ) that he knows 1938~ !y acquai~d, ~ho~ say th.t he ~sSd,s in to be the ~nd!v~ going .the_ ~ame;: and that ex®out? 'subscrlbe~ h ' ~ ~h ~. cuted~ the fore~ ~S~ was present me ~own ~d~kno~--~to me to be the individ~ described in, ~d ~ho executed the foregoing instr~ent, and acknowledged that she executed the s~e. . e 1938 before me came Margare~ E. Holland, to ~e known and known to ~e to be the individual described in, and ~ho executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same. RE, the undel-sl~ned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of $outhold, ~vl~ ~t at the oFfflce of the ~rviso~ at Green~rt, ~ sadd T~n, on the ~ day of A~t, 1938~ ~d co~dered the applicatl~ off Antho~ Oliver ~d ~hers for the layin~ out of a nee hls~ay to be ~n as CED~ AV~OE, at Southold, In ~e T~ of S~thold, ~olk ~ty, Ne~ ~o~k, do he.by ~n~ent t~t such lay~ ~t ~ rode In acne.ce with the p~ayer of the within petition. ~pelwlsor. · '[ Town Clerk. -' Superlntend~ent of Htshways. ~D~I~ LAYI~ ~ N~ HIG~A][ WITH THE CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD. Written application having been made to me, Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of $outhold, Suffol~ Oonnty, New York, by Anthor~ Oliver and others, persons llable to be a~mesaed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written consent of the Town ~oard of said To~n havlng been given as pre- scrlbed by law, and releases from damages having been executed by the owner of the land through which the proposed highway ls to be lald out, copy of whlch Is hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any clalmant for such damages it is hereby ORD~ED and D~TERMINED that a h~way shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows:- CEDAR A~]/I/~ BEGINNING at a concrete monument set at the point of intersection of the northerly line of the North Road and the easterly line of Cedar Lane, as shown on the above mentioned map; thence from said concrete monument running no~th 29°051 East ~47.12 feet more or less to a concrete monu- ment; thence North 19°19~0" East 534.41 feet more or less to a concrete monu- ment; thence North 21°4~9w10'' West 458.~O feet more or less to the ordinary high water mark of ~o~ B~y or Creek; the above being the westerly line of Cedar Avenue and the to,al width thereof throughout being 50 Feet. Dated Aurar ~ I~Se. ' T°wn Superl~tandant of Hlgh~s~,a- ~n of Southold.