HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASE'S ROAD In the ~atter of the ApDlieation of : for ~e ~yi~ out of a ~ut~l~, Cowry of ~fOlk State of New York, to he ORDER CASE' S ROAD : ApDlioation havLug been duly made for the laying out of a town highway at Cutohogue in the Town of Southold, ~ounty of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known as Case's Road and a Dedieation and Release from the owners and all other persons interested in the lands through which the highway ia proposed to be opene~ having been given, NOW, T2~E~FOEE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, County of ~uffolk and State of New York, do hereby Aete~mlne and or,er that a town highwa~ shall be, and the same is hereby lal~ out as follows: The Easterly line of said proposed highway is to begin · at a point on the Southerly line of ~aln Roa~ at Cutchogus, at the Northwesterly corner of land of the Independent Con- gregational Church e~l Society of Outehogue and to run thence Southerly on a curve to the right, whose radius is 200 feet, a distance of 179.15 feet to a point; thenee Southerly on a cuxve to the left, whose radius i~ 121.~2 feet, a distance of 79.59 feet to a point a few feet Westerly from the o1~ well (said curve being tangent at its lntial point to first dessribed curve); thence on a line tangent to last ~escrib- ed eux'~s at its terminus, S. 17° 00' E. - 300 feet, m~re or less, to a eertain fence on property of the applicant. The above described line is to be the Easterly line of said pro~css~ highway, which' ia tobe of a uniform width of three rods, measured at right angles westerly from said line. Dated, In the ~atter of the Application of ~ E. CA~E, W. ~ARRI~0N CASE, : for the la~ out of a new highway, a~ Cuto~e, ~ the To~ of ~outhold, : Co~t~ of ~fo~ ~d State of New O~ R0~ : CONSENT Upon reading and filing the Application of Jennie E. Case, W. ~arr!son Case, ~enry E. Case, Norman B. Case, Russell B. Case and Ralph H. Case dated and asknowledge the 15th ~ay of March, 1940 and the Dedication and Release dated the l$th ~ay of ~arsh, 1940 dedicating and releasing the neeessar~ lands for a proposed highway at Cutchogue to be known as Case's Road, RESOLVED that sonsent he, and the same hereby ia given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of SOuthold make an order laying out the aforesaid to~ highway, thesaid town ~ighway to eonslst of the lands described in said Dedication an~ Release and to extend as delineated upon the map thereto ~nnexe~ and in accordanse with the provisions of the Highway Law of the State of New York. TOWNBOARD OF THE TOW OF 80BTHOLD, Superintends[hr of Highways In the ~,~atter of the Application of JE~IE E. CASE, W. HARRISON : C~LBE, t~Ev_~RY E. CASE, ~0~ B. C~E, RUSSELL B. C~E and H~PH H. C~E, : for the laying out of a new high- way, at Cutchogue, in the Town of : Southold, County of Suffolk ~d ~State of I~ew York, to be known as : Case, s Road. APPLICATION ~To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, lithe County of Suffolk and State of New York: The undersigned petitioners, Jennie E. Case~ W. Harrison Case,i !iHenry E. Case, i~orman B. Case, Russell B. Case and Ralph H. Case, ~liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, ~hereby apply to the Town Superintendent of Highways to lay out a ~new highway at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of iSuffolk and State of New York, to be known as Case's Road ~and more fully described as follows: The Easterly line of said proposed highway is to begin at a looint on the Southerly line of D~ain Road at Cutchogue, at the North~ | ~Westerly corner of land of the Independent Congregational Church an~ Society of Cutchogue and to run thence Southerly on a curve to the right, whose radius is 200 feet, a distance of l?9.1O feet to a point; thence Southerly on a curve to the left, whose radius is ~21.52 feet, a distance of 79.59 feet to a point a few feet Wester- ly from the old well (said curve being tangent at its initial point to first described curve); thence on a line tangent to last describ. ~d curve at its terminus, S. 17° 00' E. 300 feet, more or less, ~o a certain fence on property of the applicant. The above describ. ~d line is to be the Easterly line of said proposed highway, which Ls to be of a uniform width of three rods, measured at r~oht angles westerly from said line. And a map of said proposed highway has been made by Otto ~. Van Tuyl, Licensed Surveyor, Greenport, New York, and is to be filed with and made a part of this record. Annexed hereto and made a part of this application are releas- es and dedications to the ~own of Southold by the petitioners here- in. Dated, ~!arch 16, 1940. In the }~atter of the Application of JEh~IE E. CASE, ~.. H~RRISON CASE, : P~h~Y E. CASE, LOR~Ai~ B. CASE, RUSSELL B. CASE and R.&LPH H. CASE, : for the layir~ out of a new high- way, at Cutchogue, in the Town of : Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be knov~ as : Case's Road. RELE~LSE We, Jennie E. Case, ~f. Harrison Case, Henry E. Case, Norman B. Case, Russell B. Case mud Ralph K. Case, being the owners of certain Dands in Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New 'fork, over which lands a certain proposed hi,way, known as ~"~ ~ and described in the application in the above entitled matter dated March 16, 19AG will pass, Now, in consideration of the sum of One (~l) Dollar to us in hand paid by Harold D. Price, Superintendent of the Highways 9f said Southold Town, and in further consideration of the laying ~ut of the new highway to be l~uown as Case's Road do hereby[ ~elease and dedicate to the Town of Southold, all the land heretofore| ~wned by us and through which said proposed highway ~ill pass, and described as follows: The Easterly line of said proposed nmghw~y is to begin at a D~oint on the Southerly li~:te of I,,Sain Road at Cutchogue, at ' '* the ~orth- westerly corner of land of the Independent Gongregational Church and ~ciet7 of Cutchogue and to rttn thence Southerly on a curve to the ~ight, whose radius is 200 feet, a distance of 179.15 feet to a ~bint; thence Southerly on a curve to the left, whose radius is i!Et.SE feet, a distance of 79.59 feet to a point a few feet ~ester- 1}r from the old well (s~id curve being tangent at its initial point o first described curve); thence on a line tangent to last describ. ed c~rve at its terminus, S. l?° 00' E. - 300 feet, more or less, to a c~rtain fence on property of the applicant. The above describ- ed line is to be the Easterly line of said proposed nl~nway, which is to be of a uniform width of %hree rods, measured at right angles ~'~esterly from said li_ue. Lud we do hereby release said Town of Southold from all reason of the laying out of said highway. damage !~Dated, ~,[arch 16, 1940. ~T.~TE OF k~W ~0RK. :SS ~0Ul~t~f OF SbrFFOLK: On this /~Z~ day of -before me came ~,~IE E. CASE, ,~. IiARRISON CASE, ~A~RY E. CASE, 1;0RDLAI~' B. CASE, ~USSELL B. CASE and RJ~LPH H. CASE, to me knov;n and known to me to ~e the individuals described in, and v;ho executed, the foregoing .nstrtm~snt, and acknov~ledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Public, Suffolk County. 'In the ~atter o~ the ADpli- cation of Jennie E. Case, %~. ~arrison Case, ~enry ~. Case, ~orman ~. Case, Russell ~. ~ase and RalDh H. Case for th Laying out of a new highway, mt Cutckogue, in the Town of Bouthold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be ~nown as Case's Road. APPLICATION ~TD RELEASE ~illi~ ~ickkena ~torney and Counselor at Law Office and ~. 0. Address ~2attituck, ~.¥. In the Matter of the Appli- oatlon of Jennie E. Case, W. Harrison Case, Henry E. Case, Norman B. Case, Russell B. Case and Ralph H. Case for the laying out of a new high- way, at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York to be known as Case's Road. WilliamWickham ttorney and Counselor at Law OTfice and P. O. Address Mattl~uek, N. Y. In the ~latter of the ~Ppli- cation of Jennie E. Case, W. arrison Case, Henry ~. Case, orman B.~ Case,.Russell B. ase and Ralph ~io Case for th laying aut of a new ki~ay ~t Cutchog~e, in the Town of ~outhold, County of Suffolk ~ud State of Eew Tork to be ~nown as Case's Road. CONSEh~ William ];ickham Attorney and Cotu~s~lor at Law Office and P. 0. Address ~attituck, }~.¥.